

Monday, November 16, 2015

Abbott refuses to kneel whilst Turnbull calls for "Political solution" for Islamic Sociopath's Inc.problem.

"A defiant Mr Abbott insisted Islamic State had to be destroyed on the ground. 
“I certainly think that this latest atrocity — on top of other recent atrocities — does indicate that we do need to do more to tackle this toxin at its source,’’ Mr Abbott said. 
“This ISIL caliphate, it can’t be contained, it has to be defeated. It’s not going to go away, just by wishing it to go away."
The Bolt Report 

So Mr Turnbull, please come clean and tell Australians what further concessions and other forfeiture of freedoms that Australians take for granted,that we must surrender to Muslims in order for them to agree to stop killing us ... for now?

According to the "Holy Koran"  and it's apologists,Islam is non negotiable, it is according to it's followers, both moderate, and extremists, the indisputable word of the muslim God it's followers call "allah" as delivered to the world's most perfect man mohammed.

I am curious as to what part of the Islamist manifesto Malcolm is privy to that our Muslim boastful self declared enemies have agreed to negotiate in exchange for not killing us .... for now at least.

Suggesting a Political solution for the islamic problem is akin to a Cancer specialist telling a patient that so long as they only breath through one lung he has the word of the Cancer cells that they will not progress outside of the Lung that they presently occupy.

Just as the only way to eliminate cancer cells is to destroy them so it is with Islam and it's objectives.

According to the Left's Go To Muslim Darling of choice, The Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan there is no such thing as MODERATE Islam, Islam is Islam and to say otherwise is an insult.

Please Malcolm tell us why Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is wrong and what concessions you have obtained from ISIS in exchange for Australians been spared the manifestations of the Islamic ideology.

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