

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More Loons at the Sydney Opera House "..........why ‘honour killings are morally justified’

Opera House to host speech on why ‘honour killings are morally justified’

Geoff Chambers 

The Daily Telegraph

 June 24 2014

THE face of an extremist Muslim group calling for the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate will appear at a $25-a-head Sydney Opera 

House function to support “honour killings”.

Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar’s appearance as a headline speaker at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas comes after six young 

Sydney Muslims have been killed fighting in Syria and Iraq.

The subject of Mr Badar’s speech is “Honour killings are morally justified”.

“The accuser and moral judge is the secular (white) westerner and the accused is the oriental other; the powerful condemn the 

powerless,” Mr Badar’s bio reads.

“By taking a particular cultural view of honour, some killings are condemned whilst others are celebrated. In turn, the act becomes a 

symbol of everything that is allegedly wrong with the other culture.”

The Festival of Dangerous Ideas is hosted by the Sydney Opera House and St James Ethics Centre.

Mr Badar last year blamed terrorism on the Federal Government and the group has previously attacked the Anzac’s Gallipoli battle.

Co-curator Ann Mossop would not confirm if Mr Badar would receive an appearance fee.

“Uthman Badar is not speaking as a representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir, he is a PhD student at the University of Western Sydney. He hasn’t 

been asked to speak in his official capacity,” Ms Mossop said.

“If you want to talk about the information we’ve put out, we have announced Uthman Badar will be giving a talk about honour killings 

and about whether it can be morally justified.

“He is not advocating honour killing. There is a distinct line between discussing ideas about something and advocating violence, he is 

not saying people should perpetrate honour killings.”

There has been a backlash on Twitter against the decision to appoint Mr Badar

Channel 9 and 2GB host Ben Fordham tweeted “WTF! Why is the Sydney Opera House hosting a talk titled “Honour killings are morally justified”.

Pious Muslim cleric, Uthman Badar Warns Australian's it will be OUR fault if Muslims blow us up.

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