

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories Barbarous Muslim Savages to stand trial over Genital Mutilation of child.“she suffered a cut to her private parts”.“hurt in the bottom”.

Sydney sheik, mum and nurse to face mutilation judgment

Sarah Crawford
Daily Telegraph
May 24 2014

A SYDNEY mother stood in the dock holding her baby daughter as she became the first person in the state to be committed to stand trial for genital mutilation.

Why does the author of this story call this Sadistic Muslim Pervert a "priest" instead of his correct term of Imam,is she trying to invoke some moral equivalence of barbarity and perversion is equally approved of by Christianity ? If so why ? I have never heard of any Australian female Christian been spirited away to, say, the Vatican, for Genital Mutilation or Child Marriage rituals, happy to post reports detailing same here if any readers can supply same.  

The mother, who can’t be named, and retired nurse Kubra Magennis became the first people in NSW to stand trial for female genital mutilation, accused in Parramatta Local Court yesterday of performing the circumcision ritual on the mother’s daughters, aged 6 and 7. The pair face a maximum sentence of seven years in jail if convicted.

Sheik Shabbir Vaziri is charged with being an accessory to the circumcision ritual, allegedly telling locals to lie to police about the prevalence of female genital mutilation in the community.

The alleged circumcisions took place in Wollongong and Sydney some time between October 2010 and July 2012.

Defence lawyers unsuccessfully tried to argue the girls were not victims of female genital mutilation because they only received a nick to their clitoris.

Magistrate Roger Brown dismissed the submission, saying: “Any cut or nick to the clitoris will amount to mutilation.”

Dr Brown said female genital mutilation incited a strong response in the community.

“The nature of the allegations and the language used in the legislation can arouse strong passions,” he said.

Ms Magennis stood quietly as she was indicted to stand trial responding “No sir,” when Dr Brown asked if she had anything to say.

Outside of court she covered her face with her headscarf and swatted a journalist who approached for comment.

The mother whispered “No,” when Dr Brown asked her if she wished to provide any evidence in her defence.

The prosecution will largely rely on a police interview and a phone intercept between the mother and Ms Magennis.

Dr Brown said the oldest girl, known as C1 to protect her identity, had told police that, “she suffered a cut to her private parts”.

Her sister, C2, said she had been “hurt in the bottom”.

The girls’ father, a GP, and four other female relatives, who can’t be named to protect the girls, were also charged over the circumcision but their charges were dismissed at earlier court appearances.

A lawyer has been committed to stand trial with perverting the course of justice over the ritual circumcisions.

A date for the trial of Sheik Vaziri, Ms Magennis and the girls’ mother will be set on June 20.

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