

Sunday, July 12, 2009

In Rudd's Australia ANYTHING Goes

Screws helped smuggle gangster sperm

By Linda Silmalis
July 12, 2009 12:00am

THREE of the State's highest-ranking prison officials helped a notorious gangland criminal smuggle his sperm out of jail so he could father a child with his girlfriend.

It is understood officials used a medical courier, believed to be the taxpayer-funded Justice Health, to speed specimens to the woman and that it took two attempts for her to conceive.

Their involvement has made a joke of security in NSW prisons and embarrassed the man who appointed them, Corrective Services Commissioner Ron Woodham.

The Sunday Telegraph learned of the serious breach of security on Thursday as staff were being put on notice that they would be called in for interviews by Mr Woodham, who was alerted to the breach by another agency.

For legal reasons, we cannot identify the inmate - a major underworld figure - or his connections, the suspended staff or the prison, making it difficult to portray the seriousness of the breach.

But it is without doubt the Corrective Services Department's biggest embarrassment since Lucy Dudko used a hijacked helicopter to free armed robber John Killick from Silverwater jail in 1999.

The legal restrictions allow Mr Woodham to avoid public scrutiny and the State Government to shut down reporting of the incident.

Corrective Services Minister John Robertson announced an in-house investigation would be conducted by former police chief superintendent Rod Harvey.

"The minister is deeply concerned by this serious breach of protocol, but we're unable to comment further at the moment for legal reasons," Mr Robertson's spokeswoman said.

A doctor and a nurse from Justice Health have been interviewed over their role in the plot and are understood to have also been stood down pending further inquiries.

Prison sources claim three prison officials under investigation are regarded as some of Mr Woodham's closest allies. It is understood the trio were suspended on June 25 on full pay.

Senior prison sources said one of them carried the sample to a medical courier waiting at the prison gates. The prisoner's partner eventually gave birth to a boy about 10 months ago.

"Ron went off his head when he found out about it last week," a senior prison source said. "All the officers of the jail have been sworn to secrecy, but bits and pieces have come out."

Last week Assistant Commissioner Don Rodgers told staff security of the prison system had been "seriously compromised".

Serious questions about the management of the prison system remain. Last month, gang-rapist brothers Bilal and Mohammed Skaf were found with two hidden mobile phones in a maximum-security jail cell.

This month, the department was again embarrassed after the escape of Robert John Everingham, 41, from a hospital.

Everingham was being treated at the Waverley War Memorial Hospital in Sydney when he escaped, causing a security alert at a nearby girls' school.

This is nothing more than a conspiracy committed by people, paid to protect the people of New South Wales from criminals,willing to do what they did in exchange for WHAT ? and from who ?
Ron Woodham is, from all reports a good bloke, straight up and down, so how did this happen ? just what is it that this criminal had over his co conspirators ?

BTW Guess what ethnic Multicultural group controls the NSW Jails ?..........yes you got it "those of who we do not speak".... PIOUS MUSLIMS.

To be fair to those who have been stood down no one knows what possible pressures were brought to bear upon them or their families,it may not be a case of cash for sperm trafficking, it could be a case of do this or kiss you own family good bye, who knows.

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