An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Australia's Leftist Fifth Column. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia's Leftist Fifth Column. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Australia: Koranimals / Middle Eastern Insurgents, destroy Villawood Detention Centre and demand “more respect”

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) financed Labor /Green Loon / “Independent” Minority Socialist Coalition Australian Governments Muslim Insurgents riot at Sydney’s Villawood Detention Center.
Among their demands was, faster granting of Australian residency and ‘more respect” yeah of course more respect, after all there is so much to respect about these Australian Government sponsored Middle Eastern Insurgents and Islamic colonialists. The destruction of the Villawood Center follows the recent Christmas Island riots and burning down of facilities there.
Australians are more than entitled to ask the Madame Gillard led Australian Minority Socialist Labor Coalition ACTU financed Government  to come clean with them and tell us why they insist on flooding our country with people who are so obviously, totally unsuitable to live in a Judeo Christian Western Democracy
21 4 2011 Koranimals Villawood Riot
Arsonists supporter demonstrating outside the Villawood Detention Centre, to a small child, how to earn “respect” from Australians.
And the resident fifth column Islamic insurgents message for Australians is
"Go back to England ,to Pommie Land ... Scumbag" see above video.
21 4 2011 Aussie advises Koranimal to go home and fight their own war
An Australian, tells the Arsonist Insurgents coordinator a few simple facts. see above video.
CO2 TAX_thumb[2]
The Middle Eastern Insurgent Arsonists Australian “ Connection” facilitators and sponsors.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) financed Labor /Green Loon / “Independent” Minority Socialist Coalition Australian Government announcing their TAX on Everything.
If anyone wants to support these Arsonist Insurgents or simply pass on a message, their supporters are able to be contacted on the phone numbers and email addresses highlighted in the email pasted below.
It is always wise to know what the enemy is up to don’t you think?

 Mark Goudkamp 0422 078 376
Add to contacts
To,,, Sydney List,

Activist Teachers Network-Organise
Hi all, given the crisis in Villawood, we are going to hold an
impromtu protest at Gurney Rd at 2pm tomorrow.
Mark 0422078376

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ian Rintoul <>
Date: Thursday, 21 April 2011
Subject: [coordracnsw] VILLAWOOD BURNS
To: irintoul <>



At least three buildings in stage 3 are on fire and one major fire has
been set in the grounds of the stage 3 compound. Fire engines are
racing to the detention centre to attend to the fires.

There are reports that windows have been broken in the management office.

Villawood detention centre is in uproar as more asylum seekers stage
protests in the grounds of stage 3 inside the detention centre, while
the roof top protest of 13 asylum seekers continues.

Serco guards have withdrawn from the compound.

There are 13 people on the roof-top protest – three Kurdish, two
Iranian and eight Afghan asylum seekers. There have been in detention
for between 13 and 20 months.

“We are too tired,” one of the detainees told the Refugee Action
Coalition, “Everyone is too tired. I have never seen Villawood like
this – everyone is protesting. Everything is burning now.”

For more information contact Ian Rintoul 0417 275 713  

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Australia: Hon. Robyn Mary McSweeney MLC Calls for end of Burka in Australia…"Islam's Man of a Million Comments”,Keysar Trad reacts.

Trad  and FAMILY
The Trad’s.
Islam's Man of a Million Comments
Just WHO IS Keysar Trad?
Why should polygamy be a crime?

“It has not been easy and they remember 1998 as their worst year when Trad fell in love -
"became obsessed", his wife says - with another woman. In desperation, Hanifeh
proposed marriage on her husband's behalf to the other woman. "We were having a
terrible time. He fell in love and I wasn't thinking about myself," she says.”


Racism, an Islamic Response

“India, the Asian country which is dominated by the lowest of the low amongst
racists, the class society which divides its own people into four classes and
places people of other faiths, and Muslims in particular as the lowest of the low.
The policies of these cow worshippers, and their extermination of Muslims in their
countries and inside Kashmir (to the silence of Western countries) is one more
example of how this feeling of elitism is not restricted to the colour of the
elitist, it is a lifestyle of those idiots who have intoxicated themselves with a
false feeling of power, and who actively exercise this power against others.”

Who IS shooting up the Auburn Hindu Temple ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Must be those crazy Judeo Christian Country Women’s association members on the rampage again in Dodge City.
Muslims insurgents /colonialists claim fears of Racism reason for establishing the“Occupied Territories” on Australian soil

Monday, March 28, 2011

Australia: JuLIAR Gillards Green HOAX go to man Tim / Flim Flannery puts his foot in it again.

Carbon tax is fatal political poison

Tim Blair
The Daily Telegraph
March 28, 2011
AN oldtimer filmed at a recent rally in favour of a carbon tax made the standard appeal to emotion. "I'm concerned," she said, "about the kind of world we're going to leave my grandchildren."
Another rally granny at the Melbourne event organised "spontaneously" by the offered a similar view: "I've got a new grandchild, two weeks old, and I think it's really important that the world is made safe for him."

Well, tough luck, ladies. Last week Tim Flannery, Australia's Chief Climate Commissioner, told The Daily Telegraph's Andrew Bolt in a radio interview: "If we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years."
A thousand years.

Andrew Bolt and JuLIAR’s CO2 Tax SCAM  go to man,Tim (Flim) Flannery

And Flannery wasn't just talking about Australia's minuscule proposed emissions cuts. He was referring to cuts made across the globe. If Flannery keeps coming up with lines like this, he's worth every cent of the $720,000 we're paying him over the next four years to tell us why we'll be better off with a carbon tax.

Forget saving your grandchildren, eco-biddies. According to Flannery, the world won't be safer until your grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren are on the scene.

Julia Gillard can't be happy with the value she's getting from palaeontologist Flannery. Perhaps she should take up one online suggestion and revise his pay schedule; say, down to $720 per year until 3011. That way there would at least be some connection between reward and results. As it stands, Professor Dinosaur Bones is cashing in on a temperature drop we won't see until the next NSW Labor government.
Maybe by then we'll have a Greens representative in the Lower House. Two of them were expected to easily win seats on Saturday, but both Marrickville and Balmain are now likely to be decided on postal votes. There's still a chance Fiona Byrne and Jamie Parker could claim victory, but the anticipated Greensweep never materialised.

Labor voters went to the Liberals instead, even in Balmain, of all places, where Liberal James Falk found himself unexpectedly leading on primaries as counting ended on Saturday night. "Will have to move away from Balmain electorate in disgust," fumed one angry Greens voter on Twitter. "And I was so proud of us too, it was a sure thing."
There's only one sure thing in Australian politics, besides Bob Brown's election night speeches about the brilliant Greens result, and it was revealed again on the weekend.
Climate change might not stabilise until 40 generations from now, but it's already a consistent political killer.
It wouldn't have helped Labor at state level that Gillard launched her uncosted, undetailed, un-anything carbon tax plan during the NSW election campaign. Nor would the Greens already handicapped by two awesomely charmless candidates have been assisted by incoming premier Barry O'Farrell's campaign focus on the planned tax.

Two federal leaders, Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull, were removed within six months of each other because of popularity plunges associated with climate advocacy. Gillard would have joined them after last year's election if she'd told the truth about her carbon tax scheme. Now we've even got Balmain voting for a state party that opposes carbon pricing. Liberal staffers claim the issue was a "flashpoint" in many Labor electorates.
The message will sink in one day. Outside of certain small political and journalistic cultures, climate change is worse than a non-issue. It's an issue disputed and rejected.
Australians are now broadly aware that we only contribute 1.4 per cent of the planet's alleged warming gases and they don't see why we should have to sacrifice our wages to make a difference when no difference can be made.

Sooner or later, somewhere in the world a mainstream political party possibly from the left is going to say: "Hey, we went along with all of that global warming stuff for a few years. We were scared we'd lose votes if we didn't. But now we realise no policies we devise can make any significant impact. From now on, environmental spending will be limited to the the environment people live in. Here are all your taxes back. Sorry."
On current trends, such a policy would probably do rather well. They could even quote Tim Flannery "if we cut emissions today, global temperatures are not likely to drop for about a thousand years" in support of it.
Meanwhile, we have to put up with Gillard's apocalyptic fear campaign. As The Australian reports, Gillard has sent out scripted lines Labor MPs can use to spook people into backing the carbon tax. "If we don't act," runs the script, "then we will see more extreme weather events like bushfires and droughts. We will have more days of extreme heat and we will see our coastline flooded as sea levels rise."

The document continues: "Sea levels could rise by up to a metre and possibly even more by the end of the century. Up to 250,000 existing homes are at risk of inundation." And if you're not already incinerated or starved or drowned, there's also problems with skiing: "Climate change will see the average snow season contract by between 85 per cent and 96 per cent by 2050."
Imagine Labor candidates trying these lines in hard-working electorates. Picture a fellow playing with his four-year-old daughter when the doorbell rings. It's an earnest Laborite come to warn about climate change. By the time he's halfway through his pitch ... talking about all the pets catching fire, or grandma getting tsunamied the little girl is almost in tears.
Her father hasn't spoken for some time. He's listening to the man frightening his daughter.
Eventually he quietly tells the girl to go and see her mother. Daddy wants to talk to the scary man in private.
Picture what happens next. Hint: he doesn't volunteer to hand out Labor how-to-vote cards. Not in a thousand years.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Australia : No CO2 Tax Protest Canberra 23 3 2011

NO CO2 TAX Protest outside Australia’s Parliament House 23 3 2011.
Around 3500 to 4000 people attended on a mid week working day from all over Australia.
A Labor Party Politician and Anthropogenic Global Warming Collaborationist, from South Australia described the people you will see below as
EXTREMISTS,a good example of the Left calling their enemy, what in fact they themselves are.

Channel Seven gave the best coverage of the event.
Whilst the Australian Labor Party’s head cheer leader Laurie Oakes on the Nine Network unable to contain his contempt for the average Australian who dares to not subscribe to the left medias political loyalties.

What’s a Carbon Tax and what’s wrong with it?

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Muhammed Dawood aka. Celebrity Terrorist David Hicks “mingles with Sydney’s Jet Set” aka. Labor and their Leftist backers


David Hicks mingles with the jet set

The Daily Telegraph

March 09, 2011

Copy of 9 3 2011 David Hicks mingles with the jet set  FORMER guest of Guantanamo Bay David Hicks was a surprise guest at a charity book launch this week, mixing with NSW powerbrokers.

Hicks and wife Aloysia mingled with the likes of Premier Kristina Keneally and NSW Governor Marie Bashir at the Elizabeth Bay launch of Stories From The Wayside, a book by    The Wayside Chapel's Reverend Graham Long, Hicks' pastor.

"We are proud of every single person who came to the event tonight and that includes David Hicks," a spokeswoman said.

  •  Hicks petitions on Gitmo torture The Australian, 5 days ago
  •  Hicks claims Howard intervention proof Courier Mail, 5 days ago
  •  US won't give Assange fair trial: Hicks The Australian, 14 Dec 2010
  •  Don't clear Hicks - Defence Association The Daily Telegraph,19 Jul 2010
  •  'David Hicks should clear his name' The Daily Telegraph, 18 Jul 2010


     The beautiful people and “their David”, these beautiful people , the “jet set” these vermin have the gall to appear at funerals of Australian servicemen killed in Afghanistan by “their David’s’ fellow terrorists pals, with onion in handkerchief so as to elicit a tear when required for their media publicists  camera’s.

    You would not piss on “……Sydney’s Jet Set “ if it was on fire. 



    Muhammad Dawood (David Hicks): Osama a "lovely man"

    The lovely one

    Muhammad Dawood, aka David Hicks, is an Australian convert to and misunderstander of Islam. "Osama bin Laden a 'lovely' man, Hicks says in letter," from the Herald Sun (thanks to all who sent this in):

    DAVID Hicks praised Osama bin Laden as "lovely" in letters read to a court as a magistrate considered the conditions of a control order to be placed on the former Guantanamo Bay detainee.

    The Australian Federal Police (AFP) today used the six-year-old letters to argue the 32-year-old terrorism supporter remained a perceived threat to Australia.

    But although they say the letters are out of date and he poses no threat, Hicks's lawyers today did not oppose the AFP's application to the Federal Magistrates Court for Australia's second control order.

    Hicks will be released from Adelaide's Yatala prison on December 29 after serving out his US-imposed sentence for providing material support for terrorism.

    AFP lawyer Andrew Berger today asked that as part of a control order Hicks be forced to attend a police station three times a week and stick to a midnight to 6am curfew, among other conditions.[...}

    Oh, well, then, nothing to be concerned about!

    Arguing for the control order, Mr Berger said Hicks had admitted taking part in four al-Qaida training camps between January 2001 and August 2001, a month before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York.

    Hicks undertook "substantial training" in basic arms and combat training, guerilla warfare and advanced marksmanship, he told the court.

    Mr Berger said there was a "plethora of evidence" against Hicks, including letters he sent to his family in Adelaide while training with al-Qaida.

    In one, Hicks wrote: "By the way, I have met Osama bin Laden 20 times now, lovely brother, everything for the cause of Islam. The only reason the west calls him the most wanted Muslim is because he's got the money to take action."

    Hicks also described himself as a "fit, young Muslim, ready to defend Islam", and in another letter wrote of the "poison" of the west, which he said was trying to crush Islam.

    "Jihad is still valid to this day," he wrote.

    Wednesday, March 02, 2011

    Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE .



    Media Release

    Menzies House, an independent grassroots website for centre right political activists, today announced the launch of 300_gillard-300x340, an online petition and information resource opposing the recent proposal to implement a carbon tax as a transition to an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

    If enacted, it is estimated that this tax hike will cost the average Australian household a staggering extra $300 a year in electricity bills, as with further sharp increases in the costs of goods and services.

    “This proposal is an economically damaging grab for cash by a desperate government and will lead to the very same ETS rejected by the Australian people.” said Timothy Andrews, Managing Editor of Menzies House.“It will hurt businesses, hurt families, and seriously harm the Australian economy – at a time Australian Families can least afford it. With recent increases in the cost of living already hitting Australian households, this is a tax hike Australia just can not afford.

    The Editor-in-Chief of Menzies House, John Humphreys, has previously written about revenue-neutral carbon tax, but opposes the current proposal

    “A moderate carbon tax, with offsetting tax cuts, would be the least harmful policy for combating climate change” said Mr. Humphreys. “However, the current policy fails because it does not provide the offsetting tax cuts, and so it will increase the size of government and hurt the economy. It is also worrying that the government seems intent on switching to an emissions trading system, which is an unnecessarily complicated and inefficient response to climate change."                                                 Madame Gillard

    John Humphreys

    Mobile: 0404 044 561
    Timothy Andrews

    Click Here to view as a PDF


    Australian’s please register here to show your support for freedom. This is a TAX on everything.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Australia : Video News,Illegal entrants bury their dead and what they think of Australia, well at least what one group thinks of Australia.

    Tuesday, 15 February 2011

    Muslim illegal entrant advocate comes clean and acknowledges former Australian PM John Howard STOPPED THE BOATS

    ........"Mr John Howard has stopped the boats at his time,i don't know why did they allow them
    again back again,either if you stop them,if you don't want either you stop the boats,or if you want them
    and you let them come you have to accept them"
    Illegal entrant and Muslim illegal entrant spokesman Mohummed Alfagi, Cousin of asylum boat crash victims.

    The Media reports on the Funerals of Illegal entrants who tragically drowned two months ago whilst illegally entering Australian waters

    How two groups of survivors and family react to the SAME tragedy.

    Is it just me ? Stop ALL Muslim immigration into Australia NOW!!!
    NON Muslims ONLY Please

    Tuesday, February 01, 2011

    Creeping Sharia:Australians forced to eat Halal Chickens

    Well if it’s no big deal like Muslims,their media apologists and facilitators and befuddled Priests say it is, then simply ban Halal food in Australia NOW,that will give Muslims one less reason to be despised and reviled by Australians and it is perfect demonstration of Democracy in action ie the will of the Majority overrules the will of a tiny insignificant uninvited  malignant minority.
    Islam can only exist as an Oppressive Majority or as a Disruptive Minority.

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    Australia: “Multicultural / Muslim outreach” Muslim Paedophile, Rapist,Mohamed Sabra,Sabra Limousines, pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a 14 year old girl.


    Limo driver teen sex attack

    The Sunday Telegraph

    January 23, 2011

    A 14-YEAR-OLD girl has been sexually assaulted by a limousine driver hired to ferry a group of teenage friends around Sydney after a late-night party at Bondi.

    Copy of 23 1 2011 Limo driver teen sex attackThis brave son of allah, this swaggering Muslim RAT with a Gold Tooth,unrestrained under the Australian Labor Party’s filthy, putrid dead cat skin cloak of Multiculturalism. 

    A Sydney court has heard the driver promised the girl she could ride to his next appointment to pick up rap star Kanye West and then plied her with alcohol.

    After falling asleep on a back seat, the girl awoke to find the man, Mohamed Sabra, 34, of Bexley, fondling her breasts and performing oral sex on her, court documents allege.

    Sabra, who owns Rockdale based Sabra Limousines, faced Sydney District Court on Friday after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting the girl in December 2008.

    His victim, now 16, is the daughter of a prominent Sydney businessman, but neither can be named to protect her identity.

    Agreed facts tendered at Sabra's sentencing submission hearing said the teen first met Sabra in November 2008 when a "family friend" arranged for him to drive her and a friend to the Rihanna-Chris Brown concert in Homebush.

    On that occasion, the girl told Sabra she was 14-years-old, court documents said.

    One month later she called his limo service and asked him to collect her and a group of friends from a party at Bondi where she had two alcoholic drinks.

    In the limo, Sabra told the girl he "had an appointment to pick up singer Kanye West" who was touring Australia. The teen said she was a fan and the driver replied that she could "could go with him but there would not be enough room for her friends", court documents said.

    She agreed and Sabra drove her to the Sydney CBD where she drank a Red Bull and vodka drink that he had poured in a champagne glass for her.

    Sabra said he had a sore neck and asked the girl for a massage. She gave him a short massage and he started massaging her shoulders, court documents said. After waking during the alleged assault, the girl pushed Sabra away and said: "Why would you take advantage of me?", court documents said.

    Sabra allegedly replied: "Why are you crying? If you didn't like it why didn't you stop me?"

    The matter will return to court on January 28.

    So what can be said ? it’s all been said before in Australia,England,Sweden,Denmark,France,Sudan,America,to name just a few, part of the Islamic agenda is to Rape and despoil their enemies “women” and girls at every opportunity or as the Muslim appointed “Grand Mufti of Australia” would say “Cat meat” there for the taking.

    But hey think about all those Multicultural Restaurants,parades and tax payer funded “Harmony Days” you can go to .

    Repatriate all Muslims from Judeo Christian Western Democracies NOW !!!!

    Demand the right of return be enforced upon ALL Muslims NOW!!!

    Identification + Internment + Repatriation to whatever Islamic shit hole these scum or their parents  / grand parents RAN AWAY from is the ONLY way to return Australia to the “Land of Oz”


    Tuesday, January 11, 2011

    Australia: Demand Marrickville Council and its Councilors Boycott Israel NOW!!!!


    Australia's  Marrickville Council, a jewel in the Marxist Green, Australian Labor Party's putrid Crown, wants to “Boycott Israel”, well bring it on you Labor Socialist Green Luddites start Boycotting NOW!!!! Come on ya Politically Correct descendants of Drugged Fucked Hippy Progressive bums get with YOUR program, Do It !!!!Do it Now Walk the Fricking Walk!!!! Ya Fricking waste of space get off the Planet make room for Humans.
    LEAD your rate payers,your MASTERS,rather than PUSH them on your ? / their journey into Serfdom.

    So, you want to boycott Israel ?????

    I’ll be sorry to miss you, but if you are doing it – do it properly. Let me help you.

    The Local  Sweden’s News in English

    Check all your medications. Make sure that you do not have tablets, drops lotions, etc., made by Abic or Teva. It may mean that you will suffer from colds and flu this winter but, hey, that’s a small price for you to pay in your campaign against Israel, isn’t it?

    While we are on the subject of your Israeli boycott, and the medical contributions to the world made by Israeli doctors and scientists, how about telling your pals to boycott the following…

    12 1 2010 mazrrickville Council

    Sydney’s running joke and Infamous Marrickville Council.

    Sign the Petition, tell these Ignorant  Bums what you think of them HERE

    More than happy to acknowledge any Councilor who voted against this STUNT.

    An Israeli company has developed a simple blood test that distinguishes between mild and more severe cases of Multiple Sclerosis. So, if you know anyone suffering from MS, tell them to ignore the Israeli patent that may, more accurately, diagnose their symptoms.

    An Israeli-made device helps restore the use of paralyzed hands. This device electrically stimulates the hand muscles, providing hope to millions of stroke sufferers and victims of spinal injuries. If you wish to remove this hope of a better quality of life to these people, go ahead and boycott Israel.

    Young children with breathing problems will soon be sleeping more soundly, thanks to a new Israeli device called the Child Hood. This innovation replaces the inhalation mask with an improved drug delivery system that provides relief for child and parent. Please tell anxious
    mothers that they shouldn’t use this device because of your passionate cause.

    These are just a few examples of how people have benefited medically from the Israeli know-how you wish to block. Boycotts often affect research. A new research center in Israel hopes to throw light on brain disorders such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

    The Joseph Sangol Neuroscience Center in the Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer Hospital, aims to bring thousands of scientists and doctors to focus on brain research.

    A researcher at Israel ‘s Ben Gurion University has succeeded in creating human monoclonal antibodies which can neutralize the highly contagious smallpox virus without inducing the dangerous side effects of the existing vaccine.

    Two Israelis received the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Doctors Ciechanover and Hershko’s research and discovery of one of the human cells most important cyclical processes will lead the way to DNA repair, control of newly produced proteins, and immune defense systems.

    The Movement Disorder Surgery program at Israel ‘s Hadassah Medical Center has successfully eliminated the physical manifestations of Parkinson’s disease in a select group of patients with a deep brain stimulation technique.

    For women who undergo hysterectomies each year for the treatment of uterine fibroids, the development in Israel of the Ex Ablate 2000 System is a welcome breakthrough, offering a noninvasive alternative to surgery.

    Israel is developing a nose drop that will provide a five year flu vaccine.

    These are just a few of the projects that you can help stop with your Israeli boycott. But let’s not get too obsessed with my ducal research, there are other ways you can make a personal sacrifice with your anti-Israel boycott.

    Most of Windows operating systems were developed by Microsoft-Israel. So, set a personal example. Throw away your computer!

    Computers should have a sign attached saying Israel Inside. The Pentium NMX Chip technology was designed at Intel in Israel . Both the Pentium 4 microprocessor and the Centrum processor were entirely designed, developed, and produced in Israel.

    Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.

    The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed in 1996 in Israel by four young Israeli whiz kids.

    Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R. & D. facilities outside the US in Israel .

    So, due to your complete boycott of anything Israeli, you can now have poor health and no computer.

    But your bad news does not end there. Get rid of your cellular phone. Cell phone technology was also developed in Israel by MOTOROLA which has its biggest development center in Israel. Most of the latest technology in your mobile phone was developed by Israeli scientists.

    Feeling unsettled? You should be. Part of your personal security rests with Israeli inventiveness, borne out of our urgent necessity to protect and defend our lives from the terrorists you support.

    A phone can remotely activate a bomb, or be used for tactical communications by terrorists, bank robbers, or hostage-takers. It is vital that official security and law enforcement authorities have access to cellular jamming and detection solutions. Enter Israel ‘s Net line Communications Technologies with their security expertise to help the fight against terror.

    So All The Noise About The Usa Listening To Our Private Telephone Calls, You Should Know It Is Israel Who Is Doing The Listening For Us.

    A joint, nonprofit, venture between Israel and Maryland will result in a 5 day Business Development and Planning Conference next March. Elected Israeli companies will partner with Maryland firms to provide innovation to the US need for homeland security.

    I also want you to know that Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.

    Israel produces more scientific papers per capita – 109 per 10,000 – than any other nation.

    Israel has the highest number of startup companies per rata. In absolute terms, the highest number, except the US . Israel has a ratio of patents filed.

    Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies outside of Silicon Valley . Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds, behind the USA .

    Israel has more museums per capita.

    Israel has the second highest publication of new books per capita.

    Relative to population, Israel is the largest immigrant absorbing nation on earth.

    These immigrants come in search of democracy, religious freedom or expression, economic opportunity, and quality of life. Believe it or not, Israel is the only country in the world which had a net gain in the number of trees last year.

    Even Warren Buffet of Berkshire-Hathaway fame has just invested millions with Israeli Companies.

    So, you can vilify and demonize the State of Israel. You can continue your silly boycott, if you wish. But I wish you would consider the consequences, and the truth.

    Think of the massive contribution that Israel is giving to the world, including the Palestinians – and to you – in science, medicine, communications, security.

    No wonder Marrickville Councillors  want to distance themselves from "DOSE JOOOS” The Road to Serfdom is their “vision”

    Comparison of Arab and Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

    Arab/Islamic Nobel Prize Winners

    From a pool of 1.4 BILLION Muslims which are 20% of the world's population (2 out of every 10 people)


    1988 - Najib Mahfooz


    1978 - Anwar El-Sadat

    1994 - Yasser Arafat *

    2003 - Shirin Ebadi


    1999 - Ahmed Zewail


    Abdus Salam

    * NOTE: Norwegian, Kaare Kristiansen, was a member of the Nobel Committee. He resigned in 1994 to protest the awarding of a Nobel "Peace Prize" to Yasser Arafat, whom he correctly labeled a "terrorist."

    Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

    From a pool of 12 million Jews which are 0.2% of the World's Population (2 out of every 1,000 people)


    1910 - Paul Heyse

    1927 - Henri Bergson

    1958 - Boris Pasternak

    1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon

    1966 - Nelly Sachs

    1976 - Saul Bellow

    1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer

    1981 - Elias Canetti

    1987 - Joseph Brodsky

    1991 - Nadine Gordimer

    2002 - Imre Kertesz

    World Peace

    1911 - Alfred Fried

    1911 - Tobias Asser

    1968 - Rene Cassin

    1973 - Henry Kissinger

    1978 - Menachem Begin

    1986 - Elie Wiesel

    1994 - Shimon Peres

    1994 - Yitzhak Rabin

    1995 - Joseph Rotblat


    1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer

    1906 - Henri Moissan

    1910 - Otto Wallach

    1915 - Richard Willstaetter

    1918 - Fritz Haber

    1943 - George Charles de Hevesy

    1961 - Melvin Calvin

    1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz

    1972 - William Howard Stein

    1972 - C.B. Anfinsen

    1977 - Ilya Prigogine

    1979 - Herbert Charles Brown

    1980 - Paul Berg

    1980 - Walter Gilbert

    1981 - Ronald Hoffmann

    1982 - Aaron Klug

    1985 - Herbert A. Hauptman

    1985 - Jerome Karle

    1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach

    1988 - Robert Huber

    1989 - Sidney Altman

    1992 - Rudolph Marcus

    1998 - Walter Kohn

    2000 - Alan J. Heeger

    2004 - Irwin Rose

    2004 - Avram Hershko

    2004 - Aaron Ciechanover


    1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson

    1971 - Simon Kuznets

    1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow

    1973 - Wassily Leontief

    1975 - Leonid Kantorovich

    1976 - Milton Friedman

    1978 - Herbert A. Simon

    1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein

    1985 - Franco Modigliani

    1987 - Robert M. Solow

    1990 - Harry Markowitz

    1990 - Merton Miller

    1992 - Gary Becker

    1993 - Rober Fogel

    1994 - John Harsanyi

    1994 - Reinhard Selten

    1997 - Robert Merton

    1997 - Myron Scholes

    2001 - George Akerlof

    2001 - Joseph Stiglitz

    2002 - Daniel Kahneman

    2005 - Robert (Israel) Aumann


    1908 - Elie Metchnikoff

    1908 - Paul Erlich

    1914 - Robert Barany

    1922 - Otto Meyerhof

    1930 - Karl Landsteiner

    1931 - Otto Warburg

    1936 - Otto Loewi

    1944 - Joseph Erlanger

    1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser

    1945 - Ernst Boris Chain

    1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller

    1950 - Tadeus Reichstein

    1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman

    1953 - Hans Krebs

    1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann

    1958 - Joshua Lederberg

    1959 - Arthur Kornberg

    1964 - Konrad Bloch

    1965 - Francois Jacob

    1965 - Andre Lwoff

    1967 - George Wald

    1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg

    1969 - Salvador Luria

    1970 - Julius Axelrod

    1970 - Sir Bernard Katz

    1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman

    1975 - David Baltimore

    1975 - Howard Martin Temin

    1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg

    1977 - Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

    1977 - Andrew V. Schally

    1978 - Daniel Nathans

    1980 - Baruj Benacerraf

    1984 - Cesar Milstein

    1985 - Michael Stuart Brown

    1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein

    1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]

    1988 - Gertrude Elion

    1989 - Harold Varmus

    1991 - Erwin Neher

    1991 - Bert Sakmann

    1993 - Richard J. Roberts

    1993 - Phillip Sharp

    1994 - Alfred Gilman

    1994 - Martin Rodbell

    1995 - Edward B. Lewis

    1997 - Stanley B. Prusiner

    1998 - Robert F. Furchgott

    2000 - Eric R. Kandel

    2002 - Sydney Brenner

    2002 - Robert H. Horvitz


    1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson

    1908 - Gabriel Lippmann

    1921 - Albert Einstein

    1922 - Niels Bohr

    1925 - James Franck

    1925 - Gustav Hertz

    1943 - Gustav Stern

    1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi

    1945 - Wolfgang Pauli

    1952 - Felix Bloch

    1954 - Max Born

    1958 - Igor Tamm

    1958 - Il'ja Mikhailovich

    1958 - Igor Yevgenyevich

    1959 - Emilio Segre

    1960 - Donald A. Glaser

    1961 - Robert Hofstadter

    1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau

    1963 - Eugene P. Wigner

    1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman

    1965 - Julian Schwinger

    1967 - Hans Albrecht Bethe

    1969 - Murray Gell-Mann

    1971 - Dennis Gabor

    1972 - Leon N. Cooper

    1973 - Brian David Josephson

    1975 - Benjamin Mottleson

    1976 - Burton Richter

    1978 - Arno Allan Penzias

    1978 - Peter L Kapitza

    1979 - Stephen Weinberg

    1979 - Sheldon Glashow

    1988 - Leon Lederman

    1988 - Melvin Schwartz

    1988 - Jack Steinberger

    1990 - Jerome Friedman

    1992 - Georges Charpak

    1995 - Martin Perl

    1995 - Frederick Reines

    1996 - David M. Lee

    1996 - Douglas D. Osheroff

    1997 - Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

    2000 - Zhores I. Alferov

    2003 - Vitaly Ginsburg

    2003 - Alexei Abrikosov

    After reviewing this list, can you supply a reason for the large discrepancy between the Arab/Islamic population's contribution to the world body and that of the Jew? There are 165 Jews listed as opposed to 6 from the Arab side.


    Tuesday, January 04, 2011

    Australia:Afghani immigrant threatens to kill daughter and himself …. hey how else do you regain “Honor”?


    Another Golden Thread woven into the Australian Labor Party’s rich and diverse tapestry of Multiculturalism where ALL cultures and religions are equal.

    Muslim teenage girl takes out AVO over clash of cultures

    Katherine Danks
    The Daily Telegraph

    January 04, 2011

    A MUSLIM girl caught between her religion, her parents and wanting to be a typical Aussie teenager is at the centre of an apprehended violence order against her father after he found she had a boyfriend.

    Police were called to the family home after the man threatened to kill himself and the 14-year-old girl when he discovered the boy in a room of their home, Parramatta Bail Court heard yesterday.

    The man, who cannot be named, allegedly told police the relationship was disrespectful to Muslim culture and brought shame on his family in the Afghan community.

    The court heard he tried to detain the boy in the early hours of New Year's Day at the house in Blacktown.

    The family called police because they were scared the father would kill the boy.

    After police arrived, the man became enraged because they would not arrest the boy, who had been invited into the house by his daughter.

    He said the boyfriend would be killed if the incident happened in Afghanistan, the country he and his wife had emigrated from in 1998.

    "The accused then stated, as the boyfriend would not be going to jail, the only thing left to do was kill his daughter and himself," police said.

    "The complainant is stuck between her religion, strict parents and wanting to be a typical Australian teenager."

    Officers claimed that on October 27 the daughter ran away from home. Her father said he would kill himself if she did not return by sundown.

    When she did not return, the father attempted to hang himself but was stopped by his wife and son.

    "The daughter said she fears that her father will kill her because of her actions and that if he doesn't, she will be locked in the house unable to leave, unless he kills himself," police said.

    Police took out an apprehended domestic violence order against the father on behalf of the girl. He was charged with stalking, intimidation with intent to cause fear of physical or mental harm.

    The father, who is a qualified surgeon in Afghanistan but employed as a taxi driver in Sydney, was refused bail because of his threats against the girl and self-harm history.

    The matter will be mentioned in Blacktown Local Court on January 12.


    More “Cultural Enrichment”


    Son slit dad's throat with stolen knife, court hears

    Katherine Danks
    The Daily Telegraph

    January 04, 2011

    A 37-YEAR-OLD slit his dad's throat after stealing a knife from a local department store, a court has been told.

    John ElTurk, of Lansvale, allegedly attacked Sohail ElTurk as the 65-year-old man sat with friends and family inside his home in Hoxton Park, in Sydney's

    south west, on Monday.
    Police allege ElTurk stole a $25 kitchen knife from a Big W store at Carnes Hill between 12.30 and 12.45pm, then travelled to his relative's home.

    At about 1.30pm, John ElTurk snuck up behind in Sohail ElTurk in his Tyringham Close home.

    He allegedly cut his father's throat before fleeing the home, getting into his vehicle that was parked in the street outside.

    Sohail ElTurk managed to drive himself to Liverpool Hospital where he underwent emergency surgery.
    He remains in a serious but stable condition.

    John ElTurk also drove to Liverpool Hospital where he was arrested by police. He was taken to Liverpool Police Station where he was charged with

    attempted murder and larceny.

    ElTurk did not apply for bail in Parramatta Bail Court yesterday, where the magistrate was told the defendant suffered serious mental health issues.

    He was formally refused bail and ordered to undergo a mental health assessment, and will re-appear in Parramatta Local Court on January 13.


    Monday, September 27, 2010

    Australian Socialist Labor Government to try Australian Soldiers for manslaughter !!!!!

    Ex-soldiers face manslaughter charges
    Daily Telegraph
    September 27, 2010 1:24PM
    THREE former Australian soldiers will be charged with manslaughter following an incident in Afghanistan last year, the Director of Military Prosecutions says.
    "The accused persons will be charged with various service offences, including manslaughter, dangerous conduct, failing to comply with a lawful general order and prejudicial conduct," the director said in a statement.
    The director, Brigadier Lyn McDade, had been considering whether to lay charges against the former commandos who conducted a night-time raid on a residential compound believed to harbour Taliban insurgents in February 2009.
    Defense previously has said the deaths occurred as the soldiers conducted clearance operations using gunfire and hand grenades.
    One suspected insurgent and five children were killed, while another two children and two adults were wounded.
    Three former members of the Special Operations Task Group will be charged with service offences, Brigadier McDade said.
    The soldiers facing charges were not named in the statement.
    Brigadier McDade said her investigations had been completed only recently and only after "careful, deliberate and informed consideration".
    In a statement released the day after the attack, defense said the deaths occurred as SOTG soldiers conducted clearance operations through a number of compounds.
    "During the conduct of this operation the soldiers were fired upon by Taliban insurgents," it said.
    "The SOTG engaged the insurgents, returning fire in accordance with their rules of engagement."
    Two of the commandos say they will strenuously defend themselves.
    Soldiers A and B, who remain anonymous, have issued a lengthy statement in response, promising to fight the charges.

    "We will strenuously defend the charges and we look forward to the opportunity of publicly clearing our reputations, as well as the reputation of the Australian Defense Force," the pair said through the law firm Kennedys.
    Defense Minister Stephen Smith said Brigadier's McDade decision was a matter for the "independent military legal process".
    "It is not appropriate for me to comment on the decision of the military prosecutor, the incident itself, or to prejudge in any way the outcome which will be heard before a service tribunal or tribunals," he said in a statement.
    Two ex-commandos to plead not guilty to manslaughter
    By Peter Veness
    Daily Telegraph
    September 27, 2010 2:19PM
    TWO former Australian commandos facing charges over an incident in Afghanistan that left five children dead say they will strenuously defend themselves.
    The Director of Military Prosecutions earlier today announced three commandos would be charged with a range of offences including manslaughter.
    Soldiers A and B, who remain anonymous, have issued a lengthy statement in response, promising to fight the charges.
    "We will strenuously defend the charges and we look forward to the opportunity of publicly clearing our reputations, as well as the reputation of the Australian Defence Force," the pair said through the law firm Kennedys.
    Australian forces have now been in Afghanistan for nine years.
    Soldiers A and B attacked the media for "many cases" of inaccurate reporting of the clearance operations.
    "Words will never adequately express our regret that women and children were killed and injured during the incident on 12 February 2009," they said.
    "These were people we were risking our lives to protect."
    The soldiers blamed the deaths on the enemy.
    "It should not be forgotten that the casualties were ultimately caused by the callous and reckless act of an insurgent who chose to repeatedly fire upon us at extreme close range from within a room he knew contained women and children," the pair said.
    Their story was backed by a defence statement issued at the time which told of close fire from Taliban insurgents as the commandos cleared buildings.
    Director Lyn McDade said her investigations - only recently completed - had been "careful, deliberate and informed".
    "The accused persons will be charged with various service offences, including manslaughter, dangerous conduct, failing to comply with a lawful general order and prejudicial conduct," Brigadier McDade said in a statement.
    Soldiers A and B said when the full facts of the battle became public, their decision would be vindicated.
    "It will be clear to everyone that we made the correct decision under truly awful circumstances."
    Australia:Australian Officers demand more support for Diggers
    "The army has let us down mate and I am disgusted." Battle of Derapet, Australian Soldier’s shocking account of needless death of Lance Corporal Jared Mackinney
    Australia’s Finest laid to rest, Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney’s wife gives birth hours after Funeral of her Husband
    Koran Burning: Australian Diggers under attack in Afghanistan by Islamic Sociopaths Inc.for NOT Burning the Koran.
    I knew this would be Labor’s way of getting back at our soldiers,too obvious are the old ways of their Union financiers boycotting supplies and sabotaging equipment, simply charge OUR Soldiers with criminal offenses for fighting Islamic terrorism.
    Australians MUST stand with OUR Soldiers, the Australian Labor Party / ACTU / Greens / Independents Pro Islam Marxist Coalition sure as hell wont.
    The latest group of deceased Soldiers have returned home and have been buried, the nations highest ranking Atheist Madame Gillard has performed her contractual obligations by going through the motions of the various Church Funeral services and mouthed the obligatory insincere platitudes.
    Now it’s time for Labor and their Marxist Loon coalition minority government, to get the Soldiers who don’t come home in a coffin, time for these loons to exercise their twisted perverted ideology
    Tell Madame Gillard to leave OUR troops alone

    One of Australia’s Finest who survived

    Just what does Labor think of Australia’s Military? former Labor Leader tells us .

    So just who is this Brigadier Lyn McDade?


    She is a former civilian lawyer who has no previous military experience (and certainly no Australian infantry combat action badge), but who was brought into the new military justice system to aid in efficiency and effectiveness.  Has she accomplished this?  “There has been widespread discontent with the take-no-prisoners approach of the Director of Military Prosecutions, Brigadier Lyn McDade. Military lawyers have told The Australian they believed minor offences that were previously subject to prejudicial conduct hearings had been endlessly moved into the court.”

    It doesn’t bode well when the very chief of the military justice system is taking what would previously have been between a Non Commissioned Officer and his enlisted men – what in the U.S. is called non-judicial punishment – and placing it in formal military courts.  It would quite literally bring military justice to a halt in the U.S., cause undermanned units, and bring with it an atmosphere of dishonesty and suspicion.

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    Paedophilia, whoops!!!! sorry, “gender and cultural issues” rampant AGAIN inside Australia’s illegal entrant detention centres, Project SafeCon to the rescue.


    Detention centre 'ripe for child sex abuse'

    By Josh Jerga

    Daily Telegraph
    September 19, 2010 3:41PM

    REFUGEE advocates say both the immigration department and the minister knew there was a risk of child sex abuse occurring at detention centres housing cross-cultural families.

    West Australian police have confirmed they are investigating allegations two children were sexually abused at a location in regional WA.

    Acting Deputy Commissioner Nick Anticich said police had received a complaint about child sex abuse however due to privacy reasons would not go into detail.

    "The child abuse squad has launched an investigation and is trying to verify the allegations," he said.

    According to News limited, on Tuesday Child Abuse Squad detectives and specialist child interviewers flew to Leonora, the WA Goldfields town where a detention centre was established in June.

    About 195 asylum seekers, including Afghans, Sri Lankans and Iranians and comprising of family groups are housed at the Leonora facility.

    Victoria Martin-Iverson from the Refugee Rights Action Network said she had been aware of the allegations prior to media reporting.

    Ms Martin-Iverson said she raised the potential risk of child sex abuse at Leonora with former immigration minister Chris Evans last month.

    "I expressed to Mr Evans at a public forum the simple reality that we have families who are stressed and are in a situation where they have no power or control over who is with their children," she told AAP.

    "That they are in no position to protect their children or deny access to their children. They created a situation which is ripe for abuse."

    She said at the forum in Perth prior to the election, Mr Evans told her basically 'everything was fine' and rejected her comments.

    Jack Smit of human rights group Project SafeCom said the immigration department and its minister had assured the public that those transferred to the centre were being placed in a safe and family-appropriate environment.

    However they have now breached that commitment, Mr Smit said.

    "They knew exactly what was promised to the Australian public about kids in detention and families in detention.

    They have breached that agreement and now we have trouble," he told AAP.

    "Really the minister as well as the immigration department is culpable of this happening.

    "They've created circumstances which has enabled this kind of stuff. They're culpable to the extreme."

    Mr Smit said the allegations demonstrated there was no consideration given to gender and cultural issues when the families were transferred to the Leonora facility.

    As immigration spokesman said the department would not comment on police matters but stressed the safety and welfare of people in their care is the highest priority.

    "Any allegations of inappropriate or criminal behaviour is treated extremely seriously and appropriate action is taken," he told AAP.

    "For privacy reasons we are going to discuss issues relating to individuals in our care."

    So just what are these “gender and cultural issues” that the Hate Australia, open borders advocates are alluding to here?

    These Open Border advocates at Project SafeCom, CON, tell Australians that we are blessed to have illegal entrants in our country,every illegal entrant arriving adding yet another golden thread to Australia’s rich “Multicultural Tapestry of Cultural Diversity” and that the more who arrive here the better.

    Are they berating their Open Borders facilitators,and fifth column partners, the Australian Labor Party for not recognizing the Islamic Religion’s followers preoccupation with Paedophilia and not taking steps to prevent,what is in effect, their Religious and cultural (issues) practices?

    Just what parts of the “Rich Tapestry of Multiculturalism” did they think they were going / not going, to get? or are these fifth column Australia Haters just getting in first for what is going to be an up coming public relations disaster for them and their fifth column partners the Australian Labor Government.

    Another example of the manifestations of the  Religious and Cultural norms of the people that Jack Smit and his Project SafeCon mob demand Australians acquiesce to at every turn under the threat of their Taxpayer funded rabid “student activist’s” storm troopers branding any rejection of their sick ideology as RACISM.

    This is NOT the first time the manifestations of Islam inside Illegal entrant detention centers has been exposed,I have on file (some where) records of these incidents and will update this post with them as soon as I can find them


    Muslims Assault Non-Muslim in Immigration Detention Centres
    20 May 2002

    A deeply disturbing scandal has emerged in Australia’s immigration detention centres where Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers have been “stoned, assaulted, sexually harassed and abused by Islamic fanatics”.
    Reza, an Iranian Christian, was blinded in one eye last August when a group of Afghan Muslim men stoned Christians leaving the dining hall in Woomera detention centre.  In another incident a Christian man was kicked to the floor and his cross was ripped from his neck.
    In December 2001 an eighteen-year-old Mandean girl (a small religious group which follows the teachings of John the Baptist) was shouted at by Muslim men in a dining hall who called her a “dirty, filthy infidel” who shouldn’t be allowed to serve food to Muslims.  When she attempted to argue back she was “pushed to the ground and kicked and abused.”  In a similarly shocking incident a blind Mandean man was seized by Muslim men, held down and defecated on before being left in a locked toilet.

    In other incidents non-Muslim girls have faced sexual harassment and verbal abuse because they do not wear Islamic veils, the doorways of Mandean asylum seekers have been defecated in, and a local Islamic mullah has even called for a jihad (holy war) against Mandeans at the Port Hedland detention centre.  Non-Muslim men, women, and even children, many of whom fled Muslim-majority countries like Iran in the first place because they were being persecuted for their faith, are now facing abuse of a horrific nature from Muslim conservatives in Australia’s detention centres.

    The majority of asylum seekers in Australia are Muslims.  Witnesses say that extremist Shiah Muslims, particularly Iranians, Afghans and Iraqis, are often those behind the violence.  The BBC quotes Dr Graham Thom, Amnesty International’s Refugee Co-ordinator, as saying “The reports we’re hearing say that Mandeans, Tamils and other Hindus, Christians - in particular Christian converts - are facing violence or threats of violence from certain Islamists within the detention centres.  They are being called infidels.  They are being refused access to kitchens and things like that because people think they are unclean as infidels.  This has escalated at times when there is a serious breakdown of order within the detention centre when there are riots and things like that and these groups, who often refuse to participate in riots, are physically assaulted.”

    Chaplains, pastoral workers and staff at the Woomera, Curtin and Port Hedland detention centres in Australia have spoken up about an atmosphere of Islamic intimidation and terror in which the authorities seem powerless to protect the non-Muslims.
    Whilst Muslim asylum-seekers have access to halal meat and mosques, many non-Muslims’ religious and dietary needs are not being met.  In Woomera Mandeans are now even allegedly forced to hold their religious meetings in secret, and in Curtin no Mandean services are being held at all because the authorities simply cannot guarantee the protection of the participants, and even Christian services, including baptisms, have been severely restricted.

    The widespread suffering and “constant discrimination” is leading to deep emotional distress and psychological trauma.  Jim Monaghan, a Christian chaplain at Woomera, says that “at present the families there are very vulnerable.  There have been attempted suicides and other forms of self-harm ... they are desperate.”

    These shocking reports, which have been publicised by Australia’s The Age newspaper, the BBC, and Amnesty International, have raised a new factor in the debate surrounding Australia’s immigration policy, which is often criticised as being harsh.

    The reports also raise disturbing questions about the state of asylum centres in Europe, America and other countries in the developed world.  Could Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers be suffering similar discrimination in other contexts where Muslims also make up the majority of asylum-seekers?

    The Barnabas Fund’s e-mail news service provides our supporters with short urgent news briefs and prayer requests for suffering Christians around the world.
    Please do share these news items with your Christian friends and churches.  All news items are available on our website in a more colourful user-friendly presentation format which you can access, print and pass on.
    If you are not already receiving these news briefs directly from the Barnabas Fund and would like to, please contact us with your name, postal and e-mail addresses, and details of the church you attend.
    The Barnabas Fund, The Old Rectory, River Street, PEWSEY,
    Wiltshire, SN9 5DB, UK, Tel 01672 564938, Fax 01672 565030,
    E-mail  Web
    Return to Project Open Book

    Why are Muslims so Liberated, the left would no doubt say “Progressive” in their sexual practices / perversions ?

    Question: 'It has become widespread these days, and especially during
    weddings, the habit of mufa'khathat of the children. (mufa'khathat -
    literally translated, it means "placing between the thighs" which means
    placing the male member between the thighs of a child).

    What is the opinion of scholars, knowing full well that the prophet, the
    peace of Allah be upon him, also practiced the "thighing" of Aisha - the
    mother of believers - may Allah be pleased with her ?

    Answer: After studying the issue, the committee has answered as follows:

    As for the prophet, his thighing his fiancée Aisha when she was six years of
    age and not able to consummate the relationship was due to her small age.
    That is why the Prophet used to place his male member between her thighs and
    massage it, as the prophet had control of his male member not like other

    Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand
    Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements:

    "A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However,
    he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia).
    If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible
    for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one
    of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the
    sister. It is better for a girl to marry when her menstruation starts, and
    at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying
    his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."

    Khomeini, "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

    "It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is
    still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs,
    and to kiss her."

    Ayatu Allah Al Khumaini's "Tahrir Al wasila" p. 241, issue number 12

    "Young boys or girls in full sexual effervescence are kept from getting
    married before they reach the legal age of majority. This is against the
    intention of divine laws. Why should the marriage of pubescent girls and
    boys be forbidden because they are still minors, when they are allowed to
    listen to the radio and to sexually arousing music?

    More Golden Threads ready to be woven into the Australian Labor Party’s rich tapestry of Multiculturalism.

    Animal Rights Activists where are you ?

    Dr Homa Darabi Foundation

    Khomeini's Teachings on sex with infants and animals

    Islamic Teachings on sex with infants:

    "A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

    The complete Persian text of this saying can be found in "Ayatollah Khomeini in Tahrirolvasyleh, Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom"

    Islamic Teachings on sex with animals:

    "The meat of horses, mules, or donkeys is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden if the animal was sodomized while alive by a man. In that case, the animal must be taken outside the city and sold."

    Editor's notes: I wonder if it is OK to sodomize a dead animal? What happens if the buyer brings the poor animal back into the city?

    "If one commits an act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned, and the price of it paid to its owner by him who sodomized it."

    Editor's note: The poor animal first is sodomized and then killed and burned. What an Islamic justice towards animals? Where are the animal
    rights group?

    "It is forbidden to consume the excrement of animals or their nasal secretions. But if such are mixed in minute proportions into other foods their consumption is not forbidden."

    "If a man (God protect him from it!) fornicates with an animal and ejaculates, ablution is necessary."

    Editor's note: It does not say who should have ablution: the animal or the man?


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