

Monday, June 30, 2014

Socialist Alliance call for Australian PM Tony Abbott's throat to be cut

The throat cutters of the Socialist Alternative

Andrew Bolt
Herald Sun

The Socialist Alternative is a Marxist group claiming to represent more moral people.

In fact, as I’ve noted many times, it is a natural home of the thug and the vicious. Socialist Alternative members have this year physically attacked Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, physically intimidated and shouted down former Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella as she 
gave a university lecture, vilified a daughter of the Prime Minister and shut down debate on the ABC’s Q&A.

Now this: 

 Mamdouh Habib Red Flag
Former Guantanamo Bay inmate and and Celebrity Muslim Rat with a Gold Tooth Mamdouh Habib and his wife Maha, praise the Red Flag.

Note well the savagery of these totalitarians. Imagine a society in which they were allowed real power.

Realise these are barbarians.

And one final thought: remember how the Left used to complain, on the basis of a Ditch the Witch sign, that no prime minister had ever been abused as badly as Julia Gillard?

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