An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Julia Gillard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julia Gillard. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1 /85 Kerr St. Fitzroy. Julia Gillard AWU SCAM

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : Dear Prime Minister. You are a liar.

Labor Green Loons Wind Power SCAM

1/85 Kerr St.Fitzroy AWU SCAM Gillard simply cannot be trusted

Gillard makes Blewitt look credible

Piers Akerman 
Daily Telegraph
Monday, November 26, 2012 (11:48pm)

JULIA Gillard has painted the AWU Reform Association slush fund fraud as a credibility contest between her and her former boyfriend’s old bagman Ralph Blewitt.

His word against mine, she asked the media, make your mind up!

That was a mistake.

She had just attempted to trash his name – if that were possible – with a character assassination of the type she has falsely claimed that someone working for the government ran against her before the 2007 election.

In fact, no-one from the Howard government did anything of the kind.

The incident goes to Gillard’s tactics though. Make a series of pre-emptive strikes in the hope that the media will concentrate on the smear rather than the substance.

Her press conference was the pre-emptive strike. She did not answer questions fully or she gave evasive responses unbefitting a Prime Minister.

Then she used her press conference performance as a shield against the lethal questions being lobbed at her by a really expert interrogator, the deputy Opposition leader, Julie Bishop.

In essence, Bishop zeroed in on a key document Gillard had prepared in August, 1991 as a a partner in Labor law firm Slater & Gordon’s industrial unit, to deal with a query her union boss boyfriend Bruce Wilson had about the appointment of a branch executive

The letter dealt in intricate detail with the niceties of the rules of the AWU. The same rules which would have made the slush fund Gillard admits setting up for Wilson and Blewitt illegal under the union’s provisions.

Gillard said she was acting on instructions from Wilson and Blewitt but as a lawyer her duty was to ensure that the advice she was giving them was accurate.

Her first stop should have been the rules of the AWU when she was asked to set up the AWU Reform Association.

Those rules clearly state that any funds are to be directed to the AWU Bank Accounts as per the AWU National Executive.

Financial decisions at branch level must be made by at least fifty per cent of the Branch Executive (bearing in mind that Gillard had been looking at the authority of Branch Executives in 1991 for Wilson) and it would have been obvious to anyone familiar with the AWU and acting for the union that Wilson and Blewitt did not make up 50 per cent of the Branch Executive.

Gillard did not answer Bishop’s question on the matter.

Similarly, she did not explain why she did not alert the AWU – Slater & Gordon’s client – that she had set up the slush fund without starting a file.

Gillard must explain why she did not include her work for her boyfriend, who she repeatedly said was an AWU executive, in the firm’s file of work for the AWU if she believed there was nothing wrong with acting for him?

A lot of her answers to the press were just too cute.

A lawyer who gives advice to a client about establishing an association usually describes the assignment as establishing an association. Not Gillard though. She was at pains to distance herself from the action though she corresponded with the industrial registrar about the establishment of the association and its bona fides.

Still, the bank corresponded with her – it must have been mistaken about her role, also.

And she could not recall whether $5000 had ever fetched up in her private bank account.

Even today, a thirty-something woman would probably remember if such a sum appeared in her account without explanation.

Blewitt appeared on the 7.30 Report and despite the usual haranguing from presenter Leigh Sales appeared confident and unshaken.

As one reader has said “I have met Ralph and there is no doubt he is a fraudster (but he is a straight shooter), but to take the word of the main fraudster (Wilson) as somehow our signal to let it all go is a nonsense.”

I have to agree. If Blewitt is a low life, what is Wilson, Gillard’s old lover, and the main fraud in this saga?

Blewitt has made a sworn statement to the police and will continue to assist them.

Gillard has fobbed off the press and then been less than open with the Australian people by telling our elected representatives that they will have to make do with her press statements if they want to know about the slush fund.

She is dudding us and she is making a mockery of the parliamentary process.

Given her carbon dioxide tax lie, her obfuscation about the funding for the NDIS and Gonsky, why would anyone be surprised?

But Labor voters, particularly union members, may want to know where the missing money went and they may want to find out why Gillard is being less than transparent about her role in the establishment of the slush fund.

Like Craig Thomson and the HSU, at the bottom of this story are thousands of workers who have been ripped off.

They aren’t being helped now by the Labor prime minister.

In fact, when it comes to credibility on this issue, Ralph Blewitt looks a great deal more trustworthy than Gillard - thanks for asking Julia.

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : Dear Prime Minister. You are a liar.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Bolt Report November 25 2012 1/ 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy,Illegals and more

The Bolt Report Sunday 25 November 2012

Cost of  Labor's Islamic Colonization of Australia via Illegal entrant facilitation aka. Asylum Seekers
Previous posts related to items discussed on today's Bolt Report :

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : Dear Prime Minister. You are a liar.

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : Dear Prime Minister. You are a liar.

Michael Smith News

Dear Prime Minister. You are a liar.

This previously redacted question asked of Julia Gillard in her departure interview reveals so much about the person.
Peter Gordon: “Were you aware at any time that the balance of the funds to make up the capital was to be provided by contributory mortgage of which Jonathan Rothfield (a Slater & Gordon partner) was trustee?”
Julia Gillard: “I don’t, I don’t think I knew that at the time, where the source of funds was. It’s subsequently been raised with me that that was done through the Slater & Gordon mortgage register but I didn’t have any recollection of that.”
It's significant because the Slater and Gordon mortgage and the property purchase had the effect of facilitating money laundering.
Julia Gillard says she did not know about the mortgage.
Here is the memo from Sylvia Dickson (from the finance arm of Slater and Gordon) to Olive Brosnahan, saying that the loan approval letter was forthcoming.   Note Sylvia states that she assume Olive is dealing with someone local.

So Sylvia is keen to point out that Olive is dealing with someone local.

Here is the letter of offer, signed on the same day as it's issued, by Bruce Wilson.

So all of that is done and dusted on 10 March, 1993.   Blewitt knew nothing, the letter was handed over to Wilson, he signed it, accepted it and returned it the same day.
But that night there must have been some telepathic discussion between Bruce Wilson who knew about the mortgage and Julia Gillard who knew nothing.
Here is the dated letter from Julia's PA about the penalty interest.

Same day.   Julia would like a memo.  Not Bruce.   Not Ralph.   Julia would like a memo about the penalty mortgage interest on the mortgage she knew nothing about.
Olive obliged in handwriting first.

But someone wanted something in writing they could keep - so Olive's note was typed up.
And all about that mortgage that Julia Gillard knew nothing about.

Money Laundering - it's a crime!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

1 / 85 Kerr Street Fitzroy : The Prime Minister tells lies,she always has.....

From Michael Smith News

Julia Gillard was asked in her formal interview by Peter Gordon whether or not she knew anything about the Slater and Gordon firm providing a mortgage to finance the purchase of 1/85 Kerr Street Fitzroy.

The PM is a bit of a galah beside being a big liar.  She says she didn't know about the mortgage.

She thought that the only thing that The Age or the 7.30 show on the ABC had on her was the note from the Commonwealth Bank about the insurance on the property.   But that's not all.   She also made other "random" enquiries about a mortgage she knew nothing about, and those random enquiries found their way into the Ralph Edwin Blewitt mortgage file.

Here's what she said to Peter Gordon on 11 September 1995.

Peter Gordon: “Were you aware at any time that the balance of the funds to make up the capital was to be provided by contributory mortgage of which Jonathan Rothfield (a Slater & Gordon partner) was trustee?”
Julia Gillard: “I don’t, I don’t think I knew that at the time, where the source of funds was. It’s subsequently been raised with me that that was done through the Slater & Gordon mortgage register but I didn’t have any recollection of that.”  

The Age and the ABC's 7.30 program relied on the letter from the Commonwealth Bank to show that Gillard knew all about the mortgage.

And so her improbable response to that letter from the Comm Bank, addressed to her.   One again she tries to drop the patsy Ralph Blewitt in the cack.

But wait Julia, there's more!

Here's what really happened.

The dodgy Power of Attorney was improperly used in an application to the Slater and Gordon mortgage provider to procure a $150,000 mortgage in Ralph Edwin Blewitt's name.   He would be liable for the debt.

But he knew nothing.   Here is the letter of offer about the mortgage.   Keen observers will note to whom it is addressed.

It goes on for a few pages, I've reproduced the first page above.   The next page includes this paragraph.

At some point, Julia spoke with someone who cared about whether or not he would be charged the higher rate of interest.   But keep in mind that Julia Gillard knew nothing about the mortgage.   Just out of the blue, Julia asked her PA to make enquiries, and Julia's PA's note found its way into the mortgage file.

And Olive Brosnahan wrote this note to Gillard about the mortgage that Gillard didn't know about.

And it wasn't enough for Julia to just get that information about the mortgage she knew nothing about verbally.   Or even hand-written.   It was typed out.   Nicely.   In a way that you could take home and show to your lover who was enquiring about the mortgage he was acquiring.   But Julia knew nothing about that.    Just ask her.

I am running a very unsophisticated blog on a laptop and an iPhone.   Just imagine what information about the trustworthiness of Julia Eileen Gillard has been uncovered by the security agencies from countries that Australia deals with.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ralph Blewitt Ben Fordham discuss Julia Gillard and the AWU SCAM

Madame Gillard when she was  a "young and naive 35 year old"

Alan Jones Michael Smith on Julia Gillard and the ex AWU Official Boyfriend

I hope Ralph Blewitt has 24/7 security and has a food tester, I fear he might have a sudden heart attack or a nasty fall perhaps, or like Madame Gillard's AWU files simply just "go missing"

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Julia Gillard and Australia's First Cuckold in the Lodge

Bath, blowdry and barracking for the PM

Daily Telegraph
November 15, 201212:00AM

WHEN he's not running her bath, fetching the newspaper or blowdrying her hair the Prime Minister's partner, Tim Mathieson, is often flopped on the couch at The Lodge watching her in parliament.

There's no misogyny at play in the home of Australia's badass PM.

Mr Mathieson has revealed he watched the PM deliver her world famous misogyny speech at home and was "pretty impressed".

"I was sitting on the couch watching and thought, I think there's a bit more going on here than normal at question time," he said.

"It sort of bolted me up in my chair, yeah."

Once the speech became an international phenomenon via the internet, text messages came in from his two daughters Staci and Sherri saying it was "amazing".

When Ms Gillard returned home very late that night Tim was asleep but he says he woke up and drew her a bath.

"Obviously she'd had a big day," he said.

The PM's partner says he thinks her misogyny speech was "probably warranted".

"I just think when people get into question time it's all on really," he said.
 The first Bludger, Tim Mathieson's daughter Staci Childs.

"She's a pretty tough lady and I kind of figure she's got respect worldwide."

Despite being the partner of one of the world's most famous feminists the "First Bloke" says "nothing has changed" in their home life since the speech - "it's all good".

Born in Shepparton the former hairdresser has often spoken of how he has to pinch himself to make sure he really is in attendance at great international events like the Royal Wedding in London.

At home at The Lodge he behaves like a very caring and solicitous partner, delivering the busy PM her morning paper and helping with an early morning blow wave for the television cameras.

"Then I have to recover during the day and sit on the couch and watch parliament which usually puts you to sleep, except for that day," he said.

Mr Mathieson revealed his quiet pleasure in presenting Ms Gillard with the morning newspapers on Tuesday that revealed the government's latest lift in the polls.

"It was good to take The Australian in to give it to her and go "not a bad look over here," he said.

"She was just going about her business, but for me it was good to wake up to that."

He says Ms Gillard appears to have had more spring in her step since she received a lift in the polls.

"It makes me a bit more happy about things, I guess," he said. "I don't follow it too much, but it's a bit easier or a bit lighter if things are going a bit better."

He doesn't attribute the government's improved poll performance to the misogyny speech and instead sees it as just part of a "natural cycle".

"It was always going to level up a bit, you know, after a period of time. Pretty much all the hard stuff has now been done," he said.

He predicts the polls will get "even closer" in the lead up to the election.

Mr Mathieson's father suffers from diabetes and he yesterday hosted a lunch for World Diabetes Day at The Lodge.

The food was specially prepared to be diabetes friendly and included one of the Prime Minister's favourite dishes - caesar salad.

A spelling glitch in the menu however described the salad as being "full of victims and a good source of slow release for protein".

Mr Mathieson is also an ambassador for Kidney Health Australia and a patron of the Australian Men's Sheds Association and says he enjoys the work he does promoting these causes.

He's spent the last year travelling to many of Australia's country towns to promote men's health and took part in the Kidney Health car rally.

"I'm really interested in the indigenous side of diabetes," he says.

He talks of trying to raise the profile of the issue with Pacific Island spouses at the Pacific Island Forum and the ASEAN conference next week.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Socialist Australia : PM Madame Gillard refuses to answers questions about past Lovers Union Scam / Slush Fund

The $5000 question - claims Julia Gillard's ex-boyfriend Bruce Wilson put cash into her account

The Daily Telegraph
November 14, 2012 12:00AM

JULIA Gillard's past continued to haunt her last night, with allegations emerging that in June 1996 a union employee told the national head of the Australian Workers Union that he deposited $5000 cash into her account.

The allegation, outlined exclusively in The Australian today, is that the cash had come from the Prime Minister's then boyfriend, AWU official Bruce Wilson.

Ms Gillard has always denied any wrongdoing over the creation of a union slush fund on behalf of Mr Wilson and union official Ralph Blewitt during her time as a lawyer for Slater and Gordon.

The allegation comes as Mr Blewitt indicated he is willing to speak openly about his role in the union scandal but wants the police to guarantee him immunity from prosecution.

The Australian reports that then national AWU head Ian Cambridge, now a Fair Work Australia Commissioner, recorded in his 1994-1996 diary allegations by union employee Wayne Hem that Mr Wilson, after a night at a casino, had given him a wad of cash totalling $5000 along with Ms Gillard's bank account details and told him to deposit it.

The report also states that Mr Hem's allegations formed part of a statutory declaration sworn to the newspaper in Melbourne three days ago during a lengthy interview.

The report stressed it was not known from where Mr Wilson got the funds and there was no evidence, nor was it suggested, Ms Gillard asked for the payment or knew of its origins. Ms Gillard yesterday repeated her denial of any wrongdoing.

Her spokesman issued a statement to The Australian saying: "The Prime Minister has made clear on numerous occasions that she was not involved in any wrongdoing.

"I also note that despite repeatedly being asked to do so, The Australian has been unable to substantiate any allegations of wrongdoing."

Mr Hem told The Australian that he told Mr Cambridge about the bank deposit on June 7, 1996, during a drive to Melbourne. During this time Mr Cambridge was investigating AWU fraud.

Mr Cambridge's June 7, 1996 diary entry notes Mr Hem telling him "about an event that took place in about July last year (1995)", The Australian reports.

"This event involved Bruce Wilson handing Wayne an envelope which contained approximately $5000 in $100 and $50 notes and Wilson instructed Hem to deposit this $5000 into a personal account of Julia Gillard."

Mr Hem provided further detail on the allegation in his statutory declaration to The Australian, saying he had been asked to attend Mr Wilson's office. "I went down and he handed me about five grand," Mr Hem said in the report.

"Then Bruce handed me a piece of paper with the account number and a name on it, and it was Julia's name.

"He said 'Go put this in Julia's account'. I said 'OK'.

"He (Wilson) made a comment about not saying anything. I just went down to the bank, put it in, came back, gave him the receipt.

"I didn't know if it was for Julia or if the account was a private account or a Slater and Gordon account. It just had Julia Gillard's name on it and I put it in the bank account."

 Read more on this story at The Australian.

AWU man ready to open up on fraud

Steve Lewis 
The Daily Telegraph 
November 14, 2012 12:00AM

POLICE have asked the lawyer for a key player in the Australian Workers Union scandal whether his client would provide details about an alleged "slush" fund used by Julia Gillard's former boyfriend Bruce Wilson.

In a move that could shed fresh evidence on the 15-year-old union fraud, Victorian detectives have confirmed they are willing to speak with former AWU official Ralph Blewitt.

Now living in Malaysia, Mr Blewitt's testimony could be explosive and include details of an alleged "slush" fund that was used to help purchase a Melbourne property.

Prime Minister Gillard, whose former boyfriend Mr Wilson was the mastermind behind the union fraud, provided advice on a number of matters while a lawyer at Slater & Gordon, including helping to register the AWU Workplace Reform Association which Ms Gillard admitted was used as a "slush" fund by Mr Wilson and Mr Blewitt over a three-year period.

Mr Blewitt has indicated he is willing to speak openly about his role in the union scandal but wants police to guarantee him immunity from prosecution.

Last night, Mr Blewitt's Melbourne lawyer Bob Galbally said his client was happy to co-operate with Victorian fraud squad officers. He expected the police would seek to investigate the scandal "on a wide basis" including details of a "slush" fund used by the two former AWU officials.

"My client is happy to make a statement to the police about the purchase of the Kerr St property. The purchase was with stolen funds," Mr Galbally said.

He said Victoria Police had said they "are prepared to investigate the matter".

"Before I take (Mr Blewitt) in for a statement, I am seeking approval from the police to him making a statement with a proviso that it should not be used in evidence against himself," Mr Galbally said. He said he expected police would "investigate on a wide basis".

Known as the AWU Workplace Reform Association, the fund was used to misappropriate $400,000, according to an investigation carried out by the union management.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Misogynist Labor and their Financiers are at it again

Offensive joke about Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's female Chief of Staff Peta Credlin

The Daily Telegraph
October 11, 2012 3:02PM

A COMPANY representing a comedian has apologised to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and his chief of staff Peta Credlin for what Prime Minister Julia Gillard has described as an "offensive" joke.
A co author of this story, Simon Benson, refused to allude to,in anyway, as to the nature and contents of the "joke" in anyway shape or form because of litigation concerns.

A distasteful and offensive joke about Ms Credlin was made at  a union dinner in Canberra last night attended by Julia Gillard and senior Cabinet Ministers.

Manic Studios this afternoon said in a statement it unreservedly apologised to Ms Credlin and Mr Abbott for the joke made at the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union dinner at Parliament House.

"The joke was a last-minute inclusion and crossed the line," spokesperson Piers Grove said.

"We did not run the joke past anyone. Nobody from the CFMEU or the Labor party or anyone else in attendance at the dinner knew of the joke until it was told.

"The poor reaction the joke received is testament to the fact that we exercised poor judgment.

INDEPENDENT MP Rob Oakeshott says the current gender war in politics is about preparing for the next election.
"We unreservedly apologise to all parties for any offence."

Treasurer Wayne Swan was still present when the joke was made and made a speech after the comedian's performance.

"The comedian’s comments were clearly very inappropriate and offensive.  There’s no place for those kinds of comments and I made that clear to the union this morning," Mr Swan said.

The PM this morning called the union and expressed her anger at the joke.

“I was not in attendance when these remarks were made at the CFMEU dinner last night but I did hear this morning that offensive remarks had been made and let me be very clear, reports to me the remarks were made are deeply offensive, they’re wrong," she said.

"The comments should never have been made.

"It was wrong for them to have been made and offensive for them to have been made.

"In those circumstances as soon as I possibly could I rang the national secretary of the CFMEU and indicated I thought these comments were offensive.

"I understand the CFMEU has put out a statement in relation to this matter but clearly there is no place for offensive comments of this nature.”

The joke delivered by a comedian known as Fair Go For Billionaires, hired by the CFMEU, contained lewd and offensive references to Ms Credlin. Offensive remarks were also made about Mr Abbott.

The Prime Minister and senior Ministers had left the function, held in Canberra, before the joke was made.

However, several Labor MPs were believed to be still in attendance.

"It was very distasteful,'' said one Labor source present.

"No one was happy about it.''

A senior Government source said the PM had already left the dinner before the comedian began.

According to another source a "silence'' descended over the room when the joke was made.

The CFMEU this morning distanced itself from the comedian, with a senior official saying he was "horrified'.

"We did not know what he was going to say, had we known we would have pulled him of stage."

"Its not the form of our union...and it’s not something we would tolerate.''

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