

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A RETIRED lieutenant-colonel and Iraq veteran and his wife bashed by Muslim Gang at Cosy Corner beach at Torquay.“The important thing is my wife, my daughters and myself walked away,” he wrote.

"......he heard his wife’s screams and, seeing a man attacking her, ran to her aid. After he got the man into a headlock, he said up to eight other men ran in."

"......... urged people to protect “our women ... our country is being overrun by Muslim scum”.

“This guy was calling Liana a white s--- and a white whore and telling her: ‘Your husband needs to teach you a lesson’.” 

Police investigate Iraq veteran Kyle Tyrrell over melee with Torquay fisherman

Anthony Dowsley and Rebekah Cavanagh
Herald Sun
January 27 2016

A RETIRED lieutenant-colonel and Iraq veteran is being investigated after a melee with fishermen on the Surf Coast.

Kyle Tyrrell, 47, suffered minor injuries and says his wife, Liana, was punched in the face in Sunday’s conflict at the Cosy Corner beach at Torquay.

At least one of the fishermen was taken to hospital.

On social media, Mr Tyrrell wrote of what happened and urged people to protect “our women ... our country is being overrun by Muslim scum”.

“It was an added bonus to witness a few of our attackers be brought to hospital by ambulance after we arrived, sucking on the pain whistles.”

Speaking to the Herald Sun , he was confident he would not be charged: “I was just protecting my wife and daughter, like any man.”

Mrs Tyrrell, 30, said on seeing one of the men put a crab pot in the water, she told him the area was a marine sanctuary and fishing was banned.

Mr Tyrell believes his attack was racially motivated.
“Liana said nicely to him that if you put that in there, you may get in trouble, as you are
not meant to have it. That was it, and he turned on her,” Mr Tyrrell said.

He said he heard his wife’s screams and, seeing a man attacking her, ran to her aid. After he got the man into a headlock, he said up to eight other men ran in.

The war veteran, a qualified instructor in the martial art of Krav Maga, said he ended up on the ground and was kicked in the head. The couple believe the attack was racially and culturally motivated.

“I’m a war veteran and I fought in the Middle East. The main attacker was Muslim and my take is he probably didn’t like being told what to do from a woman,” Mr Tyrrell said.

“This guy was calling Liana a white s--- and a white whore and telling her: ‘Your husband needs to teach you a lesson’.”

A shaken Mrs Tyrrell wants the man she says attacked her charged.

Mr Tyrrell, who suffers post-traumatic stress disorder, has been trying to adapt to civilian life since retiring in 2011.

He has received Divisional Commanders and Land Commanders commendations for exemplary service, the Commandants Prize, and a Commendation for Distinguished Service in the 2007 Queen’s Birthday Honours for leadership and courage in action.

No charges have been laid and police inquiries continue.

Anyone witnesses should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000

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