

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Islamic Terrorism apologists Andrew OKeefe and Patrick Condren get ripped a new Arse Hole

Sunrise’s Andrew O’Keefe and Hizb ut-Tahrir wonder what terror has to do with Islam

The Australian
January 14,2015 

WHILE the breakfast host frets about abortion bombers the Islamists pine for a caliphate.

Rita Panahi with Andrew O’Keefe, Sunrise, Monday:

RITA Panahi: It is so inane to pretend that these ... terror incidents have nothing to do with Islam. ... and we need to start discussing why are they happening, why are so many in the wider community displaying some permissive attitudes to this horror and what can we do to bring the Muslim community into the mainstream even more …

Andrew O’Keefe: But ... every time a bunch of fundamentalist Christians in the US bomb an abortion clinic or a synagogue, do we hold every Christian in the world to account for that?

Panahi: ... we’ve got to stop doing what you just did and pretending that Islam is like every other religion as far as being behind incidents of terror. We are seeing all around the world ... Islam at the centre of these terror acts ... it’s not happening with Christianity ... with Buddhism or Judaism …

O’Keefe: Well it is happening with Buddhism in Burma ...

Panahi: ... but there’s only one religion which is at the centre of acts of terrorism all around the world, including in Australia, and that’s why we need to talk about it.

O’Keefe: That’s simply not true ... bombing an abortion clinic is an act of terrorism based upon your religious belief.

Panahi: When’s the last time an abortion clinic was bombed ...?

O’Keefe: I can’t tell you off the top of my head, but I’ll find it for you ... Just on abortion clinic bombings, the last one was in 2009.

Abortion terror deaths. NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation, September 21, 2009:

SINCE 1993, eight people have been murdered for helping women (abort).

Islam terror deaths. Helier Cheung, BBC News, November 18, 2014:

GLOBAL terrorism index 2014. 10,000 terror attacks in 2013. 17,958 deaths. That’s a 61 per cent increase on 2012. 14,722 deaths in just five countries: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. 6362 deaths in Iraq — the country worst-affected; 60 countries around the world (affected) ... militant groups Islamic State, al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram and the Taliban were behind most of the deaths ... “Not only is the intensity of terrorism increasing, its breadth is increasing as well,” the report said.

Later on Sunrise, Monday:

PATRICK Condren of Radio 4BC: I’m in the Andrew camp ... Where was this conversation when the IRA was bombing London and parts of Ireland on the basis of their Catholic religion?

On the basis of Catholicism? Amy Zalman, About

THE (objective of the) Irish Republican Army ... ( was to create) a unified Ireland.

Put deaths in perspective! Media release from Hizb ut-Tahrir, Sunday:

THE politicisation of the Charlie Hebdo incidents last week necessitates an exposition on the issue that would otherwise be undeserving. People are killed every day around the world in numbers and in circumstances that should put the events in France (last week) in perspective.

Perspective. Helier Cheung, BBC News, November 18, 2014:

FOUR main groups were responsible for 66 per cent of all (terror) deaths ... All ... used “religious ideologies based on extreme interpretations of Wahhabi Islam”.

Hizb ut-Tahrir, Sunday:

MUSLIMS do not need to be lectured about the sanctity of human life ... (we need) the establishment of a just caliphate ...

Sanctity of life in a caliphate., September 16, 2009:

METHODS of execution in Islamic countries ... include beheading, firing squad, hanging and stoning ... the death penalty is appropriate for ... intentional murder ... (and) “spreading mischief in the land” ... (including) treason/apostasy ... terrorism, piracy ... rape, adultery, homosexual activity ...

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