An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts

Monday, October 05, 2015

Salim Mehajer Media Groupie suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome?

Salim Mehajer has finally broken his silence, defending his extravagant wedding and denying he is corrupt or threatened the father of a Sydney siege survivor.

Salim Mehajer threatens to sue Sydney gym for $10m over Kidnap allegations

Australia's New Leftist Progressive PM Malcolm of Lakemba, has obviously not given his new best friends enough of what they demand of Australia.. why else would they start killing us again?

Real victims forgotten in Parramatta shooting as left moves to protect muslims

October 5, 2015 12:00am

Parramatta shooting shows Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull wrong about being sensitive with terrorism

Andrew Bolt
The Daily Telegraph
October 5 2015.

"Who dares speak frankly about any of this, when our new Prime Minister implies what’s really inflammatory is not Islam but Australia?"

LAST Friday morning, just before Curtis Cheng was murdered, Malcolm Turnbull revealed he would be more sensitive in tackling terrorism.

Gone would be “the blunt and often divisive language used by his predecessor Tony Abbott”, The Australian reported, clearly briefed by our new Prime Minister or his team.

Abbott’s rude talk had just “alienated many in the ­Islamic community”, and “Mr Turnbull will adopt a new, more inclusive tone”.
This was just what the media Left had claimed to want when it was looking for excuses to kick Abbott.

How those journalists had savaged Abbott for what they gleefully claimed was his politically motivated scaremongering about terrorism and his “inflammatory” and “divisive” language — language that actually seemed plain common sense.

How dare he alienate Muslims by asking them “to be part of ‘Team Australia’’.
How dare he suggest Muslim leaders did not condemn Islamist terrorism strongly enough, even saying that although Western leaders called Islam a religion of peace, “I wish more Muslim leaders would say that more often and mean it”?

And how crass to keep referring to the head-hacking Islamic State death cult as, er, a death cult?

See, phrases like “death cult” just upset Muslims, protested journalists and Labor.

And Turnbull whispered that, too, as he privately white-anted Abbott.

Sometimes Turnbull didn’t just whisper it, either. In July he shouted it in a speech, warning that unnamed people “over-estimate” the jihadist threat.

“It’s easy to sensationalise these scoundrels, these criminals, and we need … to be careful that we are not amplifying their own work, their significance,” he said loftily.

But he wasn’t talking about Abbott, he protested.
But he was, of course, which Friday’s news story now proves.

Well, let’s go back to that Friday. That afternoon, ­15-year-old Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar went to his Parramatta mosque.

We’re not sure what he did there, or whom he saw. Nor do we know how this Iraqi Kurd from Iran got his hands on a gun.

But Farhad then walked to the Parramatta police station, slipped behind Curtis Cheng, who worked in the station’s finance department, and shot him in the head.

He repeatedly shouted “Allah” until he was in turn shot dead by police. NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said Farhad’s attack seemed politically motivated, and thus terrorism.

Little had Turnbull known how soon he’d get to demonstrate his new “inclusive” rhetoric. But on Saturday we heard it. Turnbull, reading from prepared notes, insisted “the Australian Muslim community will be especially appalled and shocked” by the act of terrorism.

“We must not vilify or blame the entire Muslim community with the actions of what is, in truth, a very, very small percentage of violent extremist individuals.”

And, true, most Muslims would hate what was done. They must not be vilified or treated as enemies. Yet Turnbull is still wrong. Very wrong.

First, he was wrong to have scapegoated Abbott, and imply Abbott was partly responsible for driving Muslim youths to extremism.

The threat from Islamist terrorism here is little different to the threat faced by almost every Western country, whether their leaders talk as sweetly as the French President or as tough as the Israeli Prime Minister.
In other words, the problem lies not in “us” or our politicians, but in Islam itself — in its sacred texts that preach intolerance and condone ­violence against unbelievers.

In fact, I doubt that 15-year-old Farhad even knew whether Turnbull or Abbott was now Prime Minister, or would have cared.

Second, Turnbull is wrong because the proportion of violent extremist individuals in our Muslim community is not “very, very small”. In fact, for the size of the community here — fewer than 500,000 — it is dangerously high.

 "Small minority of Muslims" Yeah Right.

All 21 Australians jailed for terrorism in Australia are Muslim, even though we have almost as many Buddhists. More than 200 Australian Muslims have joined the Islamic State, and hundreds more have been stopped at the airport. More hundreds here support the jihadists, and still more condone them.

Those numbers suggest the third and fundamental reason Turnbull is wrong.

He is wrong to attack ­Abbott because that just encourages the almost pathological blame-shifting of so many Muslim leaders and representatives. So many just blame Australia and the West for the violent extremism that curiously comes almost exclusively from their community.

On the ABC’s Q&A we’ve heard from a dozen at least, claiming Muslims are the real victims and accusing our governments and police and anti-Muslim conspiracies.

Muslim academic Randa Abdel-Fattah, for instance, said: “I’m very cynical about the government’s use of these (anti-terrorist) raids to politicise the Muslim problem of terrorism.”

Muslim journalist Mona Eltahawy said: “None of you do absolutely anything to help us. You’ve always sold us­­­ out.”

NY Subway Vandal, Mona's finest Hour

And Muslim Legal Network solicitor Lydia Shelley added: “Please don’t use the Muslim people, don’t use the issue of radicalisation, to really sell these (anti-terrorism) laws, which is really about a sustained attack on civil liberties in this country.”

Stronger stuff is preached in the more radical mosques and meeting halls. Hizb ut Tahrir spokesman Wassim Doureihi, for one, was filmed shouting to followers: “Even if a thousand bombs went off in this country, all that it will prove is that the Muslims are angry, and they have every reason to be angry.”

Even the Grand Mufti, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, blamed Abbott’s support for Israel for causing young Muslims to sign up for the Islamic State, rather than blame Islam itself for inspiring such slaughter.

And this kind of moral evasion is what Turnbull has encouraged by scapegoating Abbott. He has taken the pressure off Muslim leaders to reform their faith.

He has taken the pressure off us to seriously debate whether Islam — as interpreted by many — actually fits into a multi-religious secular democracy.

And he’s made it harder to have the honest debate we need about whether to accept more Muslim refugees.


Man Monis, an Iranian “refugee” and Islamist, staged the deadly Lindt cafe­ siege;

Numan Haider, an Afghan “refugee” and Islamic State recruit, stabbed two police in Melbourne;

Mohammad Ali Baryalei, an Afghan “refugee”, became a recruiter and fighter for the Islamic State;

Saney Edow Aweys, a Somalian “refugee”, plotted to attack the Holsworthy Army base.

So should we accept more Muslim refugees, or take in Christians instead? Would Christian refugees be less likely to hate us, and more likely to thrive?

But here again, Turnbull may have weakened the “divisive” Abbott policy.

Muslim leaders say the government’s Refugee Resettlement Advisory Council last week told them the 12,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees we’re taking won’t be selected by religion, as Abbott hints, but by need.

True, Turnbull privately knows Christians are the most persecuted minority, so should still qualify first. But who now knows?

And which mainstream politician now dares say so?

Who dares speak frankly about any of this, when our new Prime Minister implies what’s really inflammatory is not Islam but Australia?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Germany's Poor and Homeless demand to be thrown out of Public Housing to make way for 87% Muslim Males


Just when WILL Sydney's Rev. Bill Cruise (of lean on his followers and demand that they live on the streets and under bridges so as to welcome HIS Muslim Male friends?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Muslima Gone Wild: Muslim woman's Lawyer claims right to bash Police, “no right to search me, you dogs.”

Police assault case: Woman who allegedly hit officer was illegally detained, lawyer says

Sarah Crawford
The Daily Telegraph
August 17, 2015 

A WOMAN who allegedly punched an officer and threatened to slit the throat of another during a counter terrorism raid had a right to resist the search, her lawyer claims.

The 24-year-old woman, whose name is suppressed, allegedly called the female police officer a “whore” and told her she would have her “throat slit” when she was searched and a mobile phone confiscated during a raid last year.

The woman has pleaded not guilty to assaulting and intimidating police when they seized her mobile phone underneath her burqa.

At a hearing today at Parramatta Local Court, her lawyer Steven Boland said she had been “illegally detained” as police had never shown her a search warrant, explained why she was in custody or searched her in a reasonable amount of time.

As he grabbed her left arm, he said she punched him in the nose with her right fist.

She was not the target of the search or named in the warrant.

“Anyone who is being illegally detained has every right to resist — every right.”


So Muslims can now define Australian Law and it's implementation as been lawful or unlawful on the spot and resist with violence and threats of throat slitting of NSW Police Officers executing their duty should they think appropriate at any given time they face Police apprehension? 
Why is this Muslim Insurgents name suppressed? the Police Officers                                    names are not.

Mr Boland told the court the woman had “put up with” being detained for some time until police seized her mobile phone.

Senior-Constable Stacie Gwyn, who had searched the woman, had previously given evidence that when she tried to take her phone, the accused said: “Don’t touch my phone, you’re a whore, you are Christian, you will burn in hell. You will be the first one in uniform to have your throat slit.”

Probationary Constable Shaun Temur told the court after an alleged struggle to take the phone, he tried to restrain the woman.  
As he grabbed her left arm, he said she punched him in the nose with her right fist.

Mr Boland told the court his client had been waving her arms and did not intentionally hit the officer.

“When she had five officers around her, she was free to leave then? She was clearly not free to leave.”

Constable Temur told the court the woman said officers had “no right to search me, you dogs.”

Scott Murphy, the federal police agent who ordered the search, told the court she overheard the woman tell Sen-Constable Gwyn: “You can’t touch me, you like getting gangbanged? You are in uniform — you must like it. The only one who has the right is God.”

Under cross-examination, agent Murphy told the court the occupants of the house were not shown the search warrant until about 90 minutes after armed police stormed the home at 4.30am.

Agent Murphy said after the occupants were removed, he tried to “engage them in conversation” before showing them the warrant.

Mr Boland asked: “You have to show them the warrant, do you?”

“Yes,” agent Murphy replied.

“It is a very important process and you record it if you show them the warrant — did you do that?

“No, I did not record it, it was recorded at the house (at 6.04am) but not prior.”

Agent Murphy said when he ordered police to search the woman she was not under arrest or detained.

“What are you saying?” Mr Boland asked. “When she had five officers around her, she was free to leave then? She was clearly not free to leave.”

Agent Murphy said although she was not under arrest, he ordered she be searched and her mobile phone seized because he believed she was “carrying seizable items” in connection to the raid.

The phone was later returned to the woman.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Why is Islam the only Religion permitted to TAX the Australian shopper ?

Halal certification in Australia is big business and worth 
millions to certifiers

"YOU may not have noticed it — the halal certification mark that sits on almost every item in an Aussie shopping basket from Vegemite and Cadbury chocolate to Steggles chicken breast tenders.But it is there and manufacturers, wholesalers and food processors have paid a slew of unregulated certifiers millions of dollars to put it there.It’s all about money."
 MATTHEW BENNSThe Daily TelegraphAugust 15, 2015  
          FULL ARTICLE 

Why is this TAX on Australian food not shown on all receipts like the Goods and Services Tax (GST)  is rightly required to be ?

What part of the Australian Taxation Act permits this TAX been imposed upon Australians by this Religious Organisation?

Will the Islamic Religion be the only organisation authorised to levy TAXES on Australia's food products and indeed other non food items, if not why not?

Why is the RSPCA Silent on this barbaric cruel slaughter of animals?

I will start returning OPENED products that I have unknowingly purchased that I have been forced to pay the Islamic TAX on any product that bears the Islamic Halal TAX certification sticker.

The Manifestations of this belief system, Islam, have, according to those who flee it in the millions every year for safety and a better life in the " land of the Great Satan" the USA and other Judeo Christian Western Democracies,are so vile, that according to these "refugees" from Islam, are not able to provide even a most basic quality of life that is to be reasonably expected in the 21st Century.

Could someone tell me why, once these same people are given sanctuary and safe haven from the manifestations of their Religious beliefs,these same people demand that their host country adopt the same failed practices they say they had no choice but to flee ?

Where will these Muslims run away too after they have done to OUR  Country what they did to their various nations of birth ? 

The only Logical conclusion that can be arrived at if we are to believe those who say they fled their various Islamic nations of birth because life was so intolerable under the manifestations of Islam is that they are colonising the west because it is their intention to do to the west what they did to the nations they say they were forced to flee, If not why then do they demand that their Western Judeo Christian Democracy host nations that gave them shelter adopt the very legal, social and religious practices that they say those same practices failed them and indeed the Nations that were ruled by them.

Australian's hard earned WAGES at Work, every time you buy a Halal Certified product from the freezer or Butcher this is the Islamic Religions version of Holy Slaughter.

Humans, Male,Female,Adult and Child  are slaughtered in the same way but without the 'high tech " restraining devices (as seen in the video below) by Pious Muslims when they no longer have any use for infidels (Non Muslims), or Muslims no longer useful or deemed to be not savage enough to satisfy the demands of allah as recorded by Islams "Perfect Man" Mohammed in what Muslims insist on calling the "Holy Koran" 

Halal Choices is an excellent website that explains how your hard earned dollars are legally appropriated by the Islamic "Religion" to further the objectives of "Only True Religion" Islam.

"Support Call: Mohamed El-Mouelhy vs Q Society, Kirralie Smith et al
Help Q Society defend freedom of expression in Australia by donating towards the legal cost of our defence against claims of defamation by Mohamed El-Mouelhy, the director of the private company ‘Halal Certification Authority Pty Ltd’ in the NSW Supreme Court.
Read the letter of our president Debbie Robinson for more details.
It is vital that those who speak the truth about Islamic halal certification and other Islamic impositions are not silenced by time-consuming and expensive court action."

It is difficult to know but I wonder how many lamb chops did Australian Supermarkets sell that were loaded up with the Halal TAX did it take to finance say the two Bali Bombings, the WTC on 911, the Man Monis Lindt Cafe killer's activities since he arrived in Australia.

How much of these compulsory Muslim TAXES has been used will be used in the future to kill Australian Soldiers both in the middle east and on Australian soil,how much of this money is used to finance illegal drug importation and distribution in Australia and around the world.


We will never know how many Australians have been Raped Bashed Stabbed Killed or blown into a thousand pieces financed by the Islamic Halal TAX that Australians are forced to pay by the 2.5% "Muslim Community" aka. Labor Green Loons VOTE People.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) GetUp financed Labor Green Loon  "Independent" Co Party does not think that there is enough Muslims in Australia and despite importing some 55,000 majority single undocumented Muslim males 18 to 28 into Australia during their Rudd (Lu Kewen) / Gillard / Rudd (Lu Kewen) six year reign of open borders they are PROMISING, that if re elected in 2016 the securing of Australia's borders will be an OPTION as opposed to the present Conservative Abbott Governments policy of Secure Borders been an OBLIGATION of the Australian Government.

Labor Green Loon foot soldiers

Friday, January 23, 2015

Islamic Sociopath's Inc. Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar Rapists and Paedophiles enslave Yazidi Women and children

Australian jihadists Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar accused of enslaving Yazidi women in Islamic State stronghold

"He threatened to sell us if we did. He said, 'Why are you sad? Forget about your home and family. This is your home and we are your family now. Forget about your gods, for good, because we have killed them all'."

Yazidis told by Australian Islamic Sociopaths Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar.

7.30 "THEIR" ABC Australia,a welcome turnaround in the reporting at THEIR ABC.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Yet another SBS "Good Muslim, Bad Muslim" Whine Festival ... Duh its the Koran Stoopid

Islamic State supporter arrest over alleged ‘hate crime’

The Daily Telegraph
August 18,2014 

A TEENAGE follower of terrorist group Islamic State, who shocked the nation with his radical views on television last week, has been arrested for an alleged hate crime in Sydney’s south west.

The 19-year-old who goes by the alias Abu Bakr was arrested for verbally abusing a cleaner at Bankstown Central shopping centre on Sunday August 10.

Police allege Bakr and another man threatened and intimidated the 43-year-old cleaner at the shopping centre about 8pm.

The cleaner, scared for his safety, contacted security who escorted the men from the centre.

Bakr and his companion returned an hour and a half later and allegedly continued the verbal attack on the cleaner before again being kicked out by security.

A complaint was made to police and Bakr was arrested about 2.45pm on Friday in Stuart Lane, Bankstown.

He was charged with affray and intimidation and placed on strict bail conditions to appear in Bankstown Local Court on September 10.

Bakr gained notoriety when he walked off the set of SBS Insight program last Tuesday during a heated debate about young Muslim Australians travelling to Iraq and Syria to fight with terrorism organisations, like the Islamic State.

He stormed out of the show’s recording late last week, shortly before a discussion on passport revocation.

A “heated” conversation between him, his lawyer, Zali Burrows, — who’d accompanied him to the studio — and Insight’s producers ensued before Abu Bakr left.

ASIO cancelled Bakr’s passport in December last year because of his extreme views and suspicions he planned to travel to the war zones.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Australian based Muslim Assassins may have passports cancelled .

Fighters in Syria may lose passports

The Daily Telegraph 
Jan 21,2014

AUSTRALIANS who fight in Syria could be stripped of their passports, the government said yesterday.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said the government was looking at beefing up possible options to deal with dual nationals fighting in the war torn nation.

Mr Morrison said that while Australia could cancel passports before those intending to go to Syria had left Australia, it did not have the same powers under citizenship laws as the UK. Britain last year used wide-ranging powers to revoke citizenship for 20 dual nationals fighting in Syria.

Asked about whether he wanted the UK powers, Mr Morrison said: “You definitely want to have things of that order to enable you to protect the country from the incursion of that sort of violent and unhelpful view.

“We are looking right now at all the options before us to strengthen powers where necessary to be able to deal more decisively with these very issues.”
He said the issue was stopping people coming back into Australia with “these troubles”.

“They have no place here in this country and anyone who wants to bring them here should not come and we are looking at every option available to us to ensure we have the powers to do just that,” he said. “We just don’t want those troubles in this country and people who bring them here should not come.”

His comments come amid concerns about Australians travelling to Syria to fight, with some being killed in battle and others reportedly joining terrorist organisations.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Two Little Girls victims of "Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance" Paedophile in public toilets as parents sat near by

No news of this Perp so far,publicly at least.

I hope that does not mean he has invoked the "Thighing" defence at the local Mosque and has been dealt a get out of jail card by the local Muslim "Holy Man" If he is indeed a man of "Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance"as per the eye witness descriptions. 

Young girls indecently assaulted in a Sydney park toilet

Ben McClellan
The Daily Telegraph
Jamuary 9, 2014

TWO girls aged two and six have been indecently assaulted by a man in a toilet in a western Sydney park, police say.

A major police search is under way for a man who approached the girls while they sat on a bench at Campbell Hill Reserve Pioneer Reserve on Campbell Hill Road in Guildford at 12.30pm.

The man, described as being of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance, approximately 165cm tall and with a chubby build, coaxed the girls into a toilet block and sexually assaulted them.

Rosehill police, the dog squad and a police helicopter are searching the park and the surrounding area.

The girls, believed to be sisters, have been treated by paramedics and taken to hospital.

Police have sealed off the entrance to the park and forensic officers have been examining the women's toilet block just 10 metres from the road and right next to the reserve's entrance.

A large group of shocked residents have gathered outside the popular park with a shaded playground and several covered eating areas.

Maysa said she knew the Lebanese-Australian family the girls were from.

"It's shocking, I'm speechless I dont know what to say. It's disgusting, there's no words to describe how I feel, especially how the family feels," she said.

"I was here last weekend it's a lovely area, we have never had any dramas here, it's a family area. You need to park at the end of the street Sundays it's so popular. This is the first time this has happened in the area."

The mother said she could only empathise with the girls' family.

"I have a girl who is very young and I just can't imagine this happening to her. I just say to the family 'God be with you'," Maysa said.

"They must be devastated. You don't know what to say it's shocking, disgusting, he should be burnt, dead, no little kid, no family deserves this."

Massive hunt for Sydney sex fiend who assaulted little sisters

Ben McClellan
The Daily Telegraph
January 11,2014

 POLICE fear the man who carried out a horrific assault on two little sisters in a toilet block could be a serious predator who may be a convicted sex offender.

The family of the girls, aged two and six, have been playing down the attack among the close-knit Lebanese-Australian community to protect the girls' "honour" and to not bring "shame" upon them. WTF?

But Child Abuse Squad head Peter Yeomans said one of their lines of inquiry was that the man was a convicted sex offender.
Campbell Hill Pioneer Reserve, where the family, including parents, grandparents and cousins, was having a picnic on Thursday, remained shut yesterday with the toilet block locked as forensic officers searched the area.

As detectives with Strike Force Sandyman went through hours of CCTV footage from local businesses and homes and interviewed witnesses, they were also following up with a woman who said she saw a suspicious man leave the same toilet block last October.

One of the girls' aunts said it had torn the family apart.
"They are beautiful, happy, bubbly little girls, never whingeing, always smiling," she said.

"I couldn't imagine what their parents are going through.

"When I heard about it, the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I was horrified."

A cousin said the attack was a sensitive issue for the Lebanese-Australian community.

"We've got a big family here. (It's) definitely terrible. Arabs in general are very protective of our kids, especially our girls," he said.

The girls, who had walked off together to use the toilets just 100m away from their family at 1.30pm, were yesterday receiving counselling at The Children's Hospital Westmead.

"The little six-year-old is still very upset by what has occurred," Supt Yeomans said.

He said they were followed into the toilet block by the man, who then sexually assaulted the older girl and indecently assaulted the younger girl.
The girls have told detectives they were in the toilet for "a considerable amount of time".

"But, bear in mind, children's conception of time is quite different to that of an adult's," Supt Yeomans said, adding that the girls' parents, who also have a son, didn't deserve any blame.

"They're very good parents. It's the middle of the day, it's school holiday time, there are plenty of people around," he said.

"It's a harrowing experience for the family. They are very deeply stressed by what has occurred to them and to their children."

Police have described the man as having black hair, an average to thin build and wearing a black jacket with a white stripe down the side, and blue shorts.

Friday, December 27, 2013

All aboard the "Jesus Express" The morally superior all away in a manger

The morally superior all away in a manger

Roger Franklin
The Daily Telegraph
December 27,2013

IT is a good thing Jesus is the bringer of peace and forgiveness because every Christmas He must be sorely tempted to do quite a bit of smiting. It's not the commercialisation of his birthday that would bother him so much as the slanders on the good name of his earthly family.

Brothers and sisters, let us shun those who every year at this time proclaim that Joseph and Mary were a homeless couple! There are lies, which all Sunday schoolers know are sins, and then there are those gigantic, jaw-dropping whoppers which come with little horns and pitchforks and do the devil's work, and this annual misrepresentation of the Holy Family is one of the biggest of the lot.

Those who would have us believe that Mary and Joseph were a couple of down-on-their-luck bums are also inclined to drop a lot of hints that Jesus might have had a better start in life if only Caesar had collected just a bit more tax to "invest" in government-approved mangers.

Others seem to be under the impression that Mary and Joseph arrived in landlocked Bethlehem aboard a leaky boat.

Atheists and believers differ on whether or not God can move mountains, but there is no doubt Jesus is always being asked to lend a hand when there is a barrow to be pushed, and often by the most unlikely suspects.

Consider NSW University of Technology professor of journalism Wendy Bacon, who earlier this week tweeted a message of support for the illegal arrivals she prefers to call asylum seekers.

She was commenting favourably on another Twitter user's photo of a sign outside a Brisbane church that assured refugees "there's plenty of room at the inn."
Now it should come as no shock that Bacon, a lifelong radical, rejects the quaint notion that it should be policy rather than people smugglers deciding how and when they arrive.

What does surprise is Bacon's sudden respect for Christianity. The last time there is a record of her tapping into the spiritual came when she was charged with obscenity and appeared in court dressed as a nun. Just to make sure the magistrate knew how she felt about religion, her habit bore a graphic announcement claiming intimate knowledge of "God's steel prick".

How many refugees saw that church's sign and appreciated its sentiment is unknown, although the ready guess is that the number would have been few.

Then again, boat people were never the intended audience. Why shouldn't the self-righteous give themselves a little Christmas treat by putting their virtue on display for all to admire? Moral superiority, real and imagined, always makes you feel lovely and warm inside - warmer than a drowned boat person, certainly.

In Toowoomba, copies of the Australian Catholic Bishops' latest statement on social justice, entitled "Lazarus at the Gate", were distributed to the faithful and - surprise! surprise! - Australia was relegated to Santa's naughty list.

"The recent increase in the number of people arriving by boat is insignificant by world standards," the bishops wrote. "In 2012 … as Pakistan struggled to accommodate 1.6 million refugees, Australia's political leaders and media whipped up hysteria over the arrival of 17,000 asylum seekers."

At Eureka Street, a website run and funded by the Jesuits, St Vincent de Paul Society chief executive John Falzon came in on cue with a Christmas hope that capitalism ("not a natural system") will be replaced by something kinder to outcasts and people like Jesus, who, he assures readers, was "born on the fringes of society".

This is just too much. It is one thing to see Wendy Bacon misrepresenting a theology she once thought worthy only of a blasphemous, look-at-me parody, but quite another when the chief executive of a religious charity can't grasp the real meaning of that night in a stable long ago.

Fact is, Mary and Joseph were victims of Big Government - and you can take that as the gospel truth, courtesy of the Gospels themselves. Why did they leave their home in Nazareth? Because the Emperor Augustus ordered all Roman subjects to return to their ancestral homes for a census, thus wasting the couple's time, money and sandal leather to extract information that might have been just as easily obtained if they had been allowed to remain in their own home.

Why were there no rooms available? Because, after issuing the order to hit the road and be counted, Augustus made no provision to accommodate the overnight population surge.

But surely Mary and Joseph were homeless outcasts, right?

Well, they were away from home but certainly not homeless. Joseph was a carpenter, according to the New Testament, and therefore a skilled artisan - about as likely to be mistaken for a homeless man as the next tradie you see scooting by in a ute.

How Jesus might feel about these misrepresentations is anyone's guess, but one thing is for sure: those who paint Him as an outcast should give thanks that the Jehovah of the Old Testament, forever afflicting wrongdoers with plagues and torments, was replaced in Jesus' teachings with the God of love.

Otherwise we could expect an annual blitz of lightning bolts raining down every year at this time.
And this is the Savages contribution to CHRISTmas

Sharia Unveiled
A Muslim woman by the name of Fatima Ali and her friends from the Islamic Center at NYU have crossed the line of disrespect by posing in a mocking photo of the ‘Last Supper of Christ.’

One of our readers pointed out the fact that there are “only 12 people” in this picture, where there should be 13.  

The 12 disciples and Jesus.  The 12 disciples are represented but Jesus is not.  We believe that this omission of Jesus is intentional.  The Muslims are essentially making the claim that Jesus did not exist.  Credit: Angelos Gavriel

Let them know what you think below:

Contact Information:

Fatima Ali  @imanali  /   New York, NY

Atif Ateeq (Photographer) - NewYorkCity · @atifateeq /

- Facebook Page:

 Islamic Center at NYU:

Address: 371 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10014

Phone:(212) 998-4712

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Australian Muslim Terrorist / Harmony Day Ambassador to be free in three years

There are some 'Aussies' we don't want, or need

Alan Howes
Herald Sun
November 4,2013

TREASON has always been treated as perhaps the most serious of crimes.

Elsewhere convicted traitors are executed. Indeed, many Americans wish for whistleblower Edward Snowden to be killed by the state he has so embarrassed with leaks about its information gathering. That's why he's hiding in Russia.

They tortured Guy Fawkes for weeks after finding the gunpowder he had stockpiled in order to blow up the House of Lords and King James. The only reason this most infamous of traitors escaped being hanged was because of a leap from the gallows that broke his neck. Nonetheless, he was still drawn and quartered and his body parts put on display around England.

The Victorian Crimes Act of 1958 details the offence of treason and lists its maximum penalty as life in jail, hanging, drawing and quartering having long since been dispensed as a punishment.

Which makes you wonder why Algerian-born Abdul Benbrika and his malevolent gang of would-be mass murderers - they planned to blow up the MCG on Grand Final Day in 2005, but couldn't decide between it and Flemington on Cup Day - weren't charged with treason, rather than the terror counts that will see Benbrika walk free in a little over three years.

Right now there are traitors in our midst - and not just those who think like Benbrika. ASIO believes there are more than 200 Australians active in the Syrian civil war, most, if not all, fighting to bring down tyrannical Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

Assad is your run-of-the-mill Arab head of state, more than happy to kill children by bombing villages with chemical weapons.

Leaving aside the chemical weapons, Israeli intelligence sources estimate 115,000 Syrians have so far been killed in the conflict. Among the dead are 6087 children and 4079 women.

While the blame for most of those deaths can be laid at the feet of Assad and his henchmen, the opposition forces can hardly be described as freedom fighters.

From this distance it is easy to assume an enemy of Assad is a friend of civilisation. But Assad's splintered enemies include barbarians who are cutting the hearts from fallen soldiers - and eating them. They have even encouraged children to take part in decapitating enemies and place the videos on YouTube, presumably in some warped demonstration of modernity. That Australians - if I can use that term loosely - might be among these insurgents should send a shiver down our spines.

 Algerian-born Abdul Benbrika's "cultural enrichment" of Australia

Late last year Broadmeadows bricklayer Yusuf Toprakkaya, 30, was killed fighting for the rebels. He had changed his name to Abdul al-Walid al-Australi, similar to our first suicide bomber, Abu Asma al Australi, a nasty piece of work from Brisbane who drove a truck and 12 tonnes of explosives at an airport checkpoint in eastern Syria, killing 35.

These two men and the three other "Australians" who have died with them were criminals. As are the other 200 still fighting in Syria.

Then Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus spelled that out at the time, their offences including breaking the Foreign Incursions Act, the Criminal Code Act (by assisting a proscribed terrorist group) and the arms sanctions imposed by us on Syria. They face serious charges when and if they return "home".

But we should go a step further. It is a privilege to be issued an Australian passport, although I have no quibble with Australians holding passports for another country. I do so myself.

But "Australians" who use their second passport as a ticket to go to war in another country - like the Serbians "Aussies" who went to Kosovo in the late 1990s to kill Albanians - should have their Australian citizenship revoked.

Even respected criminal lawyer, Rob Stary, who has represented terror suspects and is known for his generous estimate of some fellows you'd rather not live near, believes some offenders should forfeit their citizenship. He sees Benbrika as an example and believes we should be able to revoke such criminals' citizenship.

"I wouldn't have a blanket provision that once you are an Australian citizen, you are immune to deportation or revocation of citizenship," Stary said.

It's one thing to "turn back the boats" of desperate asylum seekers as the Liberal Government vowed to do in opposition, but what about those who have already entered: the now Australian Muslims who want to conduct Islam's centuries-long civil war between Shia and Sunni wheresoever it erupts?

The 200 Australians fighting in Syria have mostly been associating with groups that are proxies for al-Qaeda. Brainwashed and radicalised, they are the last "Australians" we need.

We shouldn't worry that they have Australian wives, or Australian children. We should worry about ourselves. Their Australian passports should be cancelled.

Alan Howe is Herald Sun executive editor

Australian terrorist leader gets 15 years

Mex Cooper
Daily Telegraph
February 3, 2009 

The leader of a Melbourne-based terrorist cell has been sentenced to 15 years' jail.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika, 48, of Dallas, was sentenced to a non-parole period of 12 years. He has already been in custody for 1184 days.

Justice Bernard Bongiorno in the Supreme Court said a terrorist organisation led by Benbrika had been dedicated to the destruction of non-believers but the group had not planned specific attacks despite the evidence of a key prosecution witness.

Benbrika became the first Australian to be convicted of leading a terrorist group last September, following the country's biggest terrorism trial that lasted seven months and cost tens of millions of dollars.

The father-of-seven faced a maximum 25 years' prison for directing the terrorist group that the jury heard had discussed attacking Melbourne's Crown Casino and bombing the MCG.

Benbrika was also convicted of possessing a compact disc connected to the preparation of a terrorist act.

But in sentencing Benbrika and six of his followers today, Justice Bongiorno said he did not accept the evidence of Izzydeen Atik, who claimed Benbrika told him the terror cell had planned to target the casino on Grand Prix weekend in 2006 and the MCG on grand final day in 2005 and the 2006 NAB Cup.

Atik had been a member of the group before pleading guilty to belonging to a terrorist organisation in July 2007 and was jailed for just over four years.

Justice Bongiorno said Atik was a liar and a cheat who had defrauded the social security system while living in a luxury townhouse and employing a butler.

At the time, he was earning thousands of dollars a month from a credit card scam, the court heard.

But Justice Bongiorno said the terror group had still posed a "significant threat" and might have carried out a terrorist attack if not stopped.

He said the men had committed serious crimes but not as serious as if Atik's evidence had been accepted.

Benbrika used warped teachings of Islam to recruit his young followers and encourage them to wage violent jihad against "non-believers" in Australia.

Justice Bongiorno said that, although the word jihad had many meanings in Islam, Benbrika used the term only to mean a violent attack by his group to advance the Islamic cause.

He said Benbrika had admired Osama bin Laden and believed that killing people and destroying buildings was justified as it would help pressure the Australian Government into withdrawing troops from Iraq and leaving the American alliance.

The court heard Benbrika had told one of his followers, Abdullah Merhi, not just to kill a few people but to "do a big thing".

Merhi had responded "like Spain", in reference to terrorist attacks on Madrid, Justice Bongiorno said.

In May 2004, a Victorian undercover police officer posing as a Turkish Muslim man had infiltrated the group.

Five months later, he offered to show Benbrika how to make explosives and took Benbrika to a remote bush location north of Melbourne where he detonated a device.

Benbrika asked how much explosive would be needed to blow up buildings and homes but did not ask the undercover agent to get him any of the bomb-making ingredients or tell any of the other members of the group about the demonstration.

Six of Benbrika's followers also received prison terms.

Aimen Joud, 24, of Hoppers Crossing, has been jailed for a minimum of 7½ years.

Abdullah Merhi, 23, of Fawkner, must serve a minimum of four years in prison.

Ahmed Raad, 25, Fawkner, will be required to serve a minimum of 7½ years.

Amer Haddara, 29, of Yarraville, was sentenced to a minimum of 4½ years.

Fadl Sayadi, 29, of Coburg, was sentenced to a minimum of six years' prison.

Ezzit Raad, 27, from Preston, must serve five years and nine months.

Justice Bongiorno said that, under terrorism laws, those charged with offences had criminal liability earlier than in other criminal cases.

Remy van de Wiel, QC, had argued at presentence hearings that Benbrika's sentence should be tempered because he suffered from depression and an undiagnosed medical condition which caused him to have "embarrassing involuntary movements" and would make his prison time more stressful.

He said Benbrika had not properly led the group, which had never grown beyond an "embryonic terrorist organisation".

But Justice Bongiorno said that, by its existence and nature, the organisation had fostered in its members the desire to commit terrorist activities.

He said the evidence suggested that Benbrika was still committed to violent jihad, had shown no contrition for his offences and had talked about continuing the group's activities behind bars if its members were jailed.

Benbrika was arrested in November 2005.

More thoughts from this member of the "Religion of Peace & Tolerance"
The AGE 
August 5 2005

"According to my religion, here, I don't accept all other religion except the religion of Islam.""I am telling you that my religion doesn't tolerate other religion. It doesn't tolerate. The only one law which needs to spread, it can be here or anywhere else, has to be Islam."

"Jihad is a part of my religion and what you have to understand (is) that anyone who fight for this sake of Allah . . . when he dies, the first drop of blood that comes from him . . . all his sin will be forgiven."

He described Osama bin Laden as "a great man. Osama bin Laden was a great man before 11 September, which they said he did . . . and until now nobody knows who did it".

Step-by-step al-Qa'ida terror guide used by Benbrika cell

Gary Hughes September 20, 2008
The Australian

IT was a blueprint for terror. Seized by police from the home of one of the alleged ringleaders of the Benbrika Muslim terror ring, it was al-Qa'ida's chilling step-by-step guide on how to build a terrorist cell, avoid detection, conduct training, obtain weapons, select targets and launch attacks.

It was one of at least two such instruction manuals that, according to authorities, were used by self-proclaimed Melbourne cleric Abdul Nacer Benbrika, 48, to set up and run his secret group.

One, which was also found in the hands of an al-Qa'ida member by British police, begins by setting down the three main principles essential to setting up a group: a commander and a leadership advisory council; individual members or "soldiers"; and a clearly defined strategy.

The primary mission of the group should be "the overthrow of the godless regimes and their replacement with an Islamic regime", the manual says.

Other missions are listed as "assassinating enemy personnel as well as foreign tourists" and "blasting and destroying the places of amusement, immorality and sin".

The manual was seized during a police raid on one of Benbrika's trusted lieutenants in June 2005. He was one of six of the fanatical religious leader's followers convicted alongside Benbrika this week of belonging to a terrorist organisation.

The manual, originally in Arabic when found on a computer by British police, had been translated into English for use in a later terrorist trial in the US. It was the English language version that was found in the Melbourne raid and later presented to the jury as a prosecution exhibit.

According to the manual, terror cell recruits had to be Muslims able to follow strict orders and "willing to do the work and undergo martyrdom for the purpose of establishing the religion of majestic Allah on Earth".

They also had to be able to "endure psychological trauma, such as those involving bloodshed, murder, arrest, imprisonment and reverse psychological traumas such as killing one or all of his organisation's comrades".

Operational funds had to be gathered, but kept hidden in scattered locations to avoid their being seized by authorities.

There were detailed instructions about maintaining security within the group, including using secret identification signals, selecting safe houses and avoiding the scrutiny of law enforcement agencies.

Paramilitary training of recruits should be done secretly in groups of no more than 10 at remote locations and care had to be taken when buying weapons to avoid being seen or ripped off.

They were lessons that Benbrika, who this week became the first person in Australia to be convicted of leading a terrorist organisation, apparently learned well.

The seven-month Victorian Supreme Court trial was told the self-proclaimed sheik, also known as Abu Bakr, chose three of the group to form his trusted advisory council to help lead the group, as laid out in the manual.

Fadl Sayadi, 28, was the group's security and intelligence officer; Ahmed Raad, 25, was the treasurer; and Aimen Joud, 23, was Benbrika's trusted adviser, the jury was told.

Funds to finance the group were raised through stealing cars to strip them for parts, and credit card fraud committed against non-Muslims, under a special religious ruling, or fatwa, issued by Benbrika.

One alleged training camp was held on a remote property in outback NSW in March 2005.

Joud, Sayadi and Raad were kept under surveillance by police as they drove to the remote campsite. A Belgian .308 rifle that forensic tests showed had been used at the site during the target shooting was later seized from another man associated with the Benbrika cell.

The group's mission, according to senior Crown prosecutor Richard Maidment SC, was to wage violent jihad on Australian soil to force the Howard government into withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

According to one Crown witness, potential targets included the AFL grand final at the crowded MCG in 2005 or Melbourne's Crown casino during Grand Prix weekend in 2006.

Among the group's recruits were Abdullah Merhi, 23, who had allegedly offered himself to Benbrika as a suicide bomber, and Haddara, who told police after his arrest he wished to become a mujaheddin and wage jihad as an Islamic holy warrior.

Members of Benbrika's group were taught that they would be regarded as Islamic martyrs if they died, and were instructed on how to be an "effective member of the organisation so that they were capable of going into a situation where a terrorist act was to be actually perpetrated".

The one piece of advice the Benbrika cell ignored from the terror manual, and which would prove to be their undoing, involved how they communicated.

The manual warns that modern communications, such as mobile telephones, were a "double-edged sword". "It can be to our advantage if we use it well and it can be a knife dug in our back if we do not consider and take the necessary security measures," the manual says.

For Benbrika and his followers, their undisciplined use of telephones became their knife in theback.

Despite the fact members rightly suspected that their mobiles, which included many held under false names, were being bugged, they kept talking.

Mobile calls between group members were among 482 covert recordings played to the jury as part of the prosecution case in thetrial.

One of the agents close to Operation Pendennis - the joint ASIO, Victoria Police and Australian Federal Police taskforce that spent 16 months between July 2004 and November 2005 targeting the Benbrika group - described the home-grown terror cell as "the real deal".

Some officers are now concerned that potential new Muslim terror threats could prove harder to combat because of the details revealed during the marathon trial of tactics and techniques used by the Pendennis team.

The trial was told how the task force threw a massive electronic and physical surveillance net around Benbrika and his followers: 16,400 hours of recordings from bugs in homes and vehicles, 98,000 telephone intercepts and 402 shifts by surveillance teams.

The trial was given detailed evidence about the techniques used by an undercover counter-terrorism agent, identified only as SIO39, to infiltrate the Benbrika group. The man, using the name Ahmet Sonmez, posed as the son of a separated Turkish-Australian couple who had initially grown up in Turkey with his Muslim father before moving to Tasmania to live with his Australian mother.

It meant that members of the Melbourne group would have had trouble attempting to verify his family background.

SIO39 went to great lengths to make himself as attractive a recruit as possible to Benbrika.

He told the sheik he had easy and cheap access to ammonium nitrate fertiliser and had learned how to turn it into an explosive mixture while working on farms in Tasmania.

He also claimed to have made surplus money from selling inherited shares, which he offered to give to Benbrika. And he repeatedly talked about how it was time to wage violent jihad in Australia.

Benbrika was apparently fooled but some of the other terror cell members were not so confident, believing SIO39 too good to be true.

As one of them pointed out, he didn't even want to argue with other members during their frequent heated discussions about religion. And in a group that was constantly squabbling, simple agreement was enough to cast suspicion.

slamic Sociopaths Inc. Australia: Satan’s Sword given another “get out of jail card”

Pulling pin on bomb terror plotters' trial
Keith Moor
The Daily Telegraph
September 21, 2011
POLICE secretly created and exploded a "Mother of Satan" bomb to prove that Abdul Benbrika and his extremist followers had the materials to make the feared terrorist device.
They were able to show that terrorist followers of the radical Muslim cleric ordered or bought chemicals and specialist laboratory equipment to make a bomb capable of killing and injuring hundreds of
The "Mother of Satan" bomb is the weapon of choice for terrorists around the world.
It was used in the 2005 London Tube and bus bombings which killed 52 people and injured more than 700, as well as many more terror attacks during the past decade.
But now officers from the joint taskforce that foiled the devastating plot - which had included a bomb attack at Sydney's nuclear reactor - must face the fact Benbrika and the other Melbourne cell members
will not face a jury.
The decision to permanently stay the charges in Victoria was made despite evidence in the trial of the NSW cell members that a terrorist attack of potentially mammoth proportions was imminent when
Benbrika and the Melbourne and Sydney cell members were arrested in co-ordinated swoops in 2005. NSW cell members Mohamed Elomar, 46, Abdul Rakib Hasan, 41, Khaled Cheikho, 38, Moustafa Cheikho,
33, and Mohammed Omar Jamal, 27, were subsequently convicted of conspiring to commit a terrorist act and jailed for 23 to 28 years.
In that trial, prosecutor Richard Maidment SC said the men sought large quantities of firearms, ammunition and chemicals that would have enabled them to build devices "capable of causing substantial
damage and loss of life".
"There are a number of utterances which suggest that the purpose of the organisation was to do something big, cause maximum damage, kill a thousand at the train station, football, whatever," he said.
The prosecution detailed the role of Benbrika and Aimen Joud in helping to order the lab equipment as evidence of a conspiracy to commit a terrorist act. It also provided an extensive chronology of the
many contacts between NSW and Melbourne terror cell members as more evidence of a joint conspiracy to commit a terrorist act.
Justice Terry Forrest's decision means Benbrika, Joud, Fadl Sayadi and Ahmed Raad will not face extra jail time on top of their sentences on the lesser terrorism charges they received in 2008.
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