

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories Labor's VOTE People demonstrate how Multiculturalism has enriched Australia yet again..........When your three year old child lies dyeing on the road in front of your drive way what do you do?

Question : What do you do when, through your own parental (Criminal?) neglect,child abuse, your three old son is able to run out of his home following his Father across a road and is hit by a car and lies dieing on the road in front of you ?........thinking thinking..... alah is great...... allah is blah blah blah ....what would allah do, what would mohammed do, predetermined destiny.......blah blah, all cultures behaviours, belief's  are equal ? 

Answer : Easy ya Dumb Infidels, You Trash the Car of the Nurse kneeling down on the road desperately trying to save the life of your three year old son.

Hey what else would you do? Try and HELP save your three year old Son's life? Oh yeah right.. typical Infidel response.

In the Video below the BLACK car is the car driven by a male nurse (thankfully a male,who knows what these Godless savages would have done to a Female Nurse ?) who was driving behind the car, the SILVER car, that was unfortunate enough to strike this poor little boy as he ran out onto the road unattended / unsupervised by either his Mother or Father for reasons best known to them.

There has been a number of these incidents where parents have permitted their children to play in the traffic,over the past week in Sydney,where children have been permitted by their parents to run free onto public roads and subsequently have been struck by, oddly enough, Motor Vehicles.

These parents in my opinion, have only one saving grace when compared to this incident and it is, that, they chose to at least do nothing, as opposed to the parents in this case they chose to attack and vandalise the car of the Nurse trying to save the life of their child, who, for reason's best known to them they felt was able to take it's chances with motor vehicles on a public road.  

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