

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

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Islamists wearing a call to arms on their sleeve: Clothing with fanatical slogans being sold across Sydney

Geoff Chambers and Taylor Auebach 
The Daily Telegraph
June 24,2014

ISLAMIC fundamentalists in south-western Sydney are wearing propagandist paraphernalia freely available for sale at local markets and online to show their support for jihadi bloodshed.

Shirts and hoodies with rifles, pistols and fanatical slogans are being seen more regularly in Western Sydney, including Auburn and Granville — two suburbs where a number of the reported 150 Australians engaged in the sectarian violence in Syria and Iraq are believed 
to be from.


DA1 Custom Clothing, a company registered at Auburn, has stalls at the Auburn Markets and Granville Family Festival and sells its merchandise online.

The Islamic Brotherhood hoodie has become popular, with Shahada scripture supporting one Islamic nation for all people. Other items 

include a shirt bearing two pistols and the words “Submit to None But One” and Islamist headbands and flags.

DA1 sole director Dogan Anderson did not return calls or texts yesterday.

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