

Friday, March 06, 2009

Beheading Saudi Arabia, "...when all around lose their's dont lose your's"

We,in the decadent,unenlightened west, have so much to learn from these Godless savages,these brave son's of Allah, don't you think so?

I mean why waste our time and money with jailing Muslim terrorists, and spending millions of dollars pandering to their every whim and demand whilst they are locked up in Guantanamo Bay, US, UK ,Israeli & Australian Jails, put em down like the rabid dogs they are, hey it is clearly the UN Human Rights sanctioned method of dealing with wrong doers or naughty Islamic Sociopaths, it must be, I have not heard EVER a word of protest from the various Liberal human rights watch dogs in the USA or that most noble cabal of sociopaths,the United Nations.

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