An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Islamic Terrorists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Terrorists. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Australia: Islam’s Hizb ut-Tahrir Sydney “Hate Fest” aftermath continues…


Jihadist group a threat to us all

Melanie Phillips
The Australian
July 06, 2010 12:00AM

WHATEVER its protestations, Hizb ut-Tahrir actively promotes terror and violence, says Melanie Phillips.

HIZB ut-Tahrir , which held its controversial rally in Sydney on Sunday, is not just yet another radical Islamist group.

It is one of the most manipulative and effective recruitment fronts for the Islamic jihad, particularly among the educated Muslim young.

It is precisely because its spokesmen do not appear to be wild-eyed fanatics but are usually highly intelligent and even intellectual that it is so appealing and therefore so dangerous.

But because it takes such care to conceal its links to terror, governments in Australia and Britain, where it has managed to establish a significant and highly troubling presence, find it difficult to deal with it.

Hizb ut-Tahrir propagandist  “interviewed” by ACA’s Tracy Grimshaw July 6 2010

Liberal societies are reluctant to ban any organisation unless it can be proved to be connected to terrorism or violence. Since neither Australia nor Britain says it has found any such links, they allow HT to continue to operate while monitoring its activities. Hence Sunday's meeting in Sydney.

But HT members in other countries have been involved in terrorism, and whatever its protestations to the contrary, the organisation actively promotes and encourages violence.

And since it regards itself as a global movement that does not recognise national boundaries, the comforting fiction that it presents no threat to Australia is particularly otiose.

In Russia, HT has been banned since 2003, when the leaders of its Moscow cell were arrested in possession of plastic explosives, grenades, TNT and detonators. In August 2005, nine members of HT in Russia were convicted of illegal possession of weapons and incitement to racial and religious hatred.

In August 2002, HT in Denmark reportedly offered the equivalent of pound stg. 25,000 to anyone who killed a prominent Danish Jew, producing a hit list of between 15 and 25 leading members of Denmark's Jewish community. The leader of HT in Denmark, Fadi Ahmad Abdel Latif, was convicted of incitement to racial hatred for distributing a leaflet urging people to "kill them, kill the Jews wherever you find them".

And last year HT was banned in Bangladesh after the government said it feared the organisation posed "a threat to peaceful life".

Not only does HT explicitly promote violence in Israel, Afghanistan and Iraq, but it calls on Muslims everywhere to engage in violent jihad.

HT is dedicated to the creation of a single Islamic state, or caliphate, that "will reach the whole world and the rule of the Muslims will reach as far as the day and night". It believes there is a timeless conflict that governs relations between Muslims and "unbelievers", a conflict it encourages.

On the Harry's Place website recently, "Raziq", a former HT member, wrote that HT's efforts in Britain are primarily aimed at disrupting the civic and political integration of British Muslims: "They want Muslims to disown citizenship in their hearts, to reject government and all democratic institutions in their minds . . . and to encourage them to work semi-secretly for the return of a lost empire across a massive land base."

HT makes clear in its literature that peaceful means are not enough to win this conflict and that Muslims are allowed to launch aggressive wars against non-Muslims. Its publications say Islamic religious texts all command Muslims to initiate fighting against disbelievers, "even if they do not initiate [it] against us".

It even justifies the killing of Muslims who do not want to live by these rules. "He who does not rule by Islam and rules by a kufr [non-Muslim] system should either retract or be killed."

It also calls on Muslims to fight Jews everywhere, and engages in vicious anti-Jew invective. Last month, HT in Bangladesh issued a press release to advertise a demonstration about the Gaza flotilla which said: "O Muslim armies! Teach the Jews a lesson after which they will need no further lessons. March forth to fight them, eradicate their entity and purify the earth of their filth."

Its invective radicalises Muslims everywhere to the cause of extremism and jihadi violence.

In Britain, it has had a particularly seismic effect on campus, where its combination of intellectualism, save-the-world idealism and secret-society comradeship has proved devastatingly effective in recruiting even highly westernised students to the jihad.

Britain's National Union of Students has twice banned HT - in 1994-95 and again in 2004 - holding it "responsible for supporting terrorism and publishing material that incites racial hatred".

The result has been merely that HT has repeatedly changed its name to continue to spread its message on campus. But the students union's attempt to stop HT has not been echoed by the British government, although the new Prime Minister, David Cameron, promised in opposition to ban it.

Not only has the government refused until now to proscribe it, but it sometimes inadvertently even channelled public funds to it through front organisations.

And it has taken no legal action against it, despite calls by British Jewish leaders for HT to be prosecuted after it repeatedly called on its website for the killing of Jews and the annihilation of Israel.

Several former HT members in Britain have testified to the extraordinary effectiveness of HT's manipulative mind games on impressionable Muslim youths, and have been in the forefront of arguing that the British government's refusal to ban it has been a disaster.

Shiraz Maher, who left HT after the London tube and bus bombings in 2005, says there is a real danger in allowing the group to operate freely, as its words may have inspired terrorist activity. One of Britain's first suicide bombers, Omar Sharif, was partially radicalised by HT activists at King's College, London.

Maher also notes that HT targets Britain's many foreign Muslim students in order to project the party's message back into the Muslim world, where it is severely curbed by local governments.

That's why public meetings such as the one in Sydney are so important to HT, not just to radicalise Australian Muslims but to boost the organisation's ability to recruit to the cause in countries that have banned it because they are only too well aware of the lethal threat it poses.

Democratic countries such as Britain and Australia are rightly very reluctant to clamp down on political expression. But the decision that nothing can be done to ban HT's "conveyor belt to terror" is disastrously naive.

Melanie Phillips is a columnist for Britain's Daily Mail.

Report from an insider on Sydney July 4 Hizb ut-Tahrir hate fest
Australia Burqa Ban: Rev. Fred Nile “Walks the Walk” through Sydney’s Occupied Terrortories.
Hizb Ut-Tahrir Islamic conference spokesman Uthman Badar
Rudd’s Australia : Proscribed Muslim Terrorist Group permitted to hold HATE FEST in Sydney July 4 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Australia: Multicultural and Useful Idiot Pin Up Boy,Sheikh Monsour Laghaei Fly’s back to Iranian Masters.


ASIO Found this Muslim to be a threat to the security and well being of Australian’s,thankfully there is a Federal Election soon this year and the Union financed Australian Labor Party, after many many appeals,far too many by any reasonable consideration in fact , decided to Muscle up and accept the advice of Australia’s “Spooks” and show him the door, back to IRAN. However after and if Labor & Madam Gillard is elected in the coming 2010 Federal Election I am sure that he will be able to slip back into Australia unannounounced  before CHRISTmas 2010. As for me, good riddance to bad rubbish support ASIO.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Australia: Hassan Nagi HIV Positive Muslim Taxi Driver & Multiple Rapist sentenced as Hags in Bags leap to his defense outside Court.

                                                                                                                              Hassan Nagi Hag in  bag

The court errupted as Nagi's mother also began yelling in defence of her son, and one the victims present retorted: "You weren't there!"
Judge James Bennett found Nagi had shown no remorse, had been predatory, and "demonstrated a disrespect for the female gender and a willingness to pursue his own (sexual) gratification regardless of them and their interests."

You Rape three women (that we know of) and are sentenced to a little over 4 years for each one and your relatives think you are hard done by, Oh that’s right, I forgot the Rapist is a Muslim, and his victims are Australians.

Hassan Nagi

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rudd’s Australia : Proscribed Muslim Terrorist Group permitted to hold HATE FEST in Sydney July 4 2010


Muslim Conference

Hizb ut- Tahrir

When our Federal attorney general is not writing character references for Iranian spy Sheikh Mansour Leghaei that ASIO deems to be a threat to our National Security, his Labor Party is allowing these Islamic Terrorists / Supporters to gather like a pack of Jackals at their Sydney head quarters, 12 Bridge Street Lidcombe in the heart of the Labor Party created, Sydney’s Occupied Territories, to consort and conspire to further the objectives of their Islamic Terrorist Organization.

Good Work Australian Labor Party and your financiers the Australian Council of Trade Unions, Australia’s “Working Families” really appreciate the great work you are doing.

Islams maddest of Islamic dogs down under enunciates " for military coups and revolutions to overthrow non-Muslim governments worldwide"
Islamist leader in call for revolution

Natalie O'Brien
The Australian
September 26, 2007

THE mysterious sheik behind the Australian chapter of Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir has revealed the organisation's support for military coups and revolutions to overthrow non-Muslim governments worldwide.
Ismail Al Wahwah, who was little known until last month when he was banned from a Hizb ut-Tahrir conference in Indonesia, spoke out on an Arabic radio program that revealed him as the "active member" of the group in Australia.

In an interview conducted in Arabic on SBS radio last month, he attacked the West's lack of values and backed the use of suicide bombings in Iraq and Palestine, even if they killed Australians.
"I say any occupied people have the responsibility to defend their country," he said in the interview, which The Australian had translated into English. "The victim ... should not be asked how he is defending himself."

Sheik Wahwah is understood to be the unofficial leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Australia. The Australian has obtained the first pictures of the man widely known in the Muslim community as Abu Anas.
Hizb ut-Tahrir's media spokesman, Wassim Doureihi, denied the sheik was the group's leader in Australia, saying Sheik Wahwah was a senior member and that his brother, Ashraf, a civil engineer at North Sydney Council, was the official leader.

But Sheik Wahwah is sent to address senior members of the Islamic community in Sydney on behalf of Hizb ut-Tahrir, and he was Australia's representative for the Indonesian conference.
On the radio program, he was introduced as the "active member" of the party - a statement he did not correct.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is a secretive organisation known as the Party of Islamic Liberation, which advocates the destruction of Western civilisation and the overthrow of governments and their replacement by Islamic rule.
The group is banned in Europe, China and Saudi Arabia, but remains legal in Britain and Australia, actively pushing the idea of a Muslim rule.
It has been investigated by ASIO but there is not enough evidence to proscribe it as a terrorist organisation. Five years ago, most Western observers did not consider Hizb ut-Tahrir a serious threat, but its influence has grown and it now has a presence in about 45 countries.

Sheik Wahwah has refused to speak to the mainstream media in Australia.
In his radio interview, he said the allegations that the failed London bomb plotters were linked to Hizb ut-Tahrir was another example of the clash of civilisations and the West's dropping of one of its most basic values - the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
Sheik Wahwah expressed support for violent means to overthrow governments to achieve the group's aim of a caliphate.
He said if nations did not respond to the wishes of their people, the people should use all the powers they had, including the army, to usurp the rulers.
"It is up to the Ummah (community) to sort out its own matter with these rulers and remove their ruler in a public manner," he said.
"It could be such as a public revolution, public disobedience or a military coup ...
"We are in the front line with the Ummah. We don't engage in militant activities. Our case is to make the case of Islam the case of the Ummah."


Terror Australis:Wassim Doureihi Hizb ut-Tahrir wants a Caliphate

Hizb ut-Tahrir wants a Caliphate

By Wassim Doureihi
Daily Telegraph
July 12, 2007 12:00am

THE debate over Hizb ut-Tahrir has proven to be nothing more than a poorly scripted melodrama.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global Islamic political party working to re-establish the Islamic Caliphate within the Muslim world.

Since its inception in 1953, Hizb ut-Tahrir has been subject to the severest of repression by tyrants in the Muslim world. Our members have been consistently persecuted, imprisoned, tortured and murdered.
Despite operating under the most horrendous conditions, Hizb ut-Tahrir continues to oppose all forms of tyranny and dictatorship exclusively through intellectual and political means and in fact considers violence a violation of Islamic law.

Hizb ut-Tahrir's courageous stance in mobilising public opinion in the Muslim world has earned it the universal support of Muslim masses and caused widespread consternation among its opponents.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is now being targeted in the West for three primary reasons: The party continues to courageously expose the crimes of Western governments to a global audience; it unrelentingly challenges the West's neo-liberal interventionist policies in the Muslim world and it works to present Islam as an ideological alternative to Western secular capitalism as a model of governance in the Muslim world.
Critics of Hizb ut-Tahrir are desperately seeking to suppress debate. Our opposition to the illegal state of Israel, for instance, is howled down as anti-Semitism, our displeasure at the West's foreign policy labelled subversion, our challenge to Western-backed dictators characterised as rebellion, our work to generate political awareness described as radicalisation and our call for the affairs of the Muslim world to be governed by Islam branded as extremism.

Governments have even lent sympathetic ears to opportunistic individuals parroting the established government narrative by seeking to draw spurious and unfounded links between Hizb ut-Tahrir and recent events in London and Glasgow.

In the last century, Western governments conducted a brutal and unashamedly interventionist policy in the Muslim world which wreaked havoc on local populations through military occupation, economic exploitation and political repression.
But despite the concerted effort to demonise and silence Hizb ut-Tahrir, we will continue a serious and open debate on the way forward for the Muslim world.
* Wassim Doureihi is the media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia

Muslim first, Australian second, so leave us alone

By Lee Glendinning and Tom Allard
July 25, 2005

Wassim Doureihi

                                                                                           "I don't choose where I was born" … Wassim Doureihi

Westerners must leave Muslim lands if they want to safeguard themselves against terrorist attacks, says the Sydney leader of the global Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir, Wassim Doureihi.

Although Mr Doureihi says his group espouses non-violence, he warns Australia to "stop interfering in Islamic land, stop enforcing rules over Muslims and allow the Muslims to assume their own political destiny … If we are really serious about protecting the lives of the people in Australia, if you want to remove the possibility of these actions occurring within these countries, then remove the original injustice."

Hizb ut-Tahrir came under scrutiny yesterday after a report it was launching a recruitment drive in Sydney and was linked to one of the London bombers. But Mr Doureihi, 28, an accountant, vehemently denied a London link.

"The Islamic position is very clear - that is, Islam condemns the killing of innocent non-combatants whether it's in London or Iraq," he said at the rented room at Greenacre where his group meets on Friday nights.

However, leaflets handed out to members refer to the "war on Islam being reignited", leading to accusations of inflammatory language. "It's very ironic," Mr Doureihi said, "that certain groups can be targeted with words they use, when at the same time bombs are being dropped on entire villages and yet the world hasn't arisen to condemn that."
He does not believe Muslims can co-exist with Western society. Asked, then, why he chose to stay in Australia, he said: "I was born in this country. I don't choose where I was born … I consider myself as a Muslim first and foremost."

Hizb ut-Tahrir supports a transnational regime under Sharia law. It is banned in a number of Middle Eastern countries, but it is not a proscribed terrorist organisation in Australia, the US or Britain.

The president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Dr Ameer Ali, said: "Whenever we come across any groups like this, who are openly, blatantly advocating violence, we bring them to the notice of the law-enforcing authorities."

However, Keysar Trad, a founder of the Australian Islamic Friendship Association, said the group was "non-integrationist but not violent".

He does not believe Muslims can co-exist with Western society. Well he‘s  got that right at least.




Monday, May 31, 2010

Brutal story ends as kneecapper freed Australia: Pious Muslim Jailed for attack on Sydney Occupied Territory Police Station.

Brutal story ends as kneecapper freed

Paul Bibby
March 15, 2013

Some time on Friday Saleh Jamal will walk out of the South Coast Correctional Centre at Nowra as a free man.
Few on the street will recognise his bearded face or his name.
But the police who worked at Lakemba police station in November 1998 will remember, and the news of his release is likely to raise more than a few hackles.

Drive-by: Lakemba Police Station. Photo: Steven Siewart
In 1998 the notorious ''DK's Boys'' gang carried out a drive-by shooting on the Lakemba police station that left the building a mess of shattered glass, and much of Sydney in a state of uproar.

The shooting had five officers ducking for cover as 16 bullets from semi-automatic pistols passed through the station's foyer windows. Then police commissioner Peter Ryan pledged to track down those responsible and to make the streets of Sydney safe.
In May 2009 Jamal became the only person found guilty over the shooting as charges against the other men were dropped or not proven beyond reasonable doubt. He was later sentenced to a maximum of 12 years' jail for a range of charges including shooting with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

Burnt out: Police inspect the vehicle. Photo: Steven Siewart
Last Friday Jamal was quietly acquitted in the Downing Centre District Court after a 12-day retrial.
''Thank you, your honour, may God bless you and your family,'' a jubilant Jamal said.
The acquittal by Judge Steven Norrish coincided with the end of a nine-year jail sentence Jamal was serving for kneecapping a rival drug dealer at Greenacre in October 1998, a month before the Lakemba shooting.
''God willing I will be released next Friday,'' he told the court.
Jamal's release is a remarkable twist in what has been a dramatic and at times brutal and bloody story. For more than a decade the 37-year-old was one of the key members of DK's Boys, named after their leader Danny Karam, who ultimately perished in a hail of bullets from his own gang mates.
During the 1990s DK's Boys challenged Sydney's major players for a slice of the city's illegal drug market and, briefly, for a piece of the Kings Cross nightclub scene, with a brutal strategy that involved kneecappings and multiple murders.
In 2004, after being arrested and charged over the Lakemba shoot-out, Jamal fled to Lebanon with a false passport while on bail.
There he was subsequently arrested and jailed by the Lebanese government on charges of possessing weapons and explosives, planning acts that endangered state security, and possessing a false passport.
His five-year sentence for these crimes was later cut to two years after a Lebanese court ruled that only the passport conviction could be upheld.
In October 2006 he was extradited to Sydney where, in 2008, he was sentenced to nine years' jail for the 1998 kneecapping of a rival drug dealer at Greenacre.
The gang combusted in a fight with police on a White City tennis court in December 2008.
Last year, Jamal's conviction was quashed on appeal and a re-trial ordered.
Among the main reasons for the decision by the three-judge panel of the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal was that Jamal had not been permitted to accompany the jury when, as part of the trial, it visited the scene of the alleged crime.
In the Downing District Court this month Jamal faced the lesser charge of discharging a firearm in a public place.
He was found not guilty by Judge Norrish, hearing the matter without a jury.
He will hand down his reasons for the decision later this month.

Man jailed over cop shop shooting attack
By Janet Fife-Yeomans
The Daily Telegraph
May 28, 2010

A FORMER gang member has been jailed twelve years after a shooting attack on a Sydney police station.

Saleh Jamal will be behind bars at least until 2016 for his role in the attack on Lakemba police station in 1998.
Officers dived for their lives as a volley of bullets smashed into the station glass doors.

One hit a computer screen at head height.Judge Helen Morgan in the District Court today said it was a direct attack on one of the state’s law enforcement agencies.
“This attack was committed as an act of revenge against the police out of a misguided belief that they were unfairly targeting Lebanese,” she said.
The judge said they aimed to intimidate police and deter them from carrying out heir lawful duties.
Jamal, 35, was convicted by jury of discharging a firearm with intend to cause grievous bodily harm
He was a member of “DK’s Boys” an organised crime outfit headed by Danny Karam and was the get away driver when they targeted Lakemba police station in the night-time attack.
Judge Morgan rejected Jamal’s please for mercy on the grounds that it has taken so long for the case to come to trial.
She said that he was the architect of his own downfall.
His earlier trail in 2004, was aborted after he said he was ill.
He then fled to Lebanon on a false passport where he was jailed in Beirut after being convicted of terrorism offences.
The terrorism convictions was overturned on appeal and he was extradited in 2006 and in 2007 jailed in NSW for up to nine years for kidnapping arrival during a shootout at Greenacre in 1998.
His brother Mohammed Omar Jamal was convicted last year over a terrorist plot targeting Sydney Lucas Heights’ nuclear reactor.
Judge Morgan sentenced Jamal to a total of 12 years with a minimum of six and a half.
She said although he was the getaway driver he was as culpable as the gun who fired the shots into the police station.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Australia: Alan Jones interviews Janet Levy on her American Thinker article, The Narrative of Defeat.


The Narrative of Defeat

By Janet Levy
American Thinker
May 09, 2010

It is now life-threatening to criticize or mock Islam in the United States of America. The creators of South Park, Viacom, and anyone associated with the production of a recent episode portraying Mohammed in a bear suit would have potentially risked life and limb if they had broadcast the original cartoon sketch. In a manner eerily reminiscent of the Danish cartoon jihad, a Brooklyn-based Muslim group called Revolution Muslim posted a threat to South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker for their "outright insult" to the prophet.

"We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid, and they will probably end up like Theo van Gogh for airing this show," read the post. Theo Van Gogh was the Dutch filmmaker who was murdered by a Dutch-Moroccan Muslim for producing the film Submission, critical of the treatment of women in Islam. Like Salman Rushdie, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, and targeted infidels before them, life would have been reduced to an unending fielding of threats and the heavily guarded jockeying between safe houses for those associated with South Park if the episode had aired unaltered.

Alan Jones Janet Levy, Radio 2gb Sydney May 14 2010

The incident underscores the unceasing efforts by Islam to silence opposition and criticism in order to advance the establishment of a worldwide caliphate under Shari'ah law. Despite incidents like these, we in the West continue to react to Islam as if it were merely another variety of religious faith. Descriptions of Islam as a "religion of peace" and as "one of the three Abrahamic faiths" proliferate, obfuscating the need for further study and shielding the immutable, intolerant, militant, murderous doctrine from discovery. Although it's been almost nine years since 9/11, the level of knowledge and understanding of Islam is staggeringly low among the general population, let alone those sworn to protect us -- our military and intelligence services. At a time when the Western world should be intimately familiar with the concepts of jihad and dhimmitude, as well as the provisos of Shari'ah law, we are lulled back to sleep with platitudes of peaceful coexistence and shamed with charges of "Islamophobia" if we question the motives, demands, or practices of adherents to the Muslim faith.

Quite illogically -- given the sequence of events from 9/11 forward -- the very act of exhibiting fear or suspicion of Muslims is dubbed a "phobia" -- an irrational fear. This, after nineteen Muslims hijacked planes and flew them into buildings, exacting massive carnage in the name of their god, and afterward, their coreligionists feted the deed. The carnage has continued nonstop since then in other countries. In 2002, Muslim jihadists set off three bombs in Bali, killing over 200 people and wounding 240. In 2004, Islamic practitioners orchestrated a series of coordinated attacks against Madrid's commuter train system,  claiming 200 lives and injuring 1,800. The following year, suicide attacks in London's public transportation system during the morning rush hour resulted in 52 deaths and 700 wounded. In 2008, Muslim terrorists held India's most populous city hostage for three days with a string of more than ten shootings and bombings at a hospital, cinema, college, and Jewish center that left 175 dead and over 300 injured. These are just a few examples among hundreds of recent attacks by Muslims worldwide.

Yet we in America shrink from charges of Islamophobia and fail to acknowledge our righteous apprehension of unthinkable acts of evil in the name of a vengeful and certainly not peaceful god. We allow ourselves to be censured and plead guilty as charged of Islamophobia for scrutinizing the activities of Muslims and placing blame on the canons of Islam. The joy and celebration from Muslims across the world following the mass slaughter and destruction of 9/11 should have put us over the edge and strengthened our resolve to eradicate followers of this deadly belief system. Instead, we exhibit suicidal insanity in our failure and unwillingness to connect the dots of Islam, jihad, and Shari'ah. We dither, apologize to the enemy, and shrink from rightful condemnations of their holy books, their religious practices, and their legal code.

No other religion on earth exists with a holy book dominated by hatred toward non-believers. The Islamic trilogy -- the Koran, the Sira (or biography of Mohammed), and the Hadith (the words and deeds of Mohammed) -- requires jihad, the killing of infidels, as the highest form of devotion to Allah. Islam is a theo-political-legal doctrine whose primary focus is not on the "goodness" of Muslims, but on others -- evildoers who do not share the Islamic belief system. Certainly the Old and New Testaments offer their fair share of brutal passages, but the practices described within those passages haven't been in evidence for centuries. The brutal practices contained within Shari'ah law are practiced today throughout the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds, even in the United States.

Christians suffer through confession and acts of repentance for untoward acts that hurt others. Christians aspire to exemplary kindness and service to their fellow man for the privilege of escaping a hellfire-filled afterlife. Jihadists are awarded a guaranteed place in heaven and the promise of great reward for the holy act of murdering those who don't believe. While Jews practice "tikkun olam" -- repairing the world -- and perform "mitzvoth," or good deeds, devout Muslims pray to Allah for inanimate objects like rocks and trees to alert them to the presence of dastardly Jews. They pray, "O Muslim there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." Muslim world leaders and clerics routinely call for the death of non-Muslims. Has anyone ever heard a Western prime minister, president, rabbi, or priest call for the annihilation of a country or for the destruction of practitioners of other religions?

The Koran contains over four thousand verses of enmity toward non-believers. Over 63% of the Koran instructs Muslims to hate and avoid any association with non-Muslims. It teaches that non-Muslims should be held in contempt, killed, beheaded, humiliated, raped, enslaved, converted, or forced to pay the jizya or dhimmi tax. Eighty-five percent of the Sira -- the biography of Mohammed, the ideal man or moral icon for Muslims -- has to do with his battles against kuffars, or non-believers. This is a far cry from "Jesus died for your sins." Islamic teachings laud and require lying and deception, "taquiya," to advance the "ummah," or Islamic community. While Jews and Christians honor the Golden Rule, turn the other cheek and practice tolerance and inclusiveness, Muslims learn how to fight the Dar al-Harb, the infidel world of war, and practice the artistry of duplicity not only with impunity, but also with the highest praises from their god.

Let's not lull ourselves into complacency by citing that out of 1.57 billion Muslims worldwide, many are secular or have little knowledge of Islam. Although this may be true, that still leaves, conservatively, 10% to 15% (upwards of 235 million) of devout Muslims or jihadists who fit the description of submissive and intimidated, witting or unwitting enablers. As Mark Steyn astutely observed in America Alone, a "dominant minority" is the sole requirement for global jihad to take hold. In Mumbai, the carnage wreaked was caused by just ten people over three days. Nineteen hijackers were able to commandeer four passenger planes and murder three thousand Americans on 9/11. It doesn't take huge numbers to institute evil. In Nazi Germany, Hitler didn't win popular support in the country, but he pushed through his genocidal agenda as a passive, fearful populace looked on.

In our free society with a tradition of openly criticizing everything, even the sacred, it has now somehow become unacceptable to criticize Islam and the heinous actions of many of its practitioners. Yet it is perfectly acceptable to criticize Christianity, Judaism, or any other religion, for that matter. In 1989, "Piss Christ," an offensive photograph of a plastic crucifix submerged in a container of urine, was prominently displayed at a museum and won a U.S. government-funded award. While members of Congress and clerics condemned the sculpture in the media, the most egregious responses were from a museum patron who attempted to dislodge the photograph from the museum wall and a pair of teenagers who attacked it with a hammer. By comparison, in 2005, when editorial cartoons depicting Mohammed were published in a Danish newspaper, the Muslim world erupted into violence that claimed over one hundred lives and destroyed property worldwide, including four Danish embassies. Instead of reinforcing the Western value of free expression and severely punishing the actions of destructive Muslims, Westerners apologized for giving offense, censored the display of the cartoons, and cautiously monitored any future examination or critique of Islam.

Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna said,  "It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated; to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet." The work of the Muslim Brotherhood in America is "a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions."

It is now five minutes to midnight in the global jihad that endeavors to destroy us and establish a worldwide caliphate under Shari'ah law. Instead of standing our ground and asserting the supremacy of our values, our fear and submissiveness have taken root to hasten our defeat. Will we wake up and face the enemy head-on before it is too late and all is lost?

 Dangerous Racists

Monday, April 19, 2010

Lu Kewen aka. Australian Labor PM Kevin 07 Rudd follows, adopts? UK Labor’s Immigration Policy


Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser
Labour threw open Britain's borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a "truly multicultural" country, a former Government adviser has revealed.

By Tom Whitehead, Home Affairs Editor
Published: 6:42PM BST 23 Oct 2009

The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity", according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.

He said Labour's relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration" but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its "core working class vote".
As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the economic benefits and need for more migrants.

Critics said the revelations showed a "conspiracy" within Government to impose mass immigration for "cynical" political reasons.

Mr Neather was a speech writer who worked in Downing Street for Tony Blair and in the Home Office for Jack Straw and David Blunkett, in the early 2000s.

Writing in the Evening Standard, he revealed the "major shift" in immigration policy came after the publication of a policy paper from the Performance and Innovation Unit, a Downing Street think tank based in the Cabinet Office, in 2001.

He wrote a major speech for Barbara Roche, the then immigration minister, in 2000, which was largely based on drafts of the report.

He said the final published version of the report promoted the labour market case for immigration but unpublished versions contained additional reasons, he said.

He wrote: "Earlier drafts I saw also included a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural.

"I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended – even if this wasn't its main purpose – to rub the Right's nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date."

The "deliberate policy", from late 2000 until "at least February last year", when the new points based system was introduced, was to open up the UK to mass migration, he said.

Some 2.3 million migrants have been added to the population since then, according to Whitehall estimates quietly slipped out last month.

On Question Time on Thursday, Mr Straw was repeatedly quizzed about whether Labour's immigration policies had left the door open for the BNP.

In his column, Mr Neather said that as well as bringing in hundreds of thousands more migrants to plug labour market gaps, there was also a "driving political purpose" behind immigration policy.

He defended the policy, saying mass immigration has "enriched" Britain, and made London a more attractive and cosmopolitan place.

But he acknowledged that "nervous" ministers made no mention of the policy at the time for fear of alienating Labour voters.

"Part by accident, part by design, the Government had created its longed-for immigration boom.

"But ministers wouldn't talk about it. In part they probably realised the conservatism of their core voters: while ministers might have been passionately in favour of a more diverse society, it wasn't necessarily a debate they wanted to have in working men's clubs in Sheffield or Sunderland."

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the Migrationwatch think tank, said: "Now at least the truth is out, and it's dynamite.

"Many have long suspected that mass immigration under Labour was not just a cock up but also a conspiracy. They were right.

"This Government has admitted three million immigrants for cynical political reasons concealed by dodgy economic camouflage."

The chairmen of the cross-party Group for Balanced Migration, MPs Frank Field and Nicholas Soames, said: "We welcome this statement by an ex-adviser, which the whole country knows to be true.

"It is the first beam of truth that has officially been shone on the immigration issue in Britain."

A Home Office spokesman said: “Our new flexible points based system gives us greater control on those coming to work or study from outside Europe, ensuring that only those that Britain need can come.

“Britain's borders are stronger than ever before and we are rolling out ID cards to foreign nationals, we have introduced civil penalties for those employing illegal workers and from the end of next year our electronic border system will monitor 95 per cent of journeys in and out of the UK.

“The British people can be confident that immigration is under control.”

The Consequences of UK Labor’s Immigration Policy (I am pretending that they were not aware of the following when they introduced this immigration policy aka Mass Suicide Note) Australia’s very own Lu Kewen aka. Australia’s PM Kevin Rudd, is committed to a “big Australia” some 36 million in population and presently has an open border immigration policy with a preference for Muslim illegals.


We'll be a nation of new migrants

The Sunday Telegraph
April 18, 2010

THE Australian-born family will become a minority group within 15 years - outnumbered by a surging wave of migrants from Europe and Asia.

Figures from demographic consultants Macroplan Australia show record overseas migration and an ageing population mean migrant families will overtake the number of locally born residents by 2025 - far sooner than previously imagined.

The news will infuriate some Australian citizens, who claim the population is already too big and infrastucture is buckling under the strain.

According to 2006 census data, 40 per cent of the nation's population was either born overseas or had at least one parent who was born abroad.

But at present immigration levels, that proportion will jump to more than 50 per cent by 2025.

The news comes a few days after the appointment of Tony Burke as Australia's first population minister

He faces the task of managing the influx of migrants, which is expected to swell the population from 22 million today to 36 million by 2050.

As Mr Burke was sworn in, a survey of 3000 people revealed 70 per cent of Australians do not want a bigger population. Fewer than a quarter favoured immigration as the main contributor.

But experts say a migrant majority will be healthy for Australian culture and attitudes.

"It all adds to the cosmopolitan nature of modern Australia," KPMG demographer Bernard Salt said. "It means our views become less blinkered, and we become more tolerant, confident, engaged, opportunistic and optimistic because we are open to new ideas, not obsessed with keeping things the same."

Macroplan chief executive Brian Haratsis said Australians tended to "stare at our shoes and say we're the best in the world".

"While immigration needs to be managed with better infrastructure, we also need high immigration for sound economic reasons - if we don't, we'll all end up paying higher taxes."

Dr Bob Birrell, co-director of the Centre for Population and Urban Research and reader in sociology at Monash University, said the ratio of foreign-born residents was already higher in Sydney and Melbourne because they were the two most popular destinations for new arrivals.

"We're getting lots more Indian and Chinese immigrants coming to study, but many of those will end up settling here," Dr Birrell said.

The Federal Government estimates that cutting immigration from 280,000 to its target of 180,000 will result in a population of 36 million by 2050.

But it also means the number of working taxpayers will halve in relation to the number of people aged over 65.

Most migrants come from Britain (14.2 per cent), followed by New Zealand (11.4 per cent), India (11.2), China (10.5) South Africa (5.3) and the Philippines (4.1).

Mr Salt said there would be more Iraqi and Afghan migrants.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lakemba Mosque caught out again.


Al-Qaeda at city mosque


April 15, 2010


AN AL-QAEDA recruiter, described as the No. 1 terrorist threat to America, was engaged by a Sydney youth group to address hundreds of young people - a decision that has caused deep divisions at one of Australia's largest mosques.

The Lefts Celebrity Muslim and Islamist apologist Keysar Trad spins

At the same time as Anwar al-Awlaki was advising the extremist later charged with killing 13 people at Fort Hood in Texas, he was in talks with a group, Sydney Muslim Youth, about delivering a sermon to young Australians. He was already well known to security agencies as the spiritual guide to three of the hijackers on September 11, 2001.

''Anwar al-Awlaki is like a virus produced by the body wanting to fight a microbe,'' said Taj el-Din al-Hilaly, condemning the sermon, which was delivered at his mosque by phone link from Yemen.

According to US authorities, about the time of the sermon Mr Awlaki was transforming himself from radical cleric to trainer and recruiter for al-Qaeda.

Last week, Mr Awlaki became the first US citizen added to the CIA kill list. He is considered a military enemy of the US and faces assassination by special forces.

"The danger Awlaki poses to this country is no longer confined to words," a US official told The New York Times. "He's gotten involved in plots."

The chairwoman of the US house subcommittee on homeland security, Jane Harman, called Mr Awlaki "terrorist No. 1 in terms of threat against us".

The bomber who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas Day last year reportedly described Mr Awlaki as his trainer and recruiter.

The Herald attended the sermon at the Lakemba mosque in February last year but was ejected by organisers. Yesterday, no one involved with the mosque would take responsibility for securing Mr Awlaki as a speaker.

According to a director of the mosque, Ziad Ghamraoui, Shady Alsuleiman was in charge of organising evening youth events at the time of the sermon. Sheikh Shady refused to comment. He would not say whether Mr Awlaki was paid and would not comment on the subject of his speech.

Since Mr Awlaki's lecture, all speakers must now be approved by the mosque. Mr Ghamraoui said: ''We need to make sure that it's only moderate scholars that are coming.''

The senior imam at the mosque, Sheikh Hilaly, condemned provocative clerics who radicalised young people. ''They are like fast food who give no substance and no spiritual nutrition,'' he said.

''Our young people these days like loud voices. They seem to like Rambo and Schwarzenegger and the imam who raises his voice and appears tough.'', an initiative of the Shady-affiliated United Muslims of Australia, streamed but did not record the speech and has 15 other audio sermons from the imam.

On other websites, not hosted in Australia, Mr Awlaki supports jihad with phrases such as: ''The messenger of Allah said … whoever kills a non-believer can meet him''.

The NSW counter-terrorism squad, which has previously described Mr Awlaki as ''of great concern to us'', was unavailable for comment.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

FU*KI*G Terrorist !!!! oops woowww,sorry what was he thinking? how about Muslim “car enthusiast” (that’s better), bailed for Easter riot, cameraman stood down.


This Thug Omar, and his Father have been shamed by their OWN actions, nobody else’s.Why act,with even the slightest amount of dignity, when you can behave like a Muslim ? Over the top reactions, to every slight,perceived or real. Thank God they are members of the “Religion of Peace” who knows how they would behave if they were members of the “Religion of Bloodthirsty Rioting Hoodlums Head hunters and Terrorists” we would really be in trouble then.

Alleged ringleaders of Bob Jane riot bailed despite fears of repeat

Norrie Ross
Herald Sun
April 01, 2010

TWO alleged ringleaders of the Bob Jane T-Marts riot at Oakleigh have been granted bail today, despite fears of a repeat of the mayhem over the Easter weekend.

Copy of 13 4 2010 Alleged ringleaders of Bob Jane riot bailed despite fears of repeat

Magistrate Fiona Stewart released Aziz Elbayeh, 19, of Springvale, and Omar Amr, 19, of Springvale South but set strict reporting restrictions and a curfew for the pair.

Ms Stewart said Mr Elbayeh and Mr Amr had shown cause why they should be granted bail but warned them they should steer clear of any "car culture'' gatherings or social networks.

Prosecutor Catherine Sedgwick, who had opposed bail, revealed today that a warrant was issued for Amr's arrest last week when he failed to appear in court on other matters.

For this reason, she said the prosecution believed he was a flight risk.

At an earlier hearing, Constable Greer Goldsmith told the court police had evidence of further riots being planned this weekend on Facebook and car enthusiast websites.

Both men face charges of riot, incitement to riot, affray, burglary, theft and criminal damage arising out of the riot over the cancellation of an Easternats car race.

Mr Elbayeh is accused of smashing a chair through the window of the T-Mart store while Mr Amr allegedly threw a lit flare at a policeman.

During the the riot, 100 police faced off against 2000 protesters.

Ms Stewart ordered that the teenagers cannot leave the house between 9pm and 6am without being accompanied by a parent and that they not use the internet or mobile phones in relation to the so-called "car culture'' network in Melbourne.

Additional conditions that Amr should surrender his passport and not attend an international point of departure were also imposed.

"If you are found guilty you have significantly let your decent families down,'' she told the pair.

Police raided the homes of Mr Elbayeh and Mr Amr on Tuesday night, seizing mobile phones and laptops.

They were allegedly identified on CCTV at the scene of mayhem.

UPDATE The Cameraman has been sacked. 

Monday, February 22, 2010

ASIO saves Australians from Mansour Leghaei and Rudd government Attorney General, McClelland.


Iranian cleric, Mansour Leghaei, given 28 days to leave the country

Paul Maley
The Australian
February 22, 2010

MANSOUR Leghaei, the Iranian cleric twice declared a security threat by ASIO, has been given 28 days to leave the country after an immigration appeals tribunal rejected his final application to remain in Australia.

MANSOUR Leghaei 

Dr Leghaei

For more than a decade, Dr Leghaei has been contesting in the courts two adverse security assessments issued by ASIO, which it is understood believes the cleric is an Iranian operative. Dr Leghaei's battle to remain in Australia has won high-profile backing, with Attorney-General Robert McClelland writing two character references for the Sydney-based sheik, one of which challenged ASIO's findings.

But on Friday, the Migration Review Tribunal upheld a decision by the Immigration Department denying the sheik a residency visa.

As a result, the department has cancelled Dr Leghaei's bridging visa, giving him 28 days to leave.

A spokesman for Immigration Minister Chris Evans said ASIO had indicated it had no objection to Dr Leghaei remaining at large in the community while he finalised his affairs. "Dr Leghaei should now make arrangements to depart Australia. The department will seek to engage with Dr Leghaei in the coming weeks to facilitate his departure," he said.

Multicultural TV’s report.

The spokesman said the tribunal's decision also applied to Dr Leghaei's wife and one of his adult children, meaning their bridging visas would also be cancelled in 28 days.

At least one of Dr Leghaei's children was born in Australia.

During his hearing, the sheik argued little weight should be given to ASIO's assessment as the agency had refused to provide the reasons underpinning it.

But the tribunal ruled that, while sympathetic to Dr Leghaei's predicament, it lacked the authority to examine or overrule ASIO's judgment.

Mr McClelland wrote a reference for Dr Leghaei in 1997 while an opposition backbencher. He described the sheik as an asset to the Australian and Muslim communities.

"I was most surprised to learn that Sheik Leghaei's application had been rejected on the failure to satisfy part 4002 of Schedule 4 of the Migration Regulations, that is the public-interest criteria," Mr McClelland wrote.

But ASIO, which reports to Mr McClelland as Attorney-General, has taken a different view for more than a decade.

The Australian understands the agency still considers Dr Leghaei a security threat and has refused to undertake another assessment of him. Aside from his links with Iran, it is understood ASIO has concerns about Dr Leghaei's alleged knowledge of Ahlul Bait, a French terrorist organisation.

Dr Leghaei has repeatedly denied he has been a spy for Iran or is a threat to security. But his 1997 residency application was denied on public-interest grounds after ASIO found against him, and in 2002 the agency formally issued an adverse security assessment.

In 2004, a second adverse security assessment was handed down. Despite the concerns, Dr Leghaei has lived freely since arriving in Australia in 1994. At one point he did not even have a valid visa, meaning that in addition to being a security threat, he was living unlawfully in Australia.

Dr Leghaei could not be contacted for comment.

Australians saved from our Rudd Government Labor Party,Attorney General Robert McClelland by ASIO.

Thanks to ASIO this piece of shit will be removed from Australian soil within 28 days,hopefully he will not be the last to be thrown out of the country notwithstanding the Rudd Governments belief, that he and his kind are

"... an asset to the Australian and Muslim communities."

Thank you ASIO, it is good to know that ASIO is looking out for Australia

Stockholm Syndrome, and useful idiot # 1 see Father Dave


Monday, January 12, 2009

Muslim child abuse caught on camera

In any other culture or "Religious" organization what you are about to view, would, rightly be called Child Abuse and condemned by all,including those self appointed arse clowns down at the United Nations.
However they and the rest of the International Socialist movement are silent when this Child Abuse is perpetrated by their long standing Allys and soul mates in Islam, in this example of Islamic mental and physical child abuse,the leftist chic Islamic Terrorist's of choice,Hamas show the world what been a "good peace loving Muslim" is all about,after all as we are all constantly reminded,under threat of death,Islam is a
"Religion of Peace" and what better way to produce "Peace Loving" Muslims than to inculcate the following values and beliefs in the minds of Islamic children.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Islamic Assassins and terrorists supporters rampage through Sydney streets .

Purpose Bred Islamic Assassins rampage through Sydney streets in a show of support for "Palestinian" Terrorists

Again note the desecration of the Australian Flag "Guilt by Association" with these Godless savages,this is the flag of a nation founded and made possible by all the Religious and cultural beliefs that these Godless swine have vowed to destroy the moment it is within their power to do so,these Assassins are in our country for one purpose and one purpose only to do what they and their parents and grand parents and those before them did to the various Islamic countries they ran away from, make Australia like the Islamic nations that spawned them,unfit for human habitation.

I have to admit it is comforting to know that Annie "
I used to be lunatic from the gracious days" & "I may be mad I may be blind I may be viciously unkind " Lennox, and Bianca Jagger and that doyen of social justice and all that is morally correct in the world "Mad Red" Ken Livingston are on the job doing whatever they can for the cause of peace,as if.

I noted that the medias coverage of the counter pro Israeli protest was at least the best part of 3 seconds.. I guess the media would rather see salivating Satan worshiping savages and their demonic off spring on the television screens of the nation delivering their Islamic leftist supported message of PEACE.
I know where the medias support lies in the "Palestinian cause" I wonder where they think average Australia's support lies? I mean EVEN the lefts media created celebrity & grade 4 Queensland public servant, and now Labor PM,Kevin 07, says he believes in God, or was that just an election line thrown to the "Working Families" ?

Friday, January 02, 2009

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