

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Leftists outraged as Australian Married Couple and their Children occupy Kirribilli House

Sydney focus as Abbott comes home

Simon Benson 
The Daily Telegraph
March 29,2014

TONY Abbott has become only the second prime minister to make Kirribilli House his family home after moving into the Sydney Harbour side digs this week.

The Daily Telegraph has learned that Mr Abbott, the first Sydney-based prime minister since John Howard, agreed to move with his wife Margie and daughter Bridget following pressure from security advisers to shift to an official residence.

The reluctant tenants will relocate to grounds considered to be unrivalled in their views of Sydney Harbour and designed to be a showcase to the world.

However, they will also find a 160-year-old dwelling frozen in time and in desperate need of renovation since the last work was completed in the early ’70s.

At least Julia Gillard’s boyfriend Tim Mathieson, an occasional occupant, was kind enough to leave his old bar fridge in the upstairs lounge room.

“I’m sorry to be leaving Forestville, which has been the family home for many years,” Mr Abbott told The Daily Telegraph. “It was my preference to remain at Forestville and in the community where so many friends and interests are.

“But the security advice is to relocate to an official residence.

“As the Lodge (Canberra) is under repair, this means Kirribilli. This also means Margie can continue with her work and community commitments in Sydney. It is a privilege to be in such accommodation.”

Government sources say the five-bedroom twin-gabled cottage built by German Adolphus Frederick Feez in 1854 has been allowed to run down over the past seven years since the Howards left in 2007. Mr Howard was the first and last prime minister to live there and make it his primary residence, rather than just a Sydney residence when away from The Lodge.

The wiring is so old it is now considered a potential hazard and the sea wall is apparently in danger of collapsing into the Harbour.

There are also issues with the heating and cooling.

The so-called entertainment area is also no longer considered adequate to host large state or formal dinners.

Sources revealed that when New Zealand Prime Minister John Key visited recently, a table had to be extended into the lounge room to accommodate the Kiwi entourage.

It is estimated that it would require $10 million to bring the place up to scratch.

But previous prime ministers have been reluctant to spend a cent on the place for fear of inciting a backlash and accusations of personal indulgence.

The consequence has been a slow deterioration of the 160-year-old dwelling.

Government sources said it was likely that the Governor-General’s residence next door, Admiralty House, could be opened up for use for official functions.

While the Abbotts have resisted the pressure to move to an official residence, all their three daughters will soon be either interstate or abroad.

Frances, 23, is studying in Melbourne and Louise, 25, is in Geneva working at the UN.

Bridget will move to Kirribilli but will also leave for overseas before the end of the year.

The Lodge in Canberra — which both Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd made their official primary residence during their time in office — is still undergoing an extensive refurbishment..

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