

Monday, October 05, 2015

Australian Media and THEIR ABC Spin Muslim Assassin act of cold blooded execution.

Former One Nation leader Pauline Hanson does her usual shtick on the Sunrise program accompanied by Derrin Hinch doing HIS usual shtick on Islam and Muslims.

The 15-year-old gunman behind the Parramatta shooting that left a police employee dead had come to the attention of authorities previously and police believe a small group of men connected to a Sydney mosque were involved in radicalising him.

Few people have spent more time with teenage boys, and some troubled ones at that, than Jihad Dib, former principal of Punchbowl Boys High School in Sydney's west. He's credited with turning around a school that was on the verge of closure when he arrived, building a real sense of community about it. He's now the New South Wales Labor MP for Lakemba and he joined me in the studio earlier.


Islamic Role Models 

Policeman Nasser Dib guilty of groping colleague

Ben McClellan 
November 24, 2014 

THE police officer brother of a Labor candidate for the NSW election has admitted to groping a junior colleague on duty.

Nasser Dib, 30, yesterday pleaded guilty in the Downing Centre Local Court to twice committing an act of indecency on a probationary constable in April 2013.

The suspended Senior-Constable, brother of Lakemba Labor candidate and Punchbowl High principal Jihad Dib, assaulted his colleague while they were on night patrol.

He attempted to kiss her twice and grabbed her on the buttocks at Oatley. Dib also placed his hand under her “load-bearing vest” and “grabbed and squeezed her breast” as they drove from Oatley Park to Hurstville Police Station.

The Professional Standards Command charged Dib in March this year. He remains suspended on full pay.

“Upon conviction a decision will be made whether to change the suspension status to without pay,” a spokesman said.

“Further consideration will be given to recommending the officer be considered for removal from the Police Force.”

Dib comes from a well-respected Lebanese-Australian family in Greenacre. His brother is former featherweight boxing world champion Billy Dib while his father Ali was the former secretary of the Lebanese Muslim Association.

Six other charges related to the two assaults and the alleged assaults of another female officer in 2011 were withdrawn. Dib’s barrister Avni Djemal told the court he would need a psychological report before his client was sentenced on February 20.

NSW cop avoids jail for groping colleague

A NSW police officer convicted of two indecent assaults has been given a three-year bond and ordered to serve 180 hours of community service.
6 MAR 2015

A NSW policeman who groped the breast of a junior colleague after she refused his initial advance in a dark secluded park has been sentenced to 180 hours of community service.

Senior Constable Nasser Dib, 30, was also given a three-year bond and had two indecent assault convictions recorded against him, meaning he will likely lose his job.

In 2013 Dib tried twice to kiss a probationary constable in a secluded park after asking her join him on a foot patrol, the Downing Centre Local Court heard during sentence on Friday.

She refused his advance but not long after, when the two officers were back in their car, Dib slid his hand underneath her vest and groped her breast.

"Acts of indecency of this type will be punished by the court," Magistrate Joanne Keogh said.

Dib had said to the same probationary constable during a Christmas party boat cruise: "Why don't we throw your fiance overboard?"

And when he asked her out but was rejected, he said: "It's not an option for you. You don't have a choice."

When he first met the probationary constable Dib told her to come to him with all her problems, even those involving him.

"We don't put people on paper," Ms Keogh said he told his junior.

Dib pleaded guilty to two charges last November - a day after six other indecent assault charges were withdrawn.

His lawyers told the court he suffered from post traumatic stress disorder and had been traumatised when he discovered an infant's corpse.

But Ms Keogh said he made the female officer a victim of crime herself with the frequent, inappropriate comments.

"He gave no weight at all to her rebuffs," she said.

"(Dib) was really indifferent to the feelings of the victim."

Dib is the brother of NSW Labor candidate for Lakemba in this month's election, Jihad Dib, and boxing champion Billy Dib.

Dib's lawyer Adam Houda told reporters outside the court that the "penalty was appropriate".

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