

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Australian Military demands all food bear the "Mark of the Beast"

Halal certification: Army mandates Muslim-certified food for our Diggers

EXCLUSIVE Matthew Benns
The Daily Telegraph
February 17 2016

ONE third of combat rations ­offered to all Aussie troops now has to be halal-certified, despite the Australian Defence Force having fewer than 100 Muslims.

The orders that four of the 12 battle meal menu options offered to soldiers in the field need to be halal were approved by the Deputy Chief of Army Major General Rick Burr.

Under the new changes, ration packs should also contain kosher and vegetarian meals to help combat “menu fatigue”.

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But the decision to include halal food has outraged many of the ADF’s almost 60,000 fulltime members and veterans who question how many millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money will now be handed over to unregulated halal certifiers — who are already the subject of a federal government inquiry.

Senator Cory Bernardi, who was a member of the senate inquiry that looked into halal certification, said the order “demonstrates just how our military has been captured by minority interests and appears to have suspended the application of common sense”.

Islamic Animal Sacrifice_ "Halal

“Our military should be defending our way of life, on and off the battlefield. Decisions like this suggest it has become more an instrument of supporting minority interests rather than being focused on the national interest,” he said.

Documents obtained under Freedom of Information show that ADF combat ration packs should contain a variety of menus including vegetarian, halal and kosher “to meet ADF’s commitment to providing an inclusive working ­environment.”

Former Army intelligence officer Bernie Gaynor, the Australian Liberty Alliance Senate candidate for Queensland, said: “Australia is not an Islamic country and our soldiers, sailors and airmen and women deserve better from the government and the politically-correct top brass.”

It follows the controversial decision last year by the Army to remove the motto “In this sign conquer” from the 102-year-old hat badges of army chaplains because the phrase is associated with the Crusades — and that could be deemed offensive to Muslims.

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