

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Christian genocide is under way in the Middle East, with fears that Christianity will be extinguished in its birthplace................

Christians the Most at Risk

Miranda Devine 
The Sunday Telegraph
Pg 19. 
18 Oct 2015

WHEN Tony Abbott committed Australia to taking an extra 12,000 refugees from Syria last month, he said Christians would be the priority. Malcolm Turnbull, then Communications Minister, agreed.

After all, Christians are the most persecuted people on Earth, as the latest report by Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need shows.
A Christian genocide is under way in the Middle East, with fears that Christianity will be extinguished in its birthplace.

And yet, now we hear that there will be no special treatment for Christians.
We will choose “the most vulnerable groups in those (refugee) camps”, Peter Shergold, the new co-ordinator-general for Refugee Resettlement in NSW, told the ABC. “I would expect a significant diversity.” That “diversity” reportedly is 50 per cent each of Christians and Muslims, half of whom are expected to be settled in NSW.

Have we bowed to United Nations’ criticism of our desire to favour Christian refugees?
The problem with choosing refugees from the camps is that Christians and other persecuted minorities — such as the Yazidis — are also being persecuted inside the camps, and so have been forced to seek refuge elsewhere.
If we choose only from the camps, not only are we not taking the most needy refugees but we are potentially welcoming their persecutors.

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