An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Labor Green Loon VOTE People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor Green Loon VOTE People. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2014

Abdullah Sinno Pleads not guilty to Coward Punch

Abdullah Sinno pleads not guilty to 'vicious attack' on finance worker Matthew Blackmore outside city McDonalds store

Amy Dale 
The Daily Telegraph
January 20,2014

A MAN accused of "viciously" assaulting another man outside a city McDonalds will face a hearing later this year after pleading not guilty to punching him once in the head.

Abdullah Sinno, 35, was charged with recklessing causing grievous bodily harm to finance worker Matthew Blackmore outside the George St fast food outlet on July 14 last year.

Mr Blackmore was heading home from a work function when he was allegedly struck once on the side of head.

It was an attack police described in a later appeal to find the assailant as "vicious" and "unprovoked."

Mr Blackmore fell face first onto the pavement, breaking his nose and damaging some vertebrae.

He spent several days in hospital, some of those in an induced coma, but is now back at work.

Sinno was arrested almost a month later after CCTV footage of the attack was publicly released.

The Downing Centre Local Court heard this morning there are expected to be six prosecution witness, and five for the defence, during an upcoming hearing of the charge.

Sinno remains on bail and will return to court for the two day hearing on March 10.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Update : Australian Sovereign Borders : Progressives in melt down over Officers comments ''I'm about to head out today to deal with these f---ers.'' on social media.


Asylum seekers allege mistreatment at hands of navy

Bianca Hall, Michael Bachelard
January 19, 2014

Australian naval personnel have been accused of behaving improperly towards asylum seekers, and Defence has confirmed it is investigating one of its members over allegedly inappropriate comments made on social media.

A spokeswoman said the Royal Australian Navy was aware that a member had posted inappropriate material, and had begun an internal investigation. ''It would be inappropriate to make further comment about this matter until the assessment and any subsequent investigation is completed,'' she said.

The man under investigation had commented on a friend's Facebook post about asylum seekers. The friend, who claims to be a member of the anti-Islam Australian Defence League, posted on Facebook about asylum seekers whose boat had sunk. The navy member in question wrote, ''I'm about to head out today to deal with these f---ers.''

The navy member has since changed his employment status on social media.

Defence issued new guidelines for the use of social media by its personnel in January last year, including the private use of social media where personnel can be identified as being a Defence employee or member of the Australian Defence Force.

Meanwhile, two Pakistani men on an Australian lifeboat sent back to Indonesia last week have said they were mistreated by navy personnel.

Mir Abbas and Haneef Hussain, both from the war-torn Pakistani area of Gilgit-Baltistan, said they had thought they would die in rough seas on the small orange boat, and that everyone was distressed and vomiting within the enclosed cabin.

Mr Hussain said he had broken one of four windows on the boat and climbed on to the canopy because he felt he would die inside.

He said the navy officers, who had originally taken them from the ocean, then kept them on board HMAS Stuart for two days and had treated them badly. Asked by one man for help for his wife, an officer had said: ''F--- your wife and f--- your mother.''

Mr Abbas said they had asked the asylum seekers why they had come that way.

The men, both members of a Shiite minority, said they had known about Australia's tough policies before they embarked, but that even going to Nauru or Papua New Guinea was preferable to staying to be bombed or shot in their village by Sunni extremists.

Both men were on a boat that sank last year. They were rescued by the Australian navy and returned to Indonesia. They lost the $US4500 they spent on that trip. The attempt last week, which ended in their being returned by lifeboat, had cost them $3500. Australia Defence Force chief David Hurley rejected last week any claims of mistreatment, saying his men and women ''consistently demonstrate great compassion and courage, often at great risk to their own safety''.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has also defended navy personnel. ''[They] conduct their roles with the highest levels of professionalism, integrity and personal courage in extremely trying and challenging circumstances.''

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Saturday she had apologised to her Indonesian counterpart, Marty Natalegawa, over revelations Australian ships repeatedly breached Indonesian territorial waters in asylum seeker operations. ''I have contacted him in writing,'' Ms Bishop said. ''I've sent a written apology on behalf of the Australian government and also personally.''

Anger is growing in Indonesia after it was revealed Australian ships repeatedly breached their territorial waters. Australian navy and customs ships are suspected of having crossed Indonesia's 12-nautical-mile limit at least five times in the past month.

In response, Indonesia on Friday said it would step up its own maritime patrols in a move that could heighten the risk of confrontation.

The Jakarta Globe ran a front-page headline thundering ''A Deplorable Act'', and observed: ''In self-defence: Indonesia sends more naval vessels to its southern borders after Australian ships breach Indonesian waters.''

Asked whether she was tiring of apologising to Dr Natalegawa, Ms Bishop said: ''We are in regular communication. We are working together for the shared purpose of ensuring the people smuggling [model] is dismantled but also that the Australia-Indonesia relationship can strengthen. That's our shared purpose.''

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Indonesia demands immediate cessation of Australian Border Protection and orders Indonesian Navy ships into its Indian Ocean coastline.

This is the best I have ever heard from these clowns. Demanding that the Australian Government of Tony Abbott return to the Union, GetUp funded, Labor / Green Loon Co Party goverment's of Lu Kewen aka. Kevin 07 aka Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard's,six years of open borders and importation into Australia of predominantly single Muslim males 18 to 28 years of age, colonisation of Australia, via their Asylum seeker / refugee SCAM.

Why would these self described "Progressive" Labor Green Loons demand that Australia be colonised by followers a seventh century Mass murderer, Slave Trader, Misogynist Paedophile ? 
Why would "Progressives" demand and indeed facilitate the importation of such people into a Judeo Christian Western Democracy like Australia?

Indonesia threatens Australia, and demands Australia stop defending its borders from Islamic Insurgents. Yeah I know that's not what they said but that's what they mean.

Click image to enlarge

Friday, January 17, 2014

Operation Sovereign Borders: Royal Australian Navy accused of entering Indonesian waters in fight against Insurgents

Navy in breach of Jakarta's waters during Operation Sovereign Borders

Brendan Nicholson and Paul Maley 
The Australian
January 17,2014

Insurgents and their Labor Green Loon Progressive supporters (sponsors) whine they were tricked by Royal Australian Navy and repelled to base camp in Indonesia.

AN investigation by the Australian Defence Force has confirmed that at least one Royal Australian Navy vessel implementing the Coalition's border-protection policy has breached Indonesian territorial waters.

The Australian has also confirmed border-protection authorities have begun using lifeboats to return asylum-seekers to Indonesia, a method used for a boatload of people intercepted near Christmas Island last week.

During the past week the navy had been investigating allegations made by people-smugglers and asylum-seekers that Australian Border Protection Command vessels had breached Indonesia's 12-nautical mile limit while towing boats back from Australian waters.

They also claimed that crew members mistreated asylum-seekers by holding them against hot engine parts to inflict burns and by withholding food supplies.

All of these allegations were strongly rejected by Defence Force chief David Hurley, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison and the general in charge of Operation Sovereign Borders, Angus Campbell.

They said the Australian personnel conducted themselves professionally and responsibly.

The Australian has confirmed that the navy's examination of records and global positioning system data revealed yesterday that at least one vessel on border-protection duty under Operation Sovereign Borders entered Indonesian waters while returning an asylum-seeker boat.

While the Abbott government has thrown a cloak of secrecy over border-protection operations, two groups of asylum-seekers have claimed in interviews that they were on boats taken back to Indonesia by the navy.

They claimed that some who objected were handcuffed and otherwise restrained and ill-treated.

One boat was said to have been picked up near Darwin on January 1 and towed for five days before being cut loose near Rote Island. Another was said to have been towed back in December.

Naval crews have been caught between the need to avoid breaching Indonesian waters and ensuring that boats they are turning or towing back to that country arrive safely.

In Jakarta, a spokesman for Djoko Suyanto, the Co-ordinating Minister for Politics, Security and Law, said there had not been an Indonesian complaint about any breach of its territorial waters.

"We have no evidence" of a breach, the spokesman said.

He said the Co-ordinating Minister's office was aware of only two asylum-seeker boats turned back by the Australians, which landed on Rote Island on December 19 and January 6.

About 90 people from those boats were being transferred to immigration detention centres in Sumatra, Riau and 

Central Java, he said. Mr Djoko's office has been given top responsibility for handling the boatpeople dispute with Australia.

The Australian has been told a large lifeboat was used to ferry passengers of a boat en route to Christmas Island back to Indonesia. The boat was intercepted by border protection personnel after being observed by the crew of an RAAF Orion patrol aircraft.

It is unclear whether anyone went into the water at any point, but sources agree the asylum boat was disabled and that the Australian Navy was on the scene.

"The boat was sinking," one source said.

It is understood the boat was deliberately sabotaged by some of the passengers, rendering it unseaworthy.

Customs and Border Protection Command placed the asylum-seekers on a large lifeboat, deemed by the authorities to be a "safe platform", and returned it to Indonesia.

It is not clear whether the boat sailed to Indonesia under its own steam or whether it was escorted by Indonesian officials. Nor is it known how many asylum-seekers were on the boat, nor where the boat eventually landed.

Mr Morrison declined to comment on the incident.

"For operational security reasons, the government does not confirm or otherwise comment on reports of on-water activities in relation to Operation Sovereign Borders or disclose details of any operations," he said.

Mr Morrison also denied reports Customs and Border Protection personnel had fired warning shots into the air as they intercepted an asylum boat, which was reportedly then redirected by Australian authorities back to Indonesia.

"Without commenting on any specific alleged incident, I can confirm that no shots have been fired at any time by any persons involved in Operation Sovereign Borders since the operation commenced," Mr Morrison said.

Two days ago, Lieutenant-General Campbell confirmed the purchase of lifeboats, although he would not say what they would be used for. It was not clear whether the lifeboat used in the operation was one referred to by General Campbell or another craft.

Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa criticised the Abbott government's apparent intention to put asylum-seekers into lifeboats and escort them back to Indonesia as "a slippery slope".

Dr Natalegawa's comments suggest the Indonesians will take an even dimmer view of using lifeboats than they do of turning back fishing boats carrying asylum-seekers.

"It's one thing to turn back the actual boats on which (asylum-seekers) have been travelling but another issue when they have actually been transferred to another boat and actually been facilitated and actually told to go that direction," he told the ABC.

"To be zeroing in on issues ... in a manner that tends to divide is not helpful."

Last week's incident is the first known occasion when lifeboats were used to ferry asylum-seekers back into Indonesian waters.

Bill Shorten said he respected the work of ADF personnel but he attacked what he said was a government "culture of secrecy".

"I don't want to see Australian servicemen and servicewomen caught up as the meat in an Abbott-Morrison secrecy sandwich on our boats," the Opposition Leader said.

The government has offered Labor's immigration spokesman Richard Marles and Mr Shorten a full briefing on progress in Operation Sovereign Borders - an offer to be taken up when parliament resumes next month.

Additional reporting: Paige Taylor, Peter Alford

Insurgents and their Labor Green Loon Progressive supporters (sponsors) whine they were tricked by Royal Australian Navy and repelled to base camp in Indonesia.

Asylum seekers say they were tricked by navy

Michael Bachelard
January 17, 2014

Operation Sovereign Borders: Royal Australian Navy accused of entering Indonesian waters in fight against Insurgents

Australia has for the first time used one of its new lifeboats to send a group of 56 asylum seekers back to Indonesia in a move that is likely to plunge the bilateral relationship to a new low.

Fairfax Media has interviewed a large group of would-be refugees from Pakistan and Bangladesh who scuttled their wooden vessel six days ago in an attempt to avoid being pushed back to Indonesia.

Instead they were picked up by an Australian Navy vessel, HMAS Stuart, and kept overnight before being transferred to a Customs and Border Protection vessel.

The men said they were tricked into thinking they were going to be taken to Christmas Island. But they were put on a small, bright orange lifeboat-style vessel close to the Indonesian shore, with only enough fuel to return there.

The Indonesian man who captained their wooden asylum boat was put at the helm of the Australian lifeboat to complete the three-hour journey.

The news came as Fairfax Media confirmed that Australia escorted another boat back on December 26, bringing to five the total number of confirmed instances of turn-backs, despite Indonesia’s long-running objections to the practice.

Pakistani asylum seeker, Fazal Qadir, 28, said he had set sail from an island off Java on January 5 bound for Christmas Island with 56 people from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq and Palestine on board, along with an Indonesian captain and one crew member. There was one woman with a 20-month-old toddler.

After about three or four days at sea, he said the group was spotted by an Australian aeroplane flying overhead. The boat was already leaking.

"We were very happy [when we saw them] because we thought when the boat went into the water, then they must receive us,” Mr Qadir said.

A sheet from a document given to them by Australian Customs.
All of the people on board already knew of other vessels which had been returned to Indonesia, so were determined to be rescued rather than escorted back. One passenger took a piece of wood and prised open the hole that was already in the hull. Others rocked the boat.

When it foundered, two Australian speedboats reached them and the 12 navy personnel on board told the asylum seekers to cling to the side. The toddler was provided with a life jacket, Mr Qadir said.

About 20 minutes later, two Australian Navy vessels, numbered 153 (HMAS Stuart) and 88 (HMAS Maitland) came into view.

Mr Qadir said the group was loaded onto the Stuart and they steamed towards Christmas Island. The men were told, and believed, they would be taken there. But the ship did not dock at the island. "We were going around Christmas all the time. For two days we were in the navy ship," Mr Qadir said.

The group was photographed and interviewed by navy personnel. They gave their names and were provided with white, numbered wrist bands.

On the second day they were transferred to a Customs and Border Protection boat that they could not identify. "We could see Christmas [Island]," the men said.

For three days they remained on the Customs boat.

During this time the men were desperate to call their families to tell them they were all right.

"We wanted to call our home because our families were scared their children were dead, but the navy and Customs would not give us a phone. They said we could call when we reached Christmas Island but they lied to us."

Finally, the men say, they were tricked once more. Mr Qadir said a small orange boat with a weather canopy was tied to the back of the Customs ship. They were told to board it because it would ferry them to Christmas Island.

At the last minute, though, a Customs officer came on board, tossed the asylum seekers a four-page document in a range of languages, and returned to the large ship, which sailed away.

The document, dated December 2013, reads: "You only have enough fuel to reach land in Indonesia. You do not have enough fuel to continue your voyage to Australia.

"The master of your vessel is now responsible for your safety. You must co-operate with the master and not act in a manner that risks your safety. You are responsible for your own actions. Your vessel is not equipped for a voyage to Australia. It is not safe to continue your voyage to Australia.

"If you continue on your journey, the master and crew of your boat will face harsh penalties, which may include a jail term."

The master was the Indonesian captain who had brought them from Java. They showed the compasses, GPS system and satellite phone that were provided with the orange boat.

The men said they were dropped very close to Indonesia. It took only three hours to reach shore.

They and the captain abandoned the Australian boat and walked into the jungle. They said they walked for five hours, including crossing a flood-swollen river, to find help.

They returned to their former houses in the West Java town of Cisarua late on Wednesday night.

On Wednesday Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa described the lifeboat option as "a slippery slope".

"It's one thing to turn back the actual boats on which they have been travelling but another issue, when they are transferred onto another boat and facilitated and told to go in that direction,'' he said.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison declined to comment on the asylum seekers' treatment.

A statement from his office said: "For operational security reasons, the government does not confirm or otherwise comment on reports of on-water activities in relation to Operation Sovereign Borders or disclose details of any operations.''

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rose Karroum aka."Mujahidah Lioness" claims her dead Jihadi sister Amira Karroum was a "soldier" (enemy combatant ?)

How many of these Koran inspired Sociopath's have been embedded into Australian society by the Labor Green Loon VOTE People SCAM over the past forty years in the name of Multiculturalism,Cultural Enrichment,Diversity,Harmony Day,Tolerance and the "All Cultures Religions Behaviours are Equal chant of the Progressives?

Rose Karroum writes Facebook tribute to sister Amira, killed in Syria alongside husband Yusaf Ali

Greg Stolz
Courier Mail
January 15,2014

AMIRA Karroum was a "soldier" (Enemy Combatant)who died with the man who "made her heart flutter", her sister says.

In a heartfelt tribute, Rose Karroum told their mother she had raised "a beautiful daughter" and should be proud.

Ms Karroum once likened a location in Sydney's southwest to "Osama Bin Laden's Cave"."Today I witnessed hijabi girls promoting democracy with their tee shirts and their stupid voting papers. Kuffars! May Allah guide these strangers.''
Five says earlier she posted: "Islam is my identity. The burqa is my shield. Jannah (heaven) is my destination.''Amira Karroum September 7 2013
After the Muslim riots in Hyde Park in September, 2012, Karroum called for more violence, telling her Facebook followers: "F … the police! Smash all the cop cars.''"Islam is my identity. The burqa is my shield. Jannah (heaven) is my destination.''

"Worst effing night. I'm proud of being a Muslim! 10 years of war in Afghanistan for two towers,'' she wrote on September 11, 2011. 

Rose, also a devout Muslim who calls herself "Mujahidah Lioness" on Facebook, took to the social networking site yesterday to try to console her distraught mum Honor Deane.

Rose, who lived with her sister in Sydney,(Sydney's Occupied Territories) told of the love Amira and husband Yusuf Ali shared.

"Amira said that she felt her heart flutter and Yusuf said that she was his destiny," Ms Karroum told her mother on Facebook.

"They were parted by something bigger than them but she always said to me that she would be with him again.(No you wont Jihadi, he will be enjoying the company of his new found 72 Virgins, or does the koran lie?)

"She was put through trials and hard times but she was a soldier (Enemy Combatant) and kept going.

Grieving mother tells of her pain

"She was an exceptional woman, a humanitarian, someone who put the needs of others before herself.

"U raised a beautiful daughter mum be proud."

Ms Deane responded: "Darling I raised you too . . . equally as proud rose."

Rose Karroum returned to the Gold Coast yesterday to be with her mother.

People were delivering flowers to Ms Deane yesterday but the sobbing mum said she was too upset to be interviewed.

"I'm sorry, I'm grieving my beautiful daughter,'' she said.

Below is just a little of what Honor Dean's "...... beautiful daughter " Amira and her pathetic grub of a "husband" support, I hope ASIO has their eye on the rest of these Islamic Insurgents resident on Australian soil.
Surely this is a case for immediate deportation to an Islamic Utopia of their choosing for the entire family and anyone else associated with them.

The fruit of the Islamic Sociopath 

The Latest Shocking Brutalization of Women in Syria

The Truth on the Encroachment of Global Islamism
January 13,2014

Not only Christians, but all women have been banned from sitting on chairs, seeing male gynecologists, smoking, and much more besides. All this from Islamist “freedom fighters” in Syria

Massacres, beheadings, rapes and the rest often take place whenever and wherever Islamic jihadis take over. Lesser known but often no less troubling, however, is the aftermath of occupation — the everyday “rules” and laws the jihadis enforce once they’re in charge.

Consider the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL) recent occupation of Raqqah, a city in northern Syria. First there was the overt violence. Among other acts of savagery, the jihadi organization attacked two churches – the Church of the Annunciation and the Church of Martyrs – broke their crosses, burned their Bibles, and raised the Islamic flag in triumph.

One video depicts a Muslim “freedom fighter” smashing a Virgin Mary statue to shouts of Islam’s war cry, “Allahu Akbar!”

Now consider the rules that organizations like ISIL enforce on those people living in the territories they occupy — that is, the inevitable “talibanization” of societies where Islamic supremacists hold sway.

A Syrian news clip recounts the following new laws ISIL promulgated in a statement it issued soon after taking over Raqqah:

Women are banned from sitting on chairs (as reported verbatim).
All women are obligated to wear Islamic attire, such as the niqab and burqa (which cover the entire body and face); sweaters, jeans, and makeup of any kind are strictly banned.

Female clothing is not to be displayed in shop windows, and only women are allowed to work there; if a man is found on the grounds the shop faces closure.

Women are banned from seeing male gynecologists (thus severely hampering their ability to see doctors, most of whom are men in Syria).

Smoking—cigarettes, water pipes, etc.—is banned.  Violators could face the death penalty; shops found selling cigarettes are to be burned to the ground.

All barbershops are to be closed down and men forbidden from having short hair, wearing modern hairstyles or using hair products; men are also forbidden from wearing low-waist jeans.

Anyone who uses the word “Daash” (an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in Arabic) will receive 70 whippings; the organization is to be referred to by its proper name.

The punishments are indeed severe: swindling taxi drivers face repercussions ranging from chopped hands to chopped heads; the reason cited is that their swindling may somehow interfere with a passenger’s worship (e.g., a Muslim seeking to go to mosque at the proper time).

Likewise, shop owners who do not shut down during prayer times must face the consequences.

All this is a reminder that, while the Islamic jihad may lead to brief, spectacular forms of terror — massacres, beheadings, rapes, bombed churches and the like — its aftermath and goal, purportedly the creation of a “perfect Islamic society,” is “spectacular” in its own way, especially for women, who become virtually invisible members of society.

Article courtesy of Raymond Ibrahim

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sydney's Occupied Terrirtories Labor Green Loon VOTE People, Sarkhel Rokhzayi granted BAIL and Let Out On A Street Near You

Let Out On A Street Near You

Yoni Bashan State Political Reporter
The Sunday Telegraph Pg. 33
December 15,2013

A RARE Supreme Court appeal will be launched by the Director of Public Prosecutions after a man accused of supplying guns used by the Brothers For Life gang in an attempted murder was granted bail.

The Sunday Telegraph can reveal the DPP is seeking the urgent appeal after Sarkhel Rokhzayi, 22, a Brothers For Life (BFL) associate, was given bail on Wednesday.
Rokhzayi is accused of supplying a sawn-off shotgun and revolver to three members of BFL — Jamil Qaumi, 21, Mobin Merzaei, 22, and Wahed Karimi, 18 — who then allegedly used the weapons to ambush three gang rivals at West Terrace, Bankstown, on November 8.

Despite the court hearing of a previous conviction for assault and facing 15 charges ranging from being an accessory before the fact, possessing prohibited weapons and supplying prohibited weapons, which carry a presumption against bail, Rokhzayi was allowed to go free.

The decision prompted outrage among police who had only weeks earlier been praised by the NSW Government for their work taking down the BFL gang. After the matter was raised by The Sunday Telegraph, Attorney General Greg Smith announced an urgent appeal would be lodged against the bail decision in the Supreme Court.

“The DPP opposed bail in this case and will be seeking an urgent review of the decision by the Supreme Court,” Mr Smith said.
“Under the new Bail Act, the protection of the community will be a primary concern for the granting of bail.”

The development has also been welcomed by Premier Barry O’Farrell, who said the decision to grant bail was questionable. “I welcome the decision of the DPP to appeal this decision,” the Premier told The Sunday Telegraph.

“The community rightly expects judges and magistrates to support police who do an outstanding job arresting and laying charges against thugs involved in gang activity. Decisions like this show why our reforms to the bail system are needed.”

The arrest of Rokhzayi came 40 minutes after shots were fired at Bankstown’s Chokolatta cafe, injuring three members of the BFL gang.

The shooting was allegedly prompted by an internal feud between the gang’s Blacktown and Bankstown chapters.

The arrests of Merzaei, Karimi and Rokhzayi occurred when the firearms were allegedly being returned to Rokhzayi home in Parramatta. The court heard Rokhzayi, a Granville TAFE student, had migrated to Australia with his family seven years ago and his father had been a police officer in Northern Iraq.

He was released granted bail, the court heard, due to his community ties and limited criminal history.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Labor Green Loon VOTE People , Afghan "Refugee" refused bail following Sex assault charges on SEVEN teenage girls at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre

Man in Australia on bridging visa set to appear in court charged with sex attacks in Olympic Park Aquatic Centre

The Daily Telegraph
December 9,2013

SEVEN teenage girls have been allegedly sexually assaulted at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre yesterday.

AN ASYLUM seeker has been charged for allegedly sexually assaulting seven teenage girls at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre yesterday.
Mohammad Salem Nazari, 33, who has only been in Australia for six months on a bridging visa, is accused of indecently assaulting the girls, aged 14 to 18, in the rapids section of the centre between 4pm and 4.30pm.
Police said the girls reported the incident to pool security and after officers reviewed CCTV footage Nazari was arrested and taken to Auburn Police Station.
Nazari, who was living in Parramatta, has been charged with five counts of indecent assault of a person under 16 years of age and two counts of assault with an act of indecency.
His legal aid lawyer told Burwood Local Court his client spoke no English and required a Dari interpreter. Dari is a Persian language spoken in Iran and Afghanistan.
Nazari was refused bail to reappear on Wednesday.
Under the Coalition government asylum seekers on bridging visas facing criminal charges immediately have their visas revoked and placed in detention.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison's office confirmed Nazari's visa had been cancelled and court papers said he was the "subject of an immigration hold" should he be granted bail.
Mr Morrison's spokesman said "since the election 31 illegal boat arrivals on bridging visas who were charged with criminal offences have had their bridging visas cancelled".
Immigration staff interviewed Nazari today while he was in custody.
Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has ordered that should this man be granted bail that he be immediately be taken into custody by the Australian Immigration Department.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Sydney's Occupied Territories :Cultural Diversity and Harmony Day Ambassadors Gone Wild, and its all the fault of the NSW POLICE

Police had no tip-off on Sydney shooting

Lema Samandar
The Daily Telegraph
December 4,2013

A MAN living in a southwest Sydney house that has been shot at three times this year is well known to police and involved in gangs.

A man fired nine shots from a handgun into the Greenfield Park house on Tuesday night before fleeing, police say.

The house was also targeted by gunmen in June and July.

Deputy Commissioner Nick Kaldas said the three people living in the house were unharmed but were cooperating with police in a limited way.

"There was a number of family members inside the house, one of whom is a 24-year-old male, who is actually well known to us," Mr Kaldas told reporters in Sydney on Wednesday.

He said the man was linked to a number of criminal gangs but not the notorious Brothers 4 Life gang.

Mr Kaldas rubbished remarks by the family that police had prior warning about the shooting and had visited the home three times on Tuesday.

"They received one visit earlier in the day and it was from Operation Talon as part of their tasking they carry out on an ongoing basis," he said.

"We had no information they were at risk."

The 24-year-old man is before the courts and on bail, police confirmed.

Operation Talon, which is focused on tackling gun crime in Sydney, has resulted in more than 140 arrests and 135 charges in the past few months.

Officers have also had more than 5000 interactions with the people they have been tasked to check up on.

Opposition Leader John Robertson said the state government should use laws already at its disposal to outlaw the gangs shooting up western Sydney.

"(Premier) Barry O'Farrell has the power in his hands to outlaw these gangs and give the police the opportunity to shut these clubs down," he said.

Mr Robertson said there had been 302 shootings since Mr O'Farrell became premier and 119 so far this year.

However, Mr Kaldas said the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) would release figures on Thursday showing that the number of shootings had been halved.

"We feel that we have halved the number of incidents; we are not stopping them obviously."

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