

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

State Labor Green Loon Leader Mr Luke Foley,demands more Mosques be built in Australia......

Following the recent summary execution of NSW Police civilian employee Mr Curtis Cheng outside Parramatta Police Station,by a Quran Inspired Pious Muslim Assassin,The State Labor Green Loon Opposition Leader and Labor Member for Sydney's Occupied Territories electorate of Auburn,Mr Luke Foley, is demanding that MORE Muslim Mosques be built in Sydney.

Mosques, What is a Mosque? according to the world leader most admired by US President Barack Husseine Obama,the Moderate voice of Islamic reason, Turkeys PM,Recep Tayyip Erdogan the definition of a Mosque is as follows:

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers...”
―Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Mr Foley says he wants MORE Islamic "barracks" on Australian soil,
Mr Foley says he wants more 'helmuts" for Islamic Soldiers on Australian soil,
Mr Foley says he wants more Islamic  "Bayonets" on Australian soil,
Mr Foley says he wants more Islamic "soldiers" on Australian soil.

Mr Foley  Why ?

Mr Foley's constituency in the seat of Auburn is made up of 25% Muslims, this suburb makes up with other suburbs in the vicinity what is known as "Sydney's Occupied Territories" Multicultural Ghettos dominated by Muslims implemented by the Whitlam Fraser and subsequent governments of the 70's through to the present day,in the South West of Sydney.


Foley’s solution is to build more mosques

Jim O’Rourke
The Daily Telegraph
October 6, 2015 

LOCAL councils should allow more mosques to be built in Sydney’s suburbs to help stop the spread of “underground” places of worship that could radicalise Muslim youth, ­NSW opposition leader Luke Foley said.

In a controversial move, Mr Foley yesterday said blocking the development of mosques was “counter productive”.

When asked if the NSW government could be doing more to halt the radicalisation of young people, Mr Foley said: “I’ve got particular views when it comes to the approval of ­places of worship.

“I think often that decisions by councils to block approvals for mosques are counter productive ­because then you see unregulated, underground prayer halls where you just don’t know what is being preached. I think we can do much more to support Islamic leaders (by) approving places of worship that are above ground, that are preaching the mainstream Islamic faith in a way that is the most effective counter to radicalisation within that community.”

Mr Foley, who is the MP for Auburn where about 25 per cent of his constituents are Muslim, insisted the majority of the Islamic ­community was trying to stop its youth being radicalised.

“I see the Muslim community, and its leaders, working on the ground each and every day to fight radicalisation and I want to support them,” he said.

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