

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Islams Roll of Diss Honour or how Islam protects women

Australian men and women, these girls / women could well be your own daughters and grand daughters in the not too distant future in Australia.
These acts of "cultural diversity" as the Labor Party and the Leftists apologists for Islam would prefer they be described as, have already taken place on Australian soil,but for "cultural & Religious sensitivity" reasons, were not given the publicity they deserved by the politically correct Australian media.
Australians are well aware of the Islamic Gang Rape Gangs who were able to go about their Godless activities unhindered by the NSW Police under orders of the then NSW Labor Government so as not to create any bad publicity before the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and show up the failed policy of the ALP's Multiculturalism at all cost's.
Police estimate that over 100 young "Aussie Sluts" "Aussie Pigs" Australian girls were gang raped by roaming packs of Muslim youths, aka, brave son's of Allah.

Don't forget Islam is a "Religion of Peace"
or a Good Moderate Peace Loving Muslim will hack off your head of throw acid in your face just to remind you.

Islams Diss Honour Roll


Sahar Daftary UK

Lidia motylask

Lidia Motylska, 19, Leeds


Amina and Sarah, the Said sisters - raped and murdered by their Muslim father - still at large.


Amina & Sarah Said. "Please don't tell my Father!"

Sandeela kanwal

Sandeela Kanwal, 25, was found dead on her bedroom floor last July. Her father told police he strangled his daughter with a bungee cord because she wanted a divorce.

Morsal o2

Morsal Obeidi (stabbed to death 23 times by her brother - for "turning away from her family").


Hatin Surucu Germany Muslim brothers gunned her down for adopting Western ways.

Banaz Mahmood UK


Aqsa Parvez Canada -- lies in an unmarked grave despite our relentless ongoing efforts to right that terrible wrong.


Caneze Riaz, 39, and her four daughters, Sayrah, 16, Sophia, 15, Alicia, 10, and Hannah, 3 UK (Muhammad Riaz killed his wife and four daughters by throwing petrol over them as they slept and igniting it.)




Uzma Rahan, 32,and sons, Adam 11, and Abbas, eight, and six-year-old daughter, Henna


10 women beheaded in Iraq


Samaira Nazir UK


Hina Salem Italy ("Mohammed Saleem cut his daughter’s throat because she refused an arranged marriage and instead wanted to integrate into Italian society".)


Methal Dayem, a 22-year-old Cleveland State student, USA.


Sazan Bajez-Abdullah Germany


Rudayena Jemael with her son and killer Salim Israel.


Hesha Yones UK (hacked to death)


Burned Alive A Victim of the Law of Men Souad


Ibtihaz Hasoun Israeli Arab


Fadime Sahindal Sweden


Zahida Peeveen at 29, before the malicious attack by her husband. At the time of the attempted honor killing, she was six months pregnant. After attack: WARNING GRAPHIC


Ghazala Khan Denmark


The killing of Ghazala Khan in Denmark by her brother may be the only instance where an 'honour' killing has been photographed while being perpetrated. This picture was captured on cell phone camera and shows the woman's brother aiming the gun at his sister, lying on the ground. Her fiancee, also seen, was wounded, but survived. The killing was planned by her entire family, and Pakistani taxi drivers were used as spies to spot her and alert her family.


As a 13-year-old girl in Turkey, Rojda was raped, then forced to marry her
rapist under Islamic law. Her face was mutilated by her "husband's" family
when she refused to prostitute herself after he was imprisoned for raping
another child.


Dua Khalil, 17 Iraq


Rim Abu Ghanem 19 (Dr. Suliman Abu Ghanem, a 33-year-old pediatrician at Assaf Harofeh Hospital, who along with his three brothers decided to murder his sister for refusing an arranged marriage) Israel

1/3 of the women murdered in Jordan are a result of Islamic "honor" killing. And yet I could not find one picture of a murdered girl in Jordan.

"It was a brutal scene. One victim's head was nearly cut clean off," an official is quoted as saying. (here)

And the thing is, this is the end - the final act, the culmination of the subjugation, oppression, violent abuse of women in Islam. The terror that precedes the murder is almost unimaginable. Living in fear, every day, living in fear of physical and mental abuse and still, standing up and living their own lives -- only to be murdered for it.



Sabia Rani 19 UK (not only did four members of her husband's family do nothing to help her, they turned a blind eye as he continued the beatings and ultimately murdered the helpless young woman at the house they all shared).


Shafilea Ahmed UK more here

Teenager 'honour killing' girl made dramatic plea for help before she died

Ramla: Woman killed in front of her children

Israel: Ramla: 18-year-old shot dead

Australia Virgin Murdered in "Honor" Killing

Israel: Clever Enough to Play Dead

Randa Abdel Qader: Stomped, Suffocated, Stabbed, Dad walks free



Sonay Mohammad, beaten unconscious by her father and thrown in the harbour in Præstø, Denmark, in 2002. She was 14 years old. Her 'crime' was living like most Danish girls live. The story has made the headlines again, because her father, a Kurdish Iraqi, is due to be released after having served s-e-v-e-n years, half the 'life' sentence he received."The reason being a rule that says that perps who will be deported from Denmark after having served time can be released after half the time, and then be deported immediately." His wife has supported him all the way. At least they will be sent back to Hellholistan, surely a worse fate than being in a Danish prison and living off social benefits. Oh yeah, social benefits from the Danish state have enabled Mrs. Mohammad to buy no less than TWO houses in Kurdistan.

Text and links from Atlas Shrugs go there to see full story/s whilst you still can.

Beheaded in New York for disobedience by her "moderate progressive" Muslim husband

Headless body in gutless press

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