

Monday, January 11, 2010

Australian PM Kevin “I have never been a Socialist” 07 Rudd….. “getting the balance right”


Rudd's quest for "getting the balance right " his and his Labor Party’s "Fresh thinking" has cost Australia's working families dearly.

In 2008 3/4 of the 13,500 illegal entrants Rudd allowed to remain in Australia are on Social Security benefits.

Since 1990 25% of illegal entrants are on Social Security benefits, costing “Australia's working families” $628 Million in extra taxation or reduction of or denile of services that they have paid for via their taxation.


Since Rudd was elected in November 2007 the cost of social security provided to illegal entrants has risen 40%.

One in Five illegal entrants are on disability pensions,costing working families $23 million a year.
Added to the above,$21.6 Million was paid to Illegal entrants in "Baby Bonus" payments.

Rudd has made Australia a magnet,a honey pot for illegal,predominantly,Muslim entrants, since his election as Labor Party PM in November 2007.

Rudd and his Union funded Socialist Labor Party call it

"getting the balance right"

Based on the manifestations of his Party's policies since they attained government in November 2007, Mr Rudd and his Labor Party clearly felt that there were not enough Muslims on social security in Australia, aka. Labor voters.

"Getting the balance right" was a Rudd Labor Party Kevin "I have never been a socialist" 07 Rudd election PROMISE, along with "Fresh Thinking" and "Working Families" it was the most often repeated bumper sticker / slogan enunciated during the campaign,by Labor and their MSM sycophants, as opposed to POLICY,and in place of coming clean with  Labor's much cultivated and mined "Working Families" .... getting the balance right?

comrade rudd_thumb[1]

"yes Dear Leader I will work harder....." and I am very sorry for what ever you say I should be sorry for.

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