

Friday, November 27, 2015

Actor and producer Jeremy Kewley pleads guilty to child SEX Charges

Another member of Australia's Leftist Progressive "Yaarts Community" aka. Rock Spiders Inc., gets stung by the Scorpion.
Australia's Yaarts Community has a long and proud history of defending it's members preoccupation with Paedophilia and Child Pornography this video from 2012.

More recently

Rock Spider Grant Davies pleads guilty to Paedophilia and Pornography charges

“If there is a yardstick to measure cultural decay, the child pornography epidemic must register.”

The Heiner Affair 

Hopefully they will move to Germany where they are preparing for the Muslim invasion bey altering laws to suite the new "Cultural Enrichment" by the hoards of "Diversity Ambassador's" entering via Angela's Open Borders.

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and With It, Child Pornography As Well!

"Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex," reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, "The child touches all parts of their father's body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same."

Neighbours, Underbelly actor Jeremy Kewley pleads guilty to molesting boys

Wayne Flower
Herald Sun
November 26, 2015 4:13pm

 A SOAPIE actor who appeared on Neighbours has pleaded guilty to child sex offences involving boys allegedly lured under the promise of acting roles.

Actor and producer Jeremy Kewley faced Melbourne Magistrates Court today where he formally pleaded guilty to charges including indecent act with a child under 16, indecent assault and producing child pornography.

A court previously heard allegations Kewley lured young boys to his home under the guise of giving them an acting job.

The court was told police believed up to 27 boys applied for the supposed ‘screen tests’ where some were allegedly molested by the actor.

Prosecutor Luisa Di Pietrantonio told the earlier hearing Kewley played a role in the sick production, where he allegedly dressed his victims up in tight costumes and simulated sex acts.

Police allegedly recovered the vile screen tests on Kewley’s computer along with other child pornographic images.

The offences allegedly happened between June 20 and July 16 in 2011.

The Cheltenham resident, 55, has appeared on TV shows including Blue Heelers,Stingers, and City Homicide.

He played a prosecutor in the critically acclaimed ABC-TV show Janus, a cop in one of the Underbelly telemovies, and was cast as slain underworld figure Des ‘Tuppence’ Moran in the series Fat Tony & Co.

Kewley was released on bail and is due to face the County Court of Victoria in March.

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