

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ding Dong the Peadophile Bitch is Dead

Sex offender Robert 'Dolly' Dunn dies in jail

July 11, 2009 08:01am

CONVICTED pedophile Robert "Dolly" Dunn has died in jail aged 68.

Dunn died in Long Bay Prison Hospital at 4am (AEST) on Saturday, a New South Wales Corrective Services spokesman said.

He was serving a 20-year sentence for a series of sexual offences against boys in the 1980s and 1990s.

Dunn, a former school teacher, would have been eligible for parole in 2015, the spokesman said.

In 1996 a Royal Commission chaired by Justice James Woods was shown home videos and photographs from Dunn's collection featuring images of child sex abuse involving Dunn himself.

Dunn fled the country but was later found in Honduras and was successfully extradited back to Australia.

From jail he repeatedly made statements that he saw nothing wrong with sex between men and boys.

He was suffering multiple organ failure and in 2004 underwent coronary bypass surgery after suffering from angina.

Based upon the "conga lines of suck holes" (not mine but I promised myself I would use it one day ) from the ranks of the "beautiful people" and various professional " African American" industries who lined up to praise and pay homage to Michael Jackson last week in the USA, anything less than a State Funeral for this piece of shit would be a gross breech of protocol.

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