

Monday, April 13, 2009

Congratulations to the US Navy Seals, rescuing Captain Phillips from Islams finest.

Congratulations to the US Navy Seals on the success of their mission.

Once again we see those most despised by the left,the US Military,laying their lives on the line to deal with the consequences and manifestations of the ideology and foreign policy of the left, they must be devastated at the loss of their much romanticised Muslim "Pirates"

No doubt after Hussein Obama has finished basking in the success, of what the media is spinning into a stroke of his own unique personal brilliance and cunning military savvy on his part by saving Captain Phillips from been yet another statistic on the ever growing list of Americans assassinated by members of the "Religion of Peace", there will be the obligatory "full and open " inquiry, aka a Democrat led star chamber to see if there is any possibility to lay charges against the Navy Seals involved in the rescue for anything from first degree murder,impolite and or,god forbid,they were ARROGANT, did not remove their shoes before entering the life boat,to been in violation of US Navy dress code as they carried out their deadly mission.

How long before we see "Che" style tee shirts,romanticising the Lefts Dead Muslim Pirates at the next ACORN,Move On,Not in Our Name or Code Pink hate fest ? naturally all proceeds going to the grieving widows and orphaned children of their much loved Dead Muslim Pirates / Freedom Fighters.

Aussie, 13 4 09

Hussein Obama exposed here at
Atlas Shrugs President Hussein did not give the order

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