An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Labor Green Loon's VOTE People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor Green Loon's VOTE People. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Labor Green Loon's Publicity Department:THEIR ABC Admits it had no evidence to back it's Aslyum Seekers story of torture by the Royal Australian Navy.

ABC TV in burns backdown: managing director Mark Scott admits no evidence Australian navy tortured asylum seekers

Tim Blair
The Daily Telegraph
February 5, 2014

THE ABC has backed down in the controversy over its reporting of claims that navy personnel tortured asylum seekers, apologising "if our reporting led anyone to mistakenly assume that the ABC supported the asylum seekers' claims".

A statement issued yesterday by ABC managing director Mark Scott and his news director Kate Torney admitted that video shown by the ABC of burned asylum seekers' hands did not establish how their hands had been injured.





"The ABC's initial reports on the video said that the vision appeared to support the asylum seekers' claims," the statement reads. "That's because it was the first concrete evidence that the injuries had occurred. What the video did not do was establish how those injuries occurred."

The statement, published online by the ABC, indicated regret over how the asylum seekers' claims were presented.

"The wording around the ABC's initial reporting needed to be more precise on that point," it continued.

"We regret if our reporting led anyone to mistakenly assume that the ABC supported the asylum seekers' claims.

"The ABC has always presented the allegations as just that - claims worthy of further investigation."

The backdown follows criticism directed at the ABC from The Daily Telegraph, other media outlets, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison and Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

"A lot of people feel at the moment that the ABC instinctively takes everyone's side but Australia's," Mr Abbott said last week.

The ABC's own Media Watch program joined in the criticism on Monday night.

"The ABC overreached, by essentially endorsing the allegations of navy mistreatment on radio, TV and online throughout the day," Media Watch host Paul Barry said.

"Because even if the (Indonesian) police did back the asylum seekers' claims, there was no way of knowing they were true ... We believe the ABC should have been far more cautious, given the evidence it had, and given it was making such a big call against the navy."

On the same program, Barry caused a Twitter storm by admitting to voting Liberal in last year's federal election.

"Paul Barry broke my heart admitting he voted Liberal," sobbed one Twitter user.

"Paul Barry is god dang dead to me," wrote another.

Yet another shattered fan pleaded with the presenter: "You were joking when you said you voted Liberal, weren't you?"

Barry later confirmed he had voted Liberal.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Labor Green Loon's outraged as Abbott Government continues to repel Muslim Insurgents back to Indonesia.

First close-up look at a lifeboat the Abbott Government is using to stop asylum seeker boats

Paul Toohey
Daily Telegraph
February 1,2014

First look at air-conditioned, powered 90-seat lifeboats used to send asylum-seekers home
'Unsinkable' fully enclosed pods contain food, water and navigational equipment
Arrival of first boat in Java has sent shock waves throughout the people-smuggler and asylum networks

THIS is what awaits asylum-seekers trying to get to Australia on dodgy wooden smuggling boats - the gift of an air-conditioned, 90-seat lifeboat, and an armed escort back to Indonesia.

This is the first close-up look at one of the 11 lifeboats that the Abbott Government has sourced out of Singapore in its uncompromising fight to stop the boats - a fight that it appears to be winning.

The fully enclosed and submersible 8.5m x 3.2m survival capsule, fitted with safety belts, navigational equipment, life jackets, food, water and an inboard diesel motor, came ashore in remote Cikepuh, in West Java, on the afternoon of January 15.

Naval officer Edi Sukendi, based in Ujung Genteng, the closest point between Indonesia and Australia, got word from a forest ranger that an unusual vessel had crash-landed and disgorged an estimated 60 asylum-seekers, who immediately scattered into the jungle.

Sukendi, a naval operational with no boat of his own, asked a local fishermen to take him up the coast to Cikepuh to investigate. They found the orange capsule jammed on a coral reef within wading distance of shore and approached it cautiously.

"When we first saw it, we were very surprised," Sukendi said. "We were worried it might have explosives." He said they found discarded food and water bottles with Malaysian markings, and first assumed it had come from there.

Twenty men heaved the boat to the beach. It was not leaking but they were unable to start it because the keys were missing.

The boat was towed to the port of Pelabuhan Ratu and has been impounded by the navy.

Prime Minister Abbott's turn-back policy - along with the phone-tapping scandal - has caused intense heat at the highest diplomatic levels between Indonesia and Australia.

But there is no question the policy has sent a shock through smuggler and asylum networks, already reeling from Kevin Rudd's declaration of July last year that no one who arrived by boat would ever settle in Australia.

Cisarua, in central West Java, once the biggest catchment for Australia-bound asylum-seekers, is a shadow of what it was only seven months ago, when thousands of asylum-seekers were highly visible on the city's streets.

Ali Abbas Josh, 35, an Afghan asylum-seeker who came back to Cisarua last year for a second attempt after failing to make it to Australia by boat under John Howard, said people had lost hope.

"We agree the way to Australia has been closed," he said. "We accept that you have closed the way, that you won't take us if we come by boat."

Mr Josh said those remaining in Cisarua were the most desperate stragglers, who could not afford to pay smugglers. He said they had been abandoned by the UNHCR and the International Organisation for Migration.


From June 2012 to June 2013, there was a huge surge in the boats, when 25,793 people made it to Australia under the former government. Most of those were Sri Lankan and Iranians, who during that period came in an unprecedented rush.

Now, it is estimated there are only 20 Iranian families left in the area. Most have gone home or are scattered in detention centres across Indonesia, awaiting formal resettlement.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison's office said in March last year, 68 per cent of people registered with the UNHCR in Indonesia were failing to do follow up interviews and were instead "opting to attempt to enter Australia illegally by boat. By December last year, that rate had dropped to nine per cent."


An Iranian husband and wife in Cisarua said they received a visit from three filthy and distraught Iranian asylum-seekers who knocked on their door on January 17, two days after the lifeboat came ashore.

They told the husband and wife they had made it close to Christmas Island in when they sighted an Australian Border protection Command vessel. At that point, they began scuttling the boat.

The Australians tried to pump the wooden boat but it was too damaged. They were then taken aboard the vessel where, according to this account, they spent 10 days cruising within sight of Christmas Island.

It was said there were adults, children and teenagers aboard.

They were fed and photographed. On the tenth day, they were ordered into the lifeboat. Some, according to the husband and wife, refused to enter the capsule and were physically shoved inside. They were given documents stating they were not permitted to enter Australian waters.

The Indonesian crew piloted the lifeboat, shadowed by a Border Protection Command vessel, until they arrived close to Indonesian territory.


The Indonesian crew chose a sparsely inhabited jungle reserve, one of the most remote areas on the southern coast, to land the vessel.

The asylum-seekers - said to be mostly Iranian and Sri Lankan - told the husband and wife the Indonesians jumped out close to shore and handed the controls to an Iranian, who ran the boat into a coral reef.

They waded ashore wearing life jackets and spent two days wandering terrified in the jungle before a sheepherder directed them towards a road, where they grabbed minibuses and motorbikes to take them back to Cisarua.

Three people died while crossing a river in the jungle.

The boats have slowed dramatically but members of this particular group will not take no for an answer - the Iranian couple said their phones were now switched off and they were trying once again to get to Australia.

The lifeboat - believed to be the second so far sent to Indonesia - is understood to be one of 11 bought by the government for around $500,000. The Customs vessel Ocean Protector was expected to arrive off Christmas Island on Thursday with eight of the 11 lifeboats for boat people "turn around duty".

Australia is also being assisted indirectly by Indonesia, who despite the current political difficulties is staging its own crackdown.

TurningBack the Boat

An Indonesian intelligence source said agents were flooding known smuggling hot spots looking to break the industry from the inside by exposing military and police known to assist smugglers moving people to the coast and onto the boats.

"The belief is that many individuals in the military and police are involved," said the intelligence officer. "They are getting much more attention now. They are putting kuching (meaning cats, or spies) everywhere. If there is good control, the problem with Australia will stop."

News Corp heard a disturbing report from an Iranian asylum-seeker, who took the boat that sunk off Java on July 23, that his group had been escorted to the coast in 11 mini-vans by 15 plainclothes men carrying automatic rifles and pistols.

The asylum-seeker said the presence of the armed escorts - whom he believed were off-duty police or military - was unprecedented in the experience of most asylum-seekers, but showed how serious the smugglers had become as the way to Australia became harder.

Former air chief marshall, Chappy Hakim, who headed the Indonesian air force and has had decades-long ties with the Australian military, said Australia ought to work with Indonesia on the turn-back policy.

"Pushing back the boats is a small issue," he said. "But if your government is tackling issues alone, not negotiating first, then we have a problem."

It is not known what will become of returned lifeboats, but Corporal Sukendi said he'd gladly take the boat and use it to conduct patrols on his coast.

Islamic Insurgents publicists and spin doctors aka. THEIR ABC, Unravels.Labor Green Loon's VOTE People

ABC navy brutality reports unravel

Peter Alford 
The Australian
February 1, 2014

THE Australian can reveal after two days of witness interviews that allegations aired by the ABC that the Australian navy tortured and deliberately burned the hands of asylum-seekers cannot be corroborated.

As the burns case unravels, two more witnesses interviewed yesterday denied seeing anything to support the most serious cruelty allegations arising during operations in which the navy forced two boats and 92 asylum- seekers back to eastern Indonesia. Faisal Hussein, a passenger on a boat returned to Rote Island on January 6, has given the fullest account of the day of mayhem from which all but one of the burns allegations arose.

However, Faisal said he did not see any of the incidents in which asylum-seekers were allegedly burned by sailors forcing their hands on to hot engine parts and was not aware of such claims during the rest of the enforced return journey.

Faisal told The Weekend Australian yesterday he thought the burns were incurred when asylum-seekers on the January 6 boat tried to force their way past sailors blocking their way to a toilet located beside the engine room.

Of the eight Somali asylum-seekers interviewed at length, only one, Yousif Fasher, continues to insist three asylum-seekers on the January 6 boat were "tortured" in that way.

Yousif, who did not receive any burns, was the source of the deliberate burning allegations made to the ABC, often via Sharmarke Abdullah Ahmad, and to Fairfax Media, Indonesian police and the International Organisation for Migration.

Speaking by phone yesterday from the Tanjung Pinang immigration detention centre, in northern Sumatra, Yousif said: "Three people had their hands put on the engine by force, I saw everything."

The three men, two Somalis and an Eritrean, are with him at Tanjung Pinang.

Yousif said he had given photos of their injuries and phone videos to the UN refugee agency, without any subsequent follow-up.

Sharmarke, self-designated spokesman for 62 pushed-back asylum-seekers remaining under immigration supervision in Kupang, now believes none of the burns was deliberately inflicted.

Sharmarke, who was pushed back on a boat that arrived back on December 19, also at Rote, started spreading claims about navy cruelty on both his boat and the January 6 boat only after the later boatpeople came ashore.

Some days later, though, Sharmarke says he spoke again to people from the January 6 boat: "They told us they were not deliberately forced to touch the hot engine."

Sharmarke continues to allege people on his boat were mistreated, verballed and in one case punched.

Yesterday he brought forward Ali Mohamed, 18, still with a faded black eye after six weeks, who claims he was felled by a sailor's punch.

Sharmarke acknowledged yesterday that at least one deliberate burning case cited to him by Yousif, that of Bowby Nooris, was untrue.

"Yousif told me that this claiming and everything (else) were accurate, but when I asked Bowby, he just told me another story," Sharmarke said.

Bowby told The Australian on Thursday that the serious burn on his right hand came about when he was temporarily blinded by what seemed to have been capsicum spray and stumbled against an engine block.

Mohamad Abdi Rashid, the one burned person on the December 19 boat, told The Australian he was injured during a confrontation with a sailor, who pushed or slung him against an engine.

Kupang police, who originally endorsed the cruelty allegations, have since handed the case over to the National Police, saying they had no evidence other than the accusations of asylum-seekers. The INP has indicated the investigation is now halted.

Originally, Kupang police claimed seven people had been burned badly enough to require hospital treatment but The Weekend Australian has been able to identify six, including the three deliberate cases claimed by Yousif.

Kupang city police chief Tito Basuki Priyanto did not respond yesterday to an interview request.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said through a spokesman on Thursday that following routine internal inquiries about the December 19 and January 6 turn-back operations there was no evidence of wrongdoing to justify any investigation.

He refused again yesterday to comment on specific allegations but said the serious doubts cast by The Weekend Australian's inquiries "further vindicate the government's response to these earlier outrageous claims and the failure of judgment in the reports that sought to give credence to these claims".

Yesterday Faisal, another passenger on the January 6 boat, described to The Weekend Australian the trouble that erupted on day three of the navy's five-day operation, when the asylum-seekers realised the navy was forcing them back to Indonesia.

Thirteen people, including him, jumped overboard during at least four hours of ensuing protest and, as the boat was halted, the sailors on board left them in the water until they asked to come back aboard. They were made to stay on the deck in the sun. Faisal said some had their hands bound by plastic ties but there was no other punishment.

In the meantime, asylum-seekers were trying to push their way past sailors to get to the boat's lavatory at the lower stern deck.

Faisal said the sailors had refused to allow the 45 passengers to use the lavatory any more than once a day "so people used force to try to get to the toilet".

He thinks, but cannot say for sure as he was not at the scene, that that was when four or people, including a women, were burned.

Yousif says the woman was his wife, Mariam Ahmed, and he agrees she was not deliberately burned, but fell against hot machinery when pushed by a sailor as the boat rocked. He also agreed yesterday that Bowby was burned when blinded by what is thought to be capsicum spray and put his hand on to the machinery.

The next day, Faisal said, there was a fitful protest, but no further clashes; and on the final day, when the sailors departed, there was none. "The people were very tired," he said.

Ali said yesterday he was heavily punched by a sailor and fell to the deck "almost unconscious" when he tried to rally a protest against their turn back. "I yelled at them," Ali said, according to Sharmarke's translation. "I said 'we cannot go back there to Indonesia, we want some better life'."

But Mohamed Hussein, who was also on that boat, said he saw no violent incidents. However, because he was in the middle of the packed, about 10m vessel, he could not see everything that went on. "One guy tried to jump overboard but he was stopped," Mohamed said. "There was also two other guys who went overboard, but they threw them a rope."

Mohamed said no capsicum spray was used: "It was not like the other boat."

Additional reporting: Telly Nathalia, Jared Owens

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

More Cultural Enrichment from Labor Green Loon's VOTE People with some good ole Female Genital Mutilation

Father in court charged with organising infant daughter's circumcision

Emma Page 
The Manly Daily
January 28,2014

A MAN who has been charged with organising the female circumcision of his nine-month-old daughter in Indonesia almost two years ago faced Manly Local Court today.

The man, 29, who recently relocated from NSW to Victoria with his family, cannot be identified for legal reasons.

Manly Local Court Magistrate William Brydon granted the suppression order, which forbids the publication of the names of the accused, his wife and the victim.

According to documents tendered to the court, police allege the accused took his infant daughter to Jakarta, Indonesia in 2012 so she could undergo female circumcision, wihch is known in the west as genital mutilation.

NSW Police were alerted to the incident after the child's mother took her to a doctor about six months later.

Following investigations, an officer from the Sex Crimes Command, Detective Kelly Barby arrested the accused at 11am on 31 December 2013.

He was charged later that day at Dee Why Police Station.

The man is yet to enter a plea and will remain on bail until he appears in Downing Centre Local Court on March 25.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sydney's Occupied Territories : Muticultural Crime Gangs celebrate the ABC's Harmony Day,Diversity Day,Invasion Day with a Culturally Sensitive MURDER

When Too much Harmony and Diversity is barely enough.
Multiculturalist's celebrate Harmony Day,Diversity Day, Invasion Day, in a way that only they can,with a simple, yet, Culturally Sensitive and Respectful Murder,on a suburban street in Sydney's Occupied Territories.

Riot Squad called in as Police and Paramedics attacked by grieving relatives and friends.

Police investigate fatal shooting - Canley Vale

Sunday, 26 January 2014 05:53:51 AM

Police are investigating the death of a man after he was shot at Canley Vale in Sydney’s south-west this morning.

About 2:45am, Sunday 26 January 2014, police and NSW Ambulance Paramedics were called to Equity Place following reports of a shooting.

They found a man, aged in his 20s, on the footpath suffering gunshot wounds. Despite efforts of paramedics the man died at the scene.

A crime scene was established in Equity Place and will be examined by specialist forensic officers.

Detectives from Cabramatta Local Area Command and the State Crime Command’s Homicide Squad are conducting investigations into the shooting.

They urge anyone who saw or heard any suspicious activity in the street to contact police.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

USA Germany Russia supply Tanks F16's, Apache attack helicopters and Submarines to Indonesia as Indonesia continues to demand Australia cease defending its borders from Indonesian based Insurgents / asylum seekers

USA,Barack Husseine Obama & Germany supply 30 F-16 fighters,a dozen Apache attack helicopters and 103 Leopard battle tanks while Russia supplies 12 Submarines armed with cruise missiles.
I have to wonder who's side those 1700 US Marines recently stationed on Australian soil in Darwin will be on when Indonesia starts pushing buttons.
It could well be they are part of an Obama Muslim Brother Hood sabotage /advanced scout force,designed to pave the way for an Indonesian invasion.
Sydney's Occupied Territories should make for interesting viewing as the already embedded Jihadi's mobilise;

Indonesia boosts military presence near Australia and ramps up efforts to increase its firepower

January 23, 2014

INDONESIA has boosted its military presence near Australia and ramped up a push to increase the firepower of its armed forces, according to a report.

It comes at a time of growing turmoil in Australia's relationship with Indonesia after revelations last week Australian Navy vessels breached Indonesia's territorial waters while enforcing the Coalition's asylum seeker policy.

As The Jakarta Post reports, Indonesia is greatly expanding its Marine Corps.
The nation is reportedly awaiting the delivery of 30 F-16 fighters, a dozen Apache attack helicopters and 103 Leopard battle tanks from the US and Germany, and is purchasing a dozen Russian submarines armed with cruise missiles.

The country has warned it will deploy navy vessels to patrol its coast after the Australian incursion last week. The nation's Air Force has also programmed four radars to monitor the country's southern border.

 She said the military should strengthen its "outward-looking" approach due to signs of escalating threats. The Post also quoted an anonymous official who said a clash at sea could be "imminent".

"Now that we have three frigates on the border, a clash could be imminent as our Navy will prevent the towing back," the official said.

One expert told the military upgrade was a response to fears about Australia, which is "front and centre" in the country's mind at the moment, as well as concerns about other neighbours and growing powers such as India and China.

Professor Damien Kingsbury from Deakin University said: "Indonesia has always been pensive about its territorial integrity and Australia has played a role in that in the past."
"There's a sensitivity about that. If Indonesia did that to Australia we'd be very upset, if not more so," he said.

The Australian Government apologised to Indonesia after Navy vessels "inadvertently" breached Indonesia's territory "on several occasions" in recent weeks.
Australia's relationship with Indonesia has hit rocky waters recently, particularly because of the government's 'turn back the boats' policy and allegations from US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden that Australia spied on the country's president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and his wife, Ani in 2009.

Prof Kingsbury said the Government had handled the spying issue "very poorly". "We needed to apologise and we needed to do it quickly and we didn't," he told
At a media interview at the weekend, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop said she works very closely with her Indonesian equivalent, Dr Marty Natalegawa.
"We're in regular communication, we are working together for the shared purpose of ensuring the people smuggling trade is dismantled but also that the Australia-Indonesia relationship is strengthened."
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said at a press conference this afternoon that Tony Abbott's policies were causing tension with Indonesia.
"Our relationship with Indonesia is important. Clearly Abbott policies are causing real friction with Indonesia.

Australian Crime Commission task force seizes $500m in drugs, cash as investigators focus on motorcycle gangs, people smugglers

Australian Crime Commission taskforce seizes $500m in drugs, cash as investigators focus on motorcycle gangs, people smugglers

By Sarah Dingle
January 23,2014

The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) is claiming a major victory in its fight against organised crime, with a special covert taskforce seizing more than $500 million in drugs and cash in the last year.

The commission's anti-money laundering taskforce, which is focused on tracking the proceeds of crime, has led investigators to clandestine drug labs within Australia and criminal activities overseas.

ACC's acting chief executive Paul Jevtovic says the key to following the money was working out how it was being moved offshore through alternative remitters - agents outside the formal banking system who offer cash transferral services.

"They need to move their profits in safe havens where they can then line their pockets, or in turn, use that profit to continue the crimes that they're perpetuating again civilians here in Australia," he said.

Mr Jevtovic estimates organised crime costs the Australian economy at least $15 billion every year.

He said criminal profits are primarily derived from drug importation which the commission worked with state and federal investigators, and international partners like the US Drug Enforcement Agency, to crack down on.

"Drug importations into Australia continue to be the main profit source by organised crime here in this country, but there is a range of other things, serious organised investment frauds, identity theft," he said.

"Over the last 12 months the covert aspects of that operation, which are ongoing, has seized more than $580 million in drugs and assets, including $26 million in cash.

"In the last week, we have had a single cash seizure of $6 million."

People smugglers, motorcycle gangs monitored by investigators

Mr Jevtovic said a "very complex global network" of more than 20 countries were involved in the movement of money in and out of Australia.

"We're not going to go into detail about the specific countries, but the reality is that the Middle East and south-east Asia have featured prominently," he said.

"There's no doubt, and we've confirmed, bikie gangs operating in Australia and elsewhere in the world are involved. There's clearly drug cartels, people smuggling networks.

"We've allowed the money to take us to the crime types. There've been, for example, something like 128 targets that were previously unknown to law enforcement identified. There have been 105 people arrested on some 190 charges."

Mr Jevtovic said people smuggling operations and outlaw motorcycle gangs are a focus of investigations but he declined to say whether any bikie associates have been implicated.

"I don't want to confirm that, but it would be fair to say that outlaw motorcycle gangs have been the subject of our investigations and will continue to be," he said.

"Money has been paid to people to facilitate the commission of people smuggling, and it is the movement of those funds we will continue to focus on."

The ACC is also monitoring the use of rising international digital currency, bitcoin, but would not confirm whether it is a preferred method of money laundering by organised crime.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Australian Immigration Minister Scott Morrison slams THEIR ABC and SMH allegations of insurgent abuse against the Royal Australian Navy

THEIR ABC Caught out AGAIN!!!! Slandering Australia's Finest, we know who is paying them and its now official who it is they are working for, and it is not Australia.

THEIR ABC Caught out AGAIN!!!! Slandering Australia's Finest, we know who is paying them and its now official who it is they are working for, and it is not Australia.

Asylum seekers accused of sabotaging own boat 

Ian McPhedran
The Daily Telegraph
January 22,2014

FAR from burning the hands of asylum seekers, Australian Navy sailors actually provided first aid to asylum seekers whose hands were burned as they attempted to sabotage their own boat.

Navy chief Vice-Admiral Griggs will take to Twitter later today to deny allegations by Indonesian police and asylum seekers that his sailors had tortured them by burning their hands and bashing them.

"This is not what the navy does," a source said he would say.

"We have always been about saving people's lives."

The Lies and Slander propagated by THEIR ABC, Australia's HATE MEDIA, Hatred of all things Australian

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison today rejected the claims, adding the government is committed to strong Australian borders.

"There are any number of criminal syndicates trying to reach our borders that put Australians at risk,'' he said.

Earlier he labelled the reports "unfounded, unsubstantiated and outrageous".

"There has been no police investigation in Indonesia," Mr Morrison told Fairfax radio in Perth.

"I am surprised that unsubstantiated allegations would have been aired in such a way which diminish our navy.

"I have total confidence in our navy - for these allegations to be aired without any qualification is a pretty poor effort and not something most Australians would give a tick too.

"These people put themselves them at risk to protect others. For them to have to sit there and cop this sort of rubbish is offensive."

The navy also has the backing of Acting Prime Minister Warren Truss.

"I'm confident they have behaved responsibly and appropriately,'' Mr Truss told media today.

"We received assurances that the defence forces have acted responsibly and I accept those assurances.''

Video aired on ABC News shows asylum seekers undergoing medical checks for burns that Indonesian police say were caused by the Australian Navy.

Indonesian police say they had to get medical treatment for 10 asylum seekers - seven with severe burns on their hands - after they were picked up in Indonesian waters on January 6, ABC News reports.

Indonesian police told ABC News the burns were caused after the Australian Navy forced asylum seekers to board a boat being towed back to Indonesia and to hold onto pipes coming out of the boat's engine.

ABC News says the police claims appear to correspond with claims of mistreatment made by the asylum seekers when they first spoke to them a fortnight ago.

Asylum seekers also claim they were beaten by navy personnel, ABC News reports.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has moved to ease tensions with Indonesia by declaring it is Australia's "most important single relationship''.

It comes as Australian Customs and Defence start a review into the entry of Australian vessels into Indonesian waters after the incursions reignited tensions between the nations.

The Australian PM has arrived in Davos for this week's World Economic Forum but he won't get a chance to meet with Dr Yudhoyono, who is not attending.

However Mr Abbott stressed the importance he placed on relations with Australia's northern neighbour and its leader.

"It is, in the broad, our most important single relationship,'' Mr Abbott told a press conference in Davos on Tuesday.

"At different times in the past there have been difficulties ... and I dare say our two countries being what they are, there will be difficulties in the future.

"But I do want to stress President Yudhoyono has been a great president of Indonesia, has been a very good friend of Australia and I have enormous personal respect and admiration for the president.

" ... I want nothing but a good relationship between Australia and Indonesia.''

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Amira Karroum,Yusuf Ali and other Australian based Islamic Sociopaths & Hala Trad's "There are times you need to fight"

How many of these Islamic Sociopath's have been embedded here by the previous Labor Green Loon Co Party Government via their Open Borders Policy over the past six years ?

Why Did A Good Girl Go To War ?

Amira Karroum was one of many Australians being recruited to fight in Syria

Greg Stolz,Ashlee Mullany and Chris McMahon 
Daily Telegraph
January 18,2014
Pg.38 & 39

Amira Karroum’s friends from school remember her beautiful smile and her bubbly personality. She was a girl who would throw her arms around mates and greet them with a hug and a kiss as she grew up a “sweet and caring” daughter on the Gold Coast beaches, where her dad ran a kebab shop along the Glitter Strip.

To the people who knew her from those days, she would have seemed the unlikeliest terrorist — they would never have thought of her as a religious martyr.
But in the months and weeks leading up to her death last week in a bullet-ridden house in war torn Syria alongside her husband Yusuf Ali, her Facebook posts reveal a young woman heading for a dangerous future — and fully prepared for what she would meet.
“Everything is temporary,” she wrote. And: “Islam is my identity. The burqa is my shield. Jannah (the Islamic garden of paradise) is my destination.’’

The husband she called her “lion”, and the “man of my dreams” wrote in one of his last posts: “Preparing for the grave”.
The couple are not the only Australians to go to their graves as part of the rebel cause bringing down the ruthless regime of President Bashar al-Assad, but as the first Australian woman to die Karroum’s story has shocked a public unable to conceive of anyone dying for a foreign country, for a foreign cause, let alone a highly educated and intelligent young woman from a good family.
Young Australian Muslims like Karroum, 22, and Ali are being exploited by radicals and political zealots to go to Syria, says Dr Stepan Kerkyasharian, outgoing chairman of the NSW Community Relations Commission.
“People are being duped into being cannon fodder between the two warring Sunni factions. People are killing each other within their own faith,” he says.

“They are being misled and lured into an evil situation that was about freedom but now it is about the abuse of their religion. In many places, recruitment is so subtle that those being recruited may not even know it.’’
It is believed as many as 205 Australians have travelled to the battlefield that is Syria since the conflict began in 2011 — part of a contingent of about 11,000 foreign fighters answering what they see as Allah’s call to battle.
At least five Jihadist death notices have been posted online for Australians in the complex civil war that has so far claimed more than 100,000 lives.

Some Islamic leaders say Australians may be motivated to join the Syrian conflict out of frustration at a perceived lack of international action against the Assad regime. National security agencies fear what the radicalised fighters will bring home with them.

“The best-case scenario is that someone has witnessed the conflict and comes back with enormous psychological baggage,” Kerkyasharian says.
“The worst-case scenario is someone who has gone there, who’s been involved in the fighting, who’s seen fellow combatants killed and they’ve come back with revenge in his or her heart.”

“They can get skills, connections, and may decide to carry out violence,” Zammit says.
“Authorities are very worried. They are aware that this is the greatest mobilisation of Australians to fight with jihadist groups that we’ve ever had.
“They could be travelling there with all sorts of motives, often after having watched footage of people they identify with being killed by the Assad regime. The big issue is what groups they get involved with once over there.”
In 2012 Karroum, who had studied graphic design at Queensland’s University of Technology, moved to Sydney and met USborn Yusuf Ali, a Muslim convert.

They married in April last year and settled at Granville in Sydney’s west — in the heart of the Muslim community.
Despite her education at one of the country’s top Anglican schools, St Hilda’s in Brisbane, Karroum was always a Muslim — but it was not until a couple of years ago that she started to wear a burqa. On her Facebook page, she described her work as a “Slave of Allah” and her posts became increasingly extreme, condemning America, the war on terror and even democracy.

“Today I witnessed hijabi girls promoting democracy with their Tshirts and their stupid voting papers. Kuffars! May Allah guide these strangers!’’ she posted on federal election day last September.
After wild Muslim riots in Sydney’s Hyde Park in 2012 she called for more violence, urging Facebook followers to: “F... the police! Smash the cop cars.”

On the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, she posted: “Worst effing night. I’m proud of being a Muslim!!!!! 10 years of war in Afghanistan for two towers.”
She talked of going to a shooting range and, on Facebook, regularly checked in at a Sydney address she called “Bin Laden’s Cave”. In Granville, Ali is alleged to have been recruited by Hamdi Alqudsi, 39, and sent with another four men to Syria. A sixth, aged 23, was arrested at Brisbane airport.

Alqudsi, a disability pensioner, was arrested in December and accused of being the mastermind behind a network sending Australians to Syria to fight alongside Jabhat al-Nusra and other al-Qaedalinked groups. Alqudsi, charged with recruiting, organising and funding the men, is the husband of controversial Muslim Carnita Matthews — the woman who, in 2010, claimed police tried to rip off her burqa to see her face during a roadside breath test.

Carnita Matthews thug minders, linked to Radical Muslim Cleric

Carnita Matthews Driving Record
Carnita Matthews husband,Ibrahim Galiel claims “….my wife has suffered”
Australia’s Multicultural Media reports Carnita Matthews to seek costs and compensation from NSW Tax payers.
Judge Defends Decision & Carnita Matthews son Defends Lieing Mother on Sydney Radio
Lieing Muslim Carnita Matthews and former Guantanamo Bay inmate Mamdouh Habib engage in Muslim Festival of LIES and Deceit
Lieing Muslim Hag in a Bag’s supporters aka.Muslim Savages, charge Media and pedestrians whilst invoking the Head Hunters Chant of "allah ackbar" following the appeal of Carnita Matthews been upheld in Sydney Court.
Lieing Muslim, HAG in a BAG, Carnita Matthews Sentenced to six months in Jail, for Lies and Deception,by Sydney, Campbelltown Magistrate.

Yesterday Alqudsi, asked to comment on the current situation in the Middle East said: “No thank you. I don’t speak English, I don’t speak English.”

Ali left Australia for Syria soon after his marriage, saying he was going to do humanitarian work. Karroum followed him just days before Christmas, telling her family she was heading to Denmark to holiday with friends and then do some humanitarian work.

They were killed inside a house near the city of Aleppo, which is near the border with Turkey and ground zero of the war, possibly by members of the Free Syrian Army.
The rebels are fighting government troops and other factions trying to oust Assad.

On Facebook, Karroum’s sister Rose, who also embraced Islam and calls herself the “Mujahidah Lioness”, asked for prayers for the couple, who she said had been “martyred”. She described her sister as a “soldier” who had been parted from her husband by “something bigger than them”.
An al-Qaeda fan page posted a photo of Yusuf Ali on Monday, labelling him and his wife martyrs: “May Allah SWT unite them both in the Highest of Heavens ...Ameen.”

Sydney's Occupied Territories: Islamic Sociopath's Inc.,Recruiting for Jihad in Syria to fight with al-Qaeda affiliates

Pious Muslim Sociopath Amira Karroum "F … the police! Smash all the cop cars.''

Amira Karroum’s half-brother Karl Karroum said the family had no idea she was going to Syria.
“They are peaceful people,” he said of Amira and her husband.
Gold Coast Islamic Society president Hussin Goss says the couple worshipped at his mosque when they were visiting the Gold Coast. He does not believe they were radicals.

“People say they must have been radicalised in Sydney or on the Gold Coast but the last time I saw Yusuf about six months ago, he was a normal person — smiling, having fun, and praying of course,’’ Goss says.
“Amira was a good girl who did a lot of volunteer work in the community. She was more of a giver than a taker — she had an open heart. I can only say good things about her.’’
Goss says he understood Karroum and Ali had gone to Syria to do “humanitarian work” — not to fight the Syrian government.

“They were over there trying to help because the governments of the world aren’t,’’ he says.
On the Gold Coast, Karroum’s father Mohamad suffered a mild heart attack when he heard the news of her death. Her mother Honor Deane said she was “distraught with grief”.

Just weeks ago Karroum had posted a Facebook photo of her mother with love hearts and emoticons and the words: “My Life, My Mum”.

There are times you need to fight

The Daily Telegraph
January 18,2014

Hala Trad is a 23-year-old philosophy student from Yagoona. She was born in Australia to
Lebanese parents. Her father Keysar fled his homeland in 1976 as a refugee and her mother arrived here in 1986. Here she tells TAYLOR AUERBACH why she sympathises with Australian Muslims who feel compelled to join the war in Syria.

IS Islam against fighting? I don’t know how to answer that question.
It’s not completely against war because war happens. Suicide is completely Haram (against Islam) but war isn’t.
Sometimes you’re in a position where you need to fight. I definitely sympathise with the frustrations of Muslims in Australia who feel like they have to go over to Syria.
I know some people who I believe went over there to fight. People say things. By the way they talk, it seems like they went over for the cause.
The situation in Syria is very hard to hear about, especially from Australia where we can’t do anything. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. So many people are being oppressed by this regime and being displaced.
I’m not qualified to go over, I don’t have the resources. But I can understand how people would do anything to help the people the government regime is oppressing.

It’s hard to tell people not to go over and fight because Islamic people get very heated up by the situation. They feel helpless. It’s not close geographically, but it’s so close to home. One thing that Islam teaches is that we have to help our Muslim brothers and sisters.
This tyrannical regime is oppressing their brothers and sisters and it’s incredibly frustrating.
They feel helpless from here. Could they die as martyrs? It really depends on their motivations for going over there and the situation they were in when they got harmed.

Personally, I’m a philosopher. I think there are other ways to help. Any sort of humanitarian aid that I can do, I do.”

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