

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Shocking images of “Mohammed” removed from the MET by the Arrrts Dhharrrlings & beautiful people …pants down bum up!!!


Warning!!!! Warning!!!! Warning!!!! Heeee Haaaaw Heeee Haaaaaw

Members of Islamic Sociopaths Inc. should not proceed past here … for “Here there be Dragons”, and you might start projectile vomiting and evacuating your back passage if you view the following


Images of the worlds most infamous Slave Trading Paedophile,Head Hunting Pirate have been found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

MO 1

Mohammed seen here holding out his right hand with what appears to be a, to some, a very intimidating model of the,John Holmes “Handsome up “ Penis Pump in his left.

MO 2 Mohammed seen on his Magic Flying Carpet,all flights were cancelled the day this picture was painted due to an anonymous Terrorist threat.

MO 3 

Mohammed, and might I say a very Asian type Chinese looking Mohammed, seen here with that left hand of his, up to who knows what, yet again.


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