

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Labor Green Loon VOTE People : Fatima Elomar appears in Court on supporting Terrorism Charges

Woman charged with aiding husband fighting in Syria, Fatima Elomar, appeals for suppression order

Amy Dale
The Daily Telegraph
July 8 2014

 A SYDNEY woman charged with aiding her husband as he fights in Syria has experienced “threats” since her arrest at Sydney Airport was made public, a court heard.

Fatima Elomar listened on inside the Downing Centre Local Court as her lawyer Zali Burrowes applied for a suppression order to be placed on her address.

An affidavit presented to the court said Elomar, aged 29 and originally from Brisbane, had been subjected to “at least two threats”.

She covered her face and left through the court’s back entrance.

She was arrested by counter terrorism detectives in May as she tried to board a flight to Malaysia.

Police allege she was carrying cash and supplies, including camouflage gear, on behalf of her husband who is in Syria and reportedly fighting with terror group The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

The case was adjourned until September 9. The mother of four is yet to enter a plea to a charge of supporting terrorism. 

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