

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Labor Green Loon Co Party Opposition VOTE People declare ''Look at the end of these Iraqi maliki dogs bunch of girls can't wait to see a Australian soldier cyring (sic) saying bakia.''

These are some of the 55,000 Godless Bastard Muslim Savages that the ACTU GetUp funded Rudd Gillard Rudd Labor Green Loon Independent "Co Party Government" imported into Australia over their six year governance between 2007 and 2013.
How many more of these Godless Bastard Muslim Savages do you want walking the streets of Sydney ?  

Well next time your Union GetUp bag man comes a knocking on pay day tell him her to Fuck Off and that you,unlike them, will not finance those dedicated to killing Australian Soldiers. 

Australian jihadists in macabre threat to soldiers

David Wroe
July 5, 2014

Australia's most notorious jihadists fighting in Iraq have issued a macabre threat to Australian soldiers as their ranks were bolstered by a Melbourne-born preacher who has joined their new ''caliphate''.

Underscoring the deep concern the Abbott government has expressed in recent weeks about Australians involved with extremist groups, two prominent jihadists fighting with the al-Qaeda splinter group the Islamic State took to Twitter to issue fresh threats.
Mohamed Elomar, a former boxer from Sydney who has been implicated in executions of unarmed Iraqis, posted on the social media site a distressing picture of what appears to be a captured Iraqi soldier who has been beaten and is about to be executed.

The accompanying message states: ''Look at the end of these Iraqi maliki dogs bunch ofgirls can't wait to see a Australian soldier cyring (sic) saying bakia.''
''Bakia'' means ''he cries'' in Arabic and ''maliki'' refers to the Shiite-led Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki, the fervent enemy of the Sunni extremists who have
swept through northern Iraq in recent weeks.

 Australian terrorist Khaled Sharrouf, who appeared in Facebook images recently brandishing a gun over executed Iraqis, replied on Twitter: ''Allah … says 'kill them where ever you find them' … terrorise the enemies of Allah.''

Both Elomar and Sharrouf are known to be in Iraq with the ultra-violent group the Islamic State (IS), formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The group changed its name recently after declaring a caliphate, or global Muslim state, in the territory it has captured spanning Syria and Iraq.
Sharrouf was convicted over the 2005 Pendennis terrorism plot and jailed for nearly four years before slipping out of Australia in December on his brother's passport to join the fighting in Syria.
He and Elomar are believed to have crossed the border in recent weeks with IS fighters as the group surged across northern Iraq seizing major towns and cities.
A small force of Australian troops, including elite members of the SAS, travelled to Baghdad just over a fortnight ago to help secure the Australian embassy, though it is regarded as unlikely that IS fighters could reach the Iraqi capital. The Abbott government has ruled out sending troops into combat in the country.
Meanwhile Melbourne-born extremist preacher Musa Cerantonio declared on Twitter that he had reached the ISIL-controlled territory in Syria and Iraq, reflecting the potentially dangerous gravitational effect of the group's caliphate declaration.
''Al-Hamdulillah [Thanks to God] I have arrived in the land of Khilafah [caliphate] in Ash-Sham [the Levant]!'' he wrote on Twitter.

Sharrouf replied: ''Alhumdulihe [Thanks to God] on your arrival see u soon akhi [brother].''
The case of Cerantonio is particularly troubling because of his status as a top cheerleader for IS with a massive online following. A recent report by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence at King's College, London, described him as one of the three most influential preachers online.

He appears to have slipped out of the Philippines where he was in hiding in recent months. His arrival in the Middle East is a blow to Australian authorities who were reportedly making moves to extradite him from the Philippines.
Andrew Zammit, a researcher with Monash University's Global Terrorism Research Centre, said the fact there had been six plots in Europe by returnees from Syria reflected the significant threat level of Westerners fighting in the region. ''Most of the fighters will likely confine their violence to the region, but the prospect that some will return and carry out violence at home is real,'' he said.

Mr Zammit said Cerantonio had previously hedged his bets between key jihadist groups but now appeared to have ''gone all in'' with his support for IS and its new caliphate.
IS is in a power struggle with the old al-Qaeda of Osama bin Laden as well as with another al-Qaeda splinter group, Jabhat al-Nusra. Some experts have said this increases the danger because of the risk one group will try to establish its supremacy over the others by carrying out a major attack on the West.

Sydney Muslim community advocate Dr Jamal Rifi said he was anticipating such an escalation in Australians' participation in the Iraqi conflict and it was dominating nightly discussions on western Sydney streets during Ramadan.

''The community is not happy at all,'' he said. ''These men had already made up their minds and they were never going to come back to Australia. They think they are taking the high moral ground above everyone else back home,'' he said. ''It's a sentiment that we don't agree with at all.''

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