

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Pious Muslim,Sameh Bayda, celebrates Australia Day with Al Qaeda linked Court appearance

18-year-old charged with ‘collecting documents to facilitate terrorist acts’

The Daily Telegraph
January 26, 2016 

A WESTERN Sydney teenager has appeared in court accused of collecting documents on how to carry out a successful stabbing attack and make a bomb.

Sameh Bayda, 18, of Guildford is accused of collecting three documents, two in Arabic and a third in English that was allegedly produced by terrorist organisation Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in preparation of a terrorist attack.

Supporters for an 18-year-old boy who was arrested on terror related charges in Guildford, outside Parramatta Court.
Court documents state that one of the Arabic documents allegedly provided instructions on how to carry out a successful stabbing attack while the other described how to make an explosive device.He is accused of collecting the documents some time between December 1 last year and January 13 this year

He has been charged by NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team with three counts of knowingly collect /make document connected with terrorism.

The terror charges comes after he was served with a Firearm Prohibition order on January 13 during which time a number of items were seized.

He was arrested late on Monday and refused police bail.

He did not appear on audio visual screen at Parramatta Bail Court this morning and his lawyer Fadi Abbas asked for the matter to be adjourned to February 2 for a possible bail application.

Three supporters, a middle-aged man, a woman in a niqab and a second woman wearing a headscarf attended court for the brief mention.

Outside of court the three supporters refused to answer questions from the media

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