

Friday, September 11, 2015

France Celebrates Diversity: Paris, where every day is a Harmony Day

Muslims on a French train enriching French Culture with spontaneous displays of "Diversity" that make every day a "Harmony Day" How Parisians  endure such behaviour and intimidation is beyond me.
So what are these savages singing ?

“May Allah make orphans out of their children” cries out the man in the train while the crowd say “Amen”.
“May Allah make it difficult on their women”.
“Allah give victory to Islam everywhere”.
“Allah give victory to our brethren in Palestine”.
“Allahu Akbar, Alahu Akbar … there is no god but Allah and the martyr is beloved by Allah”.

Well they say they are occupiers / invaders /  and Soldiers of allah.

Its only the Progressive Left and their media cheer squads who tell us they are invading Europe because they have no where else to go and that if the Europeans and the West do not open their borders to them then they are Racists and Bigots with no heart.

Allowing these savages to do to Western Democracies what the manifestations of the beliefs did to the various Islamic Utopia's it was they ran away from is the sign of a true Multicultural Compassionate Socialist Green Loon World Citizen.

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