

Friday, March 06, 2009

Kevin 37 T V's the Stimulus Hoax

The pictures below are from a post at Atlas Shrugs , seems some of our American friends have woken up to the International Socialist's con job before Australians have, ie rejecting a "free" TV (free cheese, see Monty Python) in exchange for their and their children's future.

American Democrat strategist's and campaign workers were flown to Australia to run the Australian Labor Party's "Kevin 07" election campaign, along with over 100 CHINESE foot soldiers to "enlighten" Australia's "Chinese community" as to who they should vote for, many of whom would no doubt have relatives in China.

So we have a common thread here,
Australian Labor Party = Socialist ideology funded by the MARXIST Australian Council of Trade Unions. Led by Kevin 07 aka "I have never been a Socialist" "Time for change" Rudd.

Chinese Government foot soldiers invited to Australia by the Australian Labor Party (ALP)to assist the ALP in recruiting supporters ie voters in the Kevin 2007 election.

American Democrats "Change we can believe in" = Obama ... yeah right.

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