

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Professor Plimer Answers, MISSING Document,as exposed by Brian Wilshire on his top rating radio show 2GB 873,Sydney Australia

I found this pioneering anti Climate SCAM Documentary among my files and thought it was time to repost it.

We need to keep and distribute hard copies of the former Dep't of Climate Change .pdf (attached) ~ they've recently taken their old website down. All attempts to reach it via the Wayback Machine at result in a re-direction to the current “Dep’t of the Environment” site.
The document was an attempt to answer points made in Ian Plimer's book, "How to Get Expelled from School".Page 32 has the heat/C02 revelation: they admit that, for the last 800,000 years, heating events have
 preceded increases in the atmosphere's C02 levels, and therefore could not have been caused by C02. No wonder tricky Al Gore separated the two Vostok Ice Core graphs by several metres in his Inconvenient Truth doco.
They've destroyed the historical foundation of their global warming theory. We have them on the run.

Please share.

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