

Sunday, July 12, 2009

More Proof that Kevin 07's illegal alien policies are working as another 73 illegals are greeted by the Royal Australian Navy

Navy intercepts suspected asylum boat

The Sunday Telegraph
July 12, 2009

A BOAT carrying more than 70 suspected asylum seekers has been intercepted by the Australian navy off Christmas Island. The boat, sighted yesterday at 2.20pm about 80 nautical miles north-west from Christmas Island, was surveyed by HMAS Armidale from 6pm before being intercepted.

Initial indications suggest 73 people were on board the vessel.

A spokesman for Minister for Home Affairs Brendan O'Connor confirmed the boat was not the one carrying a group of 74 Afghan asylum seekers who went missing after their vessel broke down in the Sape Strait last Wednesday.

"This one that arrived yesterday is a completely different one,'' the spokesman said.

The group will be transferred to Christmas Island where they will undergo security,identity and health checks to establish their identity and reasons for travel.

"Success" and even more "Success",more proof Kevin Rudd's Open Boarders Policies are working,with yet another boatload of illegal aliens entering Australian sovereign territory to be greeted by the Royal Australian Navy, and safely escorted to sanctuary at Christmas Island, where they will be "processed" ie. asked to answer yes or no to the following 1.are you a terrorists you have a criminal record,given full medical and dental treatments where required,free legal representation,unlimited free unmonitored access to the Internet and international telephone services to anywhere in the world,free access to child minding services,schooling,"skills courses",clothing shoes ans anything else their hearts desire. Following the "welcoming" at the aptly named Christmas Island, they are given Medicare cards giving them free and unlimited access to Medical and Dental services,Free Legal services so as to sue the Australian people should they feel their rights may have been violated during the "welcoming process",express access to FREE public housing along with unfettered access to Social Security benefits and services, free education, text books, uniforms, "white goods" vouchers and unlimited access to employment training scams / schemes, but hey why would they bother,no need to work here when Kevin 07 and his cabal of left wing apologists for Islam and International Socialism,simply take Australian aka.infidel "Working Families" taxes and redistribute them to illegal aliens they,correctly see as life long Labor Party voters after all they are not about to bite the hand that feeds,cloth's and houses them,
"It's about getting the balance right"
....remember that Kevin 07 election slogan "Working Families" ? that's what so many of you voted for in 2007, or at least that's what Kevin 07 tells us. yeah "........getting the balance right" yeah!!!!! feel that balance.

"......identity and health checks to establish their identity and reasons for travel."
Surely the "reason for travel" is obvious,even to the most dedicated apologist for Kevin 07.

10,000 Illegals Massing in Malaysia preparing to invade Australia

"You bone head, O'Connor, you are supposed to send them back to whence they came,NOT invite them in, this is the fifteenth bloody boatload this year you dope.
Whilst your Dear Leader Kevin 07 continues full speed ahead in his war against prosperity, you and that arse clown immigration Minister,are ensuring that as many illegals as possible are able to walk in the door totally unhindered whenever they want."

194 MORE "Illegal immigrants" found entering Australian waters

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