

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Sydney Australia ‘Heil Hitler’, ‘kill the Jews’ Eight thugs board Jewish School Bus and threaten Children with throat slitting

Jewish schools on alert after eight men threaten to cut schoolkids’ throats

Ian Walker
The Daily Telegraph
August 6,2014

  • Men burst on to the bus after school and terrified children
  • Screamed ‘Heil Hitler’ and ‘Kill the Jews’
  • Children were crying, faces ‘swollen and red’
  • Men got off at Bondi Junction
  • Two of the men described as ‘twins with blond hair’

JEWISH schools are on high alert after eight drunken men stormed a school bus and threatened to cut Jewish children’s throats this afternoon.

The men allegedly boarded the bus which was carrying children from Mount Sinai, Mariah and Emanuel kindergarten in Bondi.

One witness said her three daughters aged eight, 10 and 12 on the bus were traumatised.

“The bus driver opened the doors for these strange men and allowed them on to torment the kids,” Jackie Blackburn said.

“They were screaming ‘Heil Hitler’, ‘kill the Jews’, ‘Palestine must kill you Jews’, ‘we’re going to cut your throats and slice your throats open’ — just all very bad anti-Semitic stuff.

“I’m shaking like a leaf. My kids are on a private school bus it’s only for Jewish schoolchildren.”

She described the panicked call made to her by one of her children. “She said: ‘Hey Mummy, please help us, there are eight strange men who have been let on to a school bus and they are screaming ‘Heil Hitler! Kill the Jews!’ they want to cut out our throats’.”

“Then the phone cut off and I couldn’t hear anything.’

The next thing her friend Noah Stanton called me and said “Jacqui it’s bad, it’s really bad. Get hold of my mum. Please help us!” she said.

The men got off at Bondi Junction after hysterical children phoned their parents in tears.

Mrs Blackburn pointed the finger of blame at the bus driver, who she believed was new.

Hey Mummy, please help us, there are eight strange men who have been let on to a school bus and they are screaming ‘Heil Hitler! Kill the Jews!’ they want to cut out our throats’

“I went to the bus driver and said ‘how dare you’ and he denied everything. He wouldn’t give me his name or details. He said they weren’t drunk, he was justifying why he let them on, he was denying what the kids had gone through and been traumatised by.

“I have never seen the look in their faces, their eyes are all swollen and red.”

Isabelle Stanton’s daughters aged eight and 12 were on the bus.

“I am shaken up because I never expected something like this to happen in Australia and in Sydney. I expect it in Belgium where I’m from where there’s been anti-Semitic attacks,” she said.

“It’s absolutely wrong to import something from the Middle East, I have no words, when children are involved it triggers some terrible emotions.”

Parents collected their frightened children from Old South Head, Rose Bay where they gave police statements.

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff condemned the racist ambush.

“We are deeply disturbed by this incident and we are working with the police and the state government to ensure that proper and adequate security measures are put in place,” he said.

Noah, 12, was sitting on the back of the bus.

“They got on and couldn’t walk properly and looked drunk and said they had just been pumping drugs in the city,” she said.

“They said ‘come sit with us, we won’t do anything’ so we went to the bus driver and said ‘get them off the bus’ and he said ‘don’t worry’ and told them to ‘zip your lips’.

“We were panicking and crying. When they got off the bus they said ‘f*** Jews’ and ‘stop taking over Palestine’ and ‘we will kill you and cut your throats’.”

Two of the offenders were described as being twins with blonde hair.

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