

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bendigo Protests: Pro Muslim Terror Supporter caught on Video stealing Videographer's Camera under the noses of Vic.Police.

Video Camera Stolen from Videographer by 
Pro Islamic Terror Supporter During Bendigo
Anti Islamic Terror Protest.

Cannot wait to see the reaction of TV and Newspaper News crews when their gear starts getting snatched and stolen.
Newspaper Photogs would have around $10 to $25 ,000 worth of gear in their hands and in the bags, TV anywhere between $15,0000 upwards to $60,000 on their shoulder Plus Sound engineers around another $5 to $10,000 .
Good little earners on the second hand market these THUGS would have no problem disposing of their plunder through their Islamic Crime Gang associates.


Camera Stolen in Protest
Brenden Hills
The Sunday Telegraph
October 11 2015.

A PHOTOGRAPHER caught up in clashes between pro and anti Islamic protesters yesterday had his camera stolen before being arrested.

Franc Titan said he went to religious protests in Bendigo, Victoria, “to capture that magic shot” but found himself in the middle of a pro-Muslim protest line just after midday.
“Three of them attacked me and then one jumped on me and ripped my video camera out of my hand,” Mr Titan, 49, from Ballarat, said. He complained to police but they pulled him over a barricade.
He was arrested and taken to the police station before being released without charge.
“It’s pathetic,” he said. “I had my equipment stolen and the best they could do was drag me over the fence.”

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