

Saturday, April 05, 2014

allah's Zoo

The Muslim Zoo

The Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia  In the most populous Muslim nation on Earth,Indonesia, these pictures represent the manifestation of their Religious and Cultural connection with their "alla's" creations.
The islamic ZOO.

The civilization / morality of any society on earth can be judged by how it treats those at the bottom of it's structure, NOT by how it treats those at the TOP.

These God created Beasts are victims of the Godless followers of islam, the believers of mohammed's "allah" and it's koran, God will one day seek an accounting of it's vile followers sins against his creatures.
God's creations are gifts for Man to use for the benefit of Mankind in a Godly manner, not to Torture,Beat,Humiliate,Starve, Sodomise or engage in acts of male or female bestiality or otherwise abuse for Satanic Rituals or customs.
God's creatures are not for some limp dicked fourth world follower of this allah prick to starve,slaughter, harvest their organs / skins so as to supercharge their muslim asian machismo libido.

I have had the miss fortune to work alongside these Godless Cunts in my own country,Australia, I have heard and seen what their "Religion's" plans are for Western Judeo Christian Democracy are and guess what ? Just like the Tiger and the other creations of God above,their plans have no place for the existing NON muslim residents of Judeo Christian Western  Democracies that they reside in.

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