An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australia Multiculturalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia Multiculturalism. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Ignoble Islam :Those Whakie Zany Muslims are at it again… Honour is so important to them.


Four men get life in jail for murdering UK couple in bungled 'honour killings'

Daily Telegraph
August 03, 2010 11:41PM

FOUR men who set fire to the wrong house in an attempted honour killing have been sentenced to life in prison after they were convicted of murdering a couple in northwestern England.

The men, who intended to torch the house of a man who was having an affair with the sister of one of the arsonists, targeted the wrong address in Blackburn and killed a married couple, Sky News reported.

Abdullah Mohammed, 41 and his wife Aysha, 39, were overcome by smoke in their home and died later in the hospital. They are survived by their three children aged nine, 14 and 19.

Preston Crown Court judge Justice Henriques said it was "nearly impossible to imagine a worse case of arson than this. You have wreaked devastation on a blameless, devout family."

Justice Henriques added: "It is a most cruel irony that two such devout members of the community, both deeply religious, should have lost their lives to such a perverted and wicked act."

Three of the men drove from their homes in east London. Habib Iqbal, 25, Sadek Miah, 23, and Mohammed Miah [no relation], 19, were recruited by Hisamuddin Ibrahim, 21.

Ibrahim was jailed for a minimum of 28 years. His accomplices were handed sentences between 19 and 25 years in prison.

Ibrahim was said to be enraged that his sister, Hafija Gorji, was divorcing her husband and had begun an affair.

It was said Ibrahim wanted to punish her lover on behalf of his family - but the arsonists poured petrol into the wrong house as the Mohammeds were asleep.

CCTV footage showed a car belonging to Sadek Miah’s mother in the area early in the morning. Three figures got out with a container. The attack was not filmed but the men returned to the car and drove off without headlights.

Does Killing the wrong people still count for regaining their honour? or diy they still have to burn to death their original intended victims? maybe they get a sort of partial Honour credit, like a partial deposit into their honour account at  allah's Honour bank.

Hymenoplasty. Islam the Religion of Peace & Tolrance … the Lurrrrvvve of this Godless THING, Muslims call “allah” is boundless.


Witness wants to hide her face behind burqa during Islamic school fraud trial

The Daily Telegraph
August 04, 2010 12:00AM

23 6 2010 Burka Ban Fred Nile A JUDGE is set to decide this week whether a Muslim woman can wear a full burqa while giving evidence before a jury in a fraud case.

West Australian District Court Judge Shauna Deane is due to hear submissions tomorrow from lawyers for the prosecution and defence regarding the witness, who wishes to wear the burqa.

The woman is a strict Muslim who does not want to show her face to men. Defence lawyers raised concerns about how the jury could read the woman's expressions if they cannot see her face.

The jury in the case was discharged yesterday after the estimated time for the fraud trial of a Muslim college director blew out from 10 days to five weeks.

After the jury was discharged, defence lawyer Mark Trowell said a jury would not be able to "make a proper assessment" of the witness if they could not see her face.

He said it was believed to be the first time in Australia that a witness had wanted to wear a full burqa.

Anwar Sayed has been charged with fraudulently obtaining $1.125 million from the state and federal governments by falsifying the number of students at the Muslim Ladies College of Australia in Perth's south.

To think the good judge has to take time out to consider this absurd request from this arse clown.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Australia:Ignoble Islam… another example of why this nightmare, is incompatible with civilization.


Couple kept sham marriage to stop violent reprisals

July 31, 2010

Centrelink unwittingly revealed a clash between Islamic laws and Western life, writes Bellinda Kontominas.

TO THE people in their ethnic community, the man and his wife showed all the hallmarks of a happy and loving marriage.

But it was all a lie. The sad reality of being caught between Eastern culture and Western values, they told a court.

The man, a professional in his home country, had converted to Islam in order for the couple's marriage to be legally recognised. But when they separated after moving to Australia, they maintained the outward appearance of a married couple to avoid physical harm, or even death, at the hands of Islamic extremists back home, they claimed.

The pair told of their clandestine double life at a District Court trial in which the husband was charged with lying to Centrelink by claiming he was single in order to obtain a Newstart allowance.

The two cannot be named after the District Court Judge Stephen Norrish made a non-publication order preventing their identification to avoid harm to them and their family overseas.

''It is feared that if there be publicity in relation to this matter and it gets back to [their home country], then people will die,'' he said.

For this reason, the Herald has omitted details about the couple to maintain their anonymity.

The Crown alleged the couple had never separated and were still mostly living together during the more than five years the husband had fraudulently obtained benefits. But the jury saw differently, acquitting the man of seven charges against him.

The jury was not told he had pleaded guilty to another charge of dishonestly obtaining about $12,000 in unemployment benefits while he was working.

During the trial a former colleague told the court he believed the man was single as there were no shoes kept at the front door.

Another former colleague said he had been untidy and unkempt, which gave the outward appearance he was unmarried. She had felt sorry for him and felt he needed a woman's touch, so she attempted to set him up with a friend during a dinner at her home. A blind date was organised but did not eventuate.

Under Islamic law, marriage between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is not legally recognised and would be considered an adulterous relationship.

Such a union is usually considered proper and legal if a religious conversion takes place.

An Islamic law expert who gave evidence in the trial told the Herald that separation or divorce, particularly by those who have married in controversial circumstances would result in questions about the legitimacy of the initial conversation. The academic, whom the Herald has chosen not to name, said this could bring shame to the couple's family and result in violence towards them by members of the community.

Often when couples marry under controversial circumstances, such as a religious conversion or without family blessing, the end of that relationship can reignite bad feelings about the match, leading to violence, the academic said.

''[The separation] could have been perceived as proof that these sort of relationships don't work or it could be perceived as additional harm to the family name, reopening old wounds.''

Dr Shakira Hussein, who also gave evidence in the trial, told the Herald there could be ramifications for the couple and their family if he was seen to have abandoned the religion.

An expert in Islamic studies at the University of Melbourne, Dr Hussein said religious minorities in Islamic countries were particularly vulnerable to accusations of blasphemy by neighbours or family members holding grudges.

For this reason, many mixed-marriage couples maintain a happy front. ''In Australia, too, it is considered not good conduct to be too open about marriage break-ups,'' Dr Hussein said.



NYC honor

New Yorkers are taking positive action to protect Muslims from Islam



Monday, July 12, 2010

Australian Based Muslim Colonialists “furious with Australian Media” for reporting their Criminal and Terrorist activities.


Muslims furious with media portrayal as terrorists and criminals

July 12, 2010

AUSTRALIAN-MUSLIM families have good relations with other Australians, and feel safe and happy here. But they are furious with the media for depicting Muslims as terrorists and criminals, a report for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship reveals.

Copy of 12 7 2010  Muslims furious with media portrayal as terrorists and criminals

Hey those Crazy, Whacky, Zany,Muslims are at it again, seen here pissing themselves laughing at the Sydney Morning Herald’s  latest example of appeasement to their Multicultural Masters, portraying the Labor Party and the left’s’ preferred Australian’s, yet again as the “real victims” in their world wide war against civilization aka. the Infidels.

''The families felt strongly the media was gunning for Muslims; it was a huge concern for them,'' said Ilan Katz, the director of the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW, and a co-author of the study. The research is part of a wider project commissioned by the department to understand the concerns and needs of Muslim Australians.

Based on in-depth interviews with 72 family members, it found people traced a change in the media's depiction of Muslims from the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington.

''They felt community attitudes had hardened towards them since then because of the media,'' said Dr Katz.

An Iraqi father said: ''The media portrays us as terrorists; the media is against us.'' A man from Sudan said, ''Australians listen to the media, that is what they believe.''

Yet the Australian-Muslims were mainly positive about their daily interactions with ordinary Australians, friends, workmates, and passers-by. On the whole they felt accepted and appreciated what Australia could offer. Another father said: ''Australian government high schools even have a mosque [prayer room] … and the students perform midday and Friday prayers there.''

However, a major concern was low income, with some blaming workplace discrimination. Some parents were troubled their children had become more religious than they were. ''The daughters were wearing the hijab but the mothers weren't,'' Dr Katz said. Others were anxious about their children's involvement with drugs, sex or alcohol.

Nadia Saleh, 42, of Punchbowl, calls Australia ''this remarkable country'' that she came to from Lebanon 21 years ago. With her husband Karl, 52, she has raised four children.

''We have got some people who do the wrong thing but it is unfair to criticise the entire Islamic community,'' said Mrs Saleh, a manager at the Riverwood Community Centre.

The study highlights the diversity of Australian-Muslims, who come from countries as disparate as Albania and Nigeria.

Dr Katz found Imams were a main source of guidance for parents with family problems and needed more help and resources from government and non-government agencies to do a better job of pastoral care.

There are  thousands of hours of film of Hitler and his fellow Nazi’s laughing and joking in the same sort of propaganda pap pieces to show the world what a great bunch of happy go lucky mass murderers they were also, they still believed in the total elimination of those who did not share their view of world domination, the difference between Nazi’s and Muslims is that the Nazi ally’s, the Muslims, are still a functioning today and have succeeded in almost every objective they swore to achieve back in WW2, Islamism , Nazism what’s the difference ? Islam is Terrorist Organization in almost every Nation on earth,a “Religion” yeah right, and I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.

Ok so how about we see what was reported in the months of June and July 2010 after reading these reports it’s no wonder Muslims are demanding our Media not be allowed to report their activities in Sydney and Australia generally, I simply don’t have time or room to report what happens in Melbourne with the African Muslims why they are even more happy go lucky and carefree than the Sydney Muslims.

The Brilliant Daniel Greenfield “for people to wake up and fight for their rights, they must first know who they are, so that they will believe that their rights are worth fighting for.”
Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims
Australia: Alan Jones and Melanie Phillips on the rise of Islam
Mother of two Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, to be bashed to death by Rocks thrown by Pig ignorant, neanderthal, Godless savages,in the name of the Religion of Peace.
Australia: Islam’s Hizb ut-Tahrir Sydney “Hate Fest” aftermath continues…
Australia:Lying “Hag in a Bag” Carnita Matthews to face charge of “… making a false statement to police”
Report from an insider on Sydney July 4 Hizb ut-Tahrir hate fest
Australia: Magistrate shuts down Court during bail application of Muslim on weapons and Passport charges. UPDATE.
Australia Burqa Ban: Rev. Fred Nile “Walks the Walk” through Sydney’s Occupied Terrortories.
Australia: Multicultural and Useful Idiot Pin Up Boy,Sheikh Monsour Laghaei Fly’s back to Iranian Masters.
Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Muslim Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist sentenced as Hags in Bags leap to his defense outside Court.
Australia : Rev.Fred Nile’s bill to ban Muslims wearing Disguises in Public introduced to NSW upper house
Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist, jailed for 13 years “ "I swear on my kids you are going to be shocked. Put the date down that I am going to be released. You will get a big shock." at sentencing.
Last weeks roundup C / O Sheik Yer Mami
Hizb Ut-Tahrir Islamic conference spokesman Uthman Badar
Muslim Gang Rapist denied Parole because of drug addiction
Rudd’s Australia : Proscribed Muslim Terrorist Group permitted to hold HATE FEST in Sydney July 4 2010
Lakemba Mosque caught out again.
FU*KI*G Terrorist !!!! oops woowww,sorry what was he thinking? how about Muslim “car enthusiast” (that’s better), bailed for Easter riot, cameraman stood down.
Islamic Sociopaths Inc. : Muslim Poet freed on appeal.
Methodology of Hizb Ut Tahrir for Change

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims


Think tank proposes Australian students be taught positives about Islam and Muslims

The Sunday Mail (Qld)
July 11, 2010 12:00AM

EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims and that Australia was a racist country, under a plan being proposed by an education think tank.

The plan is outlined in a booklet Learning From One Another: Bringing Muslim Perspectives into Australian Schools published this week by the Australian Curriculum Studies Association and The University of

Melbourne's Centre for Excellence in Islamic Studies.

It says there is a "degree of prejudice and ignorance about Islam and Muslims" and Australian students must be taught to embrace difference and diversity.

The booklet refers to al-Qa'ida as "a famous name" synonymous with the traditionalist movement in Islam, with no reference to terrorism.

Its authors are offering free seminars to teachers.

Bid for Islamic teachings

Sunday Herald Sun
July 11, 2010 12:01AM

EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive aspects about Islam and Muslims - and that Australia is a racist country - under a proposal by an education think tank.

The plan is outlined in the Learning From One Another: Bringing Muslim Perspectives into Australian Schools booklet, published during the week by the Australian Curriculum Studies Association and the University

of Melbourne's Centre for Excellence in Islamic Studies.

It says there is a "degree of prejudice and ignorance about Islam and Muslims", and Australian students must be taught to embrace difference and diversity.

The booklet refers to the al-Qai'da of Osama bin Laden as "a famous name" synonymous with the traditionalist movement in Islam. It makes no reference to terrorism.

It says "most texts used in Australian English classes still have a Western or European perspective".

Its authors are offering free seminars to teachers, which promise to "provide avenues for you to introduce Islam- and Muslim-related content in your classrooms" and "equip you with the skills to meet the needs

and expectations of Muslim students in a multi-faith classroom".

But education experts have branded it a biased and one-sided approach that ignores Australia's Christian heritage and Western culture.

"The book fails to mention the terrorist nature of such Islamic fundamentalists or describe their terrorist acts like the Bali bombings," education consultant Dr Kevin Donnelly said.

"Ignored is what some see as the inherently violent nature of the Koran, where devout Muslims are called on to carry out jihad and to convert non-believers, and the destructive nature of what is termed dhimmis -

where non-believers are forced to renounce their religion, are discriminated against and forced to accept punitive taxation laws.

"Given that Australia's schools, on the whole, are secular in nature and the argument that classrooms should not be used to teach a particular faith, it's understandable why introducing religion into school subjects

for many would be unacceptable," Dr Donnelly said.

ACSA executive director Catherine Schoo said the booklet was misunderstood.

"This is simply a resource for non-Muslim teachers who may want to improve their understanding of issues Muslims face in Australian schools," she said.

How long before forced conversions become compulsory?

Positive things about Islam? well how about these gems from Atlas Shrugs

Honor Killing: Islam's Gruesome Gallery
Bulletin of Christian Persecution
June 3 - June 28, 2010

June 3, 2010
A Catholic Bishop who was a leading figure in Christian communities in the Middle East was stabbed to death at his home in southern Turkey Thursday, and police arrested his driver in connection with the attack.  The jihadi murderer climbed on the roof of the house shouted: "I killed the great Satan! Allah Akbar!" An update HERE.
June 7, 2010
Pakistan  (Hat tip to InfidelsareCool)
The head of a Muslim village ordered the expulsion of 250 Christian families after they objected too strenuously to sexual assaults by Muslims on Christian girls and women.
Pakistan Government tightens security at minorities worship places. Some Christians were put on a ‘hit list.’
June 13, 2010
Non-Muslims are not welcome any longer in large segments of the country. Kidnappings, rapes and executions are daily occurrences for the non-Muslims of Iraq.
June 14, 2010
In "Talibanized" Pakistan Christians are victims of yet more attacks.
June 15, 2010

“We need Christians’ help all over the world to stop the Afghan government from arresting Dari-speaking Afghan Christians and condemning them to death by public execution.”
Somalia (hat tip to InfidelsAreCool)
The Muslim parents of a 17-year-old Somali girl who converted to Christianity severely beat her for leaving Islam and have regularly shackled her to a tree at their home for more than a month.
June 16, 2010
The Netherlands  (Translated. Hat tip to IslaminEurope)
Muslims who become Christians in the Netherlands often have to deal with persecution, harassment and death threats.
Egypt (Hat tip to Pajamas Media)
Egyptian government is forcing the Coptic Christian Church to change its doctrine.
Pakistan (Hat tip to JihadWatch
Five Muslims here kidnapped and raped a Christian girl after threatening to kill her unless her father allowed one of them to marry her.
June 17, 2010
A Moroccan Christian is currently in prison serving 15 years for proselytizing.
Morocco  (Hat tip to JihadWatch)
Moroccan Christians say Muslim extremists in the country are aiding and encouraging the government to pursue them by exposing and vilifying them on social networking site Facebook.
Kyrgystan   (Hat tip to InfidelsAreCool
Christians receive death threats during ethnic violence with the Uzbeks that kills 190 people.
Egypt (translated by Raymond Ibrahim.  Hat tip to JihadWatch
An Egyptian girl is kidnapped and her gold jewelry stolen by the Muslim village elder.
June 18, 2010
The Afghan government is arresting and executing Afghani Christians.
June 22, 2010
Indonesia  (Hat tip to JihadWatch)
Islamic extremists destroy an "immoral and blasphemous" sculpture saying it refers to the Christian trinity.
June 26, 2010
Pakistan  (Hat tip to InfidelsAreCool)
Muslim students attacked a Christian professor at the University of Peshawar this month after he refused their demand to convert to Islam.
June 28, 2010
Seven Israeli Arab jihadis were arrested for murdering a Jewish cab driver and planning to kidnap and murder a Christian Arab in Nazereth and other crimes. 
Bekasi, Indonesia 
A new group calling itself the Bekasi Islamic Presidium is planning a roadshow aimed at persuading every mosque in the city to prepare for the possibility of “war” against “Christianization.”
Produced by Political
Publisher: Bill Warner; Edited by Asma Marwan


More Comment and info here at Winds Of Jihad :

Australia: “Excellence in Islamic Teachings”


Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Australia: Islam’s Hizb ut-Tahrir Sydney “Hate Fest” aftermath continues…


Jihadist group a threat to us all

Melanie Phillips
The Australian
July 06, 2010 12:00AM

WHATEVER its protestations, Hizb ut-Tahrir actively promotes terror and violence, says Melanie Phillips.

HIZB ut-Tahrir , which held its controversial rally in Sydney on Sunday, is not just yet another radical Islamist group.

It is one of the most manipulative and effective recruitment fronts for the Islamic jihad, particularly among the educated Muslim young.

It is precisely because its spokesmen do not appear to be wild-eyed fanatics but are usually highly intelligent and even intellectual that it is so appealing and therefore so dangerous.

But because it takes such care to conceal its links to terror, governments in Australia and Britain, where it has managed to establish a significant and highly troubling presence, find it difficult to deal with it.

Hizb ut-Tahrir propagandist  “interviewed” by ACA’s Tracy Grimshaw July 6 2010

Liberal societies are reluctant to ban any organisation unless it can be proved to be connected to terrorism or violence. Since neither Australia nor Britain says it has found any such links, they allow HT to continue to operate while monitoring its activities. Hence Sunday's meeting in Sydney.

But HT members in other countries have been involved in terrorism, and whatever its protestations to the contrary, the organisation actively promotes and encourages violence.

And since it regards itself as a global movement that does not recognise national boundaries, the comforting fiction that it presents no threat to Australia is particularly otiose.

In Russia, HT has been banned since 2003, when the leaders of its Moscow cell were arrested in possession of plastic explosives, grenades, TNT and detonators. In August 2005, nine members of HT in Russia were convicted of illegal possession of weapons and incitement to racial and religious hatred.

In August 2002, HT in Denmark reportedly offered the equivalent of pound stg. 25,000 to anyone who killed a prominent Danish Jew, producing a hit list of between 15 and 25 leading members of Denmark's Jewish community. The leader of HT in Denmark, Fadi Ahmad Abdel Latif, was convicted of incitement to racial hatred for distributing a leaflet urging people to "kill them, kill the Jews wherever you find them".

And last year HT was banned in Bangladesh after the government said it feared the organisation posed "a threat to peaceful life".

Not only does HT explicitly promote violence in Israel, Afghanistan and Iraq, but it calls on Muslims everywhere to engage in violent jihad.

HT is dedicated to the creation of a single Islamic state, or caliphate, that "will reach the whole world and the rule of the Muslims will reach as far as the day and night". It believes there is a timeless conflict that governs relations between Muslims and "unbelievers", a conflict it encourages.

On the Harry's Place website recently, "Raziq", a former HT member, wrote that HT's efforts in Britain are primarily aimed at disrupting the civic and political integration of British Muslims: "They want Muslims to disown citizenship in their hearts, to reject government and all democratic institutions in their minds . . . and to encourage them to work semi-secretly for the return of a lost empire across a massive land base."

HT makes clear in its literature that peaceful means are not enough to win this conflict and that Muslims are allowed to launch aggressive wars against non-Muslims. Its publications say Islamic religious texts all command Muslims to initiate fighting against disbelievers, "even if they do not initiate [it] against us".

It even justifies the killing of Muslims who do not want to live by these rules. "He who does not rule by Islam and rules by a kufr [non-Muslim] system should either retract or be killed."

It also calls on Muslims to fight Jews everywhere, and engages in vicious anti-Jew invective. Last month, HT in Bangladesh issued a press release to advertise a demonstration about the Gaza flotilla which said: "O Muslim armies! Teach the Jews a lesson after which they will need no further lessons. March forth to fight them, eradicate their entity and purify the earth of their filth."

Its invective radicalises Muslims everywhere to the cause of extremism and jihadi violence.

In Britain, it has had a particularly seismic effect on campus, where its combination of intellectualism, save-the-world idealism and secret-society comradeship has proved devastatingly effective in recruiting even highly westernised students to the jihad.

Britain's National Union of Students has twice banned HT - in 1994-95 and again in 2004 - holding it "responsible for supporting terrorism and publishing material that incites racial hatred".

The result has been merely that HT has repeatedly changed its name to continue to spread its message on campus. But the students union's attempt to stop HT has not been echoed by the British government, although the new Prime Minister, David Cameron, promised in opposition to ban it.

Not only has the government refused until now to proscribe it, but it sometimes inadvertently even channelled public funds to it through front organisations.

And it has taken no legal action against it, despite calls by British Jewish leaders for HT to be prosecuted after it repeatedly called on its website for the killing of Jews and the annihilation of Israel.

Several former HT members in Britain have testified to the extraordinary effectiveness of HT's manipulative mind games on impressionable Muslim youths, and have been in the forefront of arguing that the British government's refusal to ban it has been a disaster.

Shiraz Maher, who left HT after the London tube and bus bombings in 2005, says there is a real danger in allowing the group to operate freely, as its words may have inspired terrorist activity. One of Britain's first suicide bombers, Omar Sharif, was partially radicalised by HT activists at King's College, London.

Maher also notes that HT targets Britain's many foreign Muslim students in order to project the party's message back into the Muslim world, where it is severely curbed by local governments.

That's why public meetings such as the one in Sydney are so important to HT, not just to radicalise Australian Muslims but to boost the organisation's ability to recruit to the cause in countries that have banned it because they are only too well aware of the lethal threat it poses.

Democratic countries such as Britain and Australia are rightly very reluctant to clamp down on political expression. But the decision that nothing can be done to ban HT's "conveyor belt to terror" is disastrously naive.

Melanie Phillips is a columnist for Britain's Daily Mail.

Report from an insider on Sydney July 4 Hizb ut-Tahrir hate fest
Australia Burqa Ban: Rev. Fred Nile “Walks the Walk” through Sydney’s Occupied Terrortories.
Hizb Ut-Tahrir Islamic conference spokesman Uthman Badar
Rudd’s Australia : Proscribed Muslim Terrorist Group permitted to hold HATE FEST in Sydney July 4 2010

Monday, July 05, 2010

Australia:Lying “Hag in a Bag” Carnita Matthews to face charge of “… making a false statement to police”


Woman's statement false:Police
July 5, 2010, 7:55 pm

A Muslim woman who reportedly accused a Sydney police officer of racism has been charged with making a false statement.

The 43-year-old woman was stopped by police while driving a Honda Odyssey in Sydney's west, for a random breath test on June 7.

At the same time she was given an infringement notice for incorrectly displaying her P plates.

The woman told a television news station the police officer who pulled her over tried to remove her head dress, which conceals her entire face except for her eyes.

News Limited reported the police officer in question was attempting to identify the woman after observing her driver's licence.

The woman made numerous other complaints against him to Campbelltown police, which were documented in a sworn statutory declaration on June 10.

On Monday, police charged the woman at her Woodbine home, near Campbelltown, with making a false statement to police.
She will appear at Campbelltown Local Court on August 18.

See video reports at:

Update on Rudd’s Australia:Muslim Hag in a Bag ,Carnita Matthews, caught out Lying big time on camera.


Report from an insider on Sydney July 4 Hizb ut-Tahrir hate fest

Muslims told to shun democracy
Sally Neighbour
The Australian
July 05, 2010 12:00AM
LEADERS of the global Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir have called on Australian Muslims to join the struggle for a transnational Islamic state.
British Hizb ut-Tahrir leader Burhan Hanif told participants at a conference in western Sydney yesterday that democracy is "haram" (forbidden) for Muslims, whose political engagement should be be based purely on Islamic law. "We must adhere to Islam and Islam alone," Mr Hanif told about 500 participants attending the convention in Lidcombe.
"We should not be conned or succumb to the disingenuous and flawed narrative that the only way to engage politically is through the secular democratic process. It is prohibited and haram."
He said democracy was incompatible with Islam because the Koran insisted Allah was the sole lawmaker, and Muslim political involvement could not be based on "secular and erroneous concepts such as democracy and freedom".
Australian Conference attendee reports on what went on inside
His view was echoed by an Australian HT official, Wassim Dourehi, who told the conference Muslims should not support "any kafir (non-believer) political party", because humans have no right to make laws. Mr Dourehi also urged Muslims to spurn the concept of moderate Islam promoted by governments in the West, including in "this godforsaken country" of Australia.
"We need to reject this new secular version of Islam," he said. "It is a perverted concoction of Western governments. It is a perversion that seeks to wipe away the political aspects of Islam and localise our concerns. We must reject it and challenge the proponents of this aberration of Islam."
The conference, which followed the theme "The struggle for Islam in the West", was the first major event held by the Australian branch of HT since a seminar in 2007 which coincided with calls for the group to be banned. HT is outlawed in much of the Middle East but operates legally in more than 40 countries, campaigning for the establishment of a caliphate (Islamic state) modelled on the empire founded by the Prophet Mohammed in the 7th century.
HT's platform rejects the use of violence in its quest for an Islamic state, but supports the military destruction of Israel, which it regards as illegitimate, and endorses militant campaigns against foreign troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The federal government considered banning HT in 2007, but then attorney-general Philip Ruddock told parliament ASIO had advised him such a ban was not justified as the group did not support terrorism.
Another British HT member, Salim Atchia, told the conference the West was attempting to "beat the Muslims into submission" through intimidation and demonisation and by falsely portraying the aspiration for an Islamic state as dangerous and backward. Mr Dourehi said Muslims in the West must be at the vanguard of the push for a caliphate, which would govern all Muslim majority countries and lands that were previously under Islamic rule, such as Spain and The Philippines.
A female HT delegate, Reem Allouche, said Australian women should be at the forefront of the struggle by insisting on their right to wear the head-to-toe covering known as the niqab, in the face of legislation proposed by NSW Christian Democratic MP Fred Nile to ban it.
"This is not an issue about the niqab or hijab. This is a struggle between two ways of life, two competing ideologies, two civilisations. It's about (the West) controlling Islam through reform and thereby controlling the Muslims," Ms Allouche said.
A non-Muslim attendant at the conference, Ervin Zurell, provoked mild consternation among the audience when he asked why Muslims don't "go back to the country you came from".
Mr Zurell said afterwards that he found the conference "unbelievable" and "frightening".

Australia: Magistrate shuts down Court during bail application of Muslim on weapons and Passport charges. UPDATE.

More “Cultural enrichment” from the Leftist Progressives Bastard Child of Multiculturalism.

Omar Chaouk, 18, denied bail amid fears of items thrown in court

Paul Anderson
Herald Sun
July 05, 2010 11:08AM

A MAGISTRATE abruptly ended a bail hearing for a man charged with possessing loaded guns over fears something had been thrown at her in court.

Magistrate hit on head during Bail hearing. 

The young man from an alleged crime family was refused bail today after police raids allegedly uncovered two loaded guns at his home.

Omar Chaouk, 18, of Brooklyn, was refused bail this morning in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court after the magistrate cited concerns about the ongoing dispute between the Chaouks and another western suburbs family.

Magistrate Fiona Stewart said any bail conditions could not allay those concerns after considering defence and prosecution submissions over the weekend.

But the short hearing ended abruptly after Ms Stewart feared something had been thrown at her, despite the tight security.

“I’m going to stand down immediately,” an obviously concerned Ms Stewart said.

In his bail application, Mr Chouk’s legal representatives said the array of weapons, ammunition and blank passports belonged to him for protection.

Hag in a Bag attacks Police and Media


Outside court on Friday July 2, Omar Chaouk's mother, Fatima, abused Det Sgt Kennedy and spat at and threw a shoe at the media.

Mr Chaouk sat behind protective glass in an earlier hearing after Santiago Taskforce detective told the court said police uncovered two loaded weapons during a raid on one of the family's homes last Thursday.

Acting Det Sgt Tim Kennedy told the court that a loaded pump-action shotgun was found in a wall, and a loaded revolver and stolen blank Australian passports were in a wood pile.

Copy of 5 7 2010 Omar Chaouk, 18, denied bail amid fears of items thrown in court

The court was told four passports were missing.

And it was alleged different calibre ammunition was found hidden in Omar Chaouk's bedroom and buried in the backyard.

Det Sgt Kennedy said Omar Chaouk told arresting detectives: “That stuff is all mine. It's for my protection.''

It was alleged members of Omar Chaouk's family had a predisposition to violence and he had an inclination to help them.

Prosecutor Katherine Linzner earlier told the court: “They (the hidden guns) were loaded and ready for use. That's of great community concern.''

Police had opposed bail fearing Mr Chaouk was an unacceptable risk to the safety of the public and a chance of fleeing to Lebanon.

But the defence lawyer Alan Swanwick said criminal conduct alleged against any of Omar Chaouk's relatives, including his father, Macchour, could not be held against him.

And he suggested Omar Chaouk's alleged admission to owning the weapons and ammunition was an 18-year-old acting “tough'' to save others from criminal charges.

Mr Swanwick said the Chaouk family was “under threat of death'', with a number of attempts to kill members of the clan in the past 12 months.

The court was told Omar Chaouk's parents would be left “defenceless'' if he remained in custody. Omar is facing eight firearm charges.

Outside court on Friday, Omar Chaouk's mother, Fatima, abused Det Sgt Kennedy and spat at and threw a shoe at the media.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Australia: Multicultural and Useful Idiot Pin Up Boy,Sheikh Monsour Laghaei Fly’s back to Iranian Masters.


ASIO Found this Muslim to be a threat to the security and well being of Australian’s,thankfully there is a Federal Election soon this year and the Union financed Australian Labor Party, after many many appeals,far too many by any reasonable consideration in fact , decided to Muscle up and accept the advice of Australia’s “Spooks” and show him the door, back to IRAN. However after and if Labor & Madam Gillard is elected in the coming 2010 Federal Election I am sure that he will be able to slip back into Australia unannounounced  before CHRISTmas 2010. As for me, good riddance to bad rubbish support ASIO.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Muslim Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist sentenced as Hags in Bags leap to his defense outside Court.

                                                                                                                              Hassan Nagi Hag in  bag

The court errupted as Nagi's mother also began yelling in defence of her son, and one the victims present retorted: "You weren't there!"
Judge James Bennett found Nagi had shown no remorse, had been predatory, and "demonstrated a disrespect for the female gender and a willingness to pursue his own (sexual) gratification regardless of them and their interests."

You Rape three women (that we know of) and are sentenced to a little over 4 years for each one and your relatives think you are hard done by, Oh that’s right, I forgot the Rapist is a Muslim, and his victims are Australians.

Hassan Nagi

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Muslim Gang Rapist denied Parole because of drug addiction

Gang rapist denied parole over marijuana addiction
Nathan Klein
The Daily Telegraph
June 17, 2010 12:26PM  
AN ADDICTION to marijuana has halted one of the notorious Skaf gang rapists from being released on parole for a second time.

Mahmoud Sanoussi was one of 14 men who gang-raped a young woman 25 times a decade ago.
Although jailed for 11 years, he was paroled last May after showing remorse and admitting his guilt.
But court-ordered drug tests revealed Sanoussi had tested positive to cannabis use four times since October, which led to his freedom being revoked in March.
Appearing via video link from Long Bay jail yesterday, Sanoussi pleaded with the parole authority to give him "one last chance to prove himself''.
He told the authority last week he was prepared to abide by a curfew or wear a surveillance bracelet.
His solicitor Louise Coorey added that her client had also sought work while in custody and had received numerous offers of employment.
Authority Judge Terence Christie ruled he had breached his parole too many times to warrant release for a second time.
The parole board will meet again later in the year to discuss Sanoussi's progress in custody and will determine eligibility for release in March 2011.
Evil Rapist Back on the Street
THE first of the notorious Skaf gang rapists is to be recommended for release from jail next month after receiving a discounted sentence.
Mahmoud Sanoussi was one of 14 men who gang-raped a teenage girl 25 times in western Sydney.
He was jailed for 11 years but is eligible for parole after receiving a discounted sentence because he pleaded guilty and showed remorse.
Sanoussi, 23, appeared via video link at a State Parole Authority hearing on Friday where submissions were made to release him back into the community. The decision was adjourned to next month.
"We've asked for further documents, further material,'' a spokesman said.
The authority will take into account his rehabilitation and his behaviour in prison.
But Sanoussi's possible release has sparked grave concerns from Corrective Services Commissioner Ron Woodham, who has stepped in to try to keep one of the country's worst gang rapists behind bars.
Mr Woodham believes Sanoussi is a risk to society, and is preparing a formal submission to be presented to the NSW State Parole Authority.
Victims groups share his concerns, saying yesterday that Sanoussi's release is too soon.
Sanoussi, aged 15 at the time of the attack, and his brother, Mohammed, were part of the "brutal gang of rapists'' who terrorised a young woman in Sydney in August 2000.
The gang took their victim, Miss C, to a toilet block where Mohammed Skaf asked her if she liked it "Leb style'' before raping her. He left the cubicle and Sanoussi (Mahmoud) came in and raped her.
For the next six hours, Miss C was subjected to multiple rapes and death threats at three isolated locations.
Ringleader Bilal Skaf was sentenced to a record 55 years jail. His sentence was halved on appeal.
Sanoussi was jailed for a maximum 11 years with a six-and-a-half year non-parole period.
NSW Rape Crisis Centre manager Karen Willis said she was concerned about his release.
The victims of the gang rapes would also be in fear.
"It was a vicious, appalling crime,'' Ms Willis said.
"If we are going to release serious sex offenders back into the community, we need to be absolutely sure that they are completely rehabilitated and no one is going to suffer in such a way as their victims did.
"Unless they're absolutely sure, then they can't release him.''
Miss C, who moved overseas, is still recovering from her ordeal.
If granted parole, Mr Woodham has the power to apply to the Supreme Court to keep Sanoussi in jail, following changes to the NSW Serious Sex Offenders Act to allow for continued detention of an offender past their release date "for the safety and protection of the community''.
During the sentence of the Skaf gang rapists, the judge described their crimes as worse than murder.
"These cases concern one of the greatest outrages, in criminal terms, that has been perpetrated on the community in Sydney ... military organised gang rape involving 14 young men,'' Judge Michael Finnane said in 2002.
Sanoussi served part of his sentence in juvenile justice before moving to an adult prison.
The Sunday Telegraph (15-6-2008)
Ellen Connolly
Lebanese Muslim gang leader sentenced to 38 years jail for racially motivated pack-rapes of Australian girls
Anna Marshall 4 August 2006
17 6 2010 Lebanese Muslim gang leader sentenced to 38 years jail for racially motivated pack-rapes of Australian girls
Bilal Skaf, the leader of a Lebanese gang which perpetrated racially motivated pack-rapes on Australian teenage girls in Sydney in 2000, was last week sentenced to a further term of imprisonment. Added to the the 28 years he is serving for other pack-rapes, his maximum term is 38 years.
His younger brother and accomplice Mohammed was sentenced to 15 years jail. With other sentences he will serve a maximum of 26 years.
To show their disdain for Australian culture and Australian females, gangs of Lebanese Muslims carried out violent, racist pack-rapes on young Australian girls around Sydney in 2000. Over 50 young girls were pack-raped during this rampage.
Bilal Skaf, the leader of one gang organised the pack rape of a sixteen-year-old girl known as Miss D near a soccer field in the Sydney suburb of Gosling on the night of August 12, 2000. Fourteen Lebanese youths-pack raped Miss D that night.
Nine of the men were brought to trial. Skaf made history when he was sentenced to 55 years jail. He appealed, and the conviction was overturned on a technicality. On April 18 this year a jury finds the brothers guilty for the second time.
Justice Michael Finnane who presided over the Skafs' trial, described the assaults, in August 2000, as "one of the greatest outrages in criminal terms that has been perpetrated on the community in Sydney ... militarily organised gang rape involving 14 young men".
"What this trial showed was that he was the leader of the pack, a liar, a bully, a coward, callous and mean," Finnane said of Bilal Skaf. "He is in truth a menace to any civilised society".
Apart from the Skaf brothers, those sentenced on October 11, 2002 following the original trial were:
    * Belal Hajeid, aged 20, sentenced to 23 years
    * Mahmoud Chami, 20, sentenced to 18 years
    * Tayyab Sheikh, 18, sentenced to 15 years
    * Mohammed Sanoussi, 18, sentenced to 21 1/4 years
    * Mahmoud Sanoussi, 17, sentenced to 11 1/4 years
    * 'H', 19, sentenced to 25 years
    * Mohamed Ghanem, 19, sentenced to 40 years
Skaf is a weedy little bastard. Over the next 30 years he will most likely get a greater appreciation of the impact of rape.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Infamous & Ignoble Keysar Trad argues “….the deliberate peddling of grossly sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic filth is not dangerous and disgraceful and an incitement to violence and racist attitudes in Australia in 2010. The most extraordinary claim is that his extreme views are [a] 'Muslim view'…………..''


“This appeal was an attempt, McHugh argued, to turn the case into one about ''freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and that the appellant has been unfairly branded as a racist, homophobic, terrorist-supporting, woman-hating bigot when all he was doing was expressing views consistent with his Islamic faith and his role as a prominent Australian Lebanese community spokesman … The question here is whether the deliberate peddling of grossly sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic filth is not dangerous and disgraceful and an incitement to violence and racist attitudes in Australia in 2010. The most extraordinary claim is that his extreme views are [a] 'Muslim view'. This ought not to be accepted.''

Explosive argument behind Trad's defamation reasoning

June 14, 2010

The man carrying a legal bomb into courtroom 11A in the NSW Supreme Court building on Friday morning did not look menacing and is not menacing under normal circumstances. But these were not normal circumstances. This was cultural war. The legal bomb was brought to court by the once leonine figure of Clive Evatt, a veteran defamation lawyer who now walks with the aid of a cane, on which his severely bent frame leans heavily.

As Evatt took his place at the plaintiff's bench, the man on whose instructions he was acting, Keysar Trad - a thickset, bearded man wearing a grey suit, blue shirt and tie - sat alone in the back row of the public gallery.

Trad is no stranger to litigation. Over many years he has expended untold hours making formal complaints to the NSW Supreme Court, the Administrative Decisions Tribunal, the Anti-Discrimination Board, the Human Rights Commission, the Press Council, other review bodies and, above all, the media, where he has operated as a quote-machine representing the Muslim community in Australia.

He was in court on Friday because of a disaster of his own making. After delivering a hostile tirade against Sydney's top-rated radio station, 2GB, during a ''peace'' rally in 2005, Trad was himself criticised the next day by a 2GB presenter, Jason Morrison, though not in the same language Trad had used at the rally where he claimed to speak on behalf of Muslims in Australia.

Australian Labor's "celebrity Muslim" Keysar Trad has been found to be a racist by Supreme Court

He read out parts of an article on homosexuals, submitting the views were "offensive" and showed Mr Trad to be a "disgraceful and dangerous individual".

Trad sued for defamation. He was the star witness for his own case. The senior judge, Justice Peter McClellan, the chief judge of common law in the NSW Supreme Court, found against Trad, and found him to be a witness of little credibility, a man of extreme views and, in summary, ''a disgraceful individual''.

Such was Trad's performance under oath that on Friday the counsel for the defence, Richard McHugh, SC, delivered this devastating portrayal of his credibility under oath: ''[Trad] attempted to evade responsibility for his statements by claiming he was misquoted, by claiming he was taken out of context, by claiming he had changed his mind, or by claiming he did not even know what he had said or written at the instant he said or wrote it. He was entirely disbelieved.

''[His] evidence that he did not know who was the author of Mein Kampf - and his feigned attempts at a thought process to recollect the author's name - were a low point in this trial. The transcript in this case can supply only a colourless picture of the evidence at trial.''

Even before this appeal, Trad was facing legal costs exceeding $250,000. He decided to up his risk. On Friday morning, I counted 16 lawyers in the court. At this level, justice is neither fast nor cheap.

Trad  and FAMILY

The Trads

His appeal was based on several major grounds but the most prominent and contentious, made repeatedly in oral and written submissions, was that Justice McClellan had erred fundamentally by taking Trad's provocative comments over the years out of the context of the Muslim community. To quote Evatt: ''His honour did not take into account that Australia is a multicultural society and the viewpoints of ethnic groups are recognised by the Australian community even though not all members of the community agree with them.''

And this: ''His honour did not refer to or even consider the likelihood the average citizen would recognise that the views expressed by [Trad] were similar to beliefs shared by Muslims throughout the world including Muslims in Australia.'' And this: ''His honour appears to have given no weight to the fact that the speech was made to Muslims in a mosque and not in an address to the general community.''

And this: ''His honour overlooked the fact Sheikh Hilaly's speech [defended by Trad] was not made to members of the Australian community but to Muslims and others who attended the Sidon Mosque in Lebanon.''

This is an explosive argument. It means this aspect of the appeal may rest on the argument that the Muslim community operates under different standards than the rest of society and cannot be judged using the same standards. Further, these standards, even if judged to be extreme by the rest of society, should be respected.

It is fair to say the bench became restive on Friday. There were plenty of tart exchanges from the three judges, justices Murray Tobias, Ruth McColl and John Basten. But this was nothing compared with the fire and brimstone from the defence.

This appeal was an attempt, McHugh argued, to turn the case into one about ''freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and that the appellant has been unfairly branded as a racist, homophobic, terrorist-supporting, woman-hating bigot when all he was doing was expressing views consistent with his Islamic faith and his role as a prominent Australian Lebanese community spokesman … The question here is whether the deliberate peddling of grossly sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic filth is not dangerous and disgraceful and an incitement to violence and racist attitudes in Australia in 2010. The most extraordinary claim is that his extreme views are [a] 'Muslim view'. This ought not to be accepted.''

If Trad does prevail in his appeal, this case, Trad v Harbour Radio, will be corrosive to the idea of mainstream Muslim moderation, and to the ideal that most Muslims are naturally part of a cohesive element in the weave of Australia's culture rather than functioning under de facto Islamic law while giving mere lip service to the Australian legal system and the values it upholds.

Keysar Trad’s Neice, Suspect in $150m loan scam fronts court.
Lakemba Mosque caught out again.
Australia : Islamic Sociopaths Inc. Muslim Leaders admit Muslims are incompatible with civilized Societies.
Polygamy is illegal in Australia, but a Centrelink spokeswoman said it was not the welfare agency’s job to police polygamy law
Taquiah Festival this weekend at Lakemba Mosque.
Multicultural Australia: Islamic “moderate Islamic community leader” warns Australian’s SYDNEY Muslims are ''angry and frustrated'' following sentencing of Five Islamic Terrorists.
Follow up to: Rudd’s Australia,Telling the TRUTH in Australia now costs $10,000, it used to be free.
Rudd’s Australia,Telling the TRUTH in Australia now costs $10,000, it used to be free.

Islam's man of a million comments

October 2 2002

Recent events have focused attention on Muslims in a way never before considered. Deborah Cameron profiles one of the Sydney community's leading lights.

Pink pickled turnip and little sprigs of mint tumble out of the pita bread as Keysar Trad hits the kerb in his big old Pajero.

He is taking a short cut between his favourite falafel shop and a cafe where the walls are lined with jars of honey and bottles of rosewater.

The wheel thumps hard. The four-year-old in front lets out a squawk. His wife, Hanifeh, sitting in the back with the two-year-old, tut-tuts at him driving, eating, talking and winding down the windows, more or less at the same time.

Pulling up at the Farouk and Chehade El Bahsa Sweets shop in South Bankstown, everyone is ready for the ice-cream which comes in about 10 colours. It is practically an insult to order one scoop of pistachio. "You must taste every colour," insists Trad, handing over a deep silver bowl and spoon.

Outside it is warm. Hanifeh, covered from head to toe in a long dark-coloured dress and headscarf, looks cooler than she probably feels. For a woman of 38 with nine children, no money to spare and a husband devoted to voluntary community work, her face is free of worry. She is even at ease with what she calls "Keysar's pet topic": a second wife.

Trad is director of the Lebanese Muslim Association and, because the times have demanded it, an increasingly well-known community spokesman. He is a refugee advocate and translator, an essayist, a spokesman on political issues, a critic of racial labelling by police, a close adviser to the Mufti Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly and a calm interpreter of Islam to the nervous broader community.

He gets frustrated with the association and has quit at least twice this year but returned out of a sense of duty and an instinct that it would revert to a "no comment" approach to the media which would be wrong at a time like this. Within his community he is criticised for publicly discussing refugees, Lebanese gang rapes and Islamic attitudes.

"They say when a Muslim speaks it is an admission that Islam has a problem," Trad says. "They say you don't see them filming churches when a Christian commits a rape or a murder, so why are you letting them come to interview you at the mosque? They don't realise that the media comes anyway. They tell me - just say "no comment" - but I have a million comments. They cannot censor me. I answer the questions sensibly and we have got nothing to hide."

TRAD and Hanifeh have been through a lot. They met in Lebanon when they were both about 22. They married after three weeks and she came to live with her new husband and mother-in-law in Yagoona. Trad worked at the Australian Tax Office while Hanifeh took English classes. "I find it hard to believe these mothers who cannot understand their children's language or who are dependent on their children for translation," she says.

Hanifeh, a law student in Lebanon, worked as an editor and journalist on Arabic publications in Sydney and studied computer science after emigrating. But when her fourth child was born, family took over.

It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love - "became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says. But his obsession passed. "He became more compassionate after it," Hanifeh says. "God meant for him to go through this experience and it made him a better person and more emotionally aware. It knocked him off his perch."

Hanifeh was not heartbroken. A second wife would have meant divorce (though he was against it) or living under the same roof as her husband's mistress. As long as the arrangement was fair and had the consent of all involved, it would be acceptable. Hanifeh loves her husband and the children, but says she is not strong enough, physically or emotionally, for more babies.

Aware that Australian law prohibits polygamy, they know a second wife could never be official. But their religion allows a man four wives and though a lot of what they say to each other about polygamy amounts to teasing, there is also a serious thread. It was Hanifeh who first raised it, approvingly, before they married.

Trad and Hanifeh say Islam is central to their values and the most important thing they can impart to their children. A strong set of beliefs is needed to resist society's temptations. Both were raised in large devout families - Trad the eldest son of his father's third wife, and Hanifeh a middle daughter in a family of 12 - and they have accepted the same model for themselves.

Trad arrived in Australia at 13 as part of a family reunion complicated by polygamy. His half-brother who had settled in Sydney got permission to bring his mother and siblings from Lebanon. Because his mother was married, she was able to bring her husband. At the time her husband was married to two other women. One of them (Trad's mother) came along, too, with her children. The older wife divorced her husband in Australia and the patriarch lived with Trad's mother.

To Trad's regret his father, in his 60s then, did not adjust. He could not find full-time work in Sydney. "Isn't it a shame for a grown man not to have a job," he would say, even as he neared death at 80. His father eventually returned to Lebanon which left Trad - as a teenager - responsible for his mother and the younger children.

After ice-cream, the family returns to the house Trad calls "the untidiest in street". In the lounge, three couches are pushed back against walls in need of painting. Bits of jute poke out of the plaster rubbed raw by chairs. A coffee table is laid with almonds, preserved green plums, sweet biscuits, glasses of cold delicious Lebanese cordial tasting like liquified quinces, and the baby capsule bearing the youngest child cooing and kicking his legs.

Trad is opening mail and wonders whether a letter from the council might be to direct him to mow the grass. Instead, it concerns the baby's immunisations. "Give this to your mum," he tells the four-year-old who has walked into the room prattling about The Simpsons and clutching a pencil case, two colouring books and an oven mitt.

In the same post is a statement from the Public Service superannuation fund. He reads out the balance which is tiny. "Money means nothing to me," he says. The family qualifies for low-income support. Trad is prepared for more years of financial hardship.

For the children, it means few toys and a scant wardrobe. "I can see when my son needs new pants but he doesn't talk about it," Hanifeh says. "The kids don't ask for too much." Hanifeh reads the employment section on his behalf, but one of the children put it well: "Dad doesn't need a job; he needs a miracle to make him rich."

The mayhem that comes with nine children in a modest house does not faze them. Even on a school day with six of the kids at local public high and primary schools, the three youngest are a distraction. Conversation occurs against a background of slamming doors, kids yelling and toys being dropped, with neither parent worried. They wipe runny noses and finish complicated anecdotes.

"Imagine if our children grow up with good values like we are trying to give them,"says Trad, "Imagine what great people they'll be for society. I have to make sure that they are positive, contributing members. I will be happy if their sense of social justice is very strong."

Trad's faith has had its phases. It was least strong in Lebanon when he lived among non-practising Muslims who rarely prayed at mosques and did not have access to religious texts. Arriving in Australia he was advised by his half-brother to keep quiet about religion, to be careful around women and to change his name. His half-brother went by the surname Wilson.

For the first few years Trad did not talk about his religion. "People could see that my mother covered her hair; they knew that I was Muslim but I couldn't talk about it because I didn't know where to begin," Trad says.

He was gradually drawn in, especially after a 1987 pilgrimage to Mecca with his mother that he regards as his spiritual turning point. After that he prayed five times a day on schedule, even at the office.

"I was adamant that if someone could take a five-minute break for a ciggie, I could sit at my workstation and pray for five minutes," Trad said. "I was on good terms with my boss and she said it was OK. Initially people made jokes about me headbutting my head against the carpet or by flicking rubber bands while I was praying. But they were my close friends so it didn't matter. It was nothing."

Trad resigned from the ATO at the end of 1998, the year of his infatuation. It was a decision with some familiar elements for anyone who has had a mid-life crisis or considered a sea change. A decade after his Mecca visit he wanted to do religious work. He travelled with his family to Lebanon for three months and returned home to write.

Known at the Lakemba Mosque as a translator, the Mufti asked him to take a more prominent role. Trad is a natural communicator in a community that is not blessed with them and, with his Public Service background, knows the limits in political debate. (When an Iraqi acquaintance once made a colourful reference to Jews, Trad ticked him off.) Instead of being suspicious and defensive with talkback callers, politicians and journalists, he is prepared to explain.

The Public Service also made him confront some of his practices - he cropped his beard and, after a debate with himself, started shaking hands with women. "I kept saying, 'Please don't be offended' but a couple of them were honest and said that they were offended. And I thought - do I really have to be so strict?"


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