An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label International Socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Socialism. Show all posts

Friday, April 01, 2011

Australia: Sydney’s Occupied Territories: Pious Muslim Thug,Ali Mobayad, threatens and assaults Female Paramedic at accident scene

Ali Mobayad accused of assaulting ambo as she treated car crash victim

The Daily Telegraph

April 01, 2011

Copy of 1 4 2011 Ali Mobayad accused of assaulting ambo as she treated car crash victim A PARAMEDIC was threatened and assaulted as she tried to treat a crash patient, a court heard yesterday.

Police allege Ali Mobayad, 30, was involved in a verbal altercation with paramedic Karen Matthews outside Berala Public School as she was treating a patient who was injured in a car accident.

Documents tendered to Burwood Local Court yesterday revealed that the Auburn man double parked in a school zone - the only charge he pleaded guilty to - before allegedly getting out of his car and pounding on the Rapid Response vehicle's driver-side window and "threatening" the 37-year-old paramedic.

It is alleged Mobayad then began yelling and swearing at the ambulance officer before assaulting her just after 3pm on March 7.

Court documents stated the alleged offences "caused a real fear of actual physical violence" and prevented Ms Matthews from "executing her duties as a paramedic".

The court heard the accused left the scene, but was arrested [on Yarram Road, Lidcombe] shortly after 4.30pm.

He was charged with negligent driving, menacing driving, common assault and hindering an ambulance officer by act of violence - all of which he has denied and pleaded not guilty to yesterday.

Outside court, Mobayad became irate after he spotted The Daily Telegraph waiting with cameras.

"You see this face - if you use that image (see left )you will never see the end of this," he said. "I don't care what happens to me, I'll kill you if you use that photo ... you f ... ing idiot."

The man will return to court on May 5.


Why was this piece of Godless Islamist Shit, not horsewhipped and tied in stocks for a week ? dispense with Judeo Christian Justice,flog him till he drops, and transport him back, to whatever Islamic shit hole, he or his Parents or Grand Parents ran away from, along with ALL his Australian based relatives and Multicultural supporters.










Sunday, March 06, 2011

Daniel Greenfield article: The Economic Counterrevolution of the Environmentalists


 Australia’s Green LOONS aka. the  Labor / Green Loon/ Independent/ Union Financed Minority Federal Government on Parade.

Australia: Labor’s CO2 TAX On EVERYTHING explained, CO2 Tax for Dummies

“But it isn't really about the environment or the myth of manmade global warming. If it was, then global warming conferences would be teleconferences, not giant binges of jet travel, hotel stays and open bars. It's about what all counter-revolutions are about, the recovery of lost power by an elite. As the Bolshevik takeover of Russia was a counterrevolution against the authentic revolution that had toppled the imported German monarchy of the Czars, the left has been conducting its own counterrevolution against the republican political and economic revolutions that put an end to the monarchies of the West. Their goal is to dismantle the republics and replace them with global entities under the control of the truly enlightened. The anti-elitist elite.

Environmentalism is a convenient tool of the economic counterrevolution, which undermines popular rule, national sovereignty, individualism, economic prosperity and cultural identity, in order to reassemble a bureaucratic empire that will oversee everyone's lives, with no say in it from them. Spreading poverty, cultural division, fragmenting families and national unity, are all key elements in the campaign. Creating chaos and misery, and then stepping in to fix it, is a time honored trick of tyrants. The trick is being played on us all over again. Almost all of their cards are on the table now. And they are dealing from the bottom of the deck.”

Full article at  Sultan Knish  READ IT!!!!


Stop Gillard’s Carbon Tax, CO2 is essential for LIFE
Australian Politics:Madame Gillard receives a touch up from the back room boys aka. Labor’s “Faceless men”
Australia PM, Madame Gillard her minority Green Loon “Independent” coalition government in turmoil.
Agenda 21, Nancy Levant.
Madame Gillard Australia’s Shameless Socialist LIAR
Alan Jones exposes Madame Gillard and her Marxist Governments Road to Serfdom for her subjects.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"The army has let us down mate and I am disgusted." Battle of Derapet, Australian Soldier’s shocking account of needless death of Lance Corporal Jared Mackinney

Our Diggers betrayed in hell of Afghanistan

Ian McPhedran
The Daily Telegraph
September 21, 2010

A SOLDIER who fought alongside dead Digger Jared Mackinney in Afghanistan said his mate would still be alive if the troops had received adequate fire support and better intelligence.

In a stunning email to a friend in Australia obtained by The Daily Telegraph the soldier, who cannot be named, said it was a miracle that five or six more Australians were not killed during the Battle of Derapet on August 24.

Full Battle Video here

The soldier also revealed that, far from being an ambush, the Australian and Afghan National Army soldiers were expecting to be attacked as they patrolled the green zone at Deh Rawood, 60km west of Tarin Kowt.

The Digger, from the 1st Mentoring Task Force, accused the Australian Army of exposing troops to unnecessary risks.

"That contact would have been over before Jared died if they gave us f ... ..g mortars," he said.

Lance Corporal Mackinney's widow Becky gave birth to their second child, a son Noah, just five hours after his funeral service in Brisbane on September 10. He was the 21st of 22 Australian soldiers to be killed in Afghanistan.

The soldier said his section had been in a contact 100m from the same spot two days earlier and reports from sappers clearing bombs on the morning of the battle said civilians were fleeing.

"That told us it was going to be on," he said in the email.

The patrol's first big surprise was the size of the enemy force.

No intelligence reports had prepared the two sections of about 24 men each for a confrontation with up to 100 enemy attacking from multiple firing positions as close as 80m away.

"We were at times pinned down by a massive rate of fire but we stuck to it. We are not operating in platoon-size groups so this is hard when you can't manoeuvre sections against them, but we tried to fix them so we could destroy them with air assets," he said.

But the second shock for the Diggers, who were forced to withdraw as they started to run low on ammunition, was the complete lack of fire support from artillery, mortars or aircraft.

"We are not f ... ing happy, but then again the BG [Battle Group] f ... s up the intelligence report because a certain ... writes it from the signal log book [radio log of conversation] instead of getting contact reports, patrol reports and a patrol debrief," he wrote.

"The army has let us down mate and I am disgusted."

The soldier, from Brisbane's 6th Battalion, said an unmanned spy plane flew above the battlefield pin-pointing enemy positions throughout the three-hour contact, but effective fire support failed to materialise.

"We gave them qala reference numbers off the map [each house in each village has a qala number], 10 figure grids and even expended all our 66mm rockets marking the targets with HE (high explosive) and we still had no joy. Everyone is too scared about collateral damage."

He said Lance Corporal Mackinney died almost half an hour into the battle.

"Jared got hit and the boys were working on him but he would have been gone already," he said.

"They were copping rounds the whole time, all the way through to loading him on the AME [Aero Medical Evacuation chopper]."

The Digger also slammed the lack of air support provided by an American Apache helicopter that flew just two offensive strafing runs all day.

"Air took time, f ... k knows why, and when it finally turned up it flew around for about 25 minutes."

The soldier's blunt email has been circulated to senior officers including Defence Chief Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston.

Announcing the casualty in Canberra on August 25, ACM Houston said there was a "lot of support provided by the Apache helicopter".

He also told Australians that Lance Corporal Mackinney had been killed "very early on" in the battle.

According to the email, most fire support came from Australian Light Armoured Vehicles (ASLAVs) providing overwatch to the joint Australian-Afghan patrol from a nearby hillside.

The soldier's plea was strongly supported by retired counter-insurgency expert Major General Jim Molan, a coalition operational commander in Iraq, who said the Federal Government should immediately send Abrams tanks and Army Tiger attack helicopters before more soldiers died.

"We must never incur casualties because the support for our soldiers was not fast enough, not accurate enough or not able to be used because of rules of engagement," General Molan said.

The Government has to date ignored all pleas to send more troops or weapons.

During the Vietnam War, the Australian Labor Party and its Marxist Union fundraisers and financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, directly funded and assisted the North Vietnamese Communist Army.

Today our troops are in Afghanistan the same Government whilst importing into Australia as many male Afghani “refugee’s” as it can is depriving Australian Soldiers of weapons and supplies as well as this recent attack upon Australia’s Finest,I guess they just cannot help but follow their hearts whenever it comes to choosing between Australians and “ENTER NAME OF ANYONE DEDICATED TO KILLING AUSTRALIANS HERE”

Former Labor Leader Latham coming clean over his party's dislike of Australia's Military Forces.

Australia: Australian Affirmative Action appointee and Socialist TRASH to prosecute Australian Soldiers.
Australia’s Finest laid to rest, Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney’s wife gives birth hours after Funeral of her Husband
Australia: The FACTS on Labor’s policy of The Islamic Colonization of Australia by Stealth.
Australia: The FACTS on Labor’s policy of The Islamic Colonization of Australia by Stealth.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Paedophilia, whoops!!!! sorry, “gender and cultural issues” rampant AGAIN inside Australia’s illegal entrant detention centres, Project SafeCon to the rescue.


Detention centre 'ripe for child sex abuse'

By Josh Jerga

Daily Telegraph
September 19, 2010 3:41PM

REFUGEE advocates say both the immigration department and the minister knew there was a risk of child sex abuse occurring at detention centres housing cross-cultural families.

West Australian police have confirmed they are investigating allegations two children were sexually abused at a location in regional WA.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Nick Anticich said police had received a complaint about child sex abuse however due to privacy reasons would not go into detail.

"The child abuse squad has launched an investigation and is trying to verify the allegations," he said.

According to News limited, on Tuesday Child Abuse Squad detectives and specialist child interviewers flew to Leonora, the WA Goldfields town where a detention centre was established in June.

About 195 asylum seekers, including Afghans, Sri Lankans and Iranians and comprising of family groups are housed at the Leonora facility.

Victoria Martin-Iverson from the Refugee Rights Action Network said she had been aware of the allegations prior to media reporting.

Ms Martin-Iverson said she raised the potential risk of child sex abuse at Leonora with former immigration minister Chris Evans last month.

"I expressed to Mr Evans at a public forum the simple reality that we have families who are stressed and are in a situation where they have no power or control over who is with their children," she told AAP.

"That they are in no position to protect their children or deny access to their children. They created a situation which is ripe for abuse."

She said at the forum in Perth prior to the election, Mr Evans told her basically 'everything was fine' and rejected her comments.

Jack Smit of human rights group Project SafeCom said the immigration department and its minister had assured the public that those transferred to the centre were being placed in a safe and family-appropriate environment.

However they have now breached that commitment, Mr Smit said.

"They knew exactly what was promised to the Australian public about kids in detention and families in detention.

They have breached that agreement and now we have trouble," he told AAP.

"Really the minister as well as the immigration department is culpable of this happening.

"They've created circumstances which has enabled this kind of stuff. They're culpable to the extreme."

Mr Smit said the allegations demonstrated there was no consideration given to gender and cultural issues when the families were transferred to the Leonora facility.

As immigration spokesman said the department would not comment on police matters but stressed the safety and welfare of people in their care is the highest priority.

"Any allegations of inappropriate or criminal behaviour is treated extremely seriously and appropriate action is taken," he told AAP.

"For privacy reasons we are going to discuss issues relating to individuals in our care."

So just what are these “gender and cultural issues” that the Hate Australia, open borders advocates are alluding to here?

These Open Border advocates at Project SafeCom, CON, tell Australians that we are blessed to have illegal entrants in our country,every illegal entrant arriving adding yet another golden thread to Australia’s rich “Multicultural Tapestry of Cultural Diversity” and that the more who arrive here the better.

Are they berating their Open Borders facilitators,and fifth column partners, the Australian Labor Party for not recognizing the Islamic Religion’s followers preoccupation with Paedophilia and not taking steps to prevent,what is in effect, their Religious and cultural (issues) practices?

Just what parts of the “Rich Tapestry of Multiculturalism” did they think they were going / not going, to get? or are these fifth column Australia Haters just getting in first for what is going to be an up coming public relations disaster for them and their fifth column partners the Australian Labor Government.

Another example of the manifestations of the  Religious and Cultural norms of the people that Jack Smit and his Project SafeCon mob demand Australians acquiesce to at every turn under the threat of their Taxpayer funded rabid “student activist’s” storm troopers branding any rejection of their sick ideology as RACISM.

This is NOT the first time the manifestations of Islam inside Illegal entrant detention centers has been exposed,I have on file (some where) records of these incidents and will update this post with them as soon as I can find them


Muslims Assault Non-Muslim in Immigration Detention Centres
20 May 2002

A deeply disturbing scandal has emerged in Australia’s immigration detention centres where Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers have been “stoned, assaulted, sexually harassed and abused by Islamic fanatics”.
Reza, an Iranian Christian, was blinded in one eye last August when a group of Afghan Muslim men stoned Christians leaving the dining hall in Woomera detention centre.  In another incident a Christian man was kicked to the floor and his cross was ripped from his neck.
In December 2001 an eighteen-year-old Mandean girl (a small religious group which follows the teachings of John the Baptist) was shouted at by Muslim men in a dining hall who called her a “dirty, filthy infidel” who shouldn’t be allowed to serve food to Muslims.  When she attempted to argue back she was “pushed to the ground and kicked and abused.”  In a similarly shocking incident a blind Mandean man was seized by Muslim men, held down and defecated on before being left in a locked toilet.

In other incidents non-Muslim girls have faced sexual harassment and verbal abuse because they do not wear Islamic veils, the doorways of Mandean asylum seekers have been defecated in, and a local Islamic mullah has even called for a jihad (holy war) against Mandeans at the Port Hedland detention centre.  Non-Muslim men, women, and even children, many of whom fled Muslim-majority countries like Iran in the first place because they were being persecuted for their faith, are now facing abuse of a horrific nature from Muslim conservatives in Australia’s detention centres.

The majority of asylum seekers in Australia are Muslims.  Witnesses say that extremist Shiah Muslims, particularly Iranians, Afghans and Iraqis, are often those behind the violence.  The BBC quotes Dr Graham Thom, Amnesty International’s Refugee Co-ordinator, as saying “The reports we’re hearing say that Mandeans, Tamils and other Hindus, Christians - in particular Christian converts - are facing violence or threats of violence from certain Islamists within the detention centres.  They are being called infidels.  They are being refused access to kitchens and things like that because people think they are unclean as infidels.  This has escalated at times when there is a serious breakdown of order within the detention centre when there are riots and things like that and these groups, who often refuse to participate in riots, are physically assaulted.”

Chaplains, pastoral workers and staff at the Woomera, Curtin and Port Hedland detention centres in Australia have spoken up about an atmosphere of Islamic intimidation and terror in which the authorities seem powerless to protect the non-Muslims.
Whilst Muslim asylum-seekers have access to halal meat and mosques, many non-Muslims’ religious and dietary needs are not being met.  In Woomera Mandeans are now even allegedly forced to hold their religious meetings in secret, and in Curtin no Mandean services are being held at all because the authorities simply cannot guarantee the protection of the participants, and even Christian services, including baptisms, have been severely restricted.

The widespread suffering and “constant discrimination” is leading to deep emotional distress and psychological trauma.  Jim Monaghan, a Christian chaplain at Woomera, says that “at present the families there are very vulnerable.  There have been attempted suicides and other forms of self-harm ... they are desperate.”

These shocking reports, which have been publicised by Australia’s The Age newspaper, the BBC, and Amnesty International, have raised a new factor in the debate surrounding Australia’s immigration policy, which is often criticised as being harsh.

The reports also raise disturbing questions about the state of asylum centres in Europe, America and other countries in the developed world.  Could Christians and other non-Muslim asylum-seekers be suffering similar discrimination in other contexts where Muslims also make up the majority of asylum-seekers?

The Barnabas Fund’s e-mail news service provides our supporters with short urgent news briefs and prayer requests for suffering Christians around the world.
Please do share these news items with your Christian friends and churches.  All news items are available on our website in a more colourful user-friendly presentation format which you can access, print and pass on.
If you are not already receiving these news briefs directly from the Barnabas Fund and would like to, please contact us with your name, postal and e-mail addresses, and details of the church you attend.
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Return to Project Open Book

Why are Muslims so Liberated, the left would no doubt say “Progressive” in their sexual practices / perversions ?

Question: 'It has become widespread these days, and especially during
weddings, the habit of mufa'khathat of the children. (mufa'khathat -
literally translated, it means "placing between the thighs" which means
placing the male member between the thighs of a child).

What is the opinion of scholars, knowing full well that the prophet, the
peace of Allah be upon him, also practiced the "thighing" of Aisha - the
mother of believers - may Allah be pleased with her ?

Answer: After studying the issue, the committee has answered as follows:

As for the prophet, his thighing his fiancée Aisha when she was six years of
age and not able to consummate the relationship was due to her small age.
That is why the Prophet used to place his male member between her thighs and
massage it, as the prophet had control of his male member not like other

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand
Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements:

"A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However,
he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia).
If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible
for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one
of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the
sister. It is better for a girl to marry when her menstruation starts, and
at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying
his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."

Khomeini, "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

"It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is
still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs,
and to kiss her."

Ayatu Allah Al Khumaini's "Tahrir Al wasila" p. 241, issue number 12

"Young boys or girls in full sexual effervescence are kept from getting
married before they reach the legal age of majority. This is against the
intention of divine laws. Why should the marriage of pubescent girls and
boys be forbidden because they are still minors, when they are allowed to
listen to the radio and to sexually arousing music?

More Golden Threads ready to be woven into the Australian Labor Party’s rich tapestry of Multiculturalism.

Animal Rights Activists where are you ?

Dr Homa Darabi Foundation

Khomeini's Teachings on sex with infants and animals

Islamic Teachings on sex with infants:

"A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

The complete Persian text of this saying can be found in "Ayatollah Khomeini in Tahrirolvasyleh, Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom"

Islamic Teachings on sex with animals:

"The meat of horses, mules, or donkeys is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden if the animal was sodomized while alive by a man. In that case, the animal must be taken outside the city and sold."

Editor's notes: I wonder if it is OK to sodomize a dead animal? What happens if the buyer brings the poor animal back into the city?

"If one commits an act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned, and the price of it paid to its owner by him who sodomized it."

Editor's note: The poor animal first is sodomized and then killed and burned. What an Islamic justice towards animals? Where are the animal
rights group?

"It is forbidden to consume the excrement of animals or their nasal secretions. But if such are mixed in minute proportions into other foods their consumption is not forbidden."

"If a man (God protect him from it!) fornicates with an animal and ejaculates, ablution is necessary."

Editor's note: It does not say who should have ablution: the animal or the man?


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Coming to Australia sooner than later via the ACTU & Labor’s CON Roy and their internet Filtering SCAM



Thought Criminals

Substitute Pelosi with Labor’s Conroy yet another Low Life Pommie Bastard the Australian Labor Party and their financiers, the Australian Council of Trade Unions anoint to tell Australians what they can and cannot read and see on the internet, the putrid filth of Arthur Scaregill’s Troglodyte ideology has no place in Australia no matter how many of his followers are permitted by the Australian Labor Party  to set up shop in Australia by their ideological soul mates ,the Australian Labor Party and their Bankers and Financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

Rudd Gillard Conroy get ya grubby mind out of  MY internet you  Labor ACTU Pommie Shop Steward Bastard!!!!!!!

Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation
Update on Rudd's internet censorship laws
Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Australian Federal Election August 21 2010: Wrap Up of “The Great Debate” 60 Minutes Australia 25 7 2010.

 The studio audience of  "uncommitted voters" may have misunderstood the question, "Who do you think won the debate? with "who are you voting for in the up coming election", there is a difference believe it or not.
Laurie Oaks is no fan of Tony Abbott and is like the majority of the Canberra press core a Labor Party apologist, he gave the debate to Abbott, I guess he has to at least try and maintain some credibility from time to time.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Australian Federal Election: Don’t Let Her off the Hook.

Part 1.



Don't let her off the hook

The Australian
July 21, 2010 12:00AM

The Prime Minister needs far greater media scrutiny

WEEK one of the campaign and Julia Gillard is getting away scot-free in some sections of the press. The Labor leader is doing everything by the book. She's the perfect 22 7 2010 Gillard candidate, produced to within an inch of her life with an apparently endless capacity for platitudes and recycled promises. She is, as we report today, " the girl in the bubble" created by her party machine. Many in the Fairfax media and the ABC seem mesmerised by the performance. That may be good news for Labor but it's bad for democracy, bad for the country and bad for the free press.

In March, editor-at-large Paul Kelly wrote about the progressive media's problems in reporting on Tony Abbott, whose "muscular, conservative Christianity" they found offensive. Rather than look at his policies, a Four Corners profile screened at that time focused on the Opposition Leader's religion, reflecting the ABC's dominant ideological mindset that Christianity is a "negative, repressive factor".

One might have thought, given her atheism, that these same journalists would have found it easier to focus on the things that really matter about Ms Gillard. One might have expected that, given she has been in the job for less than four weeks, the Prime Minister would have been under close scrutiny, her policies dissected along with her makeup. Not so. From day one when The Sun-Herald virtually endorsed Ms Gillard on its front page, they have failed to apply the basic rules of reporting to Labor's campaign.

There is no disputing that Mr Abbott has made it easy with his gaffe over industrial relations and his lacklustre start to the campaign. But the problem runs deeper, with the assumption that the conservative side of politics is fair game, while Labor needs not to be challenged too hard.This is not a new phenomenon. Throughout Kevin Rudd's ascendancy and his government, the ABC and Fairfax papers failed to nail his true character or understand what a mess he was in -- inside the party and in the electorate. They ignored the debacles over pink batts and the Building the Education Revolution. They swallowed the idiocy of alcopops, Grocery Choice and Fuel Watch. In short, they had no idea there was trouble at mill.

Now Ms Gillard is positioned as the new broom sweeping away the Rudd detritus. Except that since 2007 she was deputy prime minister and a member of the Kitchen Cabinet, as responsible as Mr Rudd for government decisions. Indeed, it was Ms Gillard who urged the backflip on the emissions trading scheme that helped undo Mr Rudd.

Yet her beliefs, political vision and policies are not being tested by many in the media.

Letting the Prime Minister off the hook does the nation a great disservice. We need to know what she -- and her government -- really stand for. We need to get behind Ms Gillard's carapace of genial certainty and start asking the tough questions about her policies and record. The past few days have shown both leaders are happy to focus on the diminishing horizon of reform. As Alan Mitchell wrote in The Financial Review this week, the Prime Minister is under pressure to mimic the example of former NSW premier Bob Carr and do "as little as possible for as long as possible". It is not good enough, but without more scrutiny, the Prime Minister might just get away with it. Mark Scott at the ABC and Brian McCarthy at Fairfax need to pick up the phone and tell their editors to muscle up and scrutinise both sides of politics.

Australia: The Un Holy Alliance of Gillard and Brown, Brown and Gillard preparing the road to Serfdom for Australians
Who IS Madame / Comrade Julia Gillard ?
Australia: Australian Union (ACTU) Appointed Prime Minister,Madame Gillard and her Union Financiers and Bankers Commit to Internet Filter to protect Australians from Counter Revolutionary thoughts.
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course
Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Americans be warned !!! Australia: Nationalised Health Medi DONT Care!!

The Best Third World health care system in the First World, forty years of socialised medicine has given Australians this disgusting mess, they call “FREE Health Care” Look out America

Monday, July 19, 2010

Islams #1 Mad Dog,President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, tells Obowma “"We are for negotiations, but to do so you have to sit down like a good boy,"


US must drop cowboy logic over nuclear program, says Ahmadinejad

Daily Telegraph
19 7 2010

THE United States must drop its "cowboy" attitude if it wants to hold dialogue with Iran over its nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said.

"We are for negotiations, but to do so you have to sit down like a good boy," Mr Ahmadinejad said, referring to the United States, in a speech broadcast live on state television.

"They adopt a resolution to force a dialogue, but this cowboy logic has no place in Iran."

World powers led by the US voted for new UN sanctions against Iran on June 9 in a bid to force it to stop its nuclear program which they suspect is aimed at making weapons. Iran denies its atomic drive has military aims.

Following up on the UN sanctions, US President Barack Obama on July 1 imposed Washington's toughest-ever unilateral punitive measures against Iran.

Mr Ahmadinejad said Washington's real concern was not that Iran may make an atom bomb but that Tehran is fast rising as a regional power.

"They say we have intelligence that Iranians will most likely build one atomic bomb. Well, this is a lie, but let's say it is true. How many atomic bombs do you have?" he said.

"The Americans themselves say 5000 plus... Is someone who has 5000 fourth and fifth generation atomic bombs, with very advanced launchers, afraid of one bomb? They are not afraid of one, not of a hundred, not of a thousand (bombs). They are afraid of the collective awakening of the Iranian soul."

Displaying his trademark defiance, Mr Ahmadinejad vowed that Iran would not back away from its uranium enrichment program. Washington, he charged, knew full well that Iran is "not after an atomic bomb", despite its claims to the contrary.

"You sanction our banks and some products and think that we will back down and hand over the key to the Iranian nation," he said.

"They should know that they will take their dream of forcing down the Iranian nation to their graves. Our nation is one family... we may have different views, but we are one body against you."

World powers, immediately after the UN sanctions measure was passed, called for dialogue with Iran as part of its dual track strategy of imposing punitive measures and at the same time offering to hold talks. But Mr Ahmadinejad has ordered a freeze in talks at least until end of August as a "penalty" against world powers for imposing sanctions on Tehran.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Madame Gillard calls the Australian Federal election for August 21



Madame Gillard arrived at the Governor Generals residence Saturday (July 17) morning to visit her Union backers Mother in Law, Governor General, Quentin Bryce that she was ready to face the electorate.

I was surprised when one radio commentator described her clothing and went on to say that she was wearing a “Pearl Necklace”.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Australian Based Muslim Colonialists “furious with Australian Media” for reporting their Criminal and Terrorist activities.


Muslims furious with media portrayal as terrorists and criminals

July 12, 2010

AUSTRALIAN-MUSLIM families have good relations with other Australians, and feel safe and happy here. But they are furious with the media for depicting Muslims as terrorists and criminals, a report for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship reveals.

Copy of 12 7 2010  Muslims furious with media portrayal as terrorists and criminals

Hey those Crazy, Whacky, Zany,Muslims are at it again, seen here pissing themselves laughing at the Sydney Morning Herald’s  latest example of appeasement to their Multicultural Masters, portraying the Labor Party and the left’s’ preferred Australian’s, yet again as the “real victims” in their world wide war against civilization aka. the Infidels.

''The families felt strongly the media was gunning for Muslims; it was a huge concern for them,'' said Ilan Katz, the director of the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW, and a co-author of the study. The research is part of a wider project commissioned by the department to understand the concerns and needs of Muslim Australians.

Based on in-depth interviews with 72 family members, it found people traced a change in the media's depiction of Muslims from the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington.

''They felt community attitudes had hardened towards them since then because of the media,'' said Dr Katz.

An Iraqi father said: ''The media portrays us as terrorists; the media is against us.'' A man from Sudan said, ''Australians listen to the media, that is what they believe.''

Yet the Australian-Muslims were mainly positive about their daily interactions with ordinary Australians, friends, workmates, and passers-by. On the whole they felt accepted and appreciated what Australia could offer. Another father said: ''Australian government high schools even have a mosque [prayer room] … and the students perform midday and Friday prayers there.''

However, a major concern was low income, with some blaming workplace discrimination. Some parents were troubled their children had become more religious than they were. ''The daughters were wearing the hijab but the mothers weren't,'' Dr Katz said. Others were anxious about their children's involvement with drugs, sex or alcohol.

Nadia Saleh, 42, of Punchbowl, calls Australia ''this remarkable country'' that she came to from Lebanon 21 years ago. With her husband Karl, 52, she has raised four children.

''We have got some people who do the wrong thing but it is unfair to criticise the entire Islamic community,'' said Mrs Saleh, a manager at the Riverwood Community Centre.

The study highlights the diversity of Australian-Muslims, who come from countries as disparate as Albania and Nigeria.

Dr Katz found Imams were a main source of guidance for parents with family problems and needed more help and resources from government and non-government agencies to do a better job of pastoral care.

There are  thousands of hours of film of Hitler and his fellow Nazi’s laughing and joking in the same sort of propaganda pap pieces to show the world what a great bunch of happy go lucky mass murderers they were also, they still believed in the total elimination of those who did not share their view of world domination, the difference between Nazi’s and Muslims is that the Nazi ally’s, the Muslims, are still a functioning today and have succeeded in almost every objective they swore to achieve back in WW2, Islamism , Nazism what’s the difference ? Islam is Terrorist Organization in almost every Nation on earth,a “Religion” yeah right, and I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.

Ok so how about we see what was reported in the months of June and July 2010 after reading these reports it’s no wonder Muslims are demanding our Media not be allowed to report their activities in Sydney and Australia generally, I simply don’t have time or room to report what happens in Melbourne with the African Muslims why they are even more happy go lucky and carefree than the Sydney Muslims.

The Brilliant Daniel Greenfield “for people to wake up and fight for their rights, they must first know who they are, so that they will believe that their rights are worth fighting for.”
Madame Julia’s Progress Australia “looking forward” EVERY Australian school student would be taught positive things about Islam and Muslims
Australia: Alan Jones and Melanie Phillips on the rise of Islam
Mother of two Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, to be bashed to death by Rocks thrown by Pig ignorant, neanderthal, Godless savages,in the name of the Religion of Peace.
Australia: Islam’s Hizb ut-Tahrir Sydney “Hate Fest” aftermath continues…
Australia:Lying “Hag in a Bag” Carnita Matthews to face charge of “… making a false statement to police”
Report from an insider on Sydney July 4 Hizb ut-Tahrir hate fest
Australia: Magistrate shuts down Court during bail application of Muslim on weapons and Passport charges. UPDATE.
Australia Burqa Ban: Rev. Fred Nile “Walks the Walk” through Sydney’s Occupied Terrortories.
Australia: Multicultural and Useful Idiot Pin Up Boy,Sheikh Monsour Laghaei Fly’s back to Iranian Masters.
Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Muslim Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist sentenced as Hags in Bags leap to his defense outside Court.
Australia : Rev.Fred Nile’s bill to ban Muslims wearing Disguises in Public introduced to NSW upper house
Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist, jailed for 13 years “ "I swear on my kids you are going to be shocked. Put the date down that I am going to be released. You will get a big shock." at sentencing.
Last weeks roundup C / O Sheik Yer Mami
Hizb Ut-Tahrir Islamic conference spokesman Uthman Badar
Muslim Gang Rapist denied Parole because of drug addiction
Rudd’s Australia : Proscribed Muslim Terrorist Group permitted to hold HATE FEST in Sydney July 4 2010
Lakemba Mosque caught out again.
FU*KI*G Terrorist !!!! oops woowww,sorry what was he thinking? how about Muslim “car enthusiast” (that’s better), bailed for Easter riot, cameraman stood down.
Islamic Sociopaths Inc. : Muslim Poet freed on appeal.
Methodology of Hizb Ut Tahrir for Change

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Brilliant Daniel Greenfield “for people to wake up and fight for their rights, they must first know who they are, so that they will believe that their rights are worth fighting for.”


European culture and national sovereignty replaced with a new identity. Not European, not post-National, but Islamic

Europe in Twilight
By Daniel Greenfield  Sunday, July 4, 2010
Sultan Knish

It is not too incredible to imagine that within a century, German, the language of Goethe, Schiller and Mann, may become a dead language. That is already the almost certain fate of the Swedish and Norwegian languages. French, Spanish and English will survive as the pidgin languages of distant colonies, but in their own capital cities, these languages are swiftly becoming transformed into dialects, crossbred with Middle Eastern and African intonations and jargon to become increasingly alien to their own origins.

In hardly two generations we have moved from a world dominated by Europe, to one in which the peoples that not too long ago formed its ruling civilization may become extinct. The nations of Europe are caught between the economic unsustainability of socialism and the political fortunes of its overlords, who have built entire economic castles of cards on government entitlements and guest workers. The European Union has been proven to be unworkable, even as an authoritarian organization. It may survive, but like all overly enthusiastic parasites, its survival would only serve to quicken its host’s doom.

The One-Worldism that once so animated European socialists is conceptually dead. The European Union is its last gasp, and the international organizations erected in desperate fits of optimism from the UN on down, have become a sham of a farce, unfit to do anything but promote the agendas of the most brutal and power hungry regimes. It was inevitable that European intellectuals, living in a cluster of nations with a long history of internal warfare, would try to embrace post-nationalism as the solution. But the hole in their One Worldism was the assumption that the rest of the world would be happy to follow suit, tossing national identities, religious ideals and all the usual dreams that come with them overboard, in order to be part of one big happy globe. That of course was not the case.

Nationalism did not doom Europe, post-nationalism did. WW2 would not have been the continent killer that it became, had Hitler and Mussolini not confronted an England and France who were no longer too sure about this fighting thing. It was not an excess of German nationalism that was the problem, but an excess of English pacifism, the cynical post-war poses which insisted that nothing was worth fighting for, and politicians who mirrored that horror of war by allowing Nazism and Communism to get away with murder, over and over again. Yet after WW2, the very same “thinkers” who had agitated against doing anything about Hitler, distributed the blame for the war equally to both sides, as if the SS and the SAS were moral equals.

If post-WW1 rejected of nationalism and embrace of anti-war cliches helped Hitler on his course, in the post-WW2 period they helped the USSR, and in the post-Cold War period, Islam. In each case, the aggressors who had not left behind an identity based will to power were rewarded with a compliant Europe. Twice the US bailed out Europe, but after the Cold War, America is suffering from the same disease. And so the US Army which shielded Eton graduates who rejected war on moral grounds from the consequences of their appeasement of Nazism, and the US Air Force which protected a Western Europe that decided war was barbaric from the threat of the Communist barbarians of the East, can no longer do anything to help stop the Islamization of Europe.
Europe’s leaders surrendered their national identities and cultures bit by bit

Europe’s leaders surrendered their national identities and cultures bit by bit, expecting to find some new Utopian society on the other end. Instead all they found was debt and savagery. Socialism slashed the birth rate and hiked the budget. The immigrants and guest workers who were brought in to compensate for both, only inflated the budget further and fixed the birth rate in their own direction. England and France left behind their colonies, only to have those colonies follow them home, like ownerless dogs turned feral. And Europe’s governments pretended that this was the best of all worlds. After all European culture and national sovereignty were being stamped out, but it was being replaced with a new identity. Not European, not post-National, but Islamic.

The victors of WW1 had been so certain that the losers were as willing as they were to move on. They were proven tragically wrong. The losers of the Clash of Civilizations are most certainly not ready to move on. What they want is a rematch, and they’re getting one, even as Europe closes its eyes and pretends nothing is wrong. The creed that has not forgotten the loss of Spain was willing to wait, just long enough to begin winning an old war in a new way. Or a new war in an old way, depending on your perception of historical memory.

By abandoning its identities, Europe abandoned any form of meaningful self-definition, all that remained to define national identity were documents and television advertisements. (In this way Europe is at least one step ahead of us. All we have are the advertisements.) When you spend enough time asking, “Who am I?”, you realize that there is no answer, and therefore devalue the question. The post-modern nations no longer have real identities, but strings of neatly woven together platitudes having something to do with the human spirit. They pride themselves on mocking their own old identities and on celebrating the other, even when the other is trying to kill them.

To fight for a nation, its citizens must see it as a meaningful part of their identity. Without that, it is easy enough to reduce all wars to greed and a refusal of the concerned parties to sit down at a table and work everything out like civilized people. But Europe’s post-national project insisted on abandoning that Europe, and replacing it with a New Europe. And that New Europe was little more than documents and television advertisements, an entity in search of an identity. It prided itself on being cool, rather than meaningful, God Save the Queen played on an electric guitar, Prime Ministers being serenaded by rap stars and the flash and thunder of fireworks to drown out any difficult questions.

The New Europe was tolerant, just not of its own citizens. It did not particularly stand for or against anything, except the environment and human rights. It still saw itself as the leader, when in reality it had become the Third World’s camp follower. It was an endless party that wasn’t terribly lively and had in any case run out of money some years back. Its mores had gotten rowdier, its bureaucracy had become more byzantine, and its leaders more spineless. It was marking time, watching the hands of the clock sweep around the blue dial and its golden starred numbers. Pretending that it still had time left.
A new golden age of Islam, built on the looted technology and wealth of Europe

And so today Europe is in twilight, its sun has set and the shadows have grown. Huddled shapes are massing, gathering their forces and preparing for Europe’s long night. A night it may never wake from. Burning cars and burqas, mosques and medieval mores being enforced again in Republics that had prided themselves on their showy modernism, The vandals of London and Paris, Brussels and Rome, know exactly what they’re fighting for. A new golden age of Islam, built on the looted technology and wealth of Europe. Just as the old one had been built on stolen Roman and Greek texts that had somehow escaped burning by the Islamic hordes. But the reality may be more complex.

Europe had hoped to leave nationalism behind, but instead it replaced its own native nationalisms, with those of the Middle East, Africa and Islamic Asia. And much as some European countries still fancifully imagine that they can tie it all together with a revamped French or English identity, the way their American counterparts pledge allegiance to multiculturalism, it can’t work. A leaning tree will not be tied in place with a paper rope. The strength of an identity is its fundamental security. And the strength of an identity derives from a meaningful identification. Take away that identification, and you have a weak construct that cannot stand on its own.

Culture abhors a vacuum, and the human mind will fill in identities where they are lacking. And while Islam could not contend with the complexity of European culture, its identity is far more uncomplicated and secure. The Muslims protesting against returning English soldiers understand their identity and role in a way that the bobbies directed to keep them apart, do not. And this problem extends all the way up the trunk of government, and down again by way of the poisoned sap of appeasement. For European Muslims, there is only the decision between Jihad Now or Jihad Later When We Are In the Majority. Europeans have to debate whether a Muslim cleric who calls for the implementation of Islamic law is compatible with their national values, but the followers of the cleric suffer from no such confusion. Their identity is strong because it is simple and brutal, and because while the oil rich tyrannies of the East have poured enormous sums into building up those identities, the native governments have squandered fortunes to reprogram the identities of their own people into a configuration more suitable for a world in which buses are bombed and every new week turns over a new terror cell.
To disarm a man’s identity is to take away his soul. It can be reversed, but is no easy task

While the Islamists continue programming identity into regional Muslims, Europe’s governments instead focus on deprogramming their own citizens. While Turkey embraces both Islam and aggressive nationalism and yet demands EU membership, existing EU members are working to strip away the remains of their national identities.  The outcome is clear. To disarm a man’s identity is to take away his soul. It can be reversed, but is no easy task. And Europe’s post-nationalism has produced a generation that despises war even more fervently than their grandparents did, despises the United States for its purported warmongering even while living on a diet of American culture, and prides itself on tolerance for immigrants and refugees. Even self-interest can only move them so far, considering that they have been taught that self-interest is a dirty word. (Along with unilateralism and colonialism, but not Communism.) But renewal can only come from identity, for people to wake up and fight for their rights, they must first know who they are, so that they will believe that their rights are worth fighting for.


Friday, July 09, 2010

Australia: Australian Union (ACTU) Appointed Prime Minister,Madame Gillard and her Union Financiers and Bankers Commit to Internet Filter to protect Australians from Counter Revolutionary thoughts.


ISP filtering legislation on the way

Labors Internet filter aka. Freedom  FROM Free Speech.

Madame Gillard promises to protect Australian’s from Counter Revolutionary thoughts and information.

Gillard Australian Story Great Wall China Australian Council of Trade Unions appointed, Australian Prime Minister,former member of the “Gang of Four” Madame Gillard seen here in Party Garb, on a visit to the Australian Labor Party’s ideological homeland, Communist China.

Beijing's former highest ranking official in Australia and Prime Minister of Australia,Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd," # 1 Citizen" of the previous Union Financed Labor Government, Madam Gillard's  predecessor, often quoted Labor's ideological sole mate Mao Tse Tung, the progressive lefts most infamous mass murderer and despot's invocation to the people of China soon after slaughtering his opponents and seizing power "Let a hundred flowers bloom" (Lu Kewen insisted on saying let a thousand flowers bloom)
The internet has indeed let a "Hundred Flowers bloom", different thought's and ideas are now out there in the Blogosphere, and just like Mao Tse Tung, those seeking fighting, to hold the DEATH SWORD of International Socialism, have been monitoring those Flowers Blooming and what those "flowers " had to say on the internet these last 15 years or so.

Names addresses and telephone numbers of the authors their wives, husbands and children, and every word ever written on any and ALL Blogs.
Letters to the editor and email, the flowers have indeed BLOOMED, the internet has invited "open and frank" discussion, unlike the days when Mao Tse Tung's operatives had to listen into every conversation in a Cafe ,public park bus, train or University Lecture or private conversation between husband and wife or parent and child, those deemed to be " Counter Revolutionary" are easily identified by their writings on the internet and just like  Mao Tse Tung's gangs of roving "Revolutionaries" and "right thinkers" aka. butchers thugs and mass murderers did to China's hundred blooming flowers, so to will his ideological descendants Madame Gillard and the Australian Labor Party and their Bankers and Financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

So what did Mao Tse Tung do after he surveyed his Hundred Blooming Flowers? he simply slaughtered every Flower that did not bloom according to HIS aka. "The Party" proscribed ideology, in fact he made his Communist Party "Flowers" the only "Flowers" allowed to Bloom  in China.
Madame Gillard is about to shut down the internet in Australia, Australians will have the same access to the internet as do citizens / comrades of Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China and Venezuela

Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010
Australia: Comrade Lu Kewen’s aka. Kevin Rudd’s Internet censorship almost complete
Lu Kewens’ internet censorship plans “unworkable” says Google
Rudd’s Australia : Australian Labor Party to require ISP’s to keep records of customers web surfing, in the name of “Fresh Thinking” of course
Australian Labor Party Icon and role model orders arrest of TV station owner…

Australian Labor Party’s best friend turns out the lights in Venezuela “Dear President Chávez, We, the undersigned citizens of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for you to visit our country…………”

Rudds’ Australia: Iran,Australia and North Korea a threat to internet via censorship regulation

Rudd’s Australia: Internet censorship anti Rudd Labor Facebook site shut down

Americans BEWARE Australian internet to be CENSORED by Australian Labor Party
Australia: What Madame Gillard did and said she thought BEFORE she was appointed Prime Minister of Australia by the Union Movement & NSW Labor’s Political ASSASSINS on June 24 2010

There is now not a dollar you have spent, a thought you have committed to email or Skype or an MSN phone conversation or as a comment on a blog site or newspaper website, a Face Book page, or friend, a Porn site you may have visited, a Religious or Political site you may frequent or be a member of that the likes of Madame Gillard won’t know about should she and her fellow “Progressives” choose to know about.

Somewhere there is a record of everything you have ever spoken or written / posted on the internet or on your cell phone in the name of letting a “Hundred Flowers Bloom”


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