

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

THEIR ABC Rushes to defend THEIR Favourite Savage, Thanks ADL Great work could you please STFUP NOW ?

Some of the "Cultural Enrichment" and "Harmony Day" Manifestations of Labor Green Loon's Multicultural VOTE People that the ADL Oppose below.

Sydney's Occupied Territories Skaf Rape Gang "I've got a slut with me bro, come to Punchbowl."

Skaf Rape Gang Victims will never forgive

Sydney's Occupied Territories Bilal Skaf Gang Rapist member known as "H" to be released on Parole... NOT LONG ENOUGH!!! Deport the Prick

Sydney's Occupied Territories:Wild Mob attack Police after Murder

Court Told Muslim Father of Paedophilia victim believes he did nothing wrong ... do they ever ?

THEIR ABC Again wont let go of their belief of Muslim Insurgents right to Colonise Australia

Australian Defence League Nathan Abela shot at.UPDATED 2

Australian Immigration Department stands firm against Insurgency and its fifth column supporters.


... and you can't even hear the footsteps

UPDATE!!! Multicultural Sydney where " Sharia is always # 1", Cries for help from 15 year old girl Gang Raped in Parramatta City Mall ignored by passer by

Sydney's Occupied Territories Skaf Rape Gang "I've got a slut with me bro, come to Punchbowl."

Sydney's Occupied Territories : NSW Police seeking the " Usual Subjects" following sexual assaults on two sixteen year old girls in park. UPDATED

Creeping Sharia, Bendigo Bank chooses Islam over Australia 

Bendigo Bank has closed The Concerned Citizens Fund’s bank account citing the group’s aims as, “.... not in keeping with the Bank’s values of diversity and inclusiveness”.

Sheik pleads guilty to sending offensive letters disguised as offers of condolence to army war widow

Pious Muslim "Black Magic" praticioner,Man Haron Monis arrested for sexual assault whilst on bail for accessory to murder of his former wife.

Sydney's Muslim Insurgency Riots Aftermath: Spin Doctors and apologists still performing CPR on Multiculturalism.

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