An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Islamic Colonization of Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Colonization of Australia. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

Muslim sterotyping Down Under " Terrorist Man" costume "......"It's disrespectful to so many - Muslims.."

Baulkham Hills store bans 'disrespectful' terrorist costume

APRIL 26, 2013 10:07AM

RED Riding Hood, Spider Girl, Lil Bee... and Terrorist Man?

A Baulkham Hills discount store has moved quickly to remove from sale a highly offensive novelty costume depicting a stereotypical Arab man, complete with turban, beard, white robes and army camouflage vest and holding a large assault rifle.

The packaging identifies the costume as "Terrorist Man''.

A Hills Shire Times reader contacted the paper earlier today, complaining about the costume on sale for $32.99 at Red Dollar at Stockland Mall Baulkham Hill.

It was hanging right alongside children's and adults novelty costumes including nurses, superheroes, animals and policemen.
"It's disrespectful to so many - Muslims, victims of terrorism and the general community - and is a terrible example to children,'' the reader said.
The costume comes in sizes small (8-10), medium (12-14) and large (16-18).

When confronted, the store's manager removed the five costumes from sale and apologised, saying she understood the complaint ``given what's happening at the moment''.

It is unclear whether the same costume is for sale in other stores around the Hills and Sydney.
Does this depiction of a Muslim above,resemble the pictures of Islam's finest shown below?  Of course not say the Islamist's and their Multicultural Harmony Day apologists.

Left click image to enlarge

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dying Khaled Kahwaji asked to name his attacker

Dying man asked to name his attacker

Yoni Bashan, Sophie Ly and Carleen Frost 
The Daily Telegraph
March 16, 2013 12:00AM

A DYING man who was shot in the head in Sydney's southwest yesterday was desperately asked by police to name his attacker using his last breaths.

The Sunday Telegraph has confirmed the deceased man is Khaled Kahwaji, who was charged with the murder of Saba Kairouz in August 2010.

Kahwaji was named on social media last night about 7pm though police asked it be withheld from publication for operational reasons.

Investigators are focusing their main line of inquiry to include a retaliation attack in relation to that murder, but are also investigating links with the shooting of a crime family matriarch on Auburn road at Auburn last Saturday.

The victim in that case, revealed by this newspaper earlier this week, was the aunt of Supermax inmate Bassam Hamzy, the founder of the organised crime group Brothers For Life.

Police later said they were bracing for an escalation in violence over the attack, which saw her shot four times in the legs at her front door.

Witnesses living on Wilbur St at Greenacre said they tried to help Kahwaji as he lay on the road just after being shot in the back of the head about 6pm last night.

The shooting happened outside a home which was later surrounded by police tactical operatives and the dog squad, who ordered the occupants, on loud speaker, to come outside.

After approximately one hour they then stormed the premises, though no arrests were made.

"We were trying to talk to him and just saying 'can you hear us'," a neighbour, who heard about five shots, told The Sunday Telegraph.

"The first thing police asked him was 'do you know who did this'."

Two search warrants were carried out by heavily armed officers later in the evening on the same street.

Police, the Homicide Squad and about seven riot squad officers have today returned to the scene, blocking off Wilbur st to door knock homes and conduct a line search for further evidence.

Police described the killing of Kahwaji, believed to be 30 years old, as a targeted attack.

He was shot a number of times, including the back of the head, while sitting in a Silver Mazda 3 on leafy Wilbur Lane about 6.15pm.

His body was found lying next to the car which had bullet holes in the driver's side door and about another three in the windscreen.

"This is not a random incident. This person has been targeted and it's certainly not something that is random," Bankstown police Superintendent Dave Eardley said.

"It's certainly an act that's quite vicious and callous."

In a shocking scene now regularly confronting residents of Sydney's western and southwestern suburbs, the street was shut down as more than 30 police scoured the area for evidence.

Forensic detectives and investigators from the Homicide Squad were also called in to assess the scene. Local residents returning from work were unable to enter their homes as the street was blocked off for about 100m.

Police cars and ambulance vans also clogged the street.

A group, believed to be members of the man's family, arrived on the scene soon after police arrived. There were hysterical scenes as several women in the group made their way towards the police barrier to view the body.

Police said it was too soon to say if the killing was related to motorcycle gangs but Supt Eardley said investigators were "not ruling anything out".

Yesterday's killing marks the 35th shooting in NSW this year - more than three a week - with 10 this month alone.

Pious Muslim Thug Drug Dealer Kneecapper and Multicultural Diversity Enrichment Ambassador to be released after 9 years in the Can     

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

South Australia:Muslim school Principal, Kadir Emniyet decrees all female staff must wear head scarf

Furious debate as teachers at Islamic College of SA's West Croydon campus ordered to wear hijab or face sack

Investigations Editor Bryan Littlely
Daily Telegraph
February 11, 2013 10:30PM

A WARNING from South Australia's biggest Islamic school that teachers - including many non-Muslims - will lose their jobs if they do not wear a hijab to school functions and outings has sparked outrage among News Ltd readers.

Irum Saeed,"Regaining Honour" Acid attack victim seen here wearing a very attractive hijab 

Furious debate has erupted, with many respondents irate over what they perceive as double standards in the school's stance, claiming the ruling is religious discrimination. There were repeated calls for an end to any government funding to the school.

Up to 20 non-Muslim female teachers, who do not wish to be named, have been told they will be sacked from the Islamic College of South Australia's West Croydon campus after three warnings if they do not wear a headscarf to cover their hair.

"If a female Muslim teacher working at a non-Muslim school was ordered to stop wearing her hijab at school functions and outings then that school board and principal would be before the Anti-Discrimination Commission before you could say 'hypocrisy'," wrote "Sir Loin of Lamb".

Meg of the Hills said: "I have no problems with women wearing a hijab if they so wish. I also don't have any problems with covering my head if I go to a Muslim country. But I have problems with this school's attitude. What is it teaching the kids?"

Many readers asked whether it was appropriate for non-Muslims to wear the religious garb.

"That is blatant discrimination against a non-Muslim's beliefs to force them to wear an Islamic religious garment. I would have thought that it was also sacrilegious of the non-believer to do so," wrote Concerned Citizen of Aberfoyle Park.

JaneAd of Adelaide said: "The hijab is a highly visible outward sign of one's faith. What is the point of forcing non-Muslims to wear it? I would find the thought of anybody faking another's religion to keep their employment revolting and insulting. The children are so fragile that exposed hair confuses them? Really?"

 Mike of Australia of Brisbane added: "The wearing of scarves in Muslim countries differs from country to country. There is no standard. Why should the teachers be made to wear a scarf if they are not Muslim?"

Others argued that the school had the right to set its own dress rules.

"If you choose to work at this school, then you follow the rules set by your employer. If you don't like the rules, then leave and work elsewhere. Seems straight forward to me," said Peter the Observer of Norton Summit.

"I wonder what would happen if I showed up to job at Macca's wearing an HJ's t-shirt...," said Gary.

Many pointed out that church-run institutions often had rules based on religious values and said strict rules were not unique to Muslim schools.

"I don't see how this is any worse than what Christian schools do. Except Christian schools have won the right, through discrimination law exemptions, to only employ Christians in the first place. So those 20 women wouldn't have even found employment in a Christian establishment, if they are not Christian that is. At least the Islamic College isn't discriminating by only hiring Muslims," said Chad of Adelaide.

Wiseimp of Adelaide added: "How is this any different than a Christian School refusing gay kids or gay parents? There is no difference, just because you don't belong to the religion doesn't mean you should still have to fit in to get their service? See old aged homes refusing gay couples... people speak so harshly of Islam but then forget this is not different to Christianity."

 "Banging the racist anti-Muslim drum, (WHAT RACE IS ISLAM AGAIN ? ) is missing the point," said Wakey Wakey. "This is the problem with all private religious schools generally. Their primary focus is religion (and money), not childrens' education. Catholic/Anglican schools have on-ground chapels and churches, school masters may be priests and nuns. This is the nature of religion. If a school is founded on outdated or discriminatory principles then parents need to make REASONED decisions about where they send their kids to be educated. Let the Muslims be."

Earlier it was reported that the order, from the school's governing board and chairman Faruk Kahn, contradicts the policy of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

Mr Kahn yesterday referred The Advertiser to AFIC for comment on the matter. "I have no comment ... I think you better go to AFIC, they are the only ones that are to make comment," Mr Kahn said.

School principal Kadir Emniyet did not return calls.

AFIC assistant secretary Keysar Trad said the policy was at odds with the national federation, but it was powerless to intervene.

"I'm aware there's a policy at that school with respect to the scarf," Mr Trad said.

"The AFIC policy is not to require any teacher to observe the hijab. In SA, the board itself has decided they want to operate in their way and we are not allowed to interfere in the matter.

"We maintain that staff should dress modestly but not be required by the nature of policy to wear the hijab."

Mr Trad said that matters of unfair dismissal resulting from teachers disobeying the school's hijab policy should be referred to Fair Work Australia.

"It's confusing for our children to see their teachers wearing the scarf in school and then they take it off when they are out shopping and the children see them there," he said.

"It is also a respect thing for our staff. If they are not Muslim they should not be forced to dress as Muslim."

One long-term teacher at the Islamic College of SA said a new school board was now "forcing teachers to put hijabs back on".

"There's no discussion ... you wear it or you're fired," the teacher said. "The teachers have always adhered to the policies and we are respectful of that.

"We are respectful of their religion but they are not going to respect us."

The college has about 800 students and 40 staff.

Guidelines from the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils to other Islamic schools do not require teachers to wear hijabs.

Glen Seidel, state secretary of the Independent Education Union, said the union was monitoring the policy.

"Essentially it means female staff have to wear a scarf covering most of their hair, and not have legs and arms exposed," he said.

"In 2012, the requirement was being managed moderately, but with a new principal in 2013 enacting the decisions of a very conservative school board, there is no room for compromise."

Mr Seidel said the union's view is staff should be free to decide whether to wear a scarf.

"The ultimate test would be in an unfair dismissal action to see if that requirement would be considered a `reasonable direction' and the termination therefore being reasonable.

"This is not a matter (in which) religious organisations are exempted from equal opportunity legislation in order to not cause offence to the `adherents of the faith'," Mr Seidel said.

"Non-Islamic staff are not being discriminated (against) in their employment as it is the same code for all.

"Non-Islamic staff can, however, feel rightly aggrieved that they are being coerced to adopt the dress code of a religion to which they do not belong."

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Muslim rioter and vandal Omar Halaby spared jail following September 15 2012 Sydney CBD Muslim Insurgency Riots

Life on the pension is a riot for Omar

The Daily Telegraph 
January 22, 2013 12:00AM

HE has no trouble smashing police car windscreens with milk crates but it seems Muslim rioter Omar Halaby is not fit to work, receiving a $200-a-fortnight disability support pension.

The 19-year-old from Padstow last week escaped with a good-behaviour bond for his role in September's violent Muslim protest in the CBD - partly because of remorse, his previous clean record and health issues he suffers that include sporting injuries and literacy problems.

When The Daily Telegraph visited his home yesterday, Halaby did not wish to talk about his reasons for claiming the pension. His father also refused to comment.

In documents tendered to the Downing Centre Local Court, Legal Aid lawyer Sophie Edin said Halaby suffered from "certain disabilities" which had seen him claim the pension for the past three years."He has some physical problems in relation to some football accidents," Ms Edin told the court. "He has literacy issues, a short attention span, things to that effect."

Community Services Minister Jenny Macklin yesterday defended the eligibility criteria of the disability support pension, which can be paid up to a rate of $712 a fortnight, compared to the dole at $492.

A spokeswoman for Ms Macklin said recipients were forced to meet strict criteria to claim the disability pension.

"People do not qualify for the disability support pension because they are illiterate," the spokeswoman said. "To be eligible for the disability support pension a person must have a permanent disability or medical conditions that make them unable to work."

About 820,000 people are on the disability pension, costing $15 billion a year, which is predicted to balloon to $16.9 billion by 2015-16.

Halaby lives with his parents but, according to court documents, pays no board from his $200-a-fortnight taxpayer-funded allowance. He is not involved in any studies or community organisations, the documents said.

In court, Halaby said he was sorry for his actions and confirmed he had paid compensation to the police for the smashed windscreen.

Muslim community leader Keysar Trad said he was not aware of the nature of Halaby's disability but claimed it was often difficult for Muslims to find employment, even if they were able-bodied.

"If you have any name that is Middle Eastern or Islamic, you'll often find you don't get past the interview stage," Mr Trad said.

"We encourage all people to find gainful employment to both contribute to society and to improve their skills, but sometimes that is harder for Muslim people."

He said the riots were an "ugly time in our history".

But he said Muslim community leaders had taken steps to prevent a repeat of such a disgraceful episode.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kabuki down under "Radical Sheik " outrages Conservative Politician

.....yes I know, yet another story where a Pious Muslim Sheik living in Australia calls for the imposition of Sharia Law, you all with me here?
enter outraged Conservative politician calling for him to be  "slapped down" by "moderate Muslims" demonstrating his total ignorance of the mindset of the believers of Islam.

There is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim" just ask any Muslim who says he or she believes that the koran is the word of allah revealed by the prophet Muhammed.

But hey, this now almost predictable "RADICAL" "MODERATE" Muslim BS has enabled believers of the koran to make enormous cultural and strategic inroads,insurgency,into Judeo Christian Western Democracies all over the world,not the least Australia.

Now how long before some Muslim "Rat with a Gold tooth" is holding the MSM by the balls at an out reach  /interfaith / Harmony Day press conference, tut tutting this "radical" sheik for expressing his belief in the teachings of the koran ?

Well said MP Steve Ciobo, but we have heard it all before, he will not be "slapped down" by "moderate Muslims" and the various taxpayer funded Multicultural Industry apologists for Islam, you see he is just saying and doing what his koran has ordered him and every other Muslim who believes in it to do.

Ship out Sheik Ismail Al-Wahwah, says Queensland Liberal MP Steve Ciobo

Henry Budd 
The Daily Telegraph
January 11, 2013 12:00AM

A RADICAL sheik who has called for Australia to become an Islamic state ruled by sharia law should be "slapped down" by moderate Muslims, according to a federal MP.

Sheik Ismail Al-Wahwah, the Australian head of extremist Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir, suggested during a Christmas Eve sermon that jihad should be used to implement hardline teachings.

Queensland Liberal MP Steve Ciobo said the sheik should adopt Australia's values of tolerance and a fair go for all or "pack up and ship off".

"Frankly, we have had a gutful of people who deliberately incite hatred and people who want to overturn the foundation principles of this country," he said. "This Sheik Al-Wahwah needs to be slapped down from moderate Muslim supporters who recognise there is no place in Australia for these kinds of attitudes."The sheik told supporters it was their duty to "carry the light of Islam to the rest of the world ... Not with flowers. It was the army of Muslims which started from Medina, and they went to China, India, and the Maghreb.

"That is jihad."

He said under an Islamic government, alcohol would be banned, a strict dress code enforced for all Australians and languages other than Arabic banned in schools.

Mr Ciobo said if Mr Al-Wahwah held dual citizenship the government should facilitate his move to another country more to his liking.

"I couldn't care less if he preaches to five people or 5000," he said.

"It only takes one or two crazies to take his message of jihad and to cause problems.

"If he's going to preach a message that this country needs to be under sharia law then he should go to where he can live under sharia law - and that is not in Australia."

"Moderate" Muslim Mother

What is the message of the koran, what do Moderate Muslims believe is the word of allah ? a few examples.

Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve -- 8:55
Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers -- 3:151
Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed, We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise. - 4:56
Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. -- 9:5
Lo! those who disbelieve, among the People of the Scripture and the idolaters, will abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of created beings.-- 98:6
Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the enemies of Allah and your enemies -- 8:60
Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. Those who follow him are merciful to one another, but ruthless to the unbelievers. -- 48:29
Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for God's guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them. -- 4:34
When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then, when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, till the war lays down its loads. -- 47:4
Lo! those who disbelieve, among the People of the Scripture and the idolaters, will abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of created beings. -- 98:6

Turkish  PM Erdogan on Moderate Islam

"PM Erdogan: The Term 'Moderate Islam' Is Ugly And Offensive; There Is No Moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam," from the MEMRI 

Speaking at Kanal D TV’s Arena program, PM Erdogan commented on the term “moderate Islam”, often used in the West to describe AKP and said, ‘These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”
Source: Milliyet, Turkey, August 21, 2007
Source : Jihad Watch

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Omar Abukhaled,27,was refused bail yesterday over the assaulting police and resisting arrest

Sydney's Occupied Territories Omar Abukhaled,27,was refused bail yesterday over the assaulting police and resisting arrest

Various sources compiled by ANV
5 Jan 2013.

Two constables dealing with an apprehended violence order against a 27-year-old on parole in Sydney's west were allegedly spat on and punched.

The man and his partner, a 46-year-old woman, were subsequently charged with assaulting police and resisting arrest after the attack at a unit in Carramar on Thursday at 1.40pm, police said.

Police said the woman threw a glass vase at a female officer, missing her, then struck her in the face and grabbed her around the throat. That officer received a black eye in the struggle.
Fairfield Inspector Raven Maharaj said the two officers are "fine and just suffering minor injuries."

"Unfortunately this happens quite a bit," he said. "Police attend to serve a brief or follow up a complaint that someone is breaching an AVO then it turns ugly when police arrive".

Police allege that as they attempted to arrest the man the woman grabbed one of the officers, while the man Omar Abukhaled,struck the other on the back of his head and spat in his face.

When other officers arrived, the man and woman were arrested.
The male police officer was taken to Liverpool Hospital for treatment and has since been released.

They were treated at the scene for minor injuries by paramedics before being taken to Fairfield Police Station.

Omar Abukhaled was charged with assaulting police, resisting arrest and breaching bail and was refused bail to appear at Parramatta Bail Court on Friday.
During his appearance in Parramatta Bail Court on Friday Omar Abukhaled he was refused bail and ordered to reappear at Fairfield Local Court next month.
The woman was charged with assaulting police and resisting arrest and was given strict bail conditions to appear at Fairfield Local Court on February 6.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Seven NSW Police officers assaulted in Sydney's Occupied Territories by Muslim Family aka. Labor's Vote People

Full marks to whoever it was that refused bail pending these "Harmony Day Ambassadors"  " Labor Vote People" court appearance tomorrow.
It appears that the NSW Police Force is clawing back 16 years of Socialist intervention and pro Muslim Lawless and Disorder (EG: NSW Labor Government Sponsored Intifada following "Cronulla Riots") imposed by the former Labor Socialist State Governments, under the Liberal (Conservative) O'Farrell State Government, no coincidence the Police Minister is a former Copper.
Now its up to the Magistrate to do his or her job and ensure they get it through their thick Middle Eastern Savage Skulls that it is against Australian Law to behave the way they did and impose a punitive sentence on all of them that they wont forget , say 6 months with 3 months non parole for all of them 
My only complaint is that they were not hit hard enough for long enough. 
Why does the NSW Police Force insist on sending 4foot nothing Australian women officers into these crap holes that are with any reasonable assessement are suitable only for only the most physically capable Male Public Order and Riot Squad members with water cannon (Crucifixes,50 lb Pork Legs and Garlic cloves ?) or better still Australia's SAS going door to door doing top to bottom searches with residents face down on the street cuffed behind heads under the supervision of Police Dog Squad.

Seven police officers injured in brawl with family during domestic dispute in Sydney

Nathan Klein 
The Daily Telegraph 
January 02, 2013 7:14AM

THREE police officers were hospitalised and another four have been injured after responding to a domestic violence incident in Sydney's south-west this morning.

Police were called to a house on Ogmore Court, Bankstown, following a number of complaints around 13.30am.

As police were preparing to leave the premises, a probationary constable was punched in the face by one of the family members while standing in the driveway.

The punch left the officer with a black eye.

Up to six members of the family then allegedly joined in the assault of the officer, before other police came to his aid.

A violent altercation then took place between police and the family, which resulted in injuries to a further six officers, who suffered bruising and concussion. One officer was also allegedly bitten on the hand.

Tasers were drawn, but not fired during the brawl which involved in 18-year-old triplets and resulted in one officer being bitten on the hand.

Police from neighbouring Local Area Commands responded to calls for urgent assistance, and five members of the family - four adult males and an adult female - were arrested.

They were taken to Bankstown Police Station where they are assisting with inquiries.

Three of the officers, including the Probationary Constable who was originally attacked, required treatment at Bankstown Hospital. They have since been released.

Full marks to whoever it was that refused bail pending these "Harmony Day Ambassadors"  "Vote People" court appearance tomorrow.
My only complaint is that they were not hit hard enough for long enough. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

When there are no infidels handy these savages slaughter each other....and the Australian Government wants to import 30,000 more of these SAVAGES into Australia in 2013

Labor's VOTE People ? who knows no way of checking who is coming into Australia since Labor's open borders policy introduced by Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 Rudd 

Mob kills man blamed for burning Koran

Daily Telegraph
December 22, 2012 10:11PM

A MOB in southern Pakistan stormed a police station to seize a mentally unstable Muslim man accused of burning a copy of Islam's holy book, beat him to death, and then set his body alight, police say.

The case is likely to raise further concerns about the country's harsh blasphemy laws, which can result in a death sentence or life in prison to anyone found guilty.

Critics say an accusation or investigation alone can lead to deaths, as people take the law into their own hands and kill those accused of violating it. Police stations and even courts have been attacked by mobs.

Local police official Bihar-ud-Din said police arrested the man on Friday after being informed by residents that he had burned a Koran inside a mosque where he had been staying for a night.

An angry mob of more than 200 people then broke into the police station in the southern town of Dadu and took the accused man, who they say was under questioning. Din said police tried their best to save the man's life, but 

were unable to stop the furious crowd.
He said police had arrested 30 people for suspected involvement in the attack, while the head of the local police station and seven officers had been suspended.

Past attempts by governments in predominantly Muslim Pakistan to review these laws have met with violent opposition from hardline Islamist parties.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam by Citizen Warrior.

Shamelessly Copied and Pasted from

Please pass it on

How To Disarm Good People 

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 04:47 PM PST

IN THE BOOK, The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout says something really interesting. Her book is about normal, everyday sociopaths (also known by the somewhat outdated term, "psychopath"). In other words, the book is not about serial killers, but about the neighbor who drives you crazy, the spouse who seems dedicated to making your life miserable, the cruel, unfeeling boss, etc.

A sociopath is someone who feels no empathy for other human beings. The consequences of this lack are enormous. These people are, in many ways, not recognizably human. And there is no cure for sociopathy. It is not caused by upbringing. Therapy only makes them worse.

About two percent of the population is sociopathic, and those who are in a relationship with a sociopath need to understand what makes sociopaths tick. The more you know, the less likely you are to be fooled, used, or destroyed by a sociopath.

But Martha Stout said something interesting for us here in our conversation about Islam. She wrote about the techniques sociopaths use to exploit people around them. Sociopaths use people. And there is one thing experienced sociopaths use more than anything else because it works so well with normal people. Their ultra-effective weapon is to evoke pity. Stout wrote:

The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness. It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy.

I first learned this when I was still a graduate student in psychology and had the opportunity to interview a court-referred patient the system had already identified as a "psychopath." He was not violent, preferring instead to swindle people out of their money with elaborate investment scams. Intrigued by this individual and what could possibly motivate him...I asked, "What is important to you in your life? What do you want more than anything else?" I thought he might say "getting money," or "staying out of jail," which were the activities to which he devoted most of his time. Instead, without a moment's hesitation, he replied, "Oh, that's easy. What I like better than anything else is when people feel sorry for me. The thing I really want more than anything else out of life is people's pity."

I was astonished, and more than a little put off. I think I would have liked him better if he had said "staying out of jail," or even "getting money." Also, I was mystified. Why would this man — why would anyone — wish to be pitied, let alone wish to be pitied above all other ambitions? I could not imagine. But now, after twenty-five years of listening to victims, I realize there is an excellent reason for the sociopathic fondness for pity. As obvious as the nose on one's face, and just as difficult to see without the help of a mirror, the explanation is that good people will let pathetic individuals get by with murder, so to speak, and therefore any sociopath wishing to continue with his game, whatever it happens to be, should play repeatedly for none other than pity.

More than admiration — more even than fear — pity from good people is carte blanche. When we pity, we are, at least for the moment, defenseless, and like so many of the other positive human characteristics that bind us together in groups...our emotional vulnerability when we pity is used against us...
The reason I thought that was interesting and relevant is that pity is one of the most common techniques orthodox Muslims use, and it is the main reason they've been able to get away with as much as they have so far. They exploit the egalitarian, multiculturalist, good-hearted nature of non-Muslims. They evoke pity and then use our own kindness and our desire to "get along with others" against us.

I was just reading the book, Tripoli: The United States' First War on Terror. The ruler of Tripoli had been seizing U.S. merchant ships, adding the ship to his own fleet, keeping the contents of the ship, and selling the captured sailors into slavery. It was a very lucrative pirating business. The U.S. wanted Tripoli to stop it, of course. The ruler of Tripoli said, "Sure, we'll stop attacking your ships if you pay us tribute every year."

So for awhile the U.S. paid the tribute because they were a new country and had no navy to speak of, and they wanted to continue with their overseas trade. But the ruler of Tripoli decided the tribute they had agreed to wasn't enough, so he demanded more and when he didn't get it, he started seizing U.S. ships again.

Meanwhile, the U.S. was frantically building a navy, and by this time had enough warships to put up a fight, so they did. Suddenly Tripoli's ruler wanted to talk peace. But in the negotiations, the man negotiating on behalf of the ruler asked for a gift of money. The U.S. said no, absolutely not. The U.S. said basically, "You have not been fair in any way and have only acted as our enemy, and no, we will not pay you to stop the fighting."

Then Tripoli's negotiator tried to appeal to pity: "But Tripoli is very poor," he pleaded. "she cannot subsist without the generosity of her friends; give something then on the score of charity." In this case, Tripoli had already established a poor reputation with the Americans, so the pity plea did not work. But even after the U.S. negotiator said no, Tripoli's negotiator tried to make the U.S. negotiator feel guilty for not feeling pity. He asked, basically, "You say you want peace but you won't give this gift of charity to obtain the peace?"

Islam uses the pity plea anywhere it can. Mohammad used it, Muslims in Tripoli were using it, and Muslims today are still at it. In their dealings with powerful non-Muslims, the basic stance of Islam is: "We are an oppressed, persecuted people. We're a minority. We're under siege. We are wrongly accused. We're the victims of bigotry, hatred, and Islamophobia." And if they can't find anything to point to that proves their oppression, they literally create something (click here for an example).

It's like a game they are playing, except this is a game with very serious consequences. A single sociopath using the appeal to pity can completely ruin the lives of many people. And this is, of course, nothing compared with what orthodox Muslims have done. They've killed over 270 million people since they started. They've ruined even more lives, and they are affecting the lives and livelihoods of billions of us today.

I would like to spend my time working on productive, positive, life-affirming activities. Instead, I am spending many hours of my short time here on earth trying to stop the insidious Islamic encroachment, reading and writing about things I wish didn't exist. It's an upsetting topic. It's disturbing. But the consequences of ignoring it are even worse, so I devote a large portion of my life to it.

And, of course, I'm not alone. Each of us has been influenced in hundreds of ways we don't even know about by the third jihad (and the first two jihads).

It's important to understand how they are Islamizing the free world so successfully. One of the most effective techniques they use is the appeal to pity. The good news is that as soon as you see the appeal for what it is, the game is over, the magic disappears, the trance is lifted.

The above is an excerpt from the book, Getting Through: How to Talk to Non-Muslims About the Disturbing Nature of Islam by Citizen Warrior.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Serial Muslim Blasphemer Diaa Muhammad to continue to run Blasphemy bill boards and now TV Commercials

Supporting Islam and Australia

Bruce McDougall
The Daily Telegraph 
December 06, 2012 12:00AM

THE Muslim activists behind the controversial billboards proclaiming Jesus was a "prophet of Islam" have launched a TV campaign to show the world their religion is about "peace and respect".

Called "I'm Muslim and proud", the $30,000 commercials - airing on Foxtel and SBS - aim to repair the religion's image in Australia.

Worried about negative public perceptions after the September riots in central Sydney, the My Peace organisation aims to show Australian Muslims are "just like everyone else - they love their family, contribute to the community and are proud Australians".

The "Jesus and Islam" message sparked outcry among some Christians when it appeared on billboards around Sydney.

Diaa Muhammad - who founded My Peace in 2011 to "build bridges between the Muslim and wider community" - hopes to energise Muslims with positive images so they saw themselves as proud members of Australian society.

"We hope this campaign enables the wider community to see us in a new light, to see that our values are closely matched and our beliefs are not that different," he said.

"Social media has enabled My Peace to connect with thousands of Australian Muslims."

Equating Jesus Christ,the Son of God,with a Syphilitic induced Sociopath,self confessed Paedophile,Slave Trader,Mass Murderer and Serial Rapist will not win this Blasphemer, Diaa Muhammad, many friends in the majority Judeo / Christian Australian population.
I am sure the Multicultural Industry will just love it, Diaa Muhammad's version of "Pisst Christ" if you like,smearing Jesus by association, with such filth as Muhammed and allh will I am sure win him and his co religionists many friends in the Labor Green Loon Government and its "Progressive" arts, education and media cheer squads.

He's not the son of God, just the support act
Aaron Cook 
May 28, 2011
CHRISTIANS in Sydney will have their core beliefs challenged by provocative advertisements due to appear on billboards and buses in the next month.
The ads, paid for by an Islamic group called MyPeace, will carry slogans such as ''Jesus: a prophet of Islam'', ''Holy Quran: the final testament'' and ''Muhammad: mercy to mankind''.
A phone number urges people to call to receive a free Koran and other Islamic literature.

“The Anglican Bishop of South Sydney, Rob Forsyth, said it was ''complete nonsense'' to say Jesus was a prophet of Islam. ''Jesus was not the prophet of a religion that came into being 600 years later.''
But the billboard was not offensive, he said. ''They've got a perfect right to say it, and I would defend their right to say it [but] … you couldn't run a Christian billboard in Saudi Arabia.''
 The organiser of MyPeace, Diaa Mohamed, said the campaign was intended to educate non-Muslims about Islam. He said Jesus was a prophet of Islam, who was to come before Muhammad. ''The only difference is we say he was a prophet of God, and they say he is God,'' Mr Mohamed said. ''Is it thought-provoking? Yes, it is. We want to raise awareness that Islam believes in Jesus Christ,'' he said.
Mr Mohamed said he hoped the billboards would encourage Christians and Muslims to find common ground. They were not intended to downgrade the significance of Jesus. ''We embrace him and say that he was one of the mightiest prophets of God.''
MyPeace plans to extend the campaign, funded by private donations, to television.

The Anglican Bishop of South Sydney, Rob Forsyth, said it was ''complete nonsense'' to say Jesus was a prophet of Islam. ''Jesus was not the prophet of a religion that came into being 600 years later.''
But the billboard was not offensive, he said. ''They've got a perfect right to say it, and I would defend their right to say it [but] … you couldn't run a Christian billboard in Saudi Arabia.''
The bishop said he would pay for billboards to counter those of MyPeace if he could afford it, and ''maybe the atheists should run their billboards as well''.

A spokesman for the Australian Islamic Mission, Siddiq Buckley, said the campaign would increase awareness of the positive facts of Islam. ''I would be looking at this as a good opportunity to explain what we mean.''

Siddiq Buckley
Clearly Mr Buckley and his co religionists prefer to live under the the manifestations of Judeo / Christianity founded by a Jew, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, than they do the manifestations of their “Islam” founded by their Infamous Paedophile Pirate,Slave Trader,Misogynist,Rapist,Mass Murderer and Polygamist called Mohammed.
Why would this “Two Pound Pom” want to do to Australia,what his coreligionists have done to the Country he and many of his fellow English Men and Women Ran Away from ?


Australia: Devout Muslim Diaa Mohamed the “Bill Board Blasphemist” sharing the “real truth” of Islam.
Devout Muslim Diaa Mohamed sharing the 'real truth' of Islam 

EXCLUSIVE by Nathan Klein 
The Daily Telegraph 
July 15, 2011 12:00AM 

"MUSLIMS can be whingers and they tend to blame everyone but themselves for the way people view them." 
They are the words of a devout Muslim man who is determined to show the real people behind the religion. 
Television commercials aimed at improving the "concerning" way many Australians perceive Muslims will soon hit our screens. 
They are the brainchild of - the same group of Muslims behind the "Jesus is a Prophet of Islam" billboards across the city. I guess Diaa Mohamed and his group are not yet prepared to go as far as their fellow Islamist’s in Israel and declare Jesus a SLAVE of allah, not yet anyway.
In the muslim area of Jerusalem, right next to the spot where Jesus Christ fell while carrying the cross, Glenn Beck comes across the following sign: Via. Bare Naked Islam

"A lot of the things we see on television are acts by extremists and radical Muslims. (according to Muslims and their apologists there is only about 100 million of them) 
"That is not who we are." 
The state government recently flagged new laws giving police the power to compel Muslim women to show their faces if they are suspected of committing an offence. 
The move came after the case of Carnita Matthews, who was convicted and later acquitted of falsely accusing a police officer of trying to rip her niqab from her face when stopped for traffic offences. 
The commercials - the first Islamic advertisement on free-to-air TV - are stage two of a plan to improve the way Muslims are viewed in Australia. 
They will be unveiled at a $75-a-head dinner tonight featuring a guest appearance by Canadian Muslim rapper Boona Mohammed. 
Organisers will also reveal the findings of a survey of more than 1000 people, commissioned by, which aims to educate all religions on the Islamic faith. 
"When people understand other religions, only then can they accept them and have nothing to be concerned about," Mr Mohamed said. 
Billboards preaching about Mohammed, Islam and the Koran have already started springing up around Sydney and the campaign features in ads on the back of more than 40 buses. As for his comment that "Muslims can be whingers", Mr Mohamed said: "A large part of that is, even though we have migrated well, we have kept who we are from Australians. 
"This commercial will educate non-Muslims on Islam and the beauty of our religion. 
"We can't keep letting other people paint a picture of who we are." 

Sydney under siege Muslim Insurgents riot

Muslim Insurgents Sydney Riot latest Video and Pictures

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