

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Ignoble Islam: Indonesian adulterers 'to be stoned', Sit down Hussein,relax put your passport back in the drawer Hussein, No Hussein that does not mean the Indonesian Govt. Is going to supply them with free dope.


Some Indonesian adulterers 'to be stoned'
September 09, 2009 7:17PM

INDONESIA'S staunchly Muslim Aceh province is set to enforce a strict form of Islamic criminal law, including stoning to death married adulterers, a lawmaker says.

"Unmarried people who commit adultery will be caned one hundred times and married persons will be stoned to death," Raihan Iskandar, a provincial lawmaker from the Islamic-based Prosperous Justice Party, said.

Aceh, where separatists had been fighting the Indonesian government since 1976 until a peace deal in 2005, has so far only partially adopted sharia law, which requires modest Muslim dress codes, mandatory prayers five times a day, fasting and the giving of alms to the poor.

Sharia was implemented under a broad autonomy package granted by the central government in 2001 to pacify the hardline Muslim region's demand for independence.

"This bill only focuses on ethical issues which include consumption of alcohol, gambling, committing adultery and raping," Iskandar said.

Aceh's provincial parliament was scheduled to pass the new law Monday, he added.

Crimes such as murder, robbery and corruption will not fall under the new law in Aceh, located at the northern tip of the island of Sumatra.

Nearly 90 percent of Indonesia's 234 million people are Muslim, most of whom practise a moderate form of the religion.

Well no prizes for guessing who’s doing their darndest to get an invite to Hussein Obama’s White House Muslim “Love Fest” on September 25 2009.

Surely these Godless Muslim savages will be at the top of Hussein’s guest list, Islam as dictated by the “Holy Koran” wow!!! September 25 is looking goooooood a celebration of Godless savagery never before seen on American soil, but then again Hussein did say that Islam was one of the worlds great civilizing forces / Religions.

Maybe Hussein and his cabal of left wing righteous loon hippies can have a demonstration of Islam’s mythical civilizing forces and bury a few Infidel sluts and pigs up to their necks on the White House lawns and take turns to bash their brains out by throwing hunks of broken sidewalk and stones (regulation Imam approved size of course)live on CNN or MSNBC as a gesture of “Interfaith Dialogue,tolerance and understanding” ooops I almost forgot “Outreach”

With a prize given to the first member of “One of the worlds great Religions” “one of the worlds great civilizing forces” and “Religion of Peace” been given their very own infidel, slut, pig aka non Muslim woman, to take home and bury up to her neck in their very own front lawn and be the envy of their neighbours as they stone her to death at will, in a way that only members of “One of the world Great Religions “ can do.

Hussein yes you can, you are indeed the Messiah, why did we have to wait so long? so cool and full of Chicago crime gang crack head child pimp dope smoking street cred yes you are indeed the perfect Muslim for the times, you are the Messiah … just ask Bro Lou at Nation of Islam he will tell ya Hussein IS the Messiah.


Imagine this on YOUR front Lawn. apply now for Hussein Obama’s September 25 White House Muslim Interfaith Religion of Peace One of the worlds great civilizing forces,OUTREACH Love Fest,put you name into the ballot NOW.

Donations of female babies and children under 6 years of age exhibiting signs of a desire to engage in sexual promiscuity will be gladly accepted.

Islam respects women, in fact women are protected and glorified far more in Islamic societies than they are in degenerate Judeo Christian Western Democracies,any Liberal Democrat Feminist will confirm this.

The image above? oh its ok she had her brains bashed out in a very Islamic way, in fact the rule book used to ensure she did not die for at least three hours was none other than the Very Very “Holy Koran” no less.

Disclaimer: No Malaria carrying Mosquitoes STD’s or HIV virus were harmed in the making of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    you people are bastards
    Islam banned adultery 1400 years ago
    and only until these days have u idiots discovered what happens to adulterers and all the numerous diseases and infections they are faced this.

    I hope they all die of aids, each and every one of them
