

Monday, May 05, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories, More Harmony Days Down Under : Embedded Muslim Savages lays siege to Sydney Police Station, following arrest at Sydney's Kingsford Smith International Airport of Female Muslim Terrorist Supporter, Police forced to call in reinforcements as Police station besieged by Embedded Muslim Mob.

Syrian terror strikes home as Australian mother arrested and charged with supporting terrorism

Geoff Chambers and Mark Morrie
The Daily Telegraph
May 5 2014

POLICE had to call in reinforcements after a group of hard line Muslims gathered at a Sydney police station clamouring for the release of a woman later charged with supporting terrorism.

The mother-of-four was arrested­ as she allegedly tried to board a flight in Sydney carrying­ cash and equipment — believed to include camouflage gear — for her husband fighting in Syria.

Why does our government bother with these embedded Insurgents ? simply let them go anywhere they want cancel their passports the minute their flight reaches their intended destination, in this case one less embedded Muslim breeder and a bonus of four future savages no longer resident in Australia a win win they are no longer in Australia and hopefully they will be killed engaging in their cause in whatever Islamic shit hole it is they are fighting in.

These Savages are NOT Australians they never were and never will be they embedded  Muslim Insurgents  living on Australian soil granted Australian Passports by the  previous Union GetUp funded Labor Green Loon Rudd/ Gillard / Rudd Minority "Co Party Government" in exchange for their VOTE.

Joint Counter Terrorism detectives stopped the 29-year-old and her four young children as they attempted to board the flight about 8.30pm on Saturday.


A police spokesman said the Brisbane woman was taken to Mascot police station and later charged.

Three search warrants were also executed­ — two in Sydney and one in Brisbane.

Hardline supporters arrived at the police station after news of the woman’s arrest was posted on social media, with police forced to call for back-up to deal with them.

She was granted strict conditional bail by police and will appear at Downing Centre Local Court on June 2.

“The Brisbane woman was taken to the Mascot police station, where she was charged under the Crimes (Foreign Incursions and Recruitment) Act 1978,” the spokesman said.

“She was charged with supporting incursions into a foreign state with the intention of engaging in hostile activities.”

Sources have confirmed the mother was allegedly carrying an amount of cash and other supplies — believed to include camouflage gear — on behalf of her husband, who is in Syria.

The Al-Risalah Facebook page — a meeting place for young Muslims — yesterday claimed the woman’s passport had been confiscated.

“As per the sister who was stopped at the airport last night she and her kids are now safe with family but passport has been taken,” the post said.

Previous posts on Facebook about the arrest were removed after the woman’s family contacted the page’s convener.

While inner-west Sydney remains the hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism in the country, a tangled web of networks runs along the east coast from Brisbane down to Melbourne. In September, reports emerged of a 27-year-old Brisbane man becoming Australia’s first suicide bomber in Syria after a video showed the bombing of a military checkpoint, killing 35 people.

Al-Qaeda group Jabhat Al Nusra took responsibility for the attack.

More than 100 Australians, many from NSW and mostly young men, have travelled to Syria via alleged terrorist support networks linked to Jabhat Al Nusra and State of Iraq and the Levant movements.

The total number of Australians killed in Syria is believed to be eight, including Melbourne men Roger Abbas and Yusuf Toprakkaya.

Former Sydney soldier Caner Temel, who went AWOL from his Brisbane barracks and was later discharged, was killed by gunfire from other anti-Assad rebels in January.

The 22-year-old left behind a wife and baby.

Couple Yusuf Ali and Amira Karroum — also aged 22 — were killed in the same month.

Ali, a US-Australian citizen, grew up in suburban Brisbane and converted to Islam, later becoming a street preacher. Just last week, FBI director James Comey said the flow of foreign fighters into Syria had grown in the past few months.

Up to 5500 foreign fighters have travelled to Syria to fight and Mr Comey compared the flow with Afghanistan in the 1980s and 1990s.


AS President Bashar al-Assad wrestles back control of Syria, Islamic fighters struggle to hold on to their gains. While the exact figure is unknown, it is estimated more than 100 Australian Muslims have travelled to Syria to fight alongside al-Qaeda affiliated rebels.

The number of passports cancelled by ASIO has soared to record levels, preventing people from travelling to Syria on security grounds. In March, it was reported 33 passports were cancelled in eight months.

Last month, the Lowy Institute report Next-Gen Jihad in the Middle East reiterated concerns of the Abbott government and NSW Police about young men returning to Australia with combat training.
“In the coming years Australia will face a more complex and serious terrorist threat than it did after 9/11,” Lowy ­Institute research director ­Anthony Bubalo said.

Alleged terrorist organiser Hamdi Alqudsi, based in ­Sydney’s west, is accused of ­organising six young men, ­including slain former soldier Caner Temel and US-Australian convert Yusuf Ali, to travel to Syria. The 39-year-old was charged late last year, accused of being “actively involved” in the recruitment of six men, ­facilitating their flights to Syria to fight alongside al-Qaeda ­affiliated terror organisation Jabhat Al Nusra.

Assistant Commissioner Peter Dein recently said it had become “obvious” to anti-terror police that Islamic radicals were actively recruiting on southwest Sydney streets.

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