An American, Australian ,Israeli, British "Judeo Christian Friendly " blog.


Warning to all Muslims the world over seeking asylum and protection from the manifestations of their faith.
Do not under any circumstances come to Australia, for we are a Nation founded upon Judeo Christian Law and principles and as such Australia is an anathema to any follower of the Paedophile Slave Trader Mohammad's cult of Islam.
There is no ideology more hated and despised in Australia than Islam.You simply would not like it here.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
Voltaire French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
Those who demand you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace also demand you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Aussie News & Views Jan 1 2009
"But Communism is the god of discontent, and needs no blessing. All it needs is a heart willing to hate, willing to call envy “justice."
Equality then means the violent destruction of all social and cultural distinctions. Freedom means absolute dictatorship over the people."
Take Hope from the Heart of Man and you make him a Beast of Prey
“ If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
“There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves”
Winston Churchill. Pg.310 “The Hell Makers” John C. Grover ISBN # 0 7316 1918 8
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.
'a socialist is communist without the courage of conviction to say what he really is'.
Hontar: We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus.
Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.
Voltaire said: “If you want to know who rules over you, just find out who you are not permitted to criticize.”

--------Check this out, what an Bum WOW!!!!

When those sworn to destroy you,Communism, Socialism,"Change you can Believe in" via their rabid salivating Mongrel Dog,Islam,take away your humanity, your God given Sanctity of Life, Created in His Image , If you are lucky this prayer is maybe all you have left, If you believe in God and his Son,Jesus Christ, then you are, despite the evils that may befall you are better off than most.

Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart. I feel so much and yet sometimes I feel nothing at all. I don't know where to turn, who to talk to, or how to deal with the things going on in my life. You see everything, Lord. You know everything, Lord. Yet when I seek you it is so hard to feel You here with me. Lord, help me through this. I don't see any other way to get out of this. There is no light at the end of my tunnel, yet everyone says You can show it to me. Lord, help me find that light. Let it be Your light. Give me someone to help. Let me feel You with me. Lord, let me see what You provide and see an alternative to taking my life. Let me feel Your blessings and comfort. Amen.
"The chief weapon in the quiver of all Islamist expansionist movements, is the absolute necessity to keep victims largely unaware of the actual theology plotting their demise. To complete this deception, a large body of ‘moderates’ continue to spew such ridiculous claims as “Islam means Peace” thereby keeping non-Muslims from actually reading the Qur’an, the Sira, the Hadith, or actually looking into the past 1400 years of history. Islamists also deny or dismiss the concept of ‘abrogation’, which is the universal intra-Islamic method of replacing slightly more tolerable aspects of the religion in favor of more violent demands for Muslims to slay and subdue infidels"


Anthropogenic Global Warming SCAM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Australian Troops Afghanistan.Trooper Mark Donaldson VC

Trooper Mark Donaldson V. C.

Rape penalities increased in Italy following Immigrant Rape rampage

Italy toughens penalties for rape after attacks

February 21, 2009 12:37am

ITALY'S government rushed through a decree law today toughening penalties for sex offenders and permitting neighbourhood citizen patrols after a spate of high-profile rapes by immigrants sparked national outrage.

Italy's government says data show the number of sexual assaults actually fell last year, but three rapes last weekend in Rome, Milan and Bologna triggered a media frenzy that prompted calls for tougher measures.

The decree approved by Italy's cabinet sets a mandatory life sentence for rapes that result in death, speeds up trials for sex offenders caught in the act, takes away the possibility of house arrest, and gives free legal assistance to victims.

The decree also introduces mandatory life sentences for rapes of minors. It goes into effect immediately but must be approved by both houses of parliament within 60 days. It also establishes rules for citizen street patrols by unarmed and unpaid volunteers. The move came after groups of self-styled and unregulated vigilantes began patrolling some towns, alarming law enforcement officials.

"This is what was needed. I have to wake up at five in the morning to accompany my daughter to the train station because the streets are not safe," a resident of Guidonia, a town east of Rome with a large immigrant population, said.

Mayors will be able to approve citizen patrols, with priority given to membership or leadership roles by retired police and military on leave.

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi earlier said the number of sexual assaults fell 10 per cent last year compared to 2006 and 2007, which he said showed the government's efforts to improve security were working.

But many Italians are unconvinced, with recent rapes grabbing headlines in newspapers and television, often playing up the role of foreigners as perpetrators.

Some lawmakers have also reopened the debate over whether chemical castration of sex offenders should be instituted.

"There's a rape every 12 hours, every 24 hours, and it's time to end this," another resident of Guidonia, where a group of Romanians

last month raped a woman and beat her boyfriend, said.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pope Gooses Pelosie

"Cafeteria Catholics" Pope reminds Pelosie what Catholicism is

Israeli TV Mocks Jesus Christ , Blessed Virgin Mary

Catholics outraged over Israeli TV spoof
February 20, 2009 09:54pm

CATHOLIC bishops in the Holy Land have expressed outrage over what they call "repulsive attacks" on Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary after an Israeli TV program spoofed them.

"We, the members of the Assembly of the Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land deplore and condemn with utter dismay the repulsive attacks on our lord Jesus Christ and on his mother, the blessed Virgin Mary, carried out on Channel 10 of the Israeli television," the group said in a statement.

Earlier this week, the private channel broadcast a series of skits, one of which suggested the Virgin Mary "was impregnated at the age of 15 by a school friend."

Another said Jesus died at a young age "because he was fat" and that his excess weight would have made it impossible for him to walk on water.

In the program, Israeli comedian Yair Shlein joked that since Christians "deny the Holocaust, then I want to deny Christianity."

Following protests, he later apologised to Arab Israeli Christian dignitaries.

The bishops said they viewed "this recent incident in the larger context of continuous attacks against Christians throughout Israel over the years" and urged authorities to launch an investigation.

"It is unconceivable that such incidents have to occur in Israel which hosts some of the holiest shrines of Christianity," said the statement, signed by the Latin patriach of Jerusalem as well as Armenian, Chaldean, Greek, Maronite and Syrian Catholic bishops.

Uneasy relations between the Vatican and Israel have been further strained a by Pope Benedict XVI's recent decision to lift the excommunication of Holocaust-denying English Bishop Richard Williamson.

The pontiff is scheduled to visit Israel in May.

I guess when you have as many friends in the world as Israel does you can afford to shit down the throats of those who are most likely (Christians) to support Israel in their fight against the planed Islamic Holocaust eg that promised by Iran for instance, great work Channel 10 Israel, talk about PR.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Killing Spree continues Australian Greens and Labor : First Victoria now New South Wales

Australia: 200+ Burnt to death in Victoria, a million plus native animals dead, New South Wales citizens and wildlife now a target of Labor and their Green Loon preference sluts "environmental policies"

What a flaming disgrace - half of NSW's burnoffs cancelled

EXCLUSIVE by Gemma Jones
The Daily Telegraph
February 19, 2009 12:00am

A DECISION to cancel almost half the burn-offs planned for NSW bushfire zones has put thousands of lives and properties in danger.

Frustrated volunteer firefighters yesterday lashed out at bureaucrats and greenies for preventing them from protecting communities.In one outrageous case, a woman was told by the State Government her fire escape route would remain an overgrown mess because it was a corridor for native flora and fauna.

More than 2100 hazard reduction operations planned by the Rural Fire Service were abandoned last year, the organisation's annual report reveals.

Editorial: Trees grow back and we die

Deputy Captain George Bennett said firefighters were so frustrated by bureaucratic hurdles they were finding legal ways to complete small burns "undercover" on private property.

He said it took some brigades 12 months to gain approval for hazard reductions. The RFS admitted one burn-off on Mona Vale Rd in Sydney recently took several years to be approved.

"There is very little hazard reduction happening because of the bureaucratic processes, quite often it gets to the stage where brigades don't do it because of the paperwork," Mr Bennett said.

"We have got a very, very dangerous situation looming here. There are no areas you could use for fire containment, we have got a situation where there is an enormous build-up of fuel.

"It will be frightening if we get harsh conditions in October. There is the potential for loss of life and property."

A firefighter from a brigade in northern NSW, who declined to be named, said his firefighters had stopped asking to do burns: "We don't bother doing it any more, it takes up to 12 months, you are only allowed to go and put fires out."

USA. Clinton snubbs Australia and sucks up to Obama's souel mates in Indonesia

Hillary Clinton snubbed by Obama's soul mates in Indonesia

The Spin......

Hillary Clinton taps Indonesia for leading role in new US vision
February 18, 2009 11:41pm

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has tapped Indonesia - as a democratic and mainly Muslim country - for a key role in the new US administration's foreign policy.
"Building a comprehensive partnership with Indonesia is a critical step on behalf of the United States' commitment to smart power," she told a press conference alongside Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda.

She said it was important "to listen as well as talk to those around the world, to support a country that has demonstrated so clearly that Islam, democracy and modernity cannot only coexist but thrive together".

In her first visit to a Muslim country as secretary of state, she said President Barack Obama's administration "wants to reach out to the entire world" and Indonesia would be an important partner in that effort.

"Certainly Indonesia, being the largest Muslim nation in the world, the third-largest democracy, will play a leading role in the promotion of that shared future," she said.

"So we are looking forward to deepening our cooperation on a number of shared issues," she added, referring to areas such as the global economy, climate change, security and human rights.
Mr Wirajuda said Indonesia - where Mr Obama went to primary school for a few years in the late 1960s - looked forward to US support as the countries of the region seek to shape a "new architecture" of diplomacy in Asia-Pacific.

Mrs Clinton later met leaders of the Jakarta-based Association of South-East Asian Nations - a 10-nation bloc comprising around 500 million people.

She will meet Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono tomorrow before completing her four-nation trip through Asia - her first outing as secretary of state - with visits to South Korea and China.

I am an Australian, I cannot tell you Guys in the USA how comforting it is to know that Hillary Clinton is appeasing, sucking up to Obama's former masters, Australia's biggest security threat Indonesia, the worlds largest (radical) Islamic population.
President G W Bush was far from perfect (and what endeared me more to the man was the fact that he would be the first to agree with me on that point) I knew that he had a commonality of interests and purpose with my country, as had been the case for over a hundred years between our two nations. Australia is the only nation to have fought side by side with the United States in every major conflict that the USA has required help of her friends there is no other nation that can lay claim to that fact.

"That bravery breeds affection in America for another reason as well. Australia is the only country that has fought with the United States in every one of its major conflicts since 1914, the good and the bad, the winning and the losing."

Charles Krauthammer "Why I love Australia"

The Goose that is now in the office of the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd is an Obama apologist and groupie par excellence,and sided with Obama attacking the previous PM John Howard at every opportunity prior to his election to the office of Australian Prime Minister and before the election of the now President Barack Obama.
What's a useful idiot?........... ask Australian PM Kevin Rudd.... Kevin who?

You can take the man out of Islam but you cant take Islam out of the man.

American President Barack Hussein Obama

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Islams Roll of Diss Honour or how Islam protects women

Australian men and women, these girls / women could well be your own daughters and grand daughters in the not too distant future in Australia.
These acts of "cultural diversity" as the Labor Party and the Leftists apologists for Islam would prefer they be described as, have already taken place on Australian soil,but for "cultural & Religious sensitivity" reasons, were not given the publicity they deserved by the politically correct Australian media.
Australians are well aware of the Islamic Gang Rape Gangs who were able to go about their Godless activities unhindered by the NSW Police under orders of the then NSW Labor Government so as not to create any bad publicity before the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and show up the failed policy of the ALP's Multiculturalism at all cost's.
Police estimate that over 100 young "Aussie Sluts" "Aussie Pigs" Australian girls were gang raped by roaming packs of Muslim youths, aka, brave son's of Allah.

Don't forget Islam is a "Religion of Peace"
or a Good Moderate Peace Loving Muslim will hack off your head of throw acid in your face just to remind you.

Islams Diss Honour Roll


Sahar Daftary UK

Lidia motylask

Lidia Motylska, 19, Leeds


Amina and Sarah, the Said sisters - raped and murdered by their Muslim father - still at large.


Amina & Sarah Said. "Please don't tell my Father!"

Sandeela kanwal

Sandeela Kanwal, 25, was found dead on her bedroom floor last July. Her father told police he strangled his daughter with a bungee cord because she wanted a divorce.

Morsal o2

Morsal Obeidi (stabbed to death 23 times by her brother - for "turning away from her family").


Hatin Surucu Germany Muslim brothers gunned her down for adopting Western ways.

Banaz Mahmood UK


Aqsa Parvez Canada -- lies in an unmarked grave despite our relentless ongoing efforts to right that terrible wrong.


Caneze Riaz, 39, and her four daughters, Sayrah, 16, Sophia, 15, Alicia, 10, and Hannah, 3 UK (Muhammad Riaz killed his wife and four daughters by throwing petrol over them as they slept and igniting it.)




Uzma Rahan, 32,and sons, Adam 11, and Abbas, eight, and six-year-old daughter, Henna


10 women beheaded in Iraq


Samaira Nazir UK


Hina Salem Italy ("Mohammed Saleem cut his daughter’s throat because she refused an arranged marriage and instead wanted to integrate into Italian society".)


Methal Dayem, a 22-year-old Cleveland State student, USA.


Sazan Bajez-Abdullah Germany


Rudayena Jemael with her son and killer Salim Israel.


Hesha Yones UK (hacked to death)


Burned Alive A Victim of the Law of Men Souad


Ibtihaz Hasoun Israeli Arab


Fadime Sahindal Sweden


Zahida Peeveen at 29, before the malicious attack by her husband. At the time of the attempted honor killing, she was six months pregnant. After attack: WARNING GRAPHIC


Ghazala Khan Denmark


The killing of Ghazala Khan in Denmark by her brother may be the only instance where an 'honour' killing has been photographed while being perpetrated. This picture was captured on cell phone camera and shows the woman's brother aiming the gun at his sister, lying on the ground. Her fiancee, also seen, was wounded, but survived. The killing was planned by her entire family, and Pakistani taxi drivers were used as spies to spot her and alert her family.


As a 13-year-old girl in Turkey, Rojda was raped, then forced to marry her
rapist under Islamic law. Her face was mutilated by her "husband's" family
when she refused to prostitute herself after he was imprisoned for raping
another child.


Dua Khalil, 17 Iraq


Rim Abu Ghanem 19 (Dr. Suliman Abu Ghanem, a 33-year-old pediatrician at Assaf Harofeh Hospital, who along with his three brothers decided to murder his sister for refusing an arranged marriage) Israel

1/3 of the women murdered in Jordan are a result of Islamic "honor" killing. And yet I could not find one picture of a murdered girl in Jordan.

"It was a brutal scene. One victim's head was nearly cut clean off," an official is quoted as saying. (here)

And the thing is, this is the end - the final act, the culmination of the subjugation, oppression, violent abuse of women in Islam. The terror that precedes the murder is almost unimaginable. Living in fear, every day, living in fear of physical and mental abuse and still, standing up and living their own lives -- only to be murdered for it.



Sabia Rani 19 UK (not only did four members of her husband's family do nothing to help her, they turned a blind eye as he continued the beatings and ultimately murdered the helpless young woman at the house they all shared).


Shafilea Ahmed UK more here

Teenager 'honour killing' girl made dramatic plea for help before she died

Ramla: Woman killed in front of her children

Israel: Ramla: 18-year-old shot dead

Australia Virgin Murdered in "Honor" Killing

Israel: Clever Enough to Play Dead

Randa Abdel Qader: Stomped, Suffocated, Stabbed, Dad walks free



Sonay Mohammad, beaten unconscious by her father and thrown in the harbour in Præstø, Denmark, in 2002. She was 14 years old. Her 'crime' was living like most Danish girls live. The story has made the headlines again, because her father, a Kurdish Iraqi, is due to be released after having served s-e-v-e-n years, half the 'life' sentence he received."The reason being a rule that says that perps who will be deported from Denmark after having served time can be released after half the time, and then be deported immediately." His wife has supported him all the way. At least they will be sent back to Hellholistan, surely a worse fate than being in a Danish prison and living off social benefits. Oh yeah, social benefits from the Danish state have enabled Mrs. Mohammad to buy no less than TWO houses in Kurdistan.

Text and links from Atlas Shrugs go there to see full story/s whilst you still can.

Beheaded in New York for disobedience by her "moderate progressive" Muslim husband

Headless body in gutless press

Australia,Nari the Dolphin taken into care after Shark attack

Shark attack Dolphin Nari taken into care by Gold Coast Sea World

Australia's Pro Hugo Chavez, Rudd Labor Government to train PRO Sharia Law Pakistani Troops

Australia's Pro Hugo Chavez, Labor Socialist Federal Government, led by Prime Minister, Kevin "I have never been a socialist " Rudd aka Lu Kewan, agrees to train Pakistani Military officers.
This is a disgrace Australian soldiers are on the ground in Afghanistan, fighting Taliban terrorists supplied and sheltered by Pakistan, Pakistan has just signed a agreement with terrorists to implement Sharia Law.

I guess Rudd and his party would see it as only fair that Australia train those we are fighting against,the best way how to KILL our Soldiers, in what PM Rudd and his feminist collective & diverse workshop of failed school teachers and piss head Union Officials,multiculturalists, who are Rudd's non sexist,non judgmental Government, would describe as "getting the balance right" or "in the interests of fairness" no we would not want too many Australian soldiers to come back uninjured and alive from Afghanistan in the war against Islamic terrorism would you? you pathetic sack of UN sponsored Socialist SHIT.

Pakistan falls to Sharia Law (or it's now official")

Smith announces more Pakistani troops


Updated: 17:48,
Tuesday February 17, 2009

Australian foreign minister Stephen Smith has announced a four-fold increase in the numbers of Pakistani government military officers to be trained in Australia.

Speaking at the beginning of a three-day visit to Pakistan, Smith said the decision would 'raise the numbers to 40 to 50 officers'.

With around 1,100 Australian troops already stationed in neighbouring Afghanistan, Smith also said Australia was ready to respond positively if the US asked it to provide more troops to stabilise the situation in Afghanistan.

Smith's visit came as the government in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) signed an agreement with the radical cleric Maulana Sufi Mohammad.

Mohammad is a supporter of the pro-Taliban militants fighting for the enforcement of Islamic Sharia law in Swat, located just 160km from Islamabad.

Under the deal, the government will set up Islamic courts to provide speedy justice to people and end security operations in the region.

Smith, the first Australian foreign minister to visit Pakistan in a decade, welcomed the deal.

'It is a positive development and we hope for a positive outcome,' he told a joint press conference with Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

Smith also flew to the NWFP's provincial capital Peshawar and Khyber pass, the historic border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

More than 120,000 Pakistani troops are fighting Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters entrenched in its lawless tribal area bordering Afghanistan. They have suffered hundreds of casualties while fighting insurgents.

Smith also said military enforcement was not enough to fight terrorism and it was important to build the capacity of the civilian government and engage moderate elements through political dialogue.

Qureshi said: 'The war against terror could not be won by military means alone and that a multi-pronged strategy was required to root out the causes of terrorism and win the hearts and minds of the people.'

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pakistan falls to Sharia Law (or its now official"

Pakistan Government, Islamic hardliners sign agreement to enforce sharia law
February 16, 2009 08:53pm

THE Pakistan Government and Islamic hardliners have signed an agreement to enforce sharia law in the northwestern Swat valley, a provincial minister says.

"Today an agreement has been signed between the government of NWFP (North West Frontier Province) and Maulana Soofi Mohammed," provincial information minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain said.

"All laws against sharia will be abolished and sharia will be enforced under this justice system."

The agreement will cover Pakistan's northwest Malakand area, one of the districts of NWFP and of which the troubled Swat valley is a part.

Victorias Bush Fire wild life survivors

Conservative estimates are that there are over one million Australian native animals that have burnt to death in the recent Victorian Bush Fires.
These little guys are just some of the survivors.
Caution some viewers may be upset by the scenes.

These Australian Native animals, along with hundreds of domestic pets burnt to death, as a direct result of policies implemented by the Greens, supported and facilitated by the Victorian Labor Party, in exchange for preferences at Federal,State and Local Government elections.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd may become struck dumb and cry like a school girl when confronted by the Greens and his party's handiwork whenever a TV camera crew just happens to pass by for an ad lib show of grief, however when all the hand ringing, and instant gratifcationilist's are finished with their public displays of grief, and it's suddenly business as usual for the Godless Earth worshiping bastards and crystal gazers who caused so much death, destruction and misery,I for one will remember who is responsible, and will do all in my power to make it known who, at every opportunity is responsible.
I have personally survived one of these cataclysmic Bush Fires in 1994, caused by the same insane GREEN LOONS and followed by the same Labor RAT BAGS and Socialist spives spewing their offers of an inquiry or a Royal Commission , all designed to divert the victims away from seeing who really caused their misery and the deaths of their loved ones, the arsonists, the Greens and their facilitators the Australian Labor Party,now materialise as the Fire Fighters, aka the Greens / Environmentalists and their Labor Party patrons aided by their MSM lick spittle lackey's delivering various grandiose sermons from the mount, about a new beginning in the management of the environment and how communities interact with the environment in a bio diverse non threatening way, and any other piece of International Socialist / Greens Environmentalist crap that they can dribble from their lower lip.
I have seen it all before, like many, many Australians, I have LIVED what these LOON earth worshiping assassins deny ever existed.

100 years ago the followers and supporters of the Greens and Environmentalist aka Junk Science, would have been herded into the back paddock of humanity so as to ensure they were unable to contaminate the gene pool, after been observed, so as to ensure that the members of this herd were all of the same mind set,this herd of Green LOONS would have been driven off the nearest cliff top so as to ensure the survival of the majority aka their intended victims.

The Manifestations of Greens Junk Science are the Victorian Bush Fires, Kevin 07, Please take note after you take the onion out of your handkerchief and your "tears" dry up and your voice returns.

Bushfire death toll climbs to 189

By Xavier La Canna and Kellee Nolan
February 16, 2009 08:18pm

THE gruesome reality of the search through the rubble of Victoria's bushfires has become clearer as police admit it is difficult to determine whether remains come from one person, or even if they are human.

Police today announced the death toll from the savage fires had risen to 189, only eight more than their last update on Thursday, and would continue to rise.

The revised toll included 40 from the hamlet of Strathewen from its population of 200, while 36 have so far been confirmed dead in
Marysville which is expected to lose 100 of its 500 residents.

While 10 more victims were identified in Strathewen and 21 more in Marsyville, the number of dead has gone down in some areas after remains were fully identified.

The toll in the Churchill fire in Gippsland dropped from 21 to 10.

"In some cases what we are dealing with is just bones. It may be that we've initially thought that was more than one body, but when it has gone to the coroner, they have confirmed it is actually one," a police spokeswoman said.

Huge task

Emergency Services Commissioner Bruce Esplin defended the delay in issuing the latest update, saying that identification of remains was complex and difficult.

The most important thing was that families of the missing were given correct information, Mr Esplin said.

"The sensitivity is to get it right," he said.

"It's a huge task and it's a hugely sensitive task for the police, fire services and the defence force that are supporting them in recovering remains and appropriately identifying remains.

"And it's most important that the families get the right information and they get that information correctly, that there are no mistakes made."

Focus on Marysville

Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Kieran Walshe said some remains found may never be identified due to the extensive injuries caused by the fire, which will make it tough to know the exact death toll.

"Fire causes extensive disfigurement to bodies. Fire causes extensive damage, and it is a very difficult process in some cases to actually determine whether the remains are human remains," he said.

Mr Walshe said the search for victims in open spaces had finished and authorities were now searching burned-out homes for bodies.

He said authorities were now concentrating on searching buildings in the Marysville area.

"We know the numbers will grow ... as to what the number is going to get to, I just think we should await and let it unfold over the next week or 10 days," Mr Walshe said.

The figure also included 128 victims from the Kinglake complex fire, including 33 from the town of Kinglake itself and 20 from Steels Creek.

The death toll in the Gippsland town of Callignee dropped from 12 to four.

Two deaths have been recorded from Mudgegonga near Beechworth, one at Bendigo and five have died in hospital.

Mr Walshe said it would still be at least a week until some bushfire-hit roads were open to traffic.

"Marysville we know we will not be able to open up that area for probably another 10-14 days," he said.

His comments came the same day court action began against 39-year-old Brendan Sokaluk, from the Gippsland town of Churchill, who is accused of starting the Churchill fire.

Sokaluk did not appear in court, and was remanded in custody to appear at a committal mention on May 26.

He has been charged with one count of arson causing death, one count of intentionally lighting a bushfire and one count of possessing child pornography.

The arson charge carries a maximum penalty of 25 years, with the bushfire charge carrying a maximum penalty of 15 years.

Calm weather on Monday again helped firefighters put in containment lines around the five fires still burning in Victoria.

Department of Sustainability and Environment spokesman Stuart Ord said containment lines surrounded 85 per cent of the Kinglake Murrindindi Complex, while the Bunyip and Beechworth fires were also close to being contained.

Bulldozing work was undertaken near the water catchment areas near Healesville and the Wilson's Promontory fire was still running, but not threatening communities.

Good conditions are forecast for the next two days.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Australian Bush Fires: See what Islamists "took joy " in

Jihadists revel in our misery

Eleni Hale
Sunday Herald Sun
February 15, 2009 12:00am

JIHADISTS are celebrating the worst tragedy in Victoria's history.

Terror watchdogs said fundamentalists had blogged on websites across the globe, applauding the lives lost and destruction.

Senior analyst at SITE Intelligence Group Adam Raisman said they were posting pictures of burnt homes and devastated victims and"taking joy in the scenes".

One jihadist wrote: "It would be an act of revenge for Australian's participation in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Bushfires victims said they were stunned.

What warms the heart of a "Good Muslim" see the video below.

"We're minding our own business and trying to cope with all this and they are celebrating our suffering," said Denise McCann who lost her home in the Kinglake blaze.

Regional Islamic Council vice-president Dr Ameer Ali said the comments did not represent the wider Muslim community.

"They have no idea what they are talking about," he said.

I found the apologists for Islam writing to the letters to the editor at the Herald Sun
true to form eg
"This is an unnecessary and dangerously incendiary article. How stupid and pointless to stir up anti-Muslim sentiment at a time when emotions are running high and there's so much good will and community support to be celebrated." Posted by: Deborah Bartlett Pitt 9:53am today
Dont ya just luv em? If only people would not tell us what Islam is and does they wont hurt us.

Eight victims of the Victoria fires found huddled around baby's body

By Stephen McMahon, Matt Johnston and Ruth Lamperd
The Courier-Mail
February 14, 2009 05:29pm

DISASTER victim identification teams combing Victoria have found large groups of bodies, including one with eight bodies huddled to protect a baby.
Australians have been warned to brace for more bad news on bushfire death as more shocking details of the Victoria fires are revealed.

DVI experts are still combing the worst-affected areas and Detective Inspector Bob Sitlington said patience was needed to enable accurate records of victims to be collected, The Courier Mail reported.

"It is slow but we want to positively identify victims, the last thing we would want to do is misidentify," he said.

Insp Sitlington said he had been with team members in Kinglake yesterday, where earlier in the week experts found horrific scenes, including eight bodies huddled around a baby's body.

"There was a multiple death in a group, and from what I understand they were trying to protect a baby," he said.

"We prayed as a Family and said our good bye's.......he said to me, Marice ...I am sorry baby, I thought we were safe...................'
As well as
Incredible video of one family's escape from death

Sorry,Allah,nothing for you or your Muslim followers to smile about in this video.

"We don't know exactly what happened. Imagine what people naturally do, they tend to cuddle ... and to protect each other, and with the intensity of the fire we do find sometimes bodies are fused together."

The total death toll from the blazes that ripped through the central highlands and Gippsland last Saturday still stands at 181.

The Victorian Coroner is prepared for as many as 300 bodies, Police Commissioner Christine Nixon said.

On Friday, police said 1831 houses had been destroyed and more than 7000 people had been made homeless.

A 39-year-old man has been charged in relation to the Churchill fire in south Gippsland which killed 21 people.

Asbestos is causing problems for victim identification teams and residents have been warned about going through suspicious areas of their homes.

All residents also have been given gloves and masks for safety.

Insp Sitlington said teams were doing their best in difficult circumstances.

"Having 1800 houses, all those deceased that were found in cars or in the open have been dealt with, and now it's a slower way of moving around," he said.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Australia:Victorian Bush Fire victims demand Arsonists be brought to Justice

Victorian Bush Fire Victims demand Arsonists be brought to justice.

Victorian Bush Fires,Meet Koala Sam's Rescuer.

Meet Koala Sam's Rescuer, David Tree, one of Victoria's CFA'S Finest
Caution some scenes may upset some viewers.
Apologies for incorrect name caption on video intro.

An injured Australian Wombat, one of thousands who were either burnt to death or now suffer unimaginable injuries and suffering as a result of the Victorian Bush Fires,With Friends like the Greens, the International Socialists, and the Environmental Industry, this little fella does not need any enemies,conservative estimates now put the number of Australian Native Animals and birds that were burnt to death as been in excess of one million.

Greens Fuel Victorian Bush Fires

Australian Bush Fires:Exhausted &Thirsty Koala Bear receives water from Fire Fighter

Australian Bush Fires:Memories of Canberra blaze rekindled

The Eco Con that keeps on taking

Sydney:Hassan Nagi pleads Guilty to Rape of Three Women

Cabbie offered rape victims cash

By Margaret Scheikowski
February 12, 2009 02:07pm

A SYDNEY taxi driver who raped three female passengers in separate attacks offered one victim up to $50 after sexually assaulting her.

Two of Hassan Nagi's victims were heavily intoxicated, one having earlier vomited, and were on their way home when they were attacked, the NSW District Court has been told.

Nagi, 37, of Bexley, has pleaded guilty to the attacks on each of the women, aged 31, 23 and 27. His DNA linked him to the crimes in June 2003, December 2006 and June 2007.

Judge James Bennett is hearing sentencing submissions.

According to the statement of facts tendered by prosecutor Trevor Bailey, the first victim had been drinking and left a Kings Cross nightclub after feeling sick.

She vomited while outside then lost her memory until she woke up in the front seat of a taxi driven by Nagi.

He tried to grope her before stopping his cab in an unknown dark grassy area where he grabbed her and led her to a large orange crate.

Despite her saying no and saying she had to go, Nagi twice sexually assaulted her before saying: "I'll pay you $20''.

When she replied no, he increased it to $50.

"This is the last thing the victim can remember before she remembers walking back into the Le Panic Club in Kings Cross,'' the facts said.

The second victim also had been at a Kings Cross nightclub, where she became very intoxicated.

"About 3am, the victim contacted her boyfriend and stated that she was seated in the gutter and was planning on catching a taxi home,'' the facts said.

Her next memory was being in the taxi, falling in and out of consciousness, and then the driver getting in the back seat with her.

Nagi forced himself on top of the victim, who unsuccessfully struggled during the attacks.

Her next memory was ringing her boyfriend and telling him what had happened. She was then taken by ambulance to hospital for treatment.

The third victim had been at a football match when she received a phone call from a man who identified himself as her work associate, Mohammed.

They talked of possibly meeting up at Kogarah and she later had a second call when he said he was waiting outside the grounds in a taxi.

However, when she got into a taxi which flashed its headlights at her, she saw it was another man who said he was a friend of Mohammed's.

She asked him to pull over, but Nagi continued driving, speaking on his mobile saying: "She's f###g beautiful man''.

He drove her to an isolated industrial area, where he twice sexually assaulted her.

When she reported the attack to police, her mobile phone revealed the number that had been used to ring her was Nagi's.

He was arrested and DNA retrieved from his hair sample was found to match all three incidents.

Judge Bennett continued Nagi's bail and adjourned the matter to April 23 at Parramatta District Court.

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