

Thursday, February 19, 2009

USA. Clinton snubbs Australia and sucks up to Obama's souel mates in Indonesia

Hillary Clinton snubbed by Obama's soul mates in Indonesia

The Spin......

Hillary Clinton taps Indonesia for leading role in new US vision
February 18, 2009 11:41pm

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has tapped Indonesia - as a democratic and mainly Muslim country - for a key role in the new US administration's foreign policy.
"Building a comprehensive partnership with Indonesia is a critical step on behalf of the United States' commitment to smart power," she told a press conference alongside Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda.

She said it was important "to listen as well as talk to those around the world, to support a country that has demonstrated so clearly that Islam, democracy and modernity cannot only coexist but thrive together".

In her first visit to a Muslim country as secretary of state, she said President Barack Obama's administration "wants to reach out to the entire world" and Indonesia would be an important partner in that effort.

"Certainly Indonesia, being the largest Muslim nation in the world, the third-largest democracy, will play a leading role in the promotion of that shared future," she said.

"So we are looking forward to deepening our cooperation on a number of shared issues," she added, referring to areas such as the global economy, climate change, security and human rights.
Mr Wirajuda said Indonesia - where Mr Obama went to primary school for a few years in the late 1960s - looked forward to US support as the countries of the region seek to shape a "new architecture" of diplomacy in Asia-Pacific.

Mrs Clinton later met leaders of the Jakarta-based Association of South-East Asian Nations - a 10-nation bloc comprising around 500 million people.

She will meet Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono tomorrow before completing her four-nation trip through Asia - her first outing as secretary of state - with visits to South Korea and China.

I am an Australian, I cannot tell you Guys in the USA how comforting it is to know that Hillary Clinton is appeasing, sucking up to Obama's former masters, Australia's biggest security threat Indonesia, the worlds largest (radical) Islamic population.
President G W Bush was far from perfect (and what endeared me more to the man was the fact that he would be the first to agree with me on that point) I knew that he had a commonality of interests and purpose with my country, as had been the case for over a hundred years between our two nations. Australia is the only nation to have fought side by side with the United States in every major conflict that the USA has required help of her friends there is no other nation that can lay claim to that fact.

"That bravery breeds affection in America for another reason as well. Australia is the only country that has fought with the United States in every one of its major conflicts since 1914, the good and the bad, the winning and the losing."

Charles Krauthammer "Why I love Australia"

The Goose that is now in the office of the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd is an Obama apologist and groupie par excellence,and sided with Obama attacking the previous PM John Howard at every opportunity prior to his election to the office of Australian Prime Minister and before the election of the now President Barack Obama.
What's a useful idiot?........... ask Australian PM Kevin Rudd.... Kevin who?

You can take the man out of Islam but you cant take Islam out of the man.

American President Barack Hussein Obama

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