

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Help Support David Hicks and his facilitators by buying Dick Smith products Aaaaaastraaaaaaaaaaaalian Certified and approved rigididge Maaaate

I like Dick Smith "The Electronic Dick" (he is able to own and fly a helicopter and I cannot) as is his mate Pat Soars of Australian Native Landscapes at Terry Hills,and I applaud his philanthropic exploits over the years in Australia, at least the ones he is prepared to publicly come clean with, but I have to say that I am disappointed with his and indeed his and THEIR ABC's / SBS along with the Union GetUp Financed Australian Labor Party's Green Loon support of "THEIR David", aka Mohammed Dawood and his Koran inspired Terrorism.

Pat Soars for what ever reason gave Mohammed Dawood aka. "OUR David" surely HIS and his mate Dick Smith's David, a job at his landscape supplies business after his release from custody in Australia.
Dick's,and his pals at THEIR ABC , SBS,"Our David", is to this day a Celebrity Muslim Terrorist Wannabe for hire, available for speaking engagements at any Labor Green Loon Progressive function wherever a real life Islamic Terrorist is required to send a shiver up the spines of Australia's inner city Labor Green loon Progressives, and indeed that of the handful of female companions who may accompany them.
Dick, why would you and your media pals,beautiful people,not simply stick with a side that has made all of you a lot of money as opposed to "Your David" and his band of Islamic (Multicultural) Sociopath's ?

And say hello to "Everybody Loves Ray" for me will you.

I know 2008 but so far the apologist for "Our David" has not said a word in remorse for his and his celebrity media wannabes and friends support of this Islamic Sociopath, THEIR David.

What Dick won't do:
Pay His David's Halal Tax for the right to sell his Dick Smith line of products in Australia.

Please Note that Dick Smith also paid for / contributed to a ransom for the release from Islamic Terrorists,Our /His David's new best Muslim friends custody of an Australian and a Canadian.
Does dick want a world where Islamic Sociopaths are permitted to what they are commanded to do by their Holy Koran so long as he does not have to pay the Halal Tax all is ok?

Dick Smith gave $50,000 to David Hicks' defence


AUGUST 20, 2008

ENTREPRENEUR Dick Smith provided $50,000 to assist David Hicks' family and help fund the legal battle to bring the terrorism supporter home.

But Mr Smith says "not a cent" went directly to Hicks and some cash had been returned after Hicks was brought back to Australia.

Details of Mr Smith's financial assistance and other support for Hicks has been outlined in an interview with Readers Digest magazine.

"I sent money to a trust account to David's solicitor David McLeod in Adelaide," Mr Smith told the magazine.

"I think it must have got up to about $50,000.

"It was to support family members to visit David and for other purposes.

"The money also funded Geoffrey Robertson, the top international human rights lawyer, to travel to Washington.

"None of it went to David Hicks. Not a cent..

"When David Hicks finally came back to Australia, a cheque arrived from David McLeod for the money that hadn't been used. I thought that was incredibly ethical."

Last March, a US military commission sentenced Hicks to seven years in jail, with all but nine months suspended after he pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorism.

Under a plea bargain, Hicks was returned to Australia from the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in May last year to serve the remainder of his sentence.

He had been held at Guantanamo Bay for more than five years after being caught fighting alongside Taliban forces in Afghanistan in 2001.

Hicks was released from South Australia's Yatala Prison in December but his movements remain restricted.

He also has been barred from selling his story.

Mr Smith said he hoped one day Hicks' conviction would be quashed and that all Australians would realise that his case was a huge miscarriage of justice.

But he said his initial support for the Australian stemmed from his belief that everyone deserved a fair trial.

"Even if you are the worst rapist in the world you get a proper trial in this country," he said.

"I was horrified that people would not allow that for David Hicks.

"Even (former Prime Minister) John Howard, who I respect and is a good friend of mine, had made up his mind that David Hicks was a bad person.

"I wanted to get David in front of a jury and I feel short-changed because that never happened."

Mr Smith said that his sense from talking to Hicks was that if he had gone before a jury, he would never have been convicted.

"When I read the initial claims about David they just didn't ring true, that a simple country bloke who had a decent family should become a supporter of terrorism," he said.

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