

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Australia the Rainbow Paedophile Shit Hole of the Pacific? No wonder Leftist Progressives thrive here.

Sexual sadist named after court lifts suppression order

Sarah Crawford
The Daily Telegraph
November 28 2015

THE identity of a violent sex offender who raped two women while wearing a GPS tracking device can be revealed.

The Saturday Telegraph can name Graham Loughlan Harrison, 47, after Parramatta District Court yesterday lifted a suppression order.

Harrison is a psychiatrically diagnosed sexual sadist who has spent most of his adult life in jail for violent sex attacks.

He was considered so dangerous that, when he completed his 16-year sentence for abducting and sexually assaulting four hitchhikers, the NSW Supreme Court placed him on an extended supervision order for up to five years and ordered he wear a GPS tracking device.

But while under the supervision of Corrective Services he raped two women, used an eight-year-old girl to produce child porn and ran a massage parlour illegally offering sex.

In September Harrison was found guilty of 18 sex offences while on an ESO, including nine counts of raping two women, which he filmed. On November 18 Harrison pleaded guilty to an act of indecency against a girl, 8, and using her for child abuse material.

Yesterday in court the DPP tendered a further 22 charges including owning a massage business allowing prostitution.

Harrison indicated he will plead guilty to all charges except five breaches of the ESO.

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