

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Muslim Girls will be Muslim Girls


Protests over school fight expulsion

The Age
September 9, 2009

Copy of 9 9 09 Protests over school fight expulsion A FAMILY has demanded a school allow their daughter to return to study after she was expelled for her involvement in a huge schoolyard fight.

The lunchtime brawl at Al-Taqwa College in Truganina, in Melbourne's south-west, allegedly involved up to 60 girls on August 19.

Five girls, including 16-year-old Sarrah Al Shak, were expelled after the brawl, and up to 17, including her sister Sumaya, 13, were suspended. Sumaya was suspended for two weeks.

Sarrah claims she was defending her sister and another girl, who had become the target of bullying because she told a teacher other students were distributing cigarettes.

Sarrah says she became physical during the melee, but says this was in self-defence, and that she had not previously been involved in fights.

During the fight she was sworn at, punched, spat on, had orange juice poured on her head and other students tried to rip her head scarf off, she says. She also suffered numerous asthma attacks.

A teacher about 15 metres away was asked to intervene, but told students she was on yard duty and couldn't leave her designated area, the sisters said.

The girls' mother is a part-time teacher at the Islamic college.

Their father, Hasan Al Shak, did not blame the other students for the fight but said the school made no attempt to discuss the matter with his family before expelling his daughter.

''We don't blame the other students that were involved in the fight, they're just kids, they need to be guided,'' Mr Al Shak said.

The school's principal, Omar Hallak, did not return phone calls from The Age.

This week he told the Wyndham Leader that Al-Taqwa had taken a tough stand on bullying.


  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Bullying has become a huge problem in many of the schools, but not enough is being done to eliminate it, especially at private schools.
    As an ex-student of Al-Taqwa College, I witnessed many flaws in the way the management dealt with such issues. In a particular case, a student was filmed while being bashed by up to 15 older guys in a fight at the back of the school. This incident was never known to the school, which displays its poor management skills and its failure to meet their duty of care.
    I must note though, that this is only one of the major problems at the school; I was one of the students in a class where we all had to accept being hit with a sandal on both our palms for being noisy, my protest allowed me a discount of only one! This is only one incident of many involving senior school staff. I am happy that finally someone spoke out!

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Anonymous-I went to the same school and can verify being hit with a sandal.If you could send your comment to The Age asap,for tom paper.
    send your letter on


  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    i've been to that school for all 13 years now, and not once have i gotten hit with a sandal or anything else for that matter. Yes the school does need refining, but it's not as bad as you make it seem.

  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    i went to that school and graduated there,and we were hit with a sandal and once even hit with a piece of wood.And i also know,that three weeks ago,Mr Omar Hallak himself belted two kids in the mosque.The kids were in yr 7 and yr 8.

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    finally people are speaking out...everyone should speak out.This is the perfect chance.
    You can also send your letter to the Wyndham Leader on:

  6. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Allah yihdeekum>>> in ramadan kaman??????? On an anti-islam website????

    SubhanAllah!!! Im sure The makers of this anti-islam website r havin a good laugh......

  7. Re "Allah yihdeekum>>> in ramadan kaman??????? On an anti-islam website????

    SubhanAllah!!! Im sure The makers of this anti-islam website r havin a good laugh......"

    Whoever you are it's interesting that you equate opposition to children been bashed senseless at school as been anti Islamic,surely children,regardless of their parents ideological beliefs should at least be safe from criminal assaults at school.

    As for laughing at Muslim school students been bashed by fellow students,as usual that comment as are so many that are made by "Pious holy, Good Muslims" says more about you and your fellow co religionist's mind set than it does about the 5/6ths of the earths population who have rejected outright your ideology.

    The world saw on 911 2001 that revolting snarling dancing hag and her fellow Satan worshipers dancing in the streets celebrating the deaths of thousands of people in America 11 of who were Australians.

    Sydney residents on their way to work that morning saw the "Death to America" signs displayed outside homes and shops in Sydney's Occupied Territories, Islamic colonialists throwing confetti over their children as they too danced and celebrated a tangible representation of the word of their "Holy" Koran.

    Laughing at and celebrating other peoples misfortunes and horrors seems to be a cultural and religious character trait (self gratification)almost exclusively reserved for members of the "Religion of Peace"
    A bit like the Sociopath pulling a birds wings off then laughing at it as it tries to fly away before been bludgeoned to death or slitting a beasts throat or rear leg tendon so as to cripple it,or decapitating human beings,or chopping off a mans hand or foot for stealing,whipping a rape victim for provoking her attacker,burying a woman up to her neck in dirt before bashing her brains out over a two or three hour period by smashing her to pieces with rocks.... any way I am sure you know the type I mean, maybe you are that type.

  8. Anonymous7:42 PM

    at last people are speakin up
    the scool needs to e taught a lesson

  9. Anonymous9:33 PM

    so now you care about young muslims getting attacked when this whole blog is preaching hatred and therefore hate crime against muslims and islam?? when you are illegitimately scapegoating a whole nation of people??
    what double standards!!

  10. Re who ever you are and "when you are illegitimately scapegoating a whole nation of people??"

    Could you tell me the name of and the geographical location of the Nation of people you are referring to?

    I have no idea of who you are and if you are indeed replying to my previous comment, why? because like the vast majority of the followers of the "Religion of Peace" you for some reason or other refuse to identify yourself.

    Call yourself allah, the Great Satan for all I care but don't expect me to engage you with any sort of discourse without you " owning" your comments with some sort of name.

  11. re so now you care about young muslims getting attacked when this whole blog is preaching hatred and therefore hate crime against muslims and islam?? when you are illegitimately scapegoating a whole nation of people??
    what double standards!!

    OK Once more for the dummies AND
    BTW Can you give me one example of Australians celebrating the deaths of Muslims aka Anti Christ from either an act of war or a natural catastrophe?
    I had friends in Bali soon after the first Muslim mass murder of Australians, attack where 188 Australians were murdered along with many other nationalities,my friends were in Bali to surf however following the mass murders by Islamist's Islams finest,they were involved, seconded into other activities.
    My friends lives were threatened at every opportunity daily by members of the "Religion of Peace"
    Much the same way that Australian, NSW Police officer's lives are threatened daily by the Australian based Islamic Colonialists and illegal occupiers in Sydney's Occupied Territories, on a daily basis.

    Re "Allah yihdeekum>>> in ramadan kaman??????? On an anti-islam website????

    SubhanAllah!!! Im sure The makers of this anti-islam website r havin a good laugh......"

    Whoever you are it's interesting that you equate opposition to children been bashed senseless at school as been anti Islamic,surely children,regardless of their parents ideological beliefs should at least be safe from criminal assaults at school.

    As for laughing at Muslim school students been bashed by fellow students,as usual that comment as are so many that are made by "Pious holy, Good Muslims" says more about you and your fellow co religionist's mind set than it does about the 5/6ths of the earths population who have rejected outright your ideology.

    The world saw on 911 2001 that revolting snarling dancing hag and her fellow Satan worshipers dancing in the streets celebrating the deaths of thousands of people in America 11 of who were Australians.

    Sydney residents on their way to work that morning saw the "Death to America" signs displayed outside homes and shops in Sydney's Occupied Territories, Islamic colonialists throwing confetti over their children as they too danced and celebrated a tangible representation of the word of their "Holy" Koran.

    Laughing at and celebrating other peoples misfortunes and horrors seems to be a cultural and religious character trait (self gratification)almost exclusively reserved for members of the "Religion of Peace"
    A bit like the Sociopath pulling a birds wings off then laughing at it as it tries to fly away before been bludgeoned to death or slitting a beasts throat or rear leg tendon so as to cripple it,or decapitating human beings,or chopping off a mans hand or foot for stealing,whipping a rape victim for provoking her attacker,burying a woman up to her neck in dirt before bashing her brains out over a two or three hour period by smashing her to pieces with rocks.... any way I am sure you know the type I mean, maybe you are that type.

    4:17 PM

  12. SubhanAllah10:45 PM

    @Ridge.....seems ur anti-islam tirade did a fantastic job at silencing the school kids who initially were posting to vent some atypical adolescent anger..... might have scared them off it seems....=)

    Did a better job than me it seems... well, they need to be exposed to ppl like urself to really comprehend wut theyre up against dont they? Keep up the gr8 work...

    From "subhanAllah"...

  13. this is not about islam-this is about school policies and whats right-keep it this way and all the above stop trying to twist the truth and try to use it for their own purposes....islam is the religion of peace,but the followers dont all follow it accordingly and thats why the school has failed in all aspects,religiously before anything.

    Ridge,i agree with your comments about bashings having nothing to do with religion,and i understand your anger becuase of your friends,becuase i lost a friend too,at the hands of the Israeli Defense Force.But lets stick to the subject at hand.

  14. SubhanAllah11:25 PM

    @Amir....i totally agree, but its quite ironic that we r discussing school policy on an anti-islam website.... that a website dedicated to wiping out islam from the face of this earth is publicising the story and making a mockery of wut is a serious issue should ring alarm bells for all those who are adding fuel to the fire and not contributing anything but empty rhetoric.

    Hardly the ideal way of solving any of the legitimate concerns RE school policy?

  15. SubhanAllah11:29 PM please clarify for all by wut u mean by "Muslim girls will be Muslim girls" in relation to the article....

  16. Re " please clarify for all by wut u mean by "Muslim girls will be Muslim girls" in relation to the article....

    It's tragic that given (I presume you live in a western Judeo Crhistian Democracy) that you are ignorant of the "irony'pathos of that "headline"

    Have you not ever heard of the statement "Boys will be Boys"?

    If so, have you been so isolated from main stream Judeo Christian Sociaty and the ENGLISH language and texts that the headline does not have some sense of Pathos for you ?

    I am not for one minute suggesting by that headline that the type of behaviour reported in that story is either Typical of what can be expected of Muslim Girls or is the norm, my perception is the opposite , My experience of Muslim boys , males is certainly one of great negativity, Muslim Girls NO MUSLIM BOYS,MALES YES.

    To be fair in retrospect of the unfolding events at Auburn these last days and indeed before that at Mullimmimby where a young Australian lad was aparently kicked to death by his fellow students, I should have made my "position" clearer so in order to negate any connotation of me been "down" on "Muslim" school girls and trying to project, via my post, that the behaviour depicted in that story was in my opinion typical of Muslim school girls,I assure you that is not my intent or my position.
    Thankfully Children are still Children,and they all have their moments, with the exception of the "Palestinians" who appear judging by their UN/ leftist Funded propaganda to be bred and born to KILL and die.

    I wish all the girls attending the school concerned every academic and personal success, I hope that they are able to flourish into literate compentant free thinking women and have happy and productive lives able to hand on their gifts of education and logic to their children.

  17. SubhaAllah11:50 AM

    @Ridge...ok, see i have a problem with people who cannot answer with a straight answer hence resort to insults. Stop pussy footing around, the question was quite clear>> What has that saying got to do with the article? What was your implication? I know what you were implying, but funnily enough you tried to 'politically correct' yourself out of it...

    What i did find ironic however was while you were busy insulting another person's intellectual ability in the english language, you couldnt even get the spelling of "christian' correct..hhhhmmm....

    Speaking of sayings, What's that saying about glass houses and stones?

  18. SubhaAllah12:06 PM

    Just re-reading over your previous reply actually managed to cover such far-fetched random topics from the UN to Muslim boy 'bashing, to palestinians..... everything except clarifying what u DID mean by the saying regarding Muslim girls. What are you, an in-the-closet young liberal?

  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Some people are great at changing topics.....The main problem is not being discussed. The Al-Taqwa College needs to clean-up its act and change for the better by changing either its management or its policies.
    I also graduated from that school, but I regret that such issues weren't raised at our time.

  20. SubhanAllah4:51 PM

    @anonymous....the reason y the main problem is not being discussed here is because this is not the appropriate platform to bring about change in school policy on an anti-islam website...that was my initial point, and the fact neo-anti-islam fascists have taken to hijacking the topic should be evidence enough that ppl are dealing with this the wrong way.... surely u dont beleive attacking the school on an anti-islam website will bring about positive constructive change???

  21. Anonymous11:53 PM

    So you regard this anti-Islam blog as a viable platform? You're deluded seriously...
