An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label ACTU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACTU. Show all posts

Sunday, December 23, 2012

When there are no infidels handy these savages slaughter each other....and the Australian Government wants to import 30,000 more of these SAVAGES into Australia in 2013

Labor's VOTE People ? who knows no way of checking who is coming into Australia since Labor's open borders policy introduced by Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd 

Mob kills man blamed for burning Koran

Daily Telegraph
December 22, 2012 10:11PM

A MOB in southern Pakistan stormed a police station to seize a mentally unstable Muslim man accused of burning a copy of Islam's holy book, beat him to death, and then set his body alight, police say.

The case is likely to raise further concerns about the country's harsh blasphemy laws, which can result in a death sentence or life in prison to anyone found guilty.

Critics say an accusation or investigation alone can lead to deaths, as people take the law into their own hands and kill those accused of violating it. Police stations and even courts have been attacked by mobs.

Local police official Bihar-ud-Din said police arrested the man on Friday after being informed by residents that he had burned a Koran inside a mosque where he had been staying for a night.

An angry mob of more than 200 people then broke into the police station in the southern town of Dadu and took the accused man, who they say was under questioning. Din said police tried their best to save the man's life, but 

were unable to stop the furious crowd.
He said police had arrested 30 people for suspected involvement in the attack, while the head of the local police station and seven officers had been suspended.

Past attempts by governments in predominantly Muslim Pakistan to review these laws have met with violent opposition from hardline Islamist parties.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Socialism Down Under: Illegal Muslim asylum seekers crown PM Julia Gillard their "hero"

'Party time' as PM called a 'hero' over asylum-seeker detention policies

Daily Telegraph
December 03, 2012 12:00AM

ASYLUM seekers in Indonesia have swung into party mode and labelled Julia Gillard a "hero" after learning they will receive welfare payments and rent assistance should they make it to Australia by boat.

The wannabe citizens are ecstatic the government has conceded detention centres are beyond maximum capacity and that asylum seekers would need to be released into the community while their applications for refugee status were processed.

They would be given financial and housing support - as well as free basic health care - a massive boost from their current financial status in Indonesia where many are struggling to afford food.

However the asylum seekers, based in Puncak, 80km from Jakarta, said they feared Liberal leader Tony Abbott would be successful in his bid to become prime minister.

"Mr Abbott is not good for refugees and asylum seekers, he does not like us, he is not really a nice man," said Zia Haidari, a 25-year-old Afghanistan man who has attempted - unsuccessfully - to travel to Australia by boat seven times.

"Ms Gillard seems to understand how we feel and is trying her best.

Socialist Priorities Down Under Grant Lee is not one of them.

"Abdulah Sulamani, 41, heaped praise on Ms Gillard: "She is a hero, you are lucky to have this woman for your country."

Solo mother Fatemeh Khavari, 30, told News Ltd she did not have enough money saved to travel by boat to Australia and had spent time living homeless and hungry in Indonesia with her six-month-old son.

Labor's announcement was music to her ears.

"If I can get this free money and house when I come to Australia this will make life very easy for me," Ms Khavari said.

"It is very hard right now for us, I cannot afford to buy milk formula, we are very hungry. Me and my child need the generosity of the Australian people.

"If that doesn't happen my baby may die."

Ms Khavari - whose reasons fleeing Iran were "private" - said the other factor to draw her towards Australia was free medical care.

"I cannot afford to have vaccinations for my baby so I can get this in Australia.

A new low for the Australian Labor Party:$173.000 per ILLEGAL Muslim asylum seeker as Chemotherapy Patients asked to pay MORE for treatment or die.

"The praise directed at the prime minister may be unwelcome by its recipient, with voters unlikely to be impressed with the notion asylum seekers think they are coming to a country with soft laws.

A new monthly record was set in November with 2443 people arriving on boats and Ms Gillard was asked yesterday if she would bring back temporary protection visas and tow boats back to Indonesia.

The government last month announced thousands of asylum seekers threatened with processing in Nauru and Manus Island would be released in the community in Australia on bridging visas with almost $440 a fortnight plus help to pay rent.

It is understood the government is aware large numbers of asylum seekers are rushing to get on boats in Indonesia before the monsoon season and are undeterred by the government's pledge to keep them waiting in the community for protection visas for up to five years under a "no advantage" test.

Ms Gillard said TPVs and tow backs were not policy options hours before the government announced 75 people on two boats had been rescued by the Navy off Christmas Island.

"This is a complicated issue for our nation, for nations around the world," Ms Gillard told Channel 10.

"Anybody who says that there is a simple fix to you is not telling you the truth. It takes a range of policies, and we are putting that range of policies in place."

The desperation in the voices of asylum seekers in Puncak is echoed right throughout the village, where many asylum seekers come prior to embarking on the sea journey to Australia.

They eat their basic evening meals with rusty utensils scattered around. Their tiny bedrooms contain no blankets and sleep up to eight people. The days are dull with no ability to work as work visas from Indonesian officials are non-existent for the travellers.

It is this harsh reality of life in villages like Punchak combined with the arrival of news about Labor's policy backflip that is bringing about party fever and the desire to come to Australia as soon as possible.

Seventeen-year-old Adres, who does not have a surname listed on his passport, said when he arrived on Indonesian soil three weeks ago he planned to apply for refugee status through UNHCR.

But upon learning of the over-filled detention centres in Australia he was determined to travel by sea.

"This is good news for us, if we stay here and apply for status we might not be allowed into Australia, but if we come on boat we get the money and house," Adres said.

"This is a great thing and I am very thanking to the government in your country."

The Afghanistan teenager, whose father was killed in Pakistan, made the journey to Indonesia by plane. He saved for the journey and would use his money to engage people smugglers.

"It is a dangerous risk but worth it to get a new country with opportunities.

"This is party time."

How would you like tens of thousands of Bilal Skaf's and his fellow Muslim Peadophile Gang Rapists moving into your city ?Gillard backs down forced to support "The Savage" over Israel in UN Vote to save own job
Sydney's Occupied Territories residents urged to wear Keffiyeh to show support for Terrorism
Sydney's Occupied Territories remind Labor Green Loon Government who is in charge
The Bolt Report November 25 2012 1/ 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy,Illegals and moreMulticultural Australia If all Cultures and Religions are equal what's the big deal with Female Genital Mutilation ?Tony Abbott shuts the door on ILLEGALS
Multicultural Australia we were warned two years ago
Australia: From the West to the East Coast, Every Day is a Harmony Day............

Friday, November 30, 2012

Liberal Party Deputy Leader Julie Bishop explains it once more for the Labor Green Loon affirmative action appointee DUMMIES

This woman is the Deputy Leader of the Federal Opposition, The Liberal Party of Australia, Australia's Conservative Party
She was appointed to that positing because of her her ability not her gender or any affirmative action scams

Thursday, November 29, 2012

1/85 Kerr St. Fitzroy : Who needs enemies with friends like.........

Gillard's old friends dig up the dirt

The Australian 
November 29, 2012 12:00AM 

ONE way or another everybody ends up paying for their mistakes. The bigger the mistake, the bigger the price, bigger still if the doer holds high office.

Julia Gillard has made a few doozies in her life and she is paying for them now. Call it karma, call it retribution, call it plain old revenge, Gillard is suffering from events of 17 years ago, and not only because, as Nicola Roxon observed, she might have had bad taste in men. You think?

Even if, as Gillard says, she did nothing wrong when she was a partner in law firm Slater & Gordon, what happened then was not trivial and nor is it now inconsequential, no matter how hard she and her supporters try to make it so.

The excuses made on her behalf are as numerous as those she makes for herself. They run along these lines: nothing has emerged to prove she has done anything wrong, it was so long ago it is irrelevant today, no smoking gun has been produced, no documents have surfaced to contradict her accounts, plus her accusers are either shonky, they have an axe to grind, they are desperate for distractions, they are throwing mud, they are throwing old mud or they are misogynist nut jobs and sexist pigs.

Gillard's frustration is palpable, her fury barely disguised in the face of these attacks on her honesty and her character. You could see it in parliament and at her press conference. In parliament it was a toss-up what she found the most galling: the fact that Julie Bishop was daring to question her, or that Tony Abbott refused for two days to question her at all about that issue.

Sensibly, Abbott stayed out of it, lashed like Ulysses to his chair in the house, resisting the calls of the sirens, knowing if he responded he risked terminal injuries. As one of his advisers said: "When all your enemies are pressuring you to do something, then clearly it is not a good idea to do it."

It suits Gillard to present the campaign against her as some vast right-wing conspiracy; however, she knows only too well the roots of this story lie deeply embedded in the Labor movement.

One Labor MP, a supporter of Gillard, neatly summed up by blaming a "rat-infested AWU for her political persecution".

Abbott's strategic withdrawal also sensibly ended with Gillard's decision to jump before she was rolled by her own backbenchers over the UN vote to grant observer status to Palestine. The leaking of that story so quickly and so comprehensively, especially the detail of the cabinet debate where she overruled her ministers to insist on a no vote was an ominous sign for Gillard.

Another ominous sign was Bob Carr opposing her in cabinet then threatening to speak against her in caucus, which would have resulted in her losing both the vote and her foreign minister.

Finally the gravity of her situation sunk in.

After amputating her legs, Carr sped out to praise her support for the abstention he had compelled her to adopt as a display of clever leadership. There's a Yiddish word for that: chutzpah. In English, it's give us a break.

If Gillard had not been so preoccupied by the AWU scandal, she would have seen it coming. If she had been properly plugged in to her caucus she would have known the numbers were not there. Then again her capacity to read people and judge situations has always been suspect.

At Monday's press conference she was defiant and belligerent, complaining about the recycling and re-recycling of old fabrications, daring journalists to choose between her and self-confessed fraudster Ralph Blewitt, without once saying he was present when she signed his power of attorney.

She seized on the contribution of one of the crooners, that band of sympathetic male journalists, to thank him and echo his question by asking: "what is the big deal?" Try this: she was the instrument used by her then boyfriend, AWU official Bruce Wilson, to help set up the instrument that enabled the defrauding of hundreds of thousands of dollars that today remains missing. Owners of the Fitzroy property shouldn't waste time fossicking in the backyard.

For some people hundreds of thousands of dollars isn't a big deal. For others it is. It reminds them of other big deals such as the one that got Michael Williamson into so much trouble, the same one that wrecked Craig Thomson's career, or the ones Eddie Obeid is accused of which are stinking out the NSW Labor Party.

For too long people inside the Labor movement failed to acknowledge big deals even when they rose up and bit them on the bum. If you are looking for reasons for record low membership, add this to the list.

Just for fun, how's this for another big deal: Gillard accuses the opposition of wallowing in sleaze, yet she spent four years surrounded by it and was, by her own admission, oblivious to it.

Her boyfriend's bestie all that time was Blewitt, who has gone from bagman to bogeyman to criminal genius. Blewitt says Wilson was the mastermind, Wilson insists it was Blewitt and that he was burying stolen money in the backyard. Dontcha love it when thieves fall out.

Echoes reverberated on the ABC's 7.30 when Wilson said he could not see what the big deal was, nor understand why this story kept getting recycled and recycled. Perhaps it's partly because its taken 17 years for Blewitt and Wilson to talk publicly about it.

Blewitt is the same bestie Gillard now describes as an imbecilic sexist pig and crook, who was joined at the hip with her then boyfriend. It is the same Blewitt the government reckons is a "scumbag" and that Bishop's contact with him in pursuit of information against the Prime Minister warrants her sacking because it showed her lack of judgment.

Bishop's meeting with Blewitt was dumb and her loose words garnered the kind of prominent coverage denied to the original questions to the Prime Minister over her role, but hey, if you follow the government's arguments of guilt by association to its logical conclusion, where does it lead you with the Prime Minister?

Gillard, showing way too much hubris and way too little self-awareness, picked up on the theme in parliament to get stuck into the opposition for its lack of standards "and the company they keep".

Gillard's prime ministership has turned into a cross between Judge Judy ("they done me wrong your honour") and CSI (join the dots, find the culprits).

She is ending the parliamentary year as she began it. Very badly. Her enemies inside and outside, in front of her and behind her, will not give up, confident any poll improvement is ephemeral.

According to one Ruddite, the AWU scandal isn't killing her, not yet, and it won't unless something else emerges, but it is hurting her. A lot. All because of that pesky question of trust, which hangs like a shroud over almost everything she says and does.

1 / 85 Kerr St. Fitzroy: Madame Gillard under seige

Pressure on a PM under siege

Miranda Devine 
The Daily Telegraph
November 28, 2012 12:00AM

A CONSTELLATION of competing emotions flitted across the Prime Minister's face during her extraordinary press conference on Monday.

Was she frightened? Was she angry? Was she nervous? Was she defiant? Was she evasive? Was she irritated? She seemed to be all of the above, all at once, and as she licked her lips and rearranged her face, she was a fascinating study of a woman barely holding it together under tremendous pressure.

In fact, if you turned down the sound on your TV or just let the words wash over you, the non-verbal information told a more interesting story, one that is off and running in the electorate: that our prime minister appears to be a person under siege.

Whatever is the upshot of the 17-year-old fraud allegations involving Gillard and Bruce Wilson, the married AWU official who was her then-boyfriend, and the legal advice she provided to him to incorporate an association, which she later described as a slush fund, the damage is done to Gillard's reputation. No amount of spin doctoring will put it back together.

Whatever is the upshot of the various allegations of wrongdoing which Gillard repeatedly has denied, what this story does, fairly or unfairly, is in the eyes of some cement an adverse impression of Gillard's character.

It is an impression that accords with a view of her character as someone who ousted her boss and took his job as prime minister, who vowed there would be "no carbon tax under the government I lead" before the last election and then signed a deal for one with the Greens and independents afterwards.

It is an impression that accords with a view of a leader who defended with "complete confidence" Dobell MP Craig Thomson last year over allegations of misuse of union money on prostitutes and his election campaign: "I think he is doing a fine job."

It is an impression that accords with the spin emanating from her office, which includes a lie told to incite Aboriginal anger against Opposition Leader Tony Abbott resulting in a riot on Australia Day from which both Gillard and Abbott had to be rescued by police.

And it accords with a view of a character that would accuse others of engaging in the politics of smear while engaging in a most vicious smearing of a private citizen to defend herself.

Gillard opened Monday's press conference with a 500 word statement decrying "smear and sleaze" and then she tipped a bucket of the stuff on Ralph Blewitt, a former AWU official who had once been her friend. Blewitt, described as a one time union bagman, had been a "loyal lieutenant" to Wilson in the AWU, at a time when Wilson was being touted by his bosses as a future prime minister.

"So it's going to come down to Mr Blewitt's word against me," said Gillard. "Let me remind you who Mr Blewitt is. Mr Blewitt is a man who has publicly said he was involved in fraud. Mr Blewitt is a man who has sought immunity from prosecution. Mr Blewitt admits to using the services of prostitutes in Asia. Mr Blewitt has published lewd and degrading comments and accompanying photographs of women on his Facebook page.

"Mr Blewitt, according to people who know him, has been described as a complete imbecile, an idiot, a stooge, a sexist pig, a liar, and his sister has said he's a crook and rotten to the core. His word against mine, make your mind up. "

And minutes later: "You are talking about a contest here between me and Mr Blewitt, and you can work out who you believe: the person who is standing here, prime minister of Australia who has done nothing wrong, or the man who says he's guilty of fraud and is looking for an immunity. Work it out. "

It was a ferocious character assassination and a turnaround from the position she took on the alleged use of prostitutes when defending Thomson.

There are a handful of people in the country who know all the ins and outs of the AWU story, including The Australian's Hedley Thomas and policeman turned broadcaster Michael Smith, who lost his job at radio station 2UE after trying to air the allegations last year.

Smith, a forensic sleuth with a point to prove, has teamed up with Blewitt and a mysterious character named Harry Nowicki, a wealthy former personal injury lawyer and union adviser who is writing a history of the AWU.

Nowicki financed Blewitt's trip from Malaysia to take his allegations to Victorian police about the role Gillard played in providing advice in the setting up in 1995 of the AWU Workplace Relations Association, the so-called slush fund from which Wilson allegedly siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every day Smith updates his blog with fresh information and he says on Monday there were one million hits on the website.

Yesterday he posted two new interviews, one with Blewitt's Muslim wife Ruby, in Malaysia, dismayed at the PM's characterisation of her husband: "I am burning in my heart". The other was an interview with a former miner, making sensational allegations involving Wilson and 25kg of explosives in the WA mining town of Kambalda.

The Prime Minister is probably right when she says the public is "sick of stories they don't understand about events 17 to 20 years ago". But that is because they formed their impression of her character long ago.

It's not the media's fault she is mired in this. Nor is it particularly the fault of the opposition, which has come late to the party and has contributed little fresh information. It's certainly not the fault of "sexists" who can't stand having a woman in charge, as Greens Christine Milne claimed yesterday.

No. In my view it is entirely the fault of Julia Gillard and colleagues who installed her and now are suffering buyers' remorse. Character is destiny.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1/85 Kerr St.Fitzroy: Former Julia Gillard Lover defends her over AWU SCAM involvement

Bruce Wilson, former Lover of Australian PM Julia Gillard seen here recently at his north coast home.

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : Dear Prime Minister. You are a liar.

1/85 Kerr St.Fitzroy AWU SCAM Gillard simply cannot be trusted

Gillard makes Blewitt look credible

Piers Akerman 
Daily Telegraph
Monday, November 26, 2012 (11:48pm)

JULIA Gillard has painted the AWU Reform Association slush fund fraud as a credibility contest between her and her former boyfriend’s old bagman Ralph Blewitt.

His word against mine, she asked the media, make your mind up!

That was a mistake.

She had just attempted to trash his name – if that were possible – with a character assassination of the type she has falsely claimed that someone working for the government ran against her before the 2007 election.

In fact, no-one from the Howard government did anything of the kind.

The incident goes to Gillard’s tactics though. Make a series of pre-emptive strikes in the hope that the media will concentrate on the smear rather than the substance.

Her press conference was the pre-emptive strike. She did not answer questions fully or she gave evasive responses unbefitting a Prime Minister.

Then she used her press conference performance as a shield against the lethal questions being lobbed at her by a really expert interrogator, the deputy Opposition leader, Julie Bishop.

In essence, Bishop zeroed in on a key document Gillard had prepared in August, 1991 as a a partner in Labor law firm Slater & Gordon’s industrial unit, to deal with a query her union boss boyfriend Bruce Wilson had about the appointment of a branch executive

The letter dealt in intricate detail with the niceties of the rules of the AWU. The same rules which would have made the slush fund Gillard admits setting up for Wilson and Blewitt illegal under the union’s provisions.

Gillard said she was acting on instructions from Wilson and Blewitt but as a lawyer her duty was to ensure that the advice she was giving them was accurate.

Her first stop should have been the rules of the AWU when she was asked to set up the AWU Reform Association.

Those rules clearly state that any funds are to be directed to the AWU Bank Accounts as per the AWU National Executive.

Financial decisions at branch level must be made by at least fifty per cent of the Branch Executive (bearing in mind that Gillard had been looking at the authority of Branch Executives in 1991 for Wilson) and it would have been obvious to anyone familiar with the AWU and acting for the union that Wilson and Blewitt did not make up 50 per cent of the Branch Executive.

Gillard did not answer Bishop’s question on the matter.

Similarly, she did not explain why she did not alert the AWU – Slater & Gordon’s client – that she had set up the slush fund without starting a file.

Gillard must explain why she did not include her work for her boyfriend, who she repeatedly said was an AWU executive, in the firm’s file of work for the AWU if she believed there was nothing wrong with acting for him?

A lot of her answers to the press were just too cute.

A lawyer who gives advice to a client about establishing an association usually describes the assignment as establishing an association. Not Gillard though. She was at pains to distance herself from the action though she corresponded with the industrial registrar about the establishment of the association and its bona fides.

Still, the bank corresponded with her – it must have been mistaken about her role, also.

And she could not recall whether $5000 had ever fetched up in her private bank account.

Even today, a thirty-something woman would probably remember if such a sum appeared in her account without explanation.

Blewitt appeared on the 7.30 Report and despite the usual haranguing from presenter Leigh Sales appeared confident and unshaken.

As one reader has said “I have met Ralph and there is no doubt he is a fraudster (but he is a straight shooter), but to take the word of the main fraudster (Wilson) as somehow our signal to let it all go is a nonsense.”

I have to agree. If Blewitt is a low life, what is Wilson, Gillard’s old lover, and the main fraud in this saga?

Blewitt has made a sworn statement to the police and will continue to assist them.

Gillard has fobbed off the press and then been less than open with the Australian people by telling our elected representatives that they will have to make do with her press statements if they want to know about the slush fund.

She is dudding us and she is making a mockery of the parliamentary process.

Given her carbon dioxide tax lie, her obfuscation about the funding for the NDIS and Gonsky, why would anyone be surprised?

But Labor voters, particularly union members, may want to know where the missing money went and they may want to find out why Gillard is being less than transparent about her role in the establishment of the slush fund.

Like Craig Thomson and the HSU, at the bottom of this story are thousands of workers who have been ripped off.

They aren’t being helped now by the Labor prime minister.

In fact, when it comes to credibility on this issue, Ralph Blewitt looks a great deal more trustworthy than Gillard - thanks for asking Julia.

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : Dear Prime Minister. You are a liar.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Australia Day Race Riot HUCKSTER and Unions ACT Secretary, brands Tony Abbott ".. a raving Zionist"

Unions ACT  secretary and Australia Day 2012 Race Riot organizer Kim Sattler tells Islamic Terrorism supporters

"Abbott a raving Zionist",Gaza rally told

Updated November 24, 2012, 5:22 pm

Another facet of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's student activist days has surfaced with a speaker at a pro-Palestine rally in Canberra declaring him a "raving Zionist".

Unions ACT Secretary Kim Sattler 
Speaking at a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Canberra, Unions ACT secretary Kim Sattler said she was a student activist involved in the Australian Unions of Students (AUS), serving as a delegate to the AUS conference in Melbourne in 1974.

That gathering debated the proposal for a delegation of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) to visit Australia.

At the time the PLO group was classified a terrorist organisation, although its offshoot, Fatah, which now rules the West Bank, is more favourably regarded than Hamas, which rules Gaza.

Ms Sattler said the AUS vote backed hearing from the PLO.

"Guess who was on the other side at that time - Tony Abbott," she said.

"That was my first introduction to Tony Abbott and I've been his enemy ever since."

Ms Sattler said Mr Abbott had no Jewish heritage, although she did.

"He is a raving Zionist and has been since he was about 18 or 19. I don't understand why he is, but he is," she said.

Ms Sattler said those who backed the PLO visit were beaten with rolled up newspapers and umbrellas and spat upon during the course of the conference.

She said this made a big impact on her as a 17-year-old activist.

"Thanks to Tony, I have been an avowed Palestine supporter ever since," she said.

In the 1970s, Mr Abbott was a student activist strongly opposed to left domination of student politics.

Earlier this year, journalist David Marr recounted a 1977 incident in which Mr Abbott allegedly sought to intimidate a female student who beat him in a university election by punching a wall on either side of her head. Mr Abbott has repeatedly denied this happened.

Who IS Kim Sattler, and like her fellow Socialist Labor Emilys list "sista", Australian PM, Julia Gillard can you believe a word she or PM Julia say about anything ?

So does Kim tell lies or does Julia tell lies? or has the Labor friendly Macquarie Dictionary rewritten the meaning of lies and truth to accommodate Kim and Julia's "truths" / "Lies" ? are they both telling the truth or both telling lies in this Union GetUp funded Socialist Green Loon Independent "Co Party" Governments Utopia and Workers/ Bludgers / Insurgents Paradise called Australia?

Prime Minister Julia Gillard denies knowing unions Kim Sattler

Mitchell Toy 
Sunday Herald Sun
January 29, 2012 12:00AM

SHE'S the Labor true believer the Prime Minister's press adviser called when he wanted to politically damage Tony Abbott.

Unions ACT secretary Kim Sattler, outed yesterday as staffer Tony Hodges' contact at the Tent Embassy protest, was always going to rally to the cause.

A Left-wing activist who fronted at a pro-carbon tax event last year and who sits on the board of the National Museum of Labour, Ms Sattler helps oversee 24 ACT unions with more than 30,000 members.

In a profile for a Canberra networking group she lists union darlings Joan Kirner, Sharon Burrow and Ged Kearney as her inspiration.

Kim Sattler's "Inspiration"
When Mr Hodges could not contact the ACT Indigenous Affairs Minister, he was told Ms Sattler was the next go-to woman.

But the Prime Minister, a former union head, denied links with Ms Sattler as it emerged Mr Hodges gave her information about Tony Abbott's location moments before the ugly Australia Day riot.

Ms Gillard yesterday said she did not know Ms Sattler, who was previously not widely known outside her ACT stamping ground.

Kim Sattler (l) Julia Gillard (r) Ms Gillard, said yesterday,28 Jan 2012,said she did not know Ms Sattler,

An image added to Ms Sattler's Facebook page in 2007 shows her with Ms Gillard apparently at a function for Emily's List - a Left-leaning group promoting progressive women's political careers.

Another image shows her with former Victorian premier Joan Kirner, while one picture, believed to have been taken overseas, appears to show Ms Sattler with a gun.

Yesterday morning, Ms Sattler berated Mr Abbott through the social network, saying he played a role in the violence.

"Tony Abbot is like your typical bar-room brawler, who starts a fight and then disappears like a coward when it is in full swing," she wrote.
We know she was there watching the events she and Julia Gillard set in motion unfold, does this Arse Clown think she is the only one with a camera ? the eye witness accounts and TV News Video and press photo accounts of the facts, are in stark contrast to her version of Australia Day 26 Jan 2012

Ms Sattler yesterday confirmed she called the Australian Federal Police into her office at 1.30pm on Friday and informed them she had been the one who passed on the location of Mr Abbott to protesters.

Kim Sattler (left of picture holding what appears to be a phone / camera)

On Thursday, Ms Sattler posted a photo, taken on her iPhone, of the crowd engulfing the medal ceremony and added the comment, "Tony Abbott just announced the Tent Embassy should be closed down and a huge crowd from the Embassy went to greet him and he had to be rushed away with a police escort!"

The Facebook profile was suspended yesterday after Ms Gillard named Ms Sattler as the Tent Embassy contact of her former adviser (Hodges).

Ms Gillard said it was "very very likely" she had been at the same events in Canberra as Ms Sattler, but flatly denied a connection.

What's the deal with Socialist's,Socialist "Wimmin" in particular,and their propensity for not been able to tell the truth of just about anything?

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : The Prime Minister tells lies,she always has.....

Saturday, November 24, 2012

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : The Prime Minister tells lies,she always has.....

From Michael Smith News

Julia Gillard was asked in her formal interview by Peter Gordon whether or not she knew anything about the Slater and Gordon firm providing a mortgage to finance the purchase of 1/85 Kerr Street Fitzroy.

The PM is a bit of a galah beside being a big liar.  She says she didn't know about the mortgage.

She thought that the only thing that The Age or the 7.30 show on the ABC had on her was the note from the Commonwealth Bank about the insurance on the property.   But that's not all.   She also made other "random" enquiries about a mortgage she knew nothing about, and those random enquiries found their way into the Ralph Edwin Blewitt mortgage file.

Here's what she said to Peter Gordon on 11 September 1995.

Peter Gordon: “Were you aware at any time that the balance of the funds to make up the capital was to be provided by contributory mortgage of which Jonathan Rothfield (a Slater & Gordon partner) was trustee?”
Julia Gillard: “I don’t, I don’t think I knew that at the time, where the source of funds was. It’s subsequently been raised with me that that was done through the Slater & Gordon mortgage register but I didn’t have any recollection of that.”  

The Age and the ABC's 7.30 program relied on the letter from the Commonwealth Bank to show that Gillard knew all about the mortgage.

And so her improbable response to that letter from the Comm Bank, addressed to her.   One again she tries to drop the patsy Ralph Blewitt in the cack.

But wait Julia, there's more!

Here's what really happened.

The dodgy Power of Attorney was improperly used in an application to the Slater and Gordon mortgage provider to procure a $150,000 mortgage in Ralph Edwin Blewitt's name.   He would be liable for the debt.

But he knew nothing.   Here is the letter of offer about the mortgage.   Keen observers will note to whom it is addressed.

It goes on for a few pages, I've reproduced the first page above.   The next page includes this paragraph.

At some point, Julia spoke with someone who cared about whether or not he would be charged the higher rate of interest.   But keep in mind that Julia Gillard knew nothing about the mortgage.   Just out of the blue, Julia asked her PA to make enquiries, and Julia's PA's note found its way into the mortgage file.

And Olive Brosnahan wrote this note to Gillard about the mortgage that Gillard didn't know about.

And it wasn't enough for Julia to just get that information about the mortgage she knew nothing about verbally.   Or even hand-written.   It was typed out.   Nicely.   In a way that you could take home and show to your lover who was enquiring about the mortgage he was acquiring.   But Julia knew nothing about that.    Just ask her.

I am running a very unsophisticated blog on a laptop and an iPhone.   Just imagine what information about the trustworthiness of Julia Eileen Gillard has been uncovered by the security agencies from countries that Australia deals with.

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