

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sadui Arabia: Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal

Eight-year-old girl's arranged marriage is legal

The Daily Telegraph
April 13, 2009 02:45pm

A JUDGE has refused to overturn his ruling declaring the arranged marriage of an eight-year-old girl to a 47-year-old man legal - despite her mum's appeal.

Saudi Arabian judge Sheikh Habib Habib insists the girl's marriage to her father's friend is binding, although she can file for divorce when she reaches puberty.

But what if this little 8 year old girl wanted to remain a virgin until such time as she chose to marry a real man in a real marriage?

This piece of Islamist Paedophile Crap is simply following in the footsteps of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, with his vile filthy custom of interferring with young children.

Hussein Obama now demands we must RESPECT this quirkey little trait in Islamic culture.

The mother's attorney Abdullah Jutaili said the girl's father arranged the marriage with his "close friend" to pay off a monetary debt.

A relative said the girl's mother, who is divorced from the father, will continue to seek to overturn the marriage.

And Hussein Obama BOW's and apologises to this, look out America.

Hussein Obama seen here executing his now infamous "O BowMa" upon the King of Saudi Arabia, who was described by American commentator Dennis Miller as been a "Mysogynist Pig"

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